Chapter 7

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Astrid's POV

After we let go of the hug we smiled at each other. I started to fell myself blushing. Everyone else came over to greet him while I stepped back. Once he was done with all the chaos his dad came to see what the fuss was all about. When he layed his eyes on his son, his eyes shot wide open. He was happy to see his son again.

When Hiccup left the village, I thought about our hug. I thought that it felt good and comforting, but when I thought about it now, I think not. When he embraced the hug, I thought it was me who was pulling tighter, but it wasn't. It was him.

When I think deeper into what I was thinking, I noticed that there was a strange atmosphere around him. When he smiled at me, he look relieved like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. When everyone else crowded round him, when no one was looking, he would be pull an irritated expression.

That made me realize, something happened within the time he left Berk. I knew where he went because he came back for a short visit. He was with this big group with different talents but then they had to go back to where ever they go and I didn't see him again. I wanted to know what happened so I walked up to his house to speak with him.

"Hiccup, Hiccup!" I called out for him. I heard footsteps upstairs so that's the direction I headed. "Hiccup are you-" I got cut off because I watched push everything off his desk in rage, then pull all his designs off the wall in front of him.

"HICCUP STOP THAT WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" I ran over to him and pulled on his shoulder to face me. His expression was sad but then angry at the same time. "Hiccup what happened?" I questioned him. "Nothing," he replied, "Oh yeah then why did you smash everything up hmm," I carried on. He barged past me and said "You wouldn't understand," the tone he had in his voice made me angry "Well I would if you just told me!" I yelled at him. He turned around and said "Just forget it!" he jumped onto Toothless and out the window they went.

I was left standing in the middle of his room all alone, hurt and confused.

Comment on what you think so far and thanks for reading.

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