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Will offered a formal apology to Lexi and her family before he and his parents made a run for it, and the remaining guests enjoyed a less dangerous version of horseback riding along the trails. Lexi let everyone have their fun while she reclined in front of a crackling fire, warming her toes from the comfort of the living room couch.

Swaddled in her favorite sweats, Lexi huddled under a blanket, while Luke sat at her feet perusing a book. His hand stayed within reach of her toes, tugging the blanket over them every few minutes. Each time his fingers brushed across her skin, a fresh wave of chills rippled up her calves. Hopefully, he wouldn't discover she was kicking the blanket off on purpose.

Lexi's experience with crushes totaled two, and one was a pop singer who didn't know she existed. This was a crush on top of desire sprinkled with lust. An indecent amount of lust. She had to fight a strong impulse to touch Luke's face and taste the flavor of his lips.

And the way he looked at her...all smoldering and delicious, reaching to her core. Was he doing it on purpose? Did he feel the same rush whenever their bodies touched? Or was it more academic? Maybe he enjoyed her sense of humor and voluminous vocabulary. Lexi spent her entire sixth grade year learning a new word every day, and Luke seemed to have a gift for words, among other fine attributes. Like those eyes. Did he think she was pretty?

Lexi tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as she pretended to be interested in the flickering fire. She knew if she looked away, he would stare at her. But he had become engrossed in one of her mom's many books about the gods. Lexi's knowledge of Greek mythology went beyond the realm of normal due to her mother's obsession with the stories. Most of them were entertaining, but some were downright tragic, and Luke's shifting expressions showed this as he flipped through pages. When she heard him chuckle, she had to ask.

"Have you read much Greek mythology, Luke?"

"Yes, quite a bit. I find the character descriptions fascinating." He lifted his gaze and the chills were there again.

"What do you find fascinating about them? Is it because the gods run around doing whatever the hell they please?"

Luke laughed and closed the book in his lap. "They do, don't they? Actually, I have developed my own theories on how the gods might have handled things, and much of it conflicts with what is written in these texts."

"Please, enlighten me." Lexi sat up to make better eye contact while keeping her feet within reach of his hand.

"Take Apollo, for example," he said, tucking the blanket back under her toes. "One myth states he pursued the affections of a forest nymph named Daphne, but his massive ego angered Eros. So, Eros imposed his judgment on Apollo by shooting Daphne with a lead arrow of hate and turning her into a laurel bush. Still not satisfied, Eros shot Apollo with a love arrow, causing Apollo to fall in love with the bush, which ended badly. In my version, I like to think the two lovebirds got together and enjoyed a fiery love-hate relationship."

Lexi grinned at the cute way Luke jutted his chin after he made a point. That strong, clean-shaven chin. "It sounds like you're a bit of a romantic. What's your take on Orpheus and Eurydice?"

"Orpheus was a fool. He was asked to do one simple thing and he blew it. I suspect Eurydice has found happiness elsewhere."

"You talk about the gods like they're alive and well and living among us."

"Who's to say they aren't?" He shrugged his indifference, but the twinkle in his eyes told a different tale. "What about you, Lexi? Do you have a favorite myth?"

"I've always loved the story of Persephone. A goddess of nature, Persephone was wooed by many gods because of her incredible beauty. But her mother, Demeter, kept her separated from the Olympians because she didn't think anyone was good enough for her. Hades was one of those gods. He fell in love with Persephone as he watched her bloom into a woman. Then one day he abducted her, taking her down to the underworld to be his mate."

Luke appraised Lexi with a slightly cocked head, and she felt compelled to add to her commentary. "Most people view Hades's actions as selfish and ruthless, but I think the story is romantic. It expresses passion that is taken to the extreme. One version says Persephone's father, Zeus, allowed the kidnapping. Apparently, he got tired of all the suitors vying for Persephone's affections, and he let Hades carry her off."

Luke slapped the book with his palm as he filled the room with throaty laughter. "Zeus? Allow Hades to take his daughter? If you've read anything about Zeus, you would know that version of the story is horseshit. Persephone was in love with Hades. He did her a favor by removing her from the stranglehold of her parents."

Luke's cheeks grew flushed as he spoke, and Lexi didn't know what to think of his impassioned response. It was something she questioned about her mom's preoccupation with the gods. How far was too far before people thought you were nuts? When Luke noticed Lexi staring, he offered his cure-all smile.

"You think I'm crazy, don't you? I can see it in your eyes."

"I don't think you're crazy. My mom is one of the smartest women I know and she wanted the family to practice Hellenism for a while. She named me Alexandra, which is an epithet of the goddess Hera. And my brother is named after Dionysus."

"It sounds like your mother isn't afraid to imagine. She believes there are more truths than what her peers tell her. Maybe the term myth was invented to hide the truth that the gods really do exist."

Attracted to that mysterious gleam in his eyes, Lexi stared at Luke as she considered the prospect of gods living in the modern world. Surely, someone would have noticed Heracles walking among them, or Zeus with that beard. Everyone knew where lightning came from and how the seasons changed. That was science, not mythology.

Her dad chose that moment to burst into the room, and Lexi quickly took stock of her proximity to Luke. "How are you doing, baby girl?" he asked as he strode over CEO-style and plopped his hand on her forehead. "I'm glad we thought to get that fire started. Your head feels nice and toasty."

Lexi didn't think it was the fire keeping her toasty, but she kept that information to herself. "I may live to see my birthday yet."

"Good to hear. So, you'll be able to spend time with the other guests soon, I hope? Rod and his family say they'll be cutting their visit short too. I would hate to think it's because a certain birthday girl keeps snubbing the young man's interests."

"Rod's only interest is with property values in Eagle Hill."

He frowned. "C'mon, now. I'm sure that's not true. I know he swims. He was even challenged to swim the English Channel."

"Dad, do we have to talk about this now?"

Luke stood and walked the book back to the shelf, escaping the awkward moment like a reasonable person, and Lexi prayed her dad would just leave it.

"I think you've been spending too much time with one guest," he went on. Totally not leaving it. "There are plenty of people here who would like to share your company. Burt says you haven't spoken five words to him."

"Burt pops over whenever you add wine to your collection. This weekend is supposed to be about me having fun, not about me making sure other people have fun."

In a not-so-covert maneuver, her dad leaned into her ear, "I don't want to see you disappointed, baby. Luke may be handsome and well spoken, but he's not the type to stick around for the ending credits, if you get my meaning."

Seriously? When had her dad become a hypocrite? "Hold on a second. Just yesterday you said to throw in my line to see what I reel in. Well, I did that, and I'm happy with my catch."

Her dad hovered like an eagle on its perch, a sign he was considering her argument. Of course, half of their arguments ended in some helpless creature getting eaten for lunch. "Your godfather doesn't trust Luke to have your best interests, and I trust your godfather's counsel."

Lexi didn't roll her eyes but she really wanted to. "Uncle Z doesn't trust anyone when it comes to me, and neither do you. Even Mom and Dion can't stay out of my business. If I left you all in charge, I'd be a virgin the rest of my life!"

Lexi clapped a hand over her mouth, but it was too late. She had reached her breaking point, which meant it was downhill from there. Ignoring the pain in her injured arm, Lexi threw off the blanket and stood to face her dad across the couch. 

"As much as you hate to admit it, I am not your baby anymore. I am a responsible adult who can make her own damn decisions, and the fact that I'm about to storm to my room and slam my door doesn't prove I'm wrong."

Lexi turned on her heels and marched off, catching the shrug Luke offered her dad. Regardless of whether her outburst ended up chasing Luke away, Lexi knew it was game-on. She was taking a stand on a matter that was long overdue. This would be her Gettysburg.

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