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The scene shows a forest filled with fog as we see a creature known as the adegast

(The picture up top)

Who is wondering the forest looking for items for his next victim until he comes across a red object in the ground as he walks closer to reveal a red jewel

"This will do nicely"he said as he picked up the jewel with his tentacle not knowing the
danger of what he picked up....or who he pick up
Alright alright I know this is short but I'm still deciding if I should wait until the amphibia book is done to write this or just do it now so this is a taste of what's to come so let me know if I should write it or wait

also I know I haven't made the next amphibia chapter and I'm working on it I'm just figuring things out Plus things have not been nice for me lately also for those asking yes multiverse x male reader is still going I'm not done writing it I've been thinking of ideas and the plot so far it's hard making a story up especially when you have to make up your own characters well anyways Have a good day or night stay safe

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