Ch. 16: Western Energy

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(Intro starts, Ready to Play by Club Player)

This is a dream world, we're living in.

Junior is seen sitting on a couch in the IMP break room, polishing his guns.

Every move feels like a beginning.

Junior is then seen sitting in the meeting room with the others, sharpening his scythe with with a sharpening stone.

I can't believe my eyes.

Blitzo is standing before them with his hands behind his back.

I'm feeling so alive.

Blitzo slams an order form and a photo of the target on the table.

All the colors in overdrive.

Everyone looks at the photo and Junior smirks a bit.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Game time, game time.

Junior stand up and twirls his scythe in his hands.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Aim high, aim high.

Millie and Moxie stand up, ready for action while Loona lazily gets up and rolls her eyes.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Game time, game time.

Loona sends a look to Junior, sending a small smirk at him while Blitzo comes to Junior with a smile on his face.

Power up, here we go.

Junior lifts his scythe before swinging it, opening a portal to the mortal realm.

Are you ready to play?!

The group stands before a castle in London, England.

Are you ready to play?!

The group charges into the castle though a back door, leaving a two dead guards on the floor.

Get ready. The world's at your finger tips. There's nothing like this.

They make it to the master bedroom and see group of guards before them.

Are you ready to play?!

The guards point their weapons to Junior and the others, ready to kill them to defend their king/queen.

The future's today!

IMP gets ready to fight, Moxie pulling out a shot gun, Millie pulling out a mace, Blitzo pulling out a flintlock gun and dagger, and Loona growls and bares her fangs.

Get ready. The world's at your finger tips.

Junior smirks at the guards before pulling out one of his guns.

Are you ready to play?

Junior shoots the bullet at the screen in a flash of light.

(End of Intro)

-IMP City. Early morning.-

The employees of I.M.P. were assembled outside of the building for some reason, yawning tiredly as Blitzo told them NOT to go into the office for some reason.

"I have a BAD feeling in my bones about this." Junior said, crossing his arms.

"Indeed, but does this happen regularly?" Minnie asked.

"Naw, this is a first time thing getting here this early." Millie said to her.

"And where is he? He said for us to be here but he should've been here by now." Moxxie said, looking at his watch.

They soon saw the van pull up with a screeching halt, Blitzo smiled to everyone as he slammed the front passenger door open!

"Hey, guys! Hope you're having a good morning, now getting the fucking van!" Blitzo shouted at them with a grin.

"I'm sorry, what?/Beg pardon?/Huh?" Everyone said as they looked surprised at Blitzo.

"I said get in! We got an appointment, come on!" Blitzo shouted at them.

They got in to see Loona restricted and trying to get closer to Junior.

"Uh. . What's going on here?" Junior asked.

"It took me five years. . But now I managed to get Loona her Hellbie T." Blitzø said as Loona flinched from this.

"Right. Well, it means that fucking disease won't harm the baby." Junior said with a sigh.

"Plus, she must need a physical to see how her pregnancy is progressing." Minnie said, sitting in the backseat with Moxxie and Millie.

"Exactly, can't have my little baby or my grandbaby being dangerously unhealthy." Blitzø said as Loona looked at him, fearful with her eyes glowing bright red.

Seeing this, Junior moved Loona closer to him and place her head on his shoulder.

"Hey, it's gonna be alright. You both are gonna be okay." He whispered to her.

"I'm scared." Loona whispered.

"I know it seems scary but you don't need to be, I'll be with you all the while." Junior said to her.

"The whole time?" Loona asked.

"The whole time." Junior said, holding Loona close as Blitzø was driving his usual crazy way.

They drove to elevator 666 and took it all the down to the Sloth. As soon as they got there, Blitzø's phone rang.

He pulled out his phone and saw the caller I.D., seeing it was Stolas and answered it.

"Stolas, is this important because this is a REALLY bad time." Blitzø said with the phone on speaker.

"Well, I apologize, Blitzy, but I appear to be in some trouble myself. I seem to in the process of being kidnapped." Stolas said, strangely calm over the phone.

"Oh.." Blitzø said with a pause. "Well...Not sure if I can help you today."

"Who is kidnapping you, Stolas?" Junior asked, ignoring Blitzo's claim that they couldn't help.

"Well, to be honest, I don't know. I'm tied to the back of a Wrathian fire horse and the one riding it is cover in a hood, a mask, and a clock from head to toe, even his tail is covered." Stolas said over the phone. "I am also tied in Blessed Rope, which is restricting my powers."

"A mystery cowboy? Who could that be?" Moxxie asked, confused.

"I do not know but I really could use a resuce if you don't mind." Stolas said.

"Look, Stolas, I would really like to come rescue you but we're a little busy at the moment. We're heading to Sloth to get Loona a checkup from the doctor and a much-needed Hellbies S-H-O-T." Blitzø said, glancing at Loona again.

The hellhound was shaking in fear as Junior held her, VERY much afraid to get a shot.

"These things take years to get, so I don't know-"

"Perhaps half of us could assist?" Minnie asked, interrupting Blitzø. "You and Junior could go to the doctor with Loona, while the rest doth aid Stolas."

"Oh is that a new voice? I like her already and I like her idea." Stolas said over the phone.

"Would you shut the fuck up already? I've been listening to your damn phone call this whole time!" A new voice said, the kidnapper.

Nobody could recognize the voice, only hearing that it was rough and deep.

"Who the fuck are you?" Millie asked in surprise.

"Don't worry about who I am and don't worry about your bird friend. He's in GOOD hands." the stranger said before ending the call.

"Fucking damn it!" Blitzø said, crushing his phone and putting the car into high gear. "Alright, here's the plan! We're going with Minnie's idea and splitting up!"

"Good idea but who goes where?" Moxxie asked,

"Obviously, I'll stay with Loona during the appointment." Junior said.

"That does double for me!" Blitzø said.

"Then the three of us shall go and find the Goetia." Minnie said.

"Good we got a game plan! Now let's hurry before the bird dick gets murdered!" Blitzø shouted as he kept driving like a maniac.

It was obvious Blitzø cared about Stolas but didn't show it because of his own personal issues.

'I hope you move past that someday, Blitz.'Junior thought as the skies outside of the van turned pink.

This showed they were finally in the Sloth Ring and the hospital was close.

Eventually they went to the hospital as Junior and Loona got out And Blitzø followed.

"Alright, you three! If that guy is a cowboy with a Wrathian horse, head down to Wrath! It could be his home turf!" Blitzø said before Moxxie took the wheel!

The van then headed off to find their kidnapped associate. Junior and Blitzo entered the hospital with Junior carrying Loona, who shook in his arms, while Blitzø was complaining about the appointment.

Another family was there. A pair of fish like demons from the envy ring.

Junior petted Loona and whispered calming words into her ear.

"It's alright, nothing bad is gonna happen. I promise." He said to her, sitting down in a chair.

"You don't know that." Loona said back as she sat down next to him.

"I do because if the doctor screws up, I'll kill him." Junior whispered to her.

Loona giggled at this as she hugged him. Seeing Loona calm down A BIT, Blitzø went up to the front desk.

"Heyo, sweetheart. I'm here for that s-h-o-t for my little Loonie Toonie over there." Blitzø said, gesturing to Loona behind him.

"The what for for?" the receptionist asked, a goat demon that looked a LITTLE slow as her face and eyes were droopy.

"Uh, the bullshit my daughter has to get every year but can't because you MOFOS only allow us to schedule for it every FIVE years!" Blitzø said, getting angry while signing in for himself and Loona. "Who the fuck made that fucked up system, miss "fuck me" titties?"

"Oh, it's simple. I can't spell or read." the receptionist replied.

Blitzø gave her a blank expression before growling at her.

"We are here for the hellbies shot, you R-WORD!" Blitzø shouted in anger. "Check your list, the appointment is under Blitz with a silent O at the end!"

"Oh, Blitzo. . Blitzo. I think I can find it." She said, looking through the appointment book.

Junior rubbed his skull.

"Oh shit." He muttered.

"GRRRRRR!" Blitzo was so close to killing this woman as he reached for his gun.

"So sorry, sir. We'll be ready for Ms. Loona in a moment." the goat demon said, pointing to the seat with a tentacle for a hand. "Please have a seat, Mr. O!"

"Blitz." Junior said.

"What?" Blitzø asked before seeing the fish demon mother giving him the stink eye. "Right, thanks."

Blitzø walked over to the chairs and sat next to Loona and Junior, the former of which was still shaking in fear. Junior continued to sooth her as best he could.

"It's not gonna hurt, Loona. Trust me, a shot never hurts as much as you think." Junior said to her.

"Yeah, Loonie. It's only gonna be like a little prick." Blitzø said as he pinched his fingers.

"Oh, how vulger." the fish demon mother said with a frown, crossing her arms.

"Excuse me?" Blitzø asked as he looked at her.

"Perverted imp." She said to him, looking away.

'Oh no.' Junior thought, feeling this was going to become a THING until the appointment.

"Ma'am. We're just here to get my fiance her shot." He said to the fish "Karen" demon.

"Then who is he?" She asked, pointing to Blitzø.

"He's a fire toad, mommy!" Her fish demon son said, pointing at Blitzø.

This caused Blitzø to frown/glare at the child.

"He is Loona's adopted father and I would very much appreciate it if your son didn't insult him." Junior said firmly.

"Thank you, Junior." Blitzø said.

"And why exactly should I when he is a filthy Wrathian?" She asked.

"First of all, cunt, I ain't from Wrath." Blitzø said as he gestured to himself.

"GOD LORD! There is a child present!" The other said, holding her son close.

"Either you both can calm down or I can take a little bit of sand out of your hourglasses." Junior said to them.

"Hourglasses?" The son asked.

"And who exactly are you?" The mother asked, confused.

Junior didn't reply as he reached for his hood and pulled it off, revealing his skeletal face. Karen nearly lost all of her color as she gasped and gulped.

Oh . . Oh shit I am so sorry!" She said quickly.

"Mommy, who is he?" The fish son asked, confused.

"S-Sweetie, h-he is the prince of death. The man who will be the Grim Reaper some day!" the fish mom said, quickly hugging her son and pulling her son away from them. "So, let's be on our best behavior right now."

"Good choice." Junior said, putting his hood back on.

"That's right, woman. That is my daughter's fiancé!" Blitzø said, feeling smug and superior now.

"Blitzø, please. Not the time." Junior said.

"Okay, okay, sorry. AFTER the doctor." Blitzø said, still having his smug grin as he sat back.

A few minutes of waiting and still trying to calm down Loona, the goat demon receptionist came through the back door with a clipboard in her tentacle hands.

"Mr. O? The doctor is ready to see your daughter." She said

Loona tried to run from this before Junior held tighter,

"Come on babe." He said, picking her up and venturing into the doctor's office.

Blitzø gave one last look to the Karen fish demon mother and her son, flipping them off as the door closed behind them.

-Millie, Moxxie, and Minnie-

Meanwhile with the other three members of I.M.P., they had arrived in the Wrath Ring in record time but stopped at a gas station to refuel and maybe dig up some information.

"I'll handle the gas, you two see if you can get some information on whoever kidnapped Stolas." Moxxie said as they all got out.

The ladies looked around the gas station area, finding very few people around to ask for answers.

"Millie, what of them?" Minnie asked, gesturing to a group of smaller imps holding instruments. "Perhaps they know something."

"Yeah, maybe. Let's ask." Millie said as they approached the imps. "Excuse me, fellas?"

"Howdy, ladies. What can we do for you?" One of them said, tilting their hat to Minnie and Millie.

"We are searching for someone and we are wondering if you've seen them." Minnie said.

"What's he wearing?" Another imp asked.

"Wears all black, even a mask with the hood up possibly all the time." Millie said, giving her best description of the kidnapper as she could. "May possibly have a big ass owl with him on a horse."

"Hmmm, now that you mention it, we did see someone like that earlier. He's taken over Striker's cave since his death." one of the small imps said, scratching his head.

"Striker? Was he a friend of yours?" Minnie asked them.

"I'm surprised he had any friends at all." Millie muttered, remembering how much she hated Striker.

The small imps heard this and took out some weapons, aiming them at Millie.

"Don't you EVER bad mouth Striker!" they shouted, showing just how much they valued the cowboy imp.

"WHOA! Easy boys!" Millie said with her hands up. "We don't want any trouble!"

Like lightning, Minnie took out a sword and stabbed one of them in the chest!

"AAAAH!" the other three screamed in shock while Millie looked surprised at Minnie.

"If thou wishes to kill, do not hesitate." Minnie said, pulling her sword out and whipping the black blood off her sword. "Now, is there anything ELSE we should know of this masked demon?"

"N-N-NO! Nothing else! He keeps to himself!" the new leader imp said, shaking in fear. "And Striker's cave is in the abdomen mines in the volcano in the south!"

"Thank thee." Minnie said with a smile as she put her sword back, walking back to the van as Millie followed after her.

"That was surprisingly violent of you. I thought I would be the more violent one." Millie said to her.

"I apologize but it was necessary." Minnie said as they stopped before the van.

Moxxie was leaning against the van while pumping the gas but there appeared to be two dead cowboy imps and one being strangled by the gas line.

'It would seem that I was not the only one quick to violence.' Minnie thought.

"Yeah. It's just kinda how things are with us. You'll get used to it." Millie said.

"Understood." Minnie said with a nod.

"Millie, Minnie, did you get anything?" Moxxie asked.

"We sure did. I'll tell you on the way." Millie said as they got back into the van.

They drove towards Striker's old hideout and unintentionally destroyed the gas station in the process, killing the rest of the imps there.

-Junior, Blitzø, and Loona-

Back at the doctor's office, the trio were now sitting inside of the office as a blue goat demon with glasses and a blue flame over his head was looking over some charts.

"So this must be...Toona?" He asked.

"Loona." Junior and Blitzø said, correcting the doctor.

"Oh yes, Loona. And you must be Mr. O and Mr. Reaper." The doctor said as he pointing to Blitzø and Junior.

"Yeah." Junior said while stopping Blitzø from attacking.

"Alright. Now this is routine procedure." The doctor said.

"Which one?" Loona quickly asked, shaking in fear.

"Why for your pregnancy of course, that takes top priority before the shot." the doctor said, getting up from his chair.

"OKAY...Good." Loona said in relief, calming down a bit.

The doctor ran some standard tests to check on the health of the baby and Loona as Junior and Blitzø watched from their seats. The doctor appeared to know what he was going as he wasn't hurting Loona in the slightest.

"We really appreciate it, doctor." Junior said with a nod.

"Think nothing of it, Mr. Reaper. I'm just doing my Hippocratic Oath to serve people." He said with a friendly smile.

"More like he's just scared of you or is gonna give a giant ass bill." Blitzø muttered to Junior.

"Blitzø." Junior said blankly.

"Just stating the truth." He replied.

"Whatever. Just make this go well." Junior replied to his boss.

A few more minutes later, the doctor was finished with his check up of Loona and wrote on his clipboard.

"Alright, Ms. Loona, I can safely say you are 100% healthy. Though a small bit of syphilis, it appears to be clearing up." the goat doctor said with a smile.

"Thank you, doctor." Loona said with a tiny grin.

"It's good to know she's alright." Junior said, moving to hold Loona's hand.

"I still think he's just looking for a bit payment." Blitzø muttered.

"Now with a clean bill of health, we can move onto the next part of the appointment." the doctor said as he walked to a bin of needles. "Don't worry, I've been giving shots for years and no hellhound has proven to be a problem yet."

"You'll be fine." Junior whispered to Loona.

-Millie, Moxxie, and Minnie-

With some effort, the remaining trio of I.M.P. found Striker's old cave and were ready to charge in guns blazing...until Minnie suggested something else.

"Instead of boisterous destruction, we could use stealth." Minnie said as Moxxie parked the van near the cave.

"What do you have in mind?" He asked her.

Minnie held her hands up and created an orb of magic in her hands.

"Nergal magic". She said.

A few minutes later and the trio was now inside of the cave but were walking in from a clawed court hole and walking on the ceiling!

"This is incredible." Moxxie said softly with a sniper rifle on his back.

"Yeah plus I have to admit, this cave is pretty cool." Millie whispered as they looked down at the cave floor.

She had a katana and broadsword strapped to her back.

"Though I think the statue to Striker is gaudy." Moxxie whispered, glancing at a statue of Striker with a strangely big cock.

"Focus not on that but then." Minnie whispered, pointing down.

The trio looked to see Stolas being tortured by his hooded kidnapper, still all dressed in black as he whipped some blood off of an angelic knife.

"You're pretty resilient, I'll give you that but I think we've reached the end of our fun." He said, turning towards a tied and injured Stolas.

" coming..." Stolas muttered, in pain and exhausted.

"But before I end this, I might as well take those pretty looking eyes of yours." The man said, preparing to cut out Stolas's eyes to keep.

"Not on our watch!" Minnie whispered before looking at Moxxie and Millie, nodding to them.

The trio jumped down to the floor, with Moxxie pulling out a gun and firing at the masked imp! Hitting him dead in his ass!

"AAAAAH!" He screamed in pain, looking up and seeing the trio!

'THEM?!' He thought as he dodged more bullets!

Minnie quickly grabbed Moxxie and Millie, producing nergal wings to fly/float them down safety next to Stolas.

"M-Minnie?" Stolas stuttered, surprised to see her after so many years.

"Good morrow, Prince Stolas." Minnie said with a small smile.

"Just hold on, we'll get you out of here." Moxxie said as he turned to the hooded kidnapper.

"Tch! You four ain't going nowhere." the enemy said, preparing for a fight as a rock fell and hit a radio inside of the cave put on a song.

A pop song.

"Ugh. Tacky pop." Minnie muttered.

"Agreed. Let's change the station." The enemy said as he pulled out an angelic six shooter gun, twirling it and shooting it.

The bullet ricocheted around the cave before hitting the radio, changing the song to a badass western song.

"Much better." He said, tapping his as he pulled out another gun.

"Alright. Let us do this proper." Minnie said, glaring at the kidnapper as she created clawed gauntlets.

"Yeah! Let's do this!" Millie shouted as she and Minnie rushed forward!

Millie slashed with the broadsword but the enemy kept dodging as he shot at her, making her deflect or dodge before kicking her away and making her lose the sword.

"Ugh!" Millie grunts as she lands next to Stolas, drawing the katana.

The enemy grabbed her sword to attack but Minnie blocked with her claws, knocking him back and stabbing his arm!

"Gah!" He said in pain, moving back.

"Together!" Minnie said as she helped Millie up.

"Heads up!" Moxxie shouted, throwing a battle axe to his wife!

Millie took the axe and aimed for the enemy in the stomach while Minnie aimed her claws at the enemy's mask! But he was faster, blocking and dodging their attacks while also deflecting any bullets Moxxie shot at them!

"Is that the best you runts got?!" He asked before the broadsword he took from Millie broke, impaling the stereo to play pop music again.

-Junior, Blitzø, and Loona-

They weren't the only ones fighting as back in the doctor's office, things had evolved into a fight as well. Mainly to get Loona to calm down or to hold her down to get her COMPLETELY OVERSIZED Hellbies shot.

"Okay that needle is fucking ridiculous." Junior said.

"Are you gonna help us or what?!" Blitzø shouted, holding Loona by her tail as she chased the doctor around the exam table.

Nodding and rushing, Junior grabbed Loona's arms and held her closer to himself to keep her in place!

"RAAAH! RAAAAH!" Loona roared, thrashing around in Junior's grip!

"Loona! Just calm down! This isn't bad!" Junior shouted at her.

"FUCK YOU!" Loona shouted, pushing back and SLAMMING her fiancé into the back wall!

He groaned as he lost his grip and Loona went back to chasing the doctor and Blitzø around the exam table. Loona barked like a dog. Her running slowed down by her growing belly.

"Times like this. . I wish I had mom's pistols!" Junior said as he got out of the wall and rushed to help as Loona cornered the doctor.

"Doc, over here!" Blitzø shouted, holding his arms up.

The doctor nodded and threw the large needle to Blitzø, who charged at Loona to inject her. But Loona dodged and SLAPPED Blitzø away with her tail!

"Damnit babe!" Junior said, rushing and tackling her!

Sending them both to the ground!

'Minnie, I hope you're having an easier time than us!' He thought!

-Millie, Moxxie, and Minnie-

Back with the triple "M" trio, they were pushing the masked man back as he dodged Millie's axe before dodging Moxxie's shots!

'Annoying fucks!' He thought as he shot at them but Minnie blocked/caught all of his bullets!

"Vulgar cur!" She said before throwing the bullets back, making him dodge before one hit right in his eye!

"AAAAH!" He screamed in pain, holding his eye!

"Raaaah!" Millie screamed as she rushed from behind Minnie, slashing at his guns to destroy them!

"No!" He said, growling in frustration.

Seeing this, Moxxie then shot him in the lower back!

"UGH!" He grunts in pain but refused to fall, pulling out a lasso and swinging it!

The trio dodged the rope, rushing at him but he smirked and pulled! A large rock was caught and was slammed into Millie, knocking her away! He spins and dragged the rock again as Moxxie ran and Minnie jumped to dodge!

"Tis quite the opponent!" Minnie said.

"And an annoying one!" Moxxie shouted as he dodged the swung boulder again.

'Blitzø, that doctor's appointment better be going well!' Moxxie thought.

-Junior, Blitzø, and Loona-

Moxxie was so wrong as Blitzø and Junior had to hold Loona down on the exam table!

"Sorry, babe!" Junior shouted at her.

She growled and snapped at him but he knew her bite pattern personally, don't ask.

"Do it, doc!" Blitzø shouted.

The doctor nodded and held the needle up, aiming to inject it into Loona's neck. The hellhound dodged left and right from each stab before knocking him back with her tail, right into a pile of other needles!

"BAAAAAAAH!" He screamed/bleats in pain.

"Okay. I'm getting tired of this!" Junior said as he pulled back and clapped his hands together, chanting a spell in a demonic language none of them knew.

"Junior, buddy? What are you doing?!" Blitzø asked in shock.

Suddenly, blue energy chains appeared from behind Junior and shot out! Wrapping around Loona's arms and legs to suspend her in the air above the exam table!

"What the fuck?! Junior!" Loona shouted at her lover before her snout was wrapped in chains to keep her quiet.

"These won't hurt but they will keep you in place!" Junior shouted before turning to the doctor. "Give her the shot, NOW!"

The doctor got up and nodded, shaking off the needles and rushing with the large needle! He stabbed it RIGHT in Loona's nice big backside!

Loona clenched up, her eyes growing wide and bloodshot before she howled loudly!

"AWWOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" She let out in pain as she broke the chains, sending everyone flying back and crashing into the walls!

"UGH!" Junior groaned, his bones rattling and cracking. " least it worked."

'I REALLY hope Minnie is having better luck on her side.' He thought as he rubbed his skull.

-Millie, Moxxie, and Minnie-

Luck didn't appear to be on Minnie's side as she was now fighting the mystery assassin alone. Millie had been knocked against a rock with her axe keeping her in place by the neck and Moxxie was hog tied next to Stolas from his rope!

"I don't know who you are but you're being a real pain in the ass!" The kidnapper shouted.

"As art thou!" Minnie shouted. "Thou art most skilled. But it is not enough!

They are engaged in hand to hand combat, nearly evenly matched as Minnie was slowly getting the upper hand.

Minnie blocked a punch, grabbing his arm and breaking it over her knee!

"Aaah!" He screamed before Minnie's headbutts him, knocking him back and cracking his mask!

"Reveal thy self, CUR!" Minnie shouted before kicking him in the face and breaking his mask completely!

The pieces fell to the ground as everyone looked up to his face, three of them gasping in shock.

"STRIKER?!" Moxxie and Millie shouted in shock.

'But he's supposed to be dead! I saw Junior behead him myself!' Moxxie thought, remembering that day at Millie's family farm so clearly.

But if that was the day he died, how was Striker alive right before them?!

"Surprised? You think you're the only ones with connections?" Striker asked, glancing at Moxxie and Millie.

"Who are you?" Minnie asked, glaring at Striker.

"I'm sure your new buddies will fill you in after this." Striker said, rubbing his throat and stitches scars that go around his whole neck. "After I kill the blue blood, of course."

Blitzing behind him, Minnie held her claws up as Striker gasped.

"Not happening." She said as she slashed, making Striker jump to dodge but managing to chop off his tail!

"AAAAAAH!" Striker screamed in pain again. "YOU MOTHERFUCKING BITCH!"

Striker rushed to attack her but Minnie's dodged, grabbing his arm and throwing him across the ground!

"Min, move!" Millie shouted!

Turning to her, Minnie saw Millie had freed herself and was ready to chop down Striker's old statue. She nodded and rushed to Moxxie and Stolas, leaving Minnie to chomp down the statue and fall on the revived cowboy!

A cloud of smoke kicked up, blinding everyone before Minnie created large black wings and flapped them to clear away the smoke!

"Where is he?" Minnie asked, looking around for Striker.

"Gone." Millie said, pointing to a torn piece of black fabric and a trail of blood.

Minnie growled, hating how a man that somehow escaped death had escaped, but stopped and let it go. There was something more important to do right now.

"Prince Stolas!" Minnie shouted, rushing towards the owl demon as Millie did the same and untied Moxxie.

"My daughter's old friend." Stolas said between heavy breathes. "It is good to see you again."

"Do not speak, you must save thy strength." Minnie said as she looked over his wounds.

He had lost some blood and his wounds were open, most likely from a heavenly weapon. Acting fast, Minnie use her powers and detaches some of her tentacles to plug up the wounds to stop the bleeding.

"Ugh!" Stolas winced in pain.

"Forgive me but it shall stop your bleeding." Minnie said before she gently helped Stolas up.

"We gotta get him to a hospital!" Millie said in worry.

They quickly make some make shift tourniquet for his broken leg and hauled him out of the cave to the I.M.P. van.

Moxxie and Millie got in the front seats and Minnie got in the back of the car while still holding Stolas, making she his wounds don't get worse.

"Whatever he did, it is severe." Minnie said.

"Don't worry, we'll get him to the hospital as fast as we can!" Moxxie shouted as he drove as fast as possible. "Just keep him talking and make sure he doesn't fall asleep!"

"Aye!" Minnie said before using her nergal tendrils, Minnie kept herself and Stolas stable as possible as they made great time to the hospital in the Sloth Ring.

An hour later, they had arrived and a crowd of press was already waiting for them.

"Vultures." She said before she focused on Stolas. "Stay with me. Please."

"Ugh, r-right." Stolas muttered, still keeping himself awake.

A gurney rushed out of the hospital and to the car, making Minnie open the door and set Stolas on top. She cut her tendrils but shifted them to wrappings to keep his injuries closed. The hospital staff rushed Stolas inside as the press followed.

'Be well, Lord Stolas.' Minnie thought as Millie's and Moxxie stepped out of the van.

"What the fuck was that?!" They heard, looking down to see Blitzø was run over by the crowd of doctors.

"Was that Stolas?" Junior asked, standing by the side with Loona having a cone over her head.

"Aye brother." Minnie said with a nod.

"He got hurt bad and we rushed him here after we drove the kidnapper away." Moxxie added.

"Stolas was hurt? W-what? Stolas can GET hurt?" Blitzø asked, suddenly surprised and worried as he looked to where Stolas was taken.

He was so focused on what happened to Stolas that Blitzø didn't hear Minnie tell Junior about the one who hurt Stolas, shocking him incredibly.

"Striker? ALIVE?! How?!" Junior shouted.

"I know not how. But I know I was formidable." Minnie said.

Junior looked over the injuries his sister and friends had, meaning it was a very tough battle.

"I can assume as much but I'm glad you're all okay." Junior said with a smile.

"Yeah but it looks like you two had your work cut out with Loona's shot." Millie said, looking over Junior and Blitzo.

"Not shit, I didn't get off scott-free either." Loona said, grumbling as she ripped off her cone and looked at Junior. "That spell used did HURT!"

"I'm sorry but if I didn't use it, you wouldn't have gotten the Hellbies shot." Junior said.

"I know but still! You owe me for that magic chain bondage shit!" Loona shouted at him.

"Okay, so how can I make it up to you? What do you want?" Junior asked her.

Loona thought for a moment before making her choice.

"Well, since you won't let me drink booze, I want ice cream. IMPORTED and at least six buckets of it." Loona said, crossing her arms.

Junior chuckled at this, thinking it was most likely cravings.

"It will be done." He said with a smile.

-1 Hour Later-

Currently in I.M.P., Loona sitting on the couch and eating a tub of imported ice cream while five others were around her. Junior was sitting next to her to make sure she didn't choke before the doors opened, revealing Minnie walking in with Octavia. They had just come back from visiting Stolas in the hospital.

"Whoa, Minnie told me about the ice cream but I didn't think she would actually eat them so soon." Octavia comments before looking at Junior. "By the way, is she eating so ravenously because she's pregnant or because of the shot?"

"I honestly don't know." Junior said, sighing a bit. "But it was the least I could do after chaining her up so the doc could give it to her."

"Thou hath done what could had to, mine brother. Thine beloved's mood shall improve." Minnie said with a nod.

"I know but I can endure so long as our kid turns out alright." Junior said before wrapping his arms around Loona. "I can't wait to meet them."

"Don't touch me while I'm eating." Loona said with a growl.

Junior let out another sigh as he moved away from Loona.

"Yes, dear." he said, leaning back on the couch.

Loona huffed before going back to her ice cream but not before licking her lips clean and kissing Junior's cheekbone before going back to eating her ice cream.

"I love you." She muttered, getting a smile from Junior.

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