1~Ruby rose

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"man born from dust was strong,wise,and resourceful but he was born into an unforgiving world an inevitable darkness creatures of destruction-"

"The creatures of Grimm"

"They set their sights on man and all of his creations these forces clashed and it seemed the darkness was intent on returning man's brief existence to the void-"

*black sets in then suddenly lessens as a light grows brighter and brighter until a gem rises from and lowers itself into the hands of man*

"But even the smallest spark of hope is enough to ignite change and in time man's passion,resourcefulness,and ingenuity led them to the tools that would help even the odds this power was appropriately named-"


*men are seen shooting lightning,raising swords,and aiming rifles at the retreating beasts as a castle appears behind them*

"With nature's wrath in hand man lit their way through the darkness and in shadows absence came strength,civilization and most importantly life"

*the castle zooms out to show a map of remnant where houses other buildings until they disappear in flashes of white and the map is lowered to show the scattered moon over a city at night*

"But even the most brilliant lights eventually flicker and die off and when they are gone...darkness will return in greater force"

*a man wearing a bowler hat with a blood red band around it with fire orange hair with pale skin wearing a white over coat with the inside of it being a wine red with black gloves with a grey scarf wrapped around his neck with a cane in hand along with four other men head down an alley from the shadows the men stop when the man with the bowler hat holds up a cigar and lights it without evening touching it and smirks before walking down the road causing the people to be frightened as him and the four other men made their way towards a shop called "dust til dawn"*

"So prepare your guardians,build your monuments to a so-called 'free world' but take heed......-"

"There will be no victory in strength"

*the bowler hat man and the four other men enter the shop and in the corner of the shop is a girl with a red cloak wrapped around her trying to read a magazine*

???:*voice over*but perhaps victory is in the simpler things that you've long forgotten things that require a smaller more honest and pure soul

*the henchmen look around the shop and at the various dust crystals in the display casing as the bowler hat man approaches the elderly shop owner*
Bowler???:*flicks his cigar*do you have any idea how hard it is to find a dust shop open this late?*one of the henchmen points a gun with a bright red saber attached to it at the shopkeeper*

Shopkeeper:*raising his hands in fear*p-please take my lien and leave!
Bowler???: shh shh shh shh calm down*gives a seemingly gentle smile before it turned into a more stern look and looked at one of the henchmen*grab the dust

*one of the henchmen opens a case and removed a cylinder in it which he goes towards a tube on the wall and fills it with dust*
Henchmen1:*places another case on the display cases counter before looking at the shopkeeper*crystals.burn.uncut

*in fear the shopkeep begins putting as another henchmen was going to fill another cylinder until he heard a song coming from the hooded girls direction and unsheathes a bright red blade as he walks over to her*

Henchmen2:*points a sword to her back*alright kid put your hands where I can see 'em!*he growled when he didn't get a response*hey I said hands in the air you got a death wish or something!!!*he puts his hand on her shoulder to turn her around to reveal she had on headphones on and motions for her to pull them down*

???:*does as the man motioned*y-ye-yes?*she had on a sleep mask just above her eyes her hair was a neat jet black color but became a bright red near the ends she had on a bright red cloak wrapped around her throat in a secure fashion she was wearing a jet black t-shirt that said "have patience" in bright red calligraphy her pants were more akin to pajama bottoms with leg braces that seemed to be helping her stand and on her feet were a pair of slip on shoes*

Henchmen2: I said put your hands in the air now!
Red???: a-are y-yu(you) r-ro-robing(robbing) m-me?
Henchmen2: YES!
Red???: o-oh

*as the bowler hat man was waiting for the henchmen to finish collecting the dust when he saw a bright red spiral of what he thought were rose petals flash past him along with the henchmen who was threatening the girl as the bowler hat man calmly motions to go deal with it as the other henchmen arrive outside the all aim the guns at her*

Henchmen1: FREEZE!!!!
*then the girl turns to reveal in her left hand was a large double barrel shotgun with a small scope sight on it as the handle was more straight and level with the actual barrels of the gun with some sorta coiled up chain around it with part of said chain coming through the actual handle of the shotgun and in her right hand was a large butchers cleaver that was extending outwards until it revealed a rose emblem on the side of the blade with the chain attached to the pummel of the blade to*

*the bowler hat man scowls at her before the red headed girl gives a look of almost innocent confusion before taking her headphones off as she fiddled with the shotgun*
Bowler???: okayyy....*turns to his men*get her!

*the remaining henchmen leave the shop and run at the red haired girl who aimed the shotgun to the ground and launched herself into the air and kicks the man in the face before landing and dropping the cleaver til the chains reached her hand and began spinning it around to slam it into the front of the other henchmen trying to come at her from behind sending him flying pulling the chain back til she was holding the handle of the cleaver again*

Red???: s-ory(sorry)!*she looks to her right and pulls up the shotgun to quickly fire a shell off into another mans side before dodging her next attackers gunfire and launched a second shot to the ground and reloaded the gun in midair before she was above the man and fired a second shot into his back and as she landed she pulled a second trigger on her shotgun to extend more chain and wrapped the cleaver around his legs and threw him in front of the bowler mans feet before pulling the trigger again reeling in the cleaver*

Bowler: you were worth event cent truly you were*he looked the a henchmen with a sarcastic tone before looking to the red haired girl dropping his cigar and putting it out with his cane as he heard police sirens approaching*well red I think we can all say it's been an eventful evening and as much as I'd love to stick around-*he raises the cane as the bottom of it pops up as a rifle circle with a cross grid is shown*-im afraid this is where we part our separate ways

*the man fires a large red blast at the red haired girl who turns into a spiral of rose petals again to dodge it and when she turns back to normal and looks around she sees the bowler hat man isn't there and is climbing up a ladder of a building*
Red???:*looks at the shopkeeper*y-yu(you) o-ok if I g-go afer(after) h-hi-him?

*the shopkeeper gives a small nod as the girl sets off to catch up with the bowler hat man as she lands behind him after climbing up the building's side*
Red???: h-hey!
Bowler???:*stopped at the buildings edge as he heard the red haired girl*persistent...

*the girl readies to fight the man but suddenly an airship came flying up with the side opening up to let the bowler hat man inside of it*
Bowler???:*turns around and holds up a fiery red dust gem*end of the line red*he throws it out at her feet and fires a shoot at it causing it to erupt in a powerful explosion*whoa-ho-ho-ho!*he stops laughing when he sees something on the roof*huh?

*as the smoke cleared a woman in a black cape with a purple underside with pale blonde hair tied up in a bun wearing small wire rimmed glasses with a white button up blouse with long sleeves that frill at the ends tucked into black business pants wearing heels with a riding crop in her hand as a purple barrier was in front of her the red haired girl looks at the woman on surprise and awe*

*the blonde woman waves her riding crop and summons several streaks of purple energy at the craft causing it to shake the man in the bowler hat rushed into the cockpit of the ship as a woman wearing a red dress with amber gold eyes was struggling to handle the controls of the ship*

Red: a h-hu-hutrress(huntress)!
*the woman in red gets up and walks to the back where the opened side is as the bowler hat man takes over the ships controls as the blonde woman glows purple for a quick moment and aims another blast above the craft resulting a dark storm cloud right over the aircraft*

Bowler???: the hell?
Blonde???:*with a flick of her riding crop large jagged hail began to rain down onto the aircraft pummeling it a piece of it piercing the window almost hitting the bowler hat man*
Bowler: fucking hell!

*the woman in red reaches back and her arms an chest light up like fire aiming a burst of energy at the blonde woman which she manages to block with relative ease but the flame splatters behind the blonde and it glows hot with the raise of woman in reds hand the blonde backflips out of the explosions way causing part of the roof to be destroyed*

Blonde:*she magically gathers the shards to create a large arrow as it finished forming she launched it at the aircraft the woman in red shatters the arrow with serval blasts of energy but it reforms just in time to hit the side of the aircraft due to the bowler hat mans aerial maneuvers the wreckage of the arrow reshapes into serval more arrows that surround the airship only for them to be blasted away by the woman in red as she made serval glowing rings of dust and expanded them forward which resulted in the shards destruction*

((Phew some of these are getting long......))

*the red haired girl finally out of her daze aimed her shotgun and causes the barrels to extend slightly further and fire at the woman in red who blocked each shot with disturbing ease and the woman creates serval rings around both the blonde and the girl where the blonde pushes the girl away telekinetically and rolled out of the blast radius with little time to spare and when both looked up the aircraft had begun flying away*

Blonde???: damnit.....*she looked down to see her sleeve being gently tugged at*
Red???: y-yur(your) a hu-huutrress(huntress) c-can I ha-have yur(your) a-aotogreph(autograph)?*gave a small smile*

*a short amount of time later the girls face went from a look of excitement to one fear as they were in a police interrogation room as she sat balled up in a chair scared as the blonde woman paced around her holding a tablet*

Blonde???: I hope you realize your in a lot of trouble young lady your actions tonight will not be taken lightly you put yourself and others in grave danger!
Red???: t-the b-baad me-men stareed(started) it...
Blonde???: if your going to speak speak properly*sighs*if it were up to me you'd be sent back home.....with a pat on the back*the red haired girl looked up with a very small smile*and a slap on the wrist!*slammed her riding crop in front of the girl*
Red???: eep!

Blonde???: but...there is someone here who would like to meet you
Ruby: h-h-huh?*uncurled herself a little in confusion*
*the blonde woman moved out of the way of the confused as a man wearing a dark green suit and glasses with silver hair holding a mug and a plate of cookies came in and sat across from the red haired girl*

Silver???:*looked at the girl and leaned in a little closer*ruby rose you have silver eyes
Ruby(red???): h-huh*seemed to be getting a little more scared*
Silver???:*leaned back*my apologies I didn't mean to fright you*took a sip from his mug*so!*pulled out a tablet and slowly placed it in front of Ruby to show her fighting*where did you learn to do this

Ruby: se-selv(self) tught(taught)
Silver???; you learned to fight using that weapon all by yourself?
Ruby:*shook her head*m-my unle(uncle) h-he-helped m-me
Silver???: I see...*slowly put the plate of cookies in front of ruby and she hesitantly began eating one slowly*it's just I've only ever seen one other person fight like that a dusty old crow
Ruby:*tried to string together the words but she was struggling to*

Silver: do you know sign language?
Silver: well if you'd prefer
Ruby:*slowly began signing*that's my uncle qrow I'm usually home alone a lot and he began teaching me to fight back encase something ever happened and now I'm starting to practice on my own I've gotten really good from what he's told me....
Silver???: so I've noticed*places his cup on the table as he leans in*and what is such an adorable little girl doing with such a powerful weapon?

((Haha! I bet you all weren't expecting this ruby to know sign! And I'm actually taking the stretch that ozpin did indeed know how to understand sign language))

Ruby:*signed*I want to be a huntress
Silver???: you want to slay monsters?
Ruby:*signed*yeah my dad thinks it's a bad idea but I wanna see the world and the police are great and all but it wouldn't be the same my sister is starting at beacon this year and it really encourages me to train harder and harder*she began signing faster til she ended up accidentally hitting the table*o-ow

Silver: this is out of place for me to say miss rose but*puts his hands together and gives her a serious look*do you have Grimm heart?

Ruby:.....*slowly nodded before her face took on a frown before she began signing again*you see my sister always read my stories about hero's saving the day and when I finally learned about huntsmen and huntresses it was like all the fairytales she read to me were real and it makes me feel like I have a purpose to work towards....*her frown was now a small smile as she clasped her hands together before looking at the two adults with a sheepish smile*

*the blonde and the silver haired man looked at each other*
Silver???: do you know who I am?
Ruby: y-yur(your) o-ozpin the h-he-hedmaster(headmaster) of b-beecon(Beacon)
Ruby: n-nice to m-meet y-you

Ozpin: you want to come to my school?
Ruby:*took a very deep breath and said*more then anything
Ozpin:*exchanged glances with the blonde woman who turned her head away in disapproval*well ok
Ruby:*got teary eyed and smiled widely*

*the following day*
???: oh I can't believe my baby sister is going to Beacon with me! this is the best day ever!*a girl with pale skin and lilac eyes her hair was a golden yellow that reached down to her waist wearing an orange scarf around her neck and a yellow strapless croptop with a black fiery flower emblem on it wearing a brown jacket over it with the sleeves puffing up and ending right at her elbow she had on a belt with a small cape in a similar fashion to jacket with a pair of jet black shorts underneath wearing a pair of combat boots on her wrists were a pair of bright lemon yellow bracelets with a pair of fingerless black gloves*

((Dear heaven half of these character descriptions are gonna be the end of me....))

Ruby:*gasping for air as her apparent older sister was suffocating her in a bear hug*p-ples(please) stup(stop)
Golden???:*released ruby and making sure she managed not to collapse*but I'm so proud of you and I bet dad is to!
Yang: wait you did tell dad right?
Ruby:*slowly shook her head no*

Yang: oh my oum dads gonna kill me I can't die yet I'm still single and young!*seemed to be having a full blown panic as ruby proceeded to calm her down*
Ruby: y-yang ca-c-calm duwn(down)
Yang(golden):*takes a deep breath and calms down*your right it's no big deal we can handle that when it happens but really though rubes I'm so proud of you

Ruby:*nervously signed*it was nothing....
Yang: what are you saying it's incredible everyone at beacons gonna think your bees knees!
Ruby: I-I-I dunt(don't) wuna(wanna) b-be th-the bees k-knees!*pulls her cloaks hood over her head trying to hide her face as much as possible*i j-jist(just) wuna(wanna) b-be a no-normal g-girl
Yang:*gives a soft expression as they both made their way onto the airship taking them to beacon*but aren't you excited

Ruby: o-of course I-I'm e-exc-excited....*begins to slowly sign*I just.....I got moved ahead two years I don't want people to think I'm special or anything....
Yang:*lowers herself to meet ruby in the eye and pulled her into a gentle hug before letting go *you are special sis but I think if your going here we need to lay some ground rules ok?

Yang: ok rule one we don't tell anyone about your condition there's a lot of people who'd try and take advantage of that rule two no matter what happens we try and get on the same team ok?
Ruby: o-ok
Yang: ok rule three if you feel an episode let me or your teacher know immediately you understand?

*both the girls hug each other again but not for long as their attention was drawn to a 2-D projection of a newscast talking about a robbery that happen and showing the bowler hat mans mug shot*
Newscaster: the robbery was led by nefarious criminal Roman Torchwick who continues to evade authorities please if you have any information on his whereabouts please contact the vale police department back to you Lisa

Lisa: thank you cyril in other news this Saturday's Faunus civil rights protest turned dark when members of the white fang disrupted the ceremony the once peaceful organization has disrupted-*and suddenly the newsfeed cut off as a hologram of the blonde woman ruby had met the previous night appeared*

Blonde: hello and welcome to beacon!
Yang: who's that?
Glynda: my name is Glynda Goodwitch
Yang: oh

Glynda: you are among a privileged few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy! our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace, and as future Huntsmen and Huntresses it is your duty to uphold it you have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task, and now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world*she disappears as multiple students including ruby begin to gasp in awe as the windows opened up*

Ruby:*pulled yang along with her over to a window as she looked down*y-yu(you) c-can see e-everthing(everything) u-up here I g-guess home I-issnt(isn't) t-to far awuy(away)
Yang: beacons our home now sis*pulled ruby into a one armed hug then they both saw a boy groaning and hunched over running to the back of the ship*
Yang: guess the view ain't for everyone but the moment was nice while it lasted hehehe

Ruby:*smiled as she saw they were officially getting closer to beacon and thought* I wonder what's gonna come next?

And that's episode one of this fanfic below will be the actual episode one to see how it differs but also so encase you ever need a rwby binge of a specific episode and don't wanna go through the troubles of finding it for some inspiration

But what did you guys think of this version of ruby granted I'm nervous to see how your all gonna honestly react to her once this chapter comes out but beyond that I hope you enjoyed my lovable psychopaths and genius rouges!

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