Chapter 34

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Jack's POV

I was sat by Hiccup just watching him, that's what I do best. But something was urging me on to talk to him even if he couldn't hear a word I was saying. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes wide and said "You may not hear a word I'm saying right now, but I have to say something otherwise I may lose that chance so here it goes....

I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, this all happened because of me and I feel so guilty. This would never have happened if I just accepted you like I wanted to but I couldn't and I had a reason or that but I guess it has just back fired in my face. You see everyone I care about die right before me and because I care for you I couldn't let that happen to you, but I guess it has.

What's there to say now? I mean, you can't leave us, you can't leave me. I swear that if you come back to us, I'll be better, better than I have ever been and I promise that. But most of all I can't lose you, you were the one that kept the light glowing through my life and I need that light, I need you Hiccup. You may think you were useless, but you never were I know that now and I never accepted that.

I know you had secrets and now I understand why you kept them from us. I know you were scared, but now I'm scared. I'm not as tough as people think I am, this cold-hearted jerk has a soft heart and does care."

I stop myself to watch his head fall to the side and his heart stop beating. I grab his hand quickly and shake him "Hiccup....Hiccup....HICCUP!" I start shouting. "NO NO NO! ASTRID, ASTRID!" Astrid came running up the stairs with Merida, Punz and Astrid's other friends behind her. They crowded round the bed and looked to see Hiccup lying lifeless on the bed.

Merida had tears running down her face while Punz pulled her into a hug so she didn't have to look. Astrid's friends all had droopy faces while looking to the ground. I jumped onto the bed and pulled Hiccup onto my lap while cuddling him in. Astrid came over and sat with me and rested her head onto my shoulder and I watched a tear fall down her cheek.

"I'm so sorry Jack," she cried to me. She kissed Hiccup on the cheek as a goodbye then walked to stand with the others and also hugged Merida. I suddenly realised I was too crying. The tears were falling rapidly down my cheeks. Soon the others came into the room to see the disaster and clasped their hands to their mouths.

I felt the last warmth from Hiccup's body vanish as he was definitely gone and his colour was pale as a ghost and no longer showed the sign if breath I needed him to have. All around me snow started to fall including Elsa as we had the sad emotion running through our veins. Astrid looked up and said "Jack, you gotta let him go, that's what he would want," she stumbled over her words from the tears falling from her eyes. I shook my head and said "I can't," but she nodded then answered "You must."

I looked down at his pale face no longer showing the sparkle in his emerald green eyes, that dodged up smile and laugh. I slowly realised that Toothless came beside me and nudging Hiccup with his nose, he's only just noticed. He kept nudging him to wake him up but nothing was happening. I patted Toothless's head "He's gone, I'm so sorry," I cried to him. He licked my face then, Hiccup's I guess that was a sign of goodbye.

Without knowing I lifted him up so he was closer to me and I whispered "You can't leave me, I need you, and I can't live without you please..... I love you."

A tear then fell down onto his cheek emitting a bright light around the whole room.

Comment on what you think so far and thanks for reading.

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