2~The Shining Beacon 1

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*last chapter we left off with yang xio long and her younger sister ruby rose on the airship to beacon  flying over vale and now we see a view of serval ships carrying students docking at the entrance of the school*

*as soon as one lands a young blonde boy wearing white armor with a black hoodie under it with a red interior with blue jeans with what seemed to be a sheathed sword at his hip ran out to the nearest trash can hunching over it relieving himself of his upset stomach*
Ruby:*holding yangs hand as they exited the airship along with several other students and looked up to see Beacon in all its glory*w-wow......
Yang: the view from Vale's got nothing on this!

Ruby:*getting more excited as she saw all the various weapons other teens and kids were walking around with*t-tha-that giy(guy) h-has a col-collaible(collapsible) st-staf(staff)*looks the other direction*a-and s-she has a f-fire swerd(sword)*almost wandered away before yang pulled her back by the hood*ack!
Yang; easy there little sis their just weapons

Ruby:*looked at yang*j-just we-weapans(weapons) t-thir(their) a-apart of us-*looked down and mumbled*a-and sum-sumtimes(sometimes) b-beter(better) th-then people......
Yang;*has ruby look back up*well why can't you swoon over your own weapon aren't you happy with it?

Ruby:*pulls butcher rose put in its travel form and holds it close*o-of c-corse(course) I j-just like see-seeing new o-ones.......
Yang:*pulls her hood off and gently ruffles her little sisters hair*come on rubes why don't you go try and make some friends of your own
Ruby:*looked up*b-but why w-wuld(would) I nee-nee(need) frends(friends) I-if I h-have y-yu(you)?

Yang: well because so-*and suddenly a group of yangs friends came up to her and dragged her off*hey what the fuck! Hey watch where your grabbing!*the students caused ruby to get caught up in it and spin out a little as they quickly got away*

Ruby:*stopped spinning and held her cloak close to her taking in deep breaths as her knees began to buckle before she regained her balance*y-yang? Wh-where do I g-g-go y-yang?*began to get scared and slowly began walking backwards til her she hit a luggage cart falling over sending suitcases flying*o-ow....

???: what are you doing!!*a girl with snow pale skin and pure white hair wearing a ice blue dress that was a mix of white and light blue along with a collar guarding her neck with the inside of the dress being a blood red she was in white high heels she had a scar above her right eye and her hair was fashioned into a pony tail *
Ruby:*sat up shaking and looked at her*s-surry(sorry).....

White???; what was that do you have any idea of what you could have just caused!
Ruby:*tried to hide herself as she grabbed a case until the girl in white grabbed the case from her and opened it to reveal vials of dust*
White???: this is dust mined and purified in the schnee quarry

Ruby: u-u-uh*clung to her cloak*
White???: are you brain dead or something?!*began to wave the vial in Ruby's face* DUST! Fire,water,lightning,energy!
Ruby: I-I k-kno(know)*begins to cough violently as the dust was being waved around her face*
White???: hey are you even listening to me!*grabbed Ruby's hand and still waved the dust into her face*is this sinking in what do you have to say for yourse-!
Ruby: LET ME GO!!!!*her voice sounded coarse and a little pained to actually be yelling as she pulled her hand away she caused the vial of dust to hit the ground causing an explosion of various elements to go flying with the bottle being seen landing at the feet of a girl wearing a black bow with amber gold eyes*

White???;*coughed as she was covered in soot that quickly faded away*unbelievable! This is what I was talking about!
Ruby:*still coughing with a little bit being blood as she looked at the girl in white almost crying*i-im s-sur-
White???: speak properly damnit! UGH you are a complete brain dead dolt what are you even doing here aren't you a bit young to even be on school grounds especially dressed like you just came out of bed!!

Ruby: I-i*began to tear up and some were slipping down her face*
White???: hey look someone in the eyes when their talking to you this isn't your ordinary combat school people are here to hunt monsters we aren't just sparring or training!
Ruby: a-at least I-I'm not a r-ruude(rude) pr-pri-PRINCESS!

Weiss: why you little!!!!
Black???:*walking up behind the girl in white and handed her the bottle*it's heiress actually*she had pale skin and jet black raven hair wearing a white sleeveless shirt with a bock shoulder tops and white bottoms with black strap on stockings with black combat boots*Weiss Schnee heiress to the schnee dust company one of the worlds largest producers of energy propellant
Weiss(white???):*smugly smirked*finally some recognition!

Black???:the same company infamous for its controversial labor forces and questionable business partners*and pointed to ruby who was having a full blown panic attack muttering to herself*and apparently making someone have a panic attack really quite amazing how such a prestigious family has such low regards for other people's feelings
Weiss:*getting even angrier as ruby looked up calming down enough to wipe her tears away*wha-how dare-the nerve of....UGH!*bumps against the girl in blacks shoulder walking off as what seemed to be her helpers helped with her luggage and follow her*

Ruby:*tried to yell out she was sorry but her throat gave out causing her to take a few deep breaths*i-i pr-promese(promise) to m-mak(make) I-it u-up to yu(you)!*lets out a sad sigh as she slowly pulled her hood back up*i-i gues(guess) I-I'm not th-the on-only onee(one) huving(having) a-a ro-rough duy(day)....*looked up to see the girl in black was gone and slowly falls to the ground curling up into a ball sniffling and muttered with tears*wilc-wilcome(welcome) t-to be-beecom(beacon)....*she sat there trying not to burst into tears when a shadow loomed over her and low and behold it was the blonde boy from earlier*

Blonde???:*held out his hand*hey I'm jaune
Ruby:*hesitantly took his hand and stood up*r-ruby*takes a closer look at him*a-arn't(aren't) y-yu(you) the p-persun(person) that t-threw up on t-the sh-sh-ship?

*soon both Jaune and ruby were walking around the grounds of Beacon inside its the walls are filled with scenic trees arching architecture and a winding road alongside a river down which the two were walking*

Jaune: all I'm saying is that motion sickness is a much more common problem then people let on!
Ruby:*chuckling*s-sory(sorry) I-it was a-all I culd(could) th-thi-think of
Jaune: oh yeah what if I called you crater face!
Ruby:?*titled her head in confusion*
Jaune: well....the names Jaune Arc! short sweet rolls off the tongue ladies love it!
Ruby:*gave a look of skepticism and more confusion*d-do they?
Jaune; they will well i-I hope they will my mom always says that....never mind

Ruby:*let's our a small giggle before an uncomfortable awkward silence fell*s-so i hav(have) th-this!*pulled butcher rose out and slammed the cleaver into the ground*
Jaune: whoa! Wh-.....what is that?
Ruby:*took a couple of deep breaths and began to say*a collapsible cleaver attached to a long double barreled shotgun with a retractable chain belt*took a sigh when she finished saying that appearing a little winded*
Jaune: a-wha??.....
Ruby:*smiled*a b-big kn-kniv(knife) a-and gun

Jaune: oh that's cool
Ruby:*puts her weapon up and then points to the scabbard on jaune's hip*
Jaune: oh I uh...*unsheathes the blade to reveal a glistening silver blade with a bronze hand guard that curved upwards into a slight U-shape along with the pummel being bronze the handle of the blade was a royal blue color*I got this sword
Ruby: ooo

Jaune:yeah and I've got a shield too!*raises the scabbard off his hip onto his arm for it to expand its shape to reveal a pure white shield with two yellow crescent moons with a larger on hanging over a smaller one*
Ruby:*walked up and ran her fingers across the shield*w-whuo(whoa)....*looks at jaune*s-so wh-what e-e-els(else) do t-they goot(got)?

Jaune:*fumbled with the shield as it began to close and expand a few times before getting it back to its normal scabbard form sheathing the sword as he placed it back on his hip*the shield gets smaller so when I get tired of carrying it I can just put it on my hip!
Ruby:*looked at the sheathed sword*b-b-but woldn't(wouldn't) I-it wegh(weigh) t-the s-same?
Jaune:*looked down with dejection*yeah it does....
Ruby:*giggled as she looked at him*w-we-well I'm a we-wepon(weapon) d-dork w-when it c-coms(comes) t-o them s-so i w-we-went oover(over) b-bord(board) w-when m-m-making I-it

Jaune: wait a second...you made that?!*points to butcher rose*
Ruby:*fiddled her thumbs as she looked down nervously*k-k-kinda m-my s-si-sistor(sister) h-helped m-me s-sn-snuck m-me in-intu(into) s-signel(signal) t-to f-f-forge it*looks at jaune then points to his sword*d-didnt yu(you) make y-yours?
Jaune: oh it's a hand me down my great great grandfather used it in the war!

Ruby: s-seems m-moore(more) like a f-f-family h-herilum(heirloom) t-to me*smiles*b-but I l-l-like it the cl-classics a-are u-undor(under) apprecated(appreciated)!
Jaune:*unsheathes his sword for a moment and smiles*yeah the classics....*noticed ruby was coughing*hey are you ok?

Ruby:*froze when she remembered she couldn't tell anyone about her condition and looked at jaune rubbing her throat*b-bad v-v-vocul(vocal) c-cords
Jaune: oh....OH!!! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you with all that talking!
Ruby:*chuckles*i-its f-fine b-but why d-d-did yu(you) o-out e-ealier(Earlier)?*she started walking again as she asked jaune the question*

Jaune: eh why not? My mom always says "strangers are just friends you haven't met yet"*began to walk alongside her*
Ruby:*looked around*d-do you k-know w-w-wher(where) w-we are?
Jaune:*stops in place and looks at ruby*I was following you maybe there's a directory,a food court,some sorta landmark....is that uhhh a "?no"
Ruby:*laughs*that's a n-no
*and the scene fades out to a grand overview of beacon as the two began making their way*


And that was episode two The Shining Beacon 1!

Now I know that was probably a bit of a hassle to read due to how I'm writing out Ruby's lines but overall it's the only way I could've worked out writing with a stutter and yes I'm also aware I haven't updated this book in practically a year but worry not for I'm back!.....so please don't pelt me with rocks and other objects

And below is the actual episode so you can watch a comparison!

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