Chapter 26: Hello (darkness) my old Friend

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~~~Last Time~~~

(My answer to the chicken or the egg)

It doesn't matter! Who gives a shhhhhhhhhhitakimushroom.

~~~This Time~~~

~~(Y/N) POV~~

I woke up around... meh, I guess 5-ish? What ever, the strange thing is that I woke up to someone poking my tail... needless to say that is strange. Except I kinda like it when people pet me on the ears or tail. Due to this little fact, I start to purr. I hear a chuckle- WAIT! I hear 3 chuckles.  3 chuckles equals 3 people, which means that I have 3 stalkers that I'll have to deal with. This could be harder than I thought.

"Will you stop poking her tail?" stalker 1 asks. Based on the tone in voice, I's safe to say that it's a guy. It's kinda... gruff? It sounds like he's won a lot of battles and is confident he won't lose.

"Awww come on! It's so fluffy!" says stalker 2- wait. That sounds like Natsu. Just a little high-pitch, friendly, and just a little bit of honey. Yes this is definitely Natsu.

Based on the position of his voice, he's the one touching my tail. I wait for him to pet it again, before I make my move. As expected, he pets it. Half way through the pet, I wrap my tail around his hand and a little on the wrist. I feel him stiffen a little and I smirk slightly. I start to stir slightly, pretending to just wake up.

I open my eyes all groggily like and look at the 3 stalkers, minus Natsu. It turns out that Fairy Tail's 3 dragon slayers are here, Natsu, Gajeel, and Laxus. Who would've guessed. It kinda makes sense. They would have smelled me from a mile away with my sakura (cherry blossom in Japanese) shampoo. ('Cause I dislike perfume)

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask in a "confused but sleepy" tone.

Natsu is the first to answer with his enthusiasm that I've missed so much, " We were hanging out at the guild when I found your sent!"

"Ai" Happy says in agreement.

Unable to contain his enthusiasm, he bear hugs me. Its so comforting to be in his embrace, I start to purr with delight. Involuntarily I start to rub my cheek on his, and place my sent on him. That's what cats do man. When we rub our cheeks on things, we put our sent on it. That's just how it works.

I'm taken away from Natsu and into a face full of Gajeel. It's vary rare to see Gajeel to act "lovey-dovey" so I'll take it. I hug him back and purr in exception. It's been so long since I've seen these guys. I almost forgot what they smell like.

Gajeel passes me to Laxus, who reluctantly drapes an arm around me. He still doesn't want to show affection in front of people. Seeing as he won't put any effort into it, I will. I give him a side hug and stuff my face into his shirt.

"It smells like you in here." I say absent-minded.

Unbeknownst to me, Laxus explodes in blush. When I finally get my face out of his shirt, I look up to see a really red Laxus. I start to giggle at his expression. I've never seen someone so red in my life! I was practically on the ground laughing! You'd think that someone so powerful wouldn't get that red! For those who are wondering, he's so red, it would put Erza's hair to shame. Man I said red a lot in this paragraph. (prepare for the 4th wall comments)

After my laughing fit, the exeeds come to play with me. Which I happily accept. I use Aera magic (the one that gives them wings) and play around with them in the sky. We end up playing tag and I won.

The rest of the guild show up and collectively gasp, and stare at me like I told them that I'm actually from Edolas. I fly down in front of them and do my signature wink. It's the anime wink, with the peace sign  in front of my winking eye. The entire guild looks like it's about to cry, except for a few that look confused.

Gramps runs up and hugs me, which I gladly return. It was like he was proving to the others  that I was real. As soon as he hugged me, the entire guild smothered me in a group hug. Well, except for the few that were confused.

"Ummm... Natsu? Who is she? And why does she have cat ears!?!" A blond girl ask/ yells.

Natsu lifts me up on his shoulders to allow the  blond girl a better view. "This is (Y/N)! She's a member of the guild, but went missing 3 weeks before you joined!" Natsu yells over to the other girl.

"Is she new?" I ask looking at the blond.

"Yea, this is Lucy. She is a celestial wizard. She's been in the guild for... about a year now." Natsu explains to me.

I hop down from Natsu and walk over to Lucy. I stick out my hand and introduce myself. "Hello! My name is (Y/N)! It's nice to meet you Lucy!" I say, expecting a hand shake.

She just looks at me like I'm a freak. I can understand why, and don't let it get to me. She reluctantly shakes my hand and says, "Hello (Y/N)'s nice to meet you?"

I can tell that she's disturbed my my appearance, she's probably not use to seeing nekos. After the hand shake is over, she runs over to Natsu all frightened. Am I really that much of a monster? Naw. I hear Lucy ask Natsu something and curiosity got the best of me.

"What is THAT?" Asks lucy.

"She's not a THAT, she's a HER." Natsu tries to correct.

"I can see that. Why does she have cat ears tho?" Lucy asks with a different approach.

"Oh, well, she's a neko!" Natsu says.

"Ne.. ko? What's that?" Lucy asks.

I walk aver and join there conversation, "A neko is a mystic animal that is part cat, part human. They have traits that match up with what color they are. The white ones can light travel or teleport." 

Lucy looks mad for a second, like she specifically wanted anyone except me to explain. "How come I'v never herd of nekos before?" Lucy asks. Now knowing that she wants Natsu to explane, I stay quiet.

"Ya see, nekos are as rare as dragons, if not rarer. You probably don't know about them because no one's  written a book on them." Natsu says, "Which makes this one special."

He walks over to me and picks me up on his sholders. He takes a deep breath and I cover my ears, knowing he's gonna yell. "COME ON GUYS LET'S CELEBRATE!!" 

Everyone cheers in agreement and runs towards the guild. I try to get off of Natsu but he holds me there, unwilling to let me go. I immediately understand and don't put up a fight. He caries me over to the guild.

On our way there I can feel someones eyes burning through my head. I look over my shoulder and see Lucy giving me a death glare. I take it she's mad at me. I just don't know what she's mad about.


So yea. I made a Fairy Tail crossover. I don't care if you hate it, I need something that will make me want to write this book. So the next few chapters will be in Earth Land. If you don't like it... *walks over to a door labeled EXIT* LEAVE! WHY ARE YOU EVEN READING THIS BOOK?!?

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