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The guests enjoyed a buffet on the sunny patio while Luke wandered the grounds of the estate, pondering the emotionally-charged rebuke Lexi offered her father. He had a feeling she was asserting herself in ways she had not in the past. She had also chosen to snub everyone by remaining in her room while the party progressed without her.

Luke had seen Nora eyeing him over the course of the meal, and when she finally waved him over, he swung by the beverage table, helping himself to a glass of white wine along the way. He lifted his glass in a toast as he joined her at the terrace railing.

"Are you enjoying yourself, Nora?" It was a pointless greeting. He knew she loved parties, but his use of her pseudonym always brought a mischievous smile to her face.

"Yes, Luke. I am having a lovely time. You seem to have found someone to hold your interest, although she doesn't appear to be here at the moment."

"Lexi and her father had a small falling out, and she gave herself time to brood in her bedroom."

Nora offered Luke a modest gaze through lowered lashes, although there was nothing modest about her. "Why don't you pay her a visit while everyone is busy with lunch? I don't think she would turn you away. She made it clear to me she fancies you."

Luke didn't need confirmation to know Lexi had become infatuated with him. He had enjoyed the game they played with her toes and the blanket that wouldn't stay put. Her wings were unfurling, and she was ready to take flight. But their friendship was also unfurling. He couldn't appear at her private chambers expecting to be let in.

"Z has not taken his eyes off me since I arrived. However, I believe I can slip into the courtyard undetected. A serenade at the young maiden's balcony might be in order."

"Oh, that sounds romantic. I will do my best to keep Z occupied while you weave your magic. What will you use to serenade her? Did you bring your violin? Will you recite poetry? You do have a way with words." A pink blush flowered Nora's face as she relived some past memory. He knew her passion for the sensual arts ran deep. What else had she and Lexi discussed besides the girl's fascination with him? Did she offer Lexi pointers?

"Lexi enjoys literature, especially from the ancient Greeks. That seems fitting, don't you think?" Luke fortified himself with a large gulp of wine, watching an amused smile play on Nora's mouth. "I may be able to woo her with something I contrived while entertaining a certain goddess. A sonnet about infatuation."

Nora's eyes lit up like the leaves of an autumn garland. "I am sure it will have her swooning. You better hurry before I take you myself."

Luke left Nora with a crooked grin, ducking around the house and out of sight of the other guests. Lexi's second-floor balcony hung over a small courtyard at the southwest corner of the estate. The doors to her bedroom were open, but she was not outside when he arrived.

Luke took a moment to contemplate, recalling the first time he recited the ballad he now prepared to offer Lexi. He composed it a long time ago for a deity who still held a piece of his heart. If only she had not left the rest empty. The ocean breeze picked up, providing the perfect vehicle for his voice, and he thought not of past loves but of new ones as he delivered his ode beneath the balcony.

"The maiden's beauty was more than he could bear

Skin softer than a dove's wing, lips redder than a pomegranate

Hair like silk spun of gold and copper

To look upon her made him weep, thus he watched from afar

Listening to her speak of love and the elegance in nature

Her voice lulled him into sleep, where he dreamt of her bound in his arms

He wanted to possess her, to drink her in, to love her until the stars held no meaning

A tragic worship was his, to love one so closely guarded

Her delicate grace given only to her captors

This he could not endure when his was a devotion eternal

And she could not forsake him, for his heart would surely cease to count time."

Luke's words evaporated into the salt-laden air, and he noticed Lexi's shadow next to the balcony railing. She leaned over the side as he stepped into the path of the sun, and she greeted him with a relieved smile. Had she been anticipating his arrival?

"That was beautiful," she offered.

"I'm glad you think so. It was written as a complimentary ballad."

"Did you write it?"

"I did."

"Did you write it for anyone in particular?"

Luke expected Lexi to task him on most topics, but his love sonnets didn't usually provoke questioning. Would she be disappointed to learn she was not the first to hear it?

"It was written a long time ago, when I first tasted desire. I thought it would be appropriate to recite again here."

Even as the sun blurred his vision, Luke could see Lexi's cheeks flush a deep red, and her teeth tugged at her lip. "So, you were reciting it... for me?"

"There is no one in the whole province more worthy to hear it than you, Lexi. I know a few more...if you're interested."

Luke offered a sweeping bow he hoped would convince her of his sincerity, and when he caught her up in his gaze again, it appeared her gift of speech had abandoned her. He waited patiently as she glanced in the direction of the patio, which was hidden from his view by a thick row of Italian cypress trees. Only the sound of chatting party-goers reminded him of the obstacles in his path. Was Lexi thinking of those same obstacles?

As time stretched, Luke's heart rate sped up. Would she reject him, fearing backlash from her family? Would logic snuff out the fire he saw burning behind those lively blue eyes? The prospect of failure rarely plagued him, and on the occasion he missed his mark, he chalked it up to experience and moved on. But Luke could not move on from Lexi. She offered him more than the promise of pleasure. She offered him hope, and he held his breath as she turned her smiling face toward him.

"Would you like to take a walk with me?" she asked. "The trails are beautiful this time of year."

"I would like that very much. Where should we rendezvous?"

"There's a stand of pines at the front of the property. Meet me there in five."

Lexi disappeared into her room and Luke made haste around the house, avoiding the patio altogether. With any luck, Nora was working her magic on Z, keeping him blissfully preoccupied. Although, on some level, the risk of discovery thrilled Luke. Forbidden love had always been his fate, and he hoped Lexi would enjoy the ride as much as he did.  

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