Chapter 33

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Astrid's POV

We got back to Berk and I went to check on Hiccup, but it looked like Jack beat me to it. Something was different about him around Hiccup and I couldn't put my finger on it and it was annoying me deeply? I mean one minute he hated him, absolutely despised him for no exact reason and new things he learned about Hiccup just made him angry and walk off in a rage. But now he's caring and loving and won't leave his side.

"Figured you'd be here," I joked; he looked up at me and released a small smile. I grabbed a stool and sat on the other side of the bed. "How'd you figure that?" he asked while his voice sounded as if it was about to crack. "Because you come here a lot lately just to check on him and won't leave his side," he let out a smile delicate laugh "Yeah guess that must be it."

I grabbed hold of Hiccup's hand and held it tightly in my grasp. The temperature within him was cold meaning he is losing life quicker by the minute, even his face was paler and soon there would be no colour at all. "He's colder isn't he?" Jack asked me. I gave him a confused expression "I can't tell since I'm always cold you know," I raised my head then lowered it knowing I understood. "Anyway yeah he is I don't think he will last much longer Jack I'm sorry," a tear fell from my face.

"Hey you okay?" he asked watching the tear fall, "Um yeah, yeah I'm fine," I washed the tear away from my face not to show weakness. Silence. It was a peaceful silence with us just staring at each other or at Hiccup. His breathing was also peaceful and his shaggy hair fell over his eyes. I moved it out the way but fell straight back down. I laughed a little until we were both alerted by the stomping of feet on the stairs. We spun around to see Rapunzel and Merida "What?" I said in a rude manner.

"Elsa and Anna they went off to Arrendale-" Jack cut them off my saying and rising from his seat at full speed, "Wait, what, why, when, why alone?" wow too many questions at once Jack I thought to myself. I made a gesture for them to carry on "They went there because they believe the trolls will be able to help Hiccup, they helped Anna save Elsa so they thought maybe they could help him," well that makes sense.

"Well they shouldn't of gone alone," I said they shook their heads and said "They weren't they took Heather and Snotlout with them," I groaned "Well in the hell would they take Snotlout?" they shrugged their shoulders while turned around holding my head. "What are we gonna do now?" Rapunzel asked I turned back around and said "We wait that's all we can do now." I slumped back down onto the stool and grabbed hold of Hiccup's hand thinking we have hope or we don't.

Anna's POV

We arrived in Arrendale to be face to face with our castle. "You know I forgot how beautiful that thing looked," I sighed at Elsa. She put her hand on my shoulder. "Me too, but think once Pitch is gone we can go home," that put a smile on my face. "Now come on Anna show us the way," okay here we go.

We wandered through the snow which covered our feet making me shiver, "How can you live here its freezing?" Snotlout moaned "Well I'd thought you'd be used to it since it snows nine months of the year on Berk," Heather and Elsa laughed at my come back and he said "Okay you have a point," this time I did a small chuckle. We came to a clearing and I saw steam coming out from the ground. "Wow where that sudden heat come from?" Heather asked.

"That means were close," the heat came from the ground and that was where the steam was coming from. Kristoff showed me them when my heart was frozen and I was cold, it warmed me up a little. Oh Kristoff, I miss him so much, bet he's wondering where I am and even a bit worried. "Hey you okay there?" Elsa was waving her hand in my face "Sorry dozed out a little," she laughed and I carried on walking. We soon came in contact with a load of rocks on the ground. "Hey guys you awake it's me Anna," I called out.

I wandered through the rocks but they wouldn't awaken. I looked back the others and they were all shocked, worried, concerned I don't know they had the same expression on their faces like I did when I saw Kristoff doing this. "Urgh come on guys I need your help," I moaned at just still life rocks. "Okay you know what I'm gonna go," Snotlout said while turning around, I cried "No, no wait," suddenly all the rocks started rolling towards me while others mouths dropped to the floor.

"Anna, Anna your back!" they were all screaming at me. "Okay as if that's not creepy," Heather whispered to Snotlout, I smiled at her. "Where is Grampabby?" I asked them all leaning down to talk with them. "I'm here Anna what is the problem my dear?" he knew something was wrong I could tell by the negative tone to his voice. "It's our friend Hiccup," Elsa came forward through the crowd.

"Ah Queen Elsa nice to see you again, and what is wrong with him?" she sighed, took a deep breath and was about to speak until "He's got darkness in his heart that needs healing before he will die and be lost from this world forever," Snotlout spoke quickly sounding confident without a single stutter. We all glared at him and then Heather slapped him on the head "Well don't sugar coat it them you muttonhead."

"There is only one way to fix this...." Grampabby started "Which is?" I asked worry attached to my voice.

Comment on what you think so far and thanks for reading.

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