Chapter 27: What Just Happened?

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~~~Last Time~~~

Nastu and the Gang destroyed an all-powerful Flute Monster that i forgot the name to!!!!..... They also destroyed the guild hall thing that I also forgot the name to....... ;-; (proof that my memory sucks)

~~~This Time~~~

~~(Y/N) POV~~

Once we got to the guild, people started to party like there was no tomorrow. it was pretty fun.

"Cana challenges Laxus to a drinking game!" I shout from the bar.

"I challenge you to a drinking game!" Cana states and points a finger at Laxus.

"What?" Laxus asks a little confused.

"Laxus accepts the challenge!" I shout again

"I accept your challenge!" He shouts," Wait... what?" he suddenly questions.

 But Cana already pulls out a barrel of Whisky and starts taking shots. Both are taking shots and Laxes stops around his.....*mentally counting glasses* 30th? I think, I can't really tell from here. Cana raises her fists up in victory. And we all clap and cheer, even though we all probably knew she would win. I walk over and check on Laxus.

"You OK?" I ask rolling him over and.... out like a light. I start to walk away when he suddenly death grabs me into a hug and mumbled something about.... me being cute and.... some other romantic, cheesy pick-up line. I was the only one to hear it though. Probably because of cat hearing and the fact he just whispered it into my ear.

Backstage Natsu gets PIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSS-*10 minutes later*- SED!!! I would expect him to go over to Gray and fight but NOOOOO. He walks over to the passed out Laxus and tares me away from his grip. Is it just me, or are all the guys fighting over me now-a-days? Natsu sets me down on the seat next to him and looks to the right... the direct opposite of me. I don't take much of it and continue talking to the other members, just having a grand old time.

~~~With the mafia gang~~~

~~3rd POV~~

Back at the Royal Sword things were getting worse. To them you have been gone for 16 hours, even though you have only been in Earth Land for 4 hours. Needless to say, they were worried. They had expected you would come back in 2 hours with an apology and would rebuild the briefing room.

Right now, everyone is in the commons, silent. It's so normal to have your loud, cheery voice around that everyone doesn't know what to do or say. Its so quiet, its so lonely, its so... LIFELESS.

~~Toriel's POV~~

~a few minutes before you arrived~

"We are going to go through the back door and take them by suprise. And with (Y/N)'s help, the cameras will be disabled before we even enter the halls." I explain to the group.

"Are there any questions?" I ask before the door opens reveling (Y/N). She takes her seat, knowing she's late but doesn't seem to care much.

I continue answering questions and listen to suggestions when I notice (Y/N) staring at me quite intensely. She was also vibrating quite hard. I tried to think nothing of it, but it's hard to concentrate when you know someone is staring you down. I start to get nerves and sweat under the gaze, but she doesn't stop.

Frisk seems to take notice of the situation and tries to snap (Y/N) back to reality, but that backfires. She tares out a little piece of paper from their notebook and crumble it into a ball. She takes aim and throughs it at (Y/N). It does snap her out of her daze, but in the wrong mood.

Once the paper ball bounces off of her forehead she has a mad look an her face. Everyone in the room notice this as it is vary rare to see (Y/N) mad. She stands up, knocking down her chair. She sends death glares around the room, trying to find the culprit is.

"OKAY!! WHO DID THAT?!?" She yells out of pure rage.

Once again, she glares around the room, trying to make anyone peep. Once no one speaks she stomps on the floor. Except it isn't a ordinary stomp. That one stomp sends a mini earthquake through the room. Once it is thoroughly trashed, she stomps out of the room.

That isn't the (Y/N) we know.

The best we can do is go to sleep, and hope she shows up in the morning.


Sorry for the short chapter!! I started to have writer's block near the end. But yeah... I hope you enjoyed!!

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