Ch. 17: Party Rockers in the Hive Tonight!

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(Intro starts, Ready to Play by Club Player)

This is a dream world, we're living in.

Junior is seen sitting on a couch in the IMP break room, polishing his guns.

Every move feels like a beginning.

Junior is then seen sitting in the meeting room with the others, sharpening his scythe with with a sharpening stone.

I can't believe my eyes.

Blitzo is standing before them with his hands behind his back.

I'm feeling so alive.

Blitzo slams an order form and a photo of the target on the table.

All the colors in overdrive.

Everyone looks at the photo and Junior smirks a bit.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Game time, game time.

Junior stand up and twirls his scythe in his hands.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Aim high, aim high.

Millie and Moxie stand up, ready for action while Loona lazily gets up and rolls her eyes.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Game time, game time.

Loona sends a look to Junior, sending a small smirk at him while Blitzo comes to Junior with a smile on his face.

Power up, here we go.

Junior lifts his scythe before swinging it, opening a portal to the mortal realm.

Are you ready to play?!

The group stands before a castle in London, England.

Are you ready to play?!

The group charges into the castle though a back door, leaving a two dead guards on the floor.

Get ready. The world's at your finger tips. There's nothing like this.

They make it to the master bedroom and see group of guards before them.

Are you ready to play?!

The guards point their weapons to Junior and the others, ready to kill them to defend their king/queen.

The future's today!

IMP gets ready to fight, Moxie pulling out a shot gun, Millie pulling out a mace, Blitzo pulling out a flintlock gun and dagger, and Loona growls and bares her fangs.

Get ready. The world's at your finger tips.

Junior smirks at the guards before pulling out one of his guns.

Are you ready to play?

Junior shoots the bullet at the screen in a flash of light.

(End of Intro)

Arriving home after another day of work, Junior and Loona walked into their apartment with both expelling a sigh from their mouths.

"FUCK! Work has becoming even worse with this baby bump!" Loona said, cradling her pregnant stomach.

"Don't worry. You got me to take the stress away." Junior said as he held her hand.

"I know. And I love you and this growing kid." Loona said with a sigh. "But I just really HATE this pregnancy process!"

"I know, baby. I know." Junior said as he held her close.

The two of them walked to the couch and sat down, getting a sigh of relief from Loona as Junior grabbed the TV remote.

"So, what do you feel like watching?" Junior asked, using magic to enchant the remote.

"Surprise me." Loona said.

Junior nodded as be turned on the TV.

"Huh. The Terminator. Nice." Loona said as she watched with Junior.

"Glad you like it." Junior said with a smile.

The soon to be married couple kept their gaze on the tv, enjoying the movie for the next 2 hours...until a knock came at their door.

"Who is that?" Loons asked with a growl.

"Don't worry, I'll check." Junior said, getting up and walking to the door.

Junior opened the door to see his sister, who was dressed VERY differently than how she normally dresses.

Blue skinny jeans, a matching gray top, and her blonde hair in a long ponytail.

"Huh. Nice to see you change it up." Junior said, looking over Minnie.

"Thank you but tis not just a fashion visit." Minnie said before pulling out a bright yellow envelope.

Junior took it and saw the name of one of the seven deadly sins on the front of it.

"Beelzebub?" Junior said in surprise.

"Indeed. It seems the queen of Gluttony has invited us to a gathering." Minnie said, looking at her brother in surprise. "Did thou not receive yours?"

Junior looked at Loona, who was still watching the movie but turned up the volume a bit.

"Babe?! Did we get something important in the mail?!" Junior shouted a bit.

"It's on the counter! And who's at the door?!" Loona shouted.

"It's Minnie!" Junior said before going to the kitchen counter, with Minnie walking in to see.

Loona looked to the door and saw her future sister-in-law.

"Damn girl. You look nice in modern clothes." Loona comments.

Minnie chuckled.

"Thank thee, Loona." She said.

Junior went to the counter and saw the mail, among it was his invitation.

He sighed at his forgetfulness to check the mail.

"I should know better than to throw away an invitation from a sin. So, now I got to get someone to stay with Loona and grab a change of clothes to be ready in a couple minutes." Junior muttered out loud.

"Someone to take care of me? You think I'm a baby?" Loona asked with a frown.

"You know that's not what I'm saying, babe." Junior said to her.

"Perhaps her father could survey her while thou art away." Minnie said.

"NO! Not him!" Loona shouted quickly at them.

"Loona, you know Blitz means well and he's just as happy as I am to know you're doing well during your pregnancy." Junior said, walking to his room to change.

"I know but Blitz is so...Blitz!" Loona said, gesturing with her hands.

"That is understandable but even so, his fatherly love is true. He is the best option to care for you." Minnie said.

"But he's gonna be SO clinky!" Loona shouted, whining.

"Heheheheheh. We all are in some way." Minnie said with a giggle, walking to Loona and tussled her hair/fur.

"Mmmm." Loona hummed a bit, liking this and calming down.

From the bedroom, Junior could hear their conversation and decided to try to find someone BESIDES Blitz to look after his pregnant fiancé for the night.

"Okay. Time to put some calls in." He muttered.

Junior used his magic to make his phone float next to him as he began to change for the sudden party, thinking of one other person that could be perfect to take care of Loona while he was out.

'Hopefully Charles doesn't go too far.' Junior thought.

After a quick phone call and a charge of clothes, Lord Pain/Charles arrived shortly after the call.

Right as Junior stepped out in "party clothes." Which consisted of a black muscle shirt, blue jeans, and designer shoes. All tied together with his human appearance.

"How do I like?" Junior asked.

Minnie and Loona looked him over, both of them coming to the same idea.

"Hot./Marvelous." Loona and Minnie said, both grinning.

He chuckled as he approached them. Giving Loona a kiss on the nose and taking Minnie's hand.

"We'll back in a few hours, Loona. Charles, you take care of her every need." Junior said to them.

"Yes, sir, your majesty! Lord Pain shall will not disappoint you!" Charles shouted with a salute.

"I know." Junior said with a smile.

-One, enjoyable Elevator 666 ride later-

The two shared a taxi to the party at Beelzebub's home.

Over the trip, Junior checked his phone for texts from Loona and she was having the time of her life with Charles/Lord Pain taking care of her.

'That's awesome.' He thought, seeing a photo text of Loona getting a high class pedicure from Charles/Lord Pain.

"Tis good thou art concerned about thy love and child." Minnie said, seeing the photo text.

"How could I not? I won't lie and say I'm not nervous but at the same time, I'm excited." Junior said, putting his phone away.

"Thou shall be a wonderful father. Any maiden would be lucky to have your seed." Minnie said.

"Thanks mins." He said before he kissed her cheek and caused her to blush.

Soon, fry arrived at the party and the siblings saw the beehive design of Beelzebub's house.

"Well, this is...something." Junior said, his hands in his pockets.

"Tis also clever word play, considering her namesake." Minnie said as they got out of the taxi.

Junior paid to driver before he left, leaving the two of them to walk up to the front door. Coincidentally, Vortex was waiting for them and greeted them with a smile.

"Yo, J man!" He shouted.

"Hey, Tex!" Junior said as he and Minnie walked up to him.

The two high-fived as Minnie smiled at their interaction, so happy her brother has a male friend.

"How have you been, Tex?" Junior asked.

"I've been good man, how about you? Where Loona at?" Vortex asked, looking for Loona.

"Couldn't make. I got her pregnant." Junior said with a small smile.

"Pregnant?" Vortex said in shock, his ears standing up.

"Indeed. She is and they are both joyous." Minnie said, smiling.

"Can't help but be happy." Junior said with a grin.

"Well damn, man! That's great! I always knew you two would make a great couple!" Vortex said as he "bro-hugged" Junior.

He then leads them inside as the party was going into full swing.

'I have never seen so many hellhounds and imps in on location.' Minnie thought, seeing that everyone at the party was a hellborn demon.

There were a few succubus or incubus here and there along with some imps but it was mostly hellhounds.

"Yeah. My girl loves to throw parties like this for good times and good vibes." Vortex said.

"And she does this all the time?" Junior asked.

"YEP! Trust me, it is wild." Vortex said as he showed around. "Hellhounds from all seven rings come here all the time for a good time, good drinks, good food, and maybe even a good fuck if they're lucky."

"Hehehehehe. Truly a good party." Minnie said with a chuckle.

"Only the best with Bee. You two mingle a bit and I'll get you some drinks." Vortex said before heading off to get them some drinks.

Junior and Minnie looked around as they walked around, not letting their "human" appearances bother them for standing out. Minnie was looking around and taking everything in more than Junior, showing only a tiny bit of nervousness.

"Modern parties. I hath not been to one before." Minnie comments.

"Me either, I was never the most social type but that's okay." Junior said before he held her hand, "We're here together now. We'll be fine."

Minnie smiled at this before they heard a rather loud voice talking.

"So., he told me we were gonna fetch but he didn't even throw a ball. He just pretended!" A female said.

The two of them look over to see a trio of poodle type hellhounds talking and laughing at the joke.

'Hmm, never saw these kind of hounds before.' Junior thought before focusing on one. 'Wait, I think Loona told me about her once, said they knew each other.'

The "hell-poodle" saw him staring and recognized him.

"Oh! I know you!" She said, pointing to Junior.

The other two turned to Junior as the main poodle hellhound walked up to him as the reaper was confused by this.

"You know me?" Junior asked.

"Yeah, you're apparently the fiancé of this hellhound I knew. Loona." she said before showing Junior the social page of Loona, which had a picture of him and Loona during spring break.

"Yeah. That's me." Junior said with a nod.

"I knew it! But I just gotta know, she's lying about you being some big shot, right?" the poodle girl asked with a grin.

"Lying? No, she's not. But I won't tell you." Junior said as Minnie giggled.

'If only they knew.' Minnie thought.

"Oh. Whatever." The hell-poodle leader said, rolling her eyes.

"And why are you a human right now? This is a hellhound party." One asked, a Dalmatian type, confused by the two.

"We're not humans. We are something more." Minnie said, blinking and showing her green eyes.

The hounds were confused and amazed, even more so when one of them could recognize those eyes.

"W-W-Wait, are you...a nergal?" One asked, pointing to Minnie.

"Indeed." Minnie said with an innocent grin.

Suddenly, the tiro began to whisper among themselves.

"A Nergal is like the rarest demon alive! Only two are still alive!" One whispered.

"I know! So why is she here and why is she with Loona's boo?" The leader whispered.

"You know if you want answers, just ask." Junior said before Vortex returned with their drinks. "Thanks man."

"No problem, J man." Vortex said.

Junior chuckled at that nickname, liking it.

"Cheers! To a great party!" Minnie said, holding her drink up.

"Cheers!" Junior and Vortex said, "clinking" their cups together.

The lights began going out, making everyone look around as music began to play.

"Here it is!" Vortex said with a grin.

The lights began to dip as a spotlight shined in the center while someone was riding a descending, giant disco ball. A hellhound-bee hybrid with a lava lamp stomach dressed in party girl clothes.

"Hahahahahaha! How're my dirty bitches tonight? Are y'all ready to part-ee with the Queen Bee of Glu-tto-by?!" Bee screamed as she flew down to the dance floor.

"Woooooo!" Everyone but Junior and Minnie cheered for her.

Junior took a good look at the Sin of Gluttony herself as she began to sing a song, finding her nothing like he thought but finding this true form interesting.

"Hmm." He hummed.

"Brother." Minnie said, nudging him.

"What?" Junior asked, being innocent.

"She looks good, huh?" Vortex said with a grin.

"Yes she does. But I imagine she's already got someone." Junior said, drinking his cup.

"Yeah and you're looking at him." Vortex said with a grin as the song continued.

"Thou art dating a sin?" Minnie asked.

Vortex chuckled, catching some cotton candy Bee had created.

"Yeah. I know it's unlikely. But we do love each other." Vortex said before eating some of the cotton candy.

"I'm happy for you, man." Junior said as the song came to an end and everyone cheered for Bee.

Junior and Minnie also clapped for her as Bee flew down to them, hugging Vortex.

Yo, baby!" Bee said.

"Hey, babe! Awesome song." Vortex said, kissing Bee.

"Interesting." Minnie said, looking Bee over up close.

Bee glanced at her and Junior before pulling away from Vortex.

"So, you two are Tex told me about? Nice to meet ya!" Bee said.

"That's us. Hey, I'm Junior." Junior said with a wave.

"Junior? Oh shit! I know all about you!" Bee said before sniffing the air around him. "Oh yeah, you are HIS son for sure."

"So you can recognize me then?" Junior asked with a grin.

"Hell yeah, power respects power, bro." Bee said, holding her fist out and letting Junior fist bump with her. "So glad you and your sister could make it. Both of you 10/10 by the way."

"Uh. . Thanks." Junior said.

Minnie blushed and attempted to cover her chest, making Bee giggle a bit more.

"Hey! No need for that here, girl! Let them free." Bee said, waving her hand.

"Forgot to warn you guys. Bee is really wild." Vortex said.

"I can tell." Junior said, gazing at Bee's appearance. "Is your stomach a lava lamp?"

"Yeah. You like it?" Bee said, gesturing to her stomach/abdomen.

"Yeah, don't see much stuff like that around anymore." Junior said.

"That's why I like it! It's rare, it's fly, and it's one of a kind! Just like me!" Bee said before creating a chicken wing to eat. "Just like you two, it's why I invited you guys. Help you party with someone just as extraordinarily."

"Tis an honor, your majesty." Minnie said with a nod.

"Oh, no need for that useless shit! Just call me Bee!" Bee said with a hand wave.

"Okay, Bee." Minnie said with a grin.

From that point, Junior and Minnie enjoyed the party together. Talking with hellhounds, enjoying some food, and pounding some drinks but making sure not to drink TOO much

It great, if not the greatest party the siblings had been to in years. They both even had some hellhounds or imp trying to flirt with them, but they were all turned down gently.

'It's tough being beautiful/handsome.' they both thought before seeing a keg challenge in the center.

"Hmm." Junior hummed at the sight.

"Alright, party people! It's great that everyone is having a great time but I think it's time for a little seriousness." Bee said as she looked over everyone. "Anyone here who can out drink me!?"

Junior and Minnie glanced around, seeing if anyone would step up to the challenge. Some looked confident they could, others looked too shy, and some just wanted to egg someone else into doing it.

'Eh, why not?' Junior thought, finishing his cup and hanging it to Minnie.

Only for her not to be at his side anymore, walking forward towards Bee.

"I shall take your challenge." Minnie said, loud enough for everyone to hear.

Everyone but Junior gasped at this as Bee chuckled, crossing all four of her arms.

"Okay, little blonde Shakespeare. Let's see how much you can take." Bee said.

"Pride cometh before the fall, Queen Bee." Minnie said with a grin.

Bee grinned back as Vortex came to the duo, holding yellow kegs of liquor.

"Alright, bastards and bitches! This right here is from Bee's personal stock, best booze in all the seven rings!" He shouted, putting the kegs down between them. "First one to finish the entire keg wins!"

Everyone cheered as Bee grinned while Minnie smiled politely, showing her teeth before they turned green and becoming sharp as knives.

"Easy." Minnie said before grabbing a keg and biting into it!

Junior was surprised by this as Minne held the keg over her head with her mouth still attached.

"Holy shit..." He said with wide eyes.

Bee and everyone else were also surprised as Minnie drained/chugged the keg like a vampire, actually beating Bee in a matter of seconds before she pulled her teeth away.

"Delicious." Minnie said before crushing keg in her hands. "I win."

"...WOOOOOOOOO!" Everyone cheered for her as Bee smirked at Minnie, crossing her arms.

"Damn, girl! I've never seen anyone pound a keg like that!" Bee said before she bowed to Minnie. "I accept defeat."

"It was an honor to challenge you." Minnie said as she bowed as well.

Everyone cheered again for them as Minnie walked back to her brother.

"Uh. . I didn't know you could drink like that, Min. Damn." Junior said with a chuckle.

"Hehehehe, I'm still full of surprises, brother. If you wish to lean more, just ask." Minnie said, flirting with him a bit.

"Well, this is interesting." Bee said, walking up to them. "I take it your sister believes in the whole. . Incest wincest thing?"

"I guess. But we never really went down that path." Junior said as he held Minnie close, mainly to keep her stable if she was drunk.

Though, he didn't know if she was going to black out or not from the booze. Not that Minnie didn't enjoy it as she put her head on his shoulder but neither of them knew that one of Loona's old "friends" was taking a picture of them at the party.

"And post." She said with a smirk. "Hopefully Loona isn't jealous."

Back at Junior and Loona's home, the pregnant Hellhound was actually enjoying the night.

Charles/Lord Pain more than kept his promise to Junior, taking care of Loona like she was a queen and making sure she was always comfortable.

Getting her the things she needs, getting rid of any soreness in her feet, and giving her blankets or pillow to help her relax more on the couch.

"Is there anything else you require, Ms. Loona?" Charles asked.

"I'm good but thanks." Loona said with a sigh of content.

Charles bowed to her before heading into the kitchen to get himself a drink.

Loona sighed in relief as she watched tv, feeling a sudden vibration from her phone.

An "old friend" contacted her through social media.

'Why is this bitch messaging me?' Loona thought before looking at the post.

It was of Junior and Minnie at the party, the sister a leaning her on his shoulder lovingly from behind.

"Demon man congratulates date after Keg Challenge!"

'Date?' Loona thought, her ears twitching a bit. 'She is not his date, shes his half sister!'

Loona once said she was fine with Chi possibly joining the relationship before but Minnie was another story, even if they were on good terms now.

This was NOT gonna stay miscommunicated if she had anything to fucking do about it!

'What the hell is this?' Loona texted Junior the post.

Loona waited for him to respond, growing a bit impatient as she tapped her foot against the couch.

'Who took this picture?' Junior texted.

'Vikki! That poodle bitch is at that party!' Loona texted as she growled loudly.

'Not a good history with her?' Junior texted.

'YES! And stay the fuck away from her! I don't want her thinking she can just claim you!' Loona texted rapidly.

'Babe, you don't have to worry. I just met her and I ain't leaving the woman I love for a random bitch.' Junior texted.

'Good but still, stay the fuck away from her! I bet she's still a bitch like she was before.' Loona texted.

'I will and don't worry. Minnie and I are about to head back soon.' Junior texted.

Loona smiled as she finally let herself relax, texting her fiancé one last time.

'See you soon, babe. Love you.' Loona texted.

'I love you too.' Junior texted with a heart emoji.

Back at the party, it went well as Junior and Minnie exchanged numbers with Bee and Vortex, promising to stay friends with each other.

"Tell Loona we said hi, man!" Vortex said.

"I promise I will!" Junior said as he thought about Loona.

And her progressing pregnancy.

'Just two more months.' Junior thought as made a portal for them and walked into Castle Grimskull.

Right into her room.

"That was a fun night, sis. We should do this again." Junior said, setting Minnie in her bed.

"Yeah, it was sooo much fun. So fuuuun." Minnie said, a little drunk and dropping her Shakespearean speaking pattern.

Chuckling at her slurs, Junior let her stand alone before helping to take her clothes off and stopping when she was down to her underwear.

"Alright, time for bed, Min." He said before he tucked her in her bed. "Good night, Minnie."

"Good night, sweet brother." Minnie muttered before sleeping with a smile.

Junior cut off the lights and shut the door softly. Afterwards, he made a new portal and headed through to the front door of his apartment.

"Home sweet home." Junior muttered as he unlocked and opened the door.

Inside, Loona was still watching TV in the couch while Lord Pain/Charles was sweeping the room.

"I'm home." Junior said, smiling.

"Junior!/Young master!" They said, gazing at him while smiling.

"How was your night, babe?" Junior asked, walking up to Loona and hugging her.

"Wonderful, just wonderful. Your butler is great." Loona said.

"It was my pleasure, Ms. Loona! IF you ever need anything, I am but a phone call away!" Lord Pain said before pulling out his mace. "And by anything, I mean anything! Nehehehehehehehehehe!"

Lightning flashed outside of the windows, making Loona jolt in surprise as Junior looked unaffected.

"You still got that dramatic flare, Charles." Junior said with a smile.

"Thank you, young master." Charles said as he bowed.

The loyal servant put his weapon away as he took his leave, leaving Junior with Loona as he sat on the couch with her.

"So, that guy is a bit much but he does good work." Loona said.

"All in all, he's a really good dude. A little bit of a fanatic but he's good." Junior said, kissing her cheek. "Also, Vortex says hi."

"Thanks. I'll tell him hi next time." Loona said as they enjoyed the rest of their night together.

Cuddling, watching a little TV, and soon heading to be together for the night.

Junior's weapons:

1. Two guns, long and silver WWI era guns with engraved frames. (Alucard's guns from Hellsing)

2. A scythe with a long black handle with cross a the top and a black blade attach to one of the smaller ends. (Spirit Scythe from Soul Eater)

3. A carmine crafted blessing tipped sniper rifle.

4. A carmine crafted blessing tipped six bullet pistol.

5. Soccer ball shaped, metallic gold with three symbols etched on the front with several smaller symbols etched around it. (The Talisman from 9 the movie)

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