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Another body of a demon who wasn't lucky enough to survive a day in hell while other demons and sinners were just walking by the corpse going through their everyday afterlives. Though on this day there seem to be less demons walking in the city. Up high on the roof of a random building stood a particular demon. He stood at a height of 5'11 ft (6'1 if you count his cyan horns) Black hair with cyan highlights at the end. His skin is dark blue skin with small scars, one across the nose, one on the side of the end of the left eye and one on his neck, and his eyes being all black with a cyan iris and pupil his attire being a gray Long sleeve shirt, a black bandana mask hanging around his neck, a light gray trench coat with a cyan shoulder armor and a cyan pattern on the forearm and a cyan skeleton rib pattern that connects to the back, dark gray fingerless gloves, Black pants with light gray boots with a skull emblem on the front, finally while hidden in his coat was a his tail same color as his skin with an arrow like end. This fellow was just enjoying a meal he bought from a store nearby just viewing Pentagram city.

Finishing his meal he put the used napkins and empty cup in the paper bag his food was originally in and scrunched it up to a ball and threw it off the building as it landed on the street. Some would call it littering but it's hell anything illegal is legal. Standing up from the ledge where was sitting he stretched a bit, cracked some bones in his body and took out his Hellphone from his pocket seeing a time being countdown. "Seven more hours till the Extermination" he stated as this 'Extermination' or some others call it Extermination day, or the cleansing is a day where some Exorcist from heaven come down and purge Demons on plain sight no mercy given, this day happen once every year sort of like the news years eve event, The reason this happens is because hell has become overpopulated with too many sinners and Demons. As far as anyone knows the Exorcists mostly invade the Pride ring. 'I wonder if these guys invaded some other places besides the city?' Thought the man as he then put his hand in his other pocket and brought out some earbuds and connected them to his phone from bluetooth.

"I should probably find Azre time runs fast in this place" he said as he then stood near the ledge of the building and played a song on his playlist and nodded his head as the music started
{play music up top}

One step forward, One step backwards, One step forward, One step backwards

Just as the lyrics spoke he took a step forward and backward as he did a twirl as he raise his arm pointing to the sky then his head looking down as his arm was back down and then put his hands on his ears pretending to block the outside noise, then once his hands were down made a x with his arms then nodding his head as he then shakes his head side to side then leans back as he took a exhale and twirls as he fell off the building not before he took out a knife from his coat and stab it on the building as it decrease the speed rate of his fall and one near the ground he jumped off the wall and walked down the sidewalk rocking a little to the beat of the music.

I do my little lonely dance, I don't need you to understand, And there's no way I'm stopping, It's like nobody's watching, As I do my little lonely dance

As he kept walking, sometimes following the beat and paying deep attention to the lyrics like taking more steps forward and backwards as some other demons passed by him, some giving him weird looks, others glared as most weren't fond of others being in a good mood. The looks didn't go unnoticed by him as he kept nodding his head then shaking his head side to side then did a hand motion for others to come at him thinking it's part of the song. As one daring demon approached him from behind ready to give him a beating before a blue tail came out of the coat and made his attacker trip and as he was in mid fall...

Do my little lonely dance, Performing for my only fan, 'Cause it's my kinda party, My room is where my heart is, I do my little lonely dance

He twirls around with same knife in his hand and slits the demon's throat as blood was pouring the guy twirls the knife and stabbed another demon from behind since he tried to get the jump on him as the guy shakes his head side to side as he threw the demon's dead corpse to the road that a random car crashed to it and startled the driver as he crash his car to other demons as The blue skin humanoid demon kept walking listening to song side stepping side to side then side flipping as he took a deep breath and exhale put a hand on his chest rocking his shoulders back and forth before bringing his index finger in front his mouth motion to be quiet.

"SHHHHHH That's better"

He then looked up to the blood red sky then looking back down on the ground cover lifted one hand up covering his ear as the other the other stretched out to the other side as a speeding vehicle came by a truck to be exact and he gripped the handle that was on the side and jumped on the truck. Twirling around being careful not to lose balance to fall of the vehicle he then gives small kicks and snaps his fingers to the song and then jumps off the truck as he landed on a large demon and stabbed him in the head and jump of again and landing on the ground his tail extended gripping to a sinner's throat and tightens the grip and threw them to a random window. Skipping to the beat then raising his knee to reveal a glock strapped to the side of his leg he pulled it out and shifted to his side avoiding a dagger thrown at him he aimed and fired killing the demon who threw it.

I do my little lonely dance, I do my little lonely dance, Like nobody's watching, I do my little lonely dance

He then spun around and fired his gun while most demons and sinners ran away to avoid getting caught in the crossfire; only a few weren't so lucky and were shot on sight.

I do my little lonely dance

As the song of his finished He looked around the area of the estimate of 5 bodies on the ground as he shrug his shoulders and put his dagger and gun away and proceed to walk off enjoying the rest of his day.

Elsewhere in Pentagram city

One unfortunate demon looking so defenseless holding his shoulder was running away through an alleyway all he could recall was he and a gang were causing damage like break ins to a store or whatever they want since this was their chance to get what they want before the cleansing though they would never see the day cause they saw a couple of demons running was back to their homes and locking themselves leaving the gang confused as they heard the sound of a metal scraping across the floor and looked to see a stranger wearing a Coat that's torn apart, Medieval pants,and leather gloves he also seemed to be wearing a hat that would belong to a scarecrow, his other features was also having silver hair and a bronze skin with a unique shine to while his face was unseen to the gange due to him looking down. The group also noticed that his weapon was a sickle that is connected to a chain at the end.

[Play Necromancin Dancin]

He then spoke, "So causing trouble before this day is over, I was getting bored since i couldn't find a victim but thankfully you five made my day so I must thank you all for your time now before we would move on i have a question for you All?" The Man Spoke as he looked confused as he raised his head as it morphed to a demonic scarecrow face as the hollow eyes glowed a firedy orange yellow and some smoke can be seen releasing from the eyes and mouth. The group had the feeling of fear as they recognized who he was "ђՇ' Շђє ๓คՇՇєг คŦгคเ๔?"

This is it,Now we've found it, I'm astounded, Every town will be surrounded, By a throng of marchin' death, Delicious the riches, they glisten ahead

The Scarecrow Demon then reeled his arm back as the chain extended and threw it forward and it reached two from and with a tug, the chain pulled them towards him and once handle of the sickle was in his hand he stabbed one demon in the chest and before the other could runaway the Scarecrow gripped his shoulder and brought the sickle up and it stabbed the demon from the bottom of the chin and the sharp end came out through the eye hole. As the other three watched in horror, two small lights came out of the two dead corpses and the Scarecrow inhaled and the light made its way to his mouth and he swallowed them. As he look at the rest of what left of the gange he threw the sickle as a another on lodging it in his shoulder and twirled to pull his victim

Yeah (waltzin' forth, here they come), I'm raisin' the dead (everyone turn and run), I'm lovin' the dread (killer moves that will stun), Let's make some evil

As he was about to be the next person dead his fellow friend came and quickly removed the sickle from his shoulder but still had a grip on the sickle which made him the unfortunate next victim as he was pulled through and once near the scarecrow demon was grabbed by the throat as he was lifted high above the Scarecrow, with one swing his insides were starting to spill, as the life was leaving from his eye The Scarecrow swallowed another soul snack. "RUN!"Yelled one of the last two. As they made a head start The scarecrow Twirled the chain sickle like a lasso and threw it at the next demon as it impaled him through the chest.

"And make it saucy with a hot incantation, Dominion is served with a bubblin', spirited, vibrant,Subjugation (whoa)"

The injured Demon ran as fast as he could as the scream was the last thing he heard as he fled the scene and try to find an escape route through the alleyways the scarecrow was far behind as he sprinted toward the last victim as the scared demon used was any to slow him down from knocking down trash cans, only for him to jump from the ground to the walls,

Yeah (bust a move or you'll lose), The dance of the dead (they'll swarm all over you), Get out there and shred (it's a zombie footloose), And make some evil

He then sees some, passer by demons thinking he'll just forget him and kill the others.though the scarecrow spun around letting his sickle fly and slash them then continued chasing down the injured demon, Then finding a garbage dumpster and with whatever strength he had left pushed it forward looking relief only for it to be slice in two by the scarecrow demon as he gave a maniacal laugh. Continuing to find a way out of this hell chase turning to every corner letting his instincts take over which was a foolish choice as there was a fence ahead blocking his only way out but he had no choice as made a huge leap and using the only functioning arm grabbed the top and before he pulled himself over he looked back as the scarecrow was near and without losing another second pulled himself landing on the ground of the other side of the fence. Giving a breather for a moment, sighing in relief as he was out of the woods, he looked forward to seeing the end of the alleyway and walked forward to the light. Though with one step he heard the Laugh again and soon turned around to see the scarecrow already on the other side just 5 feet away from him.

Yeah (waltzing forth, here they come), I'm raisin' the dead (everyone turn and run), I'm, lovin' the dread (killer moves that will stun), Let's make some evil,Yeah (bust a move or you'll lose),The dance of the dead (they'll swarm all over you),Get out there and shred (it's a zombie footloose),And make some evil

With his luck out the scarecrow just took one swing the demon felt nothing until their head fell off the body as blood shot out. like a fountain and fell to the ground as a light came out of the body as the scarecrow's mouth opened and ate the soul.

"Mmmm~ yummy"The scarecrow spoke as his face shifted from a demonic scarecrow face to one that looks more human with his eyes having a white iris and black pupil. Twirling his sickle he hooked it to the side and stretched a bit after that routine. "Looks like we can skip dinner" a voice says as the Scarecrow looks to see the Blue skin demon, his earbuds hanging around his neck and both hands in his coat pockets. "Well what can you expect from me Zal, I was getting hungry" The demon now whose name is actually Zalgrath shakes his head "Whatever Azre let's go time is running short also never call me that nickname again" Azre or his full name Azregul Soon was by Zalgrath's side as the two were walking together as it's just another day in the afterlife.

8 hours later

The streets of pentagram city was all quiet nothing but just some demons in alleyways while others were foolish to be out in open and others locked in homes while once again up the rooftops were the Demon Duo Zalgrath just looking over the edge with Azre was sharpening his sickle seeing if it was sharp enough. "You know the peace and quiet ain't that bad compared to everyday noise and chaos here, shame that it only happens when it's this specific day" Zalgrath began saying just letting the wind blow looking at several landmarks of hell like the bright neon signs with traditional "Welcome to hell" to other advertising illegal stuff. "That's true though the only noise we can hear is- " before Azregul can finish they heard the sound of someone screaming before it died down

"The sound of poor souls dying" he finished as he twirled his sickle "That scream is not too far away we should get a move on" Zalgrath Stated before straightening himself and pulled out a Beretta 92 and a mag and he checked the bullets inside and once giving a quick nod he loaded it in the gun and put it back in the holder and took out a long, silver, triple-edged daggers, cross-section of the blade would be a three-pointed star. "Ready?" Azre asked Zalgrath but before he could give a response Zalgrath quickly pulled out the Beretta and shot above Azre and they both heard a thud as Azre looked behind him and looked down to see an Exorcist fall off the building as it was gonna kill azre but fell off. They both looked over the edge as it looked back up at them with a crack on it's helmet.

"That's one point for me," Zalgrath said before jumping down from the roof. "Lucky start" Azre grumbled before jumping off as well both demons with weapons in hand lodge the blades in the wall slowing their fall and once beard the ground jumped off and landed safely. They both sprinted off, As they both ran the realization hit Azre "Say isn't that exorcist the one you have a feud with every year?" but the question was ignored as they saw two more Exorcists, their appearance being black, white, and gray humanoids with the only color being on their faces. They possess two large goat-like horns on their head above which sits a halo with a central gem and three smaller crystals on both sides. Along with two large wings on their backs, their face is covered with an LED screen mask capable of various expressions.

"so any souvenir you're getting from these guys" Azre questioned as another Exorcist, their expression a creepy smile with one eye being an X, came and swung their Spear only for him to dodge the attack and whip the chain of the sickle and throwing it at the creature as it lodge in where the arm and torso connect. "I'm thinking of getting their blades. I need to make more bullets since i'm running low" Zalgrath said as one exorcist had a gun and, their mask showing a sad expression, fired at him as he took over dodging some bullets. Zalgrath Threw his dagger and it was lodged in the Chest once distracted, he ran towards the exorcist jumping and grabbing the handle of the blade and pulling it down and it ran from the torso the bottom almost cutting it in two.

"Catch" Arze yelled, throwing a spear To Zalgrath who caught it and Azre decapitated the smiling exorcist. They both sprinted off again before more could come and turn to an alleyway to take a breather. "Never thought of having an early start this year" Zalgrath Stated whipping blood off his knife. "Looks like those in heaven are starting to realize why some of their guys are limping back for recovery when they come back from missions," Azregul replied, twirling the sickle blood flying off of it. "So find a new job after the last one?" Azregul questions Zalgrath since they remembered he quit the last one after an incident. "Not really and some jobs are running low this year been a pack full, so we're still IMP employees" Zalgrath replied as he peeked over as some Exorcists that arrived looked at their comrades heavily injured and carrying them back for recovery. "What about you?" Zalgrath asked Azre and The scarecrow demon only chuckled "Oh you know keep killing some pour souls get some soul snacks and who knows get enough recognition to be an overlord" Azre shrugged

"Yeah keep dreaming as far as I know you might be better off doing a perfect job on your road to an overlord than that snake guy with an egg army what was his name again mr. p something?" Zalgrath question as he took out his beretta "Sir Pentious and that guy really is too full of himself" Azre answered as Zalgrath aime and fired at a lone Exorcist as they fell to their knees and the demon Duo walked out their hiding spot and approach the injured angel as it turn to see the two demons "You wanna take this one giving you a free point" Zalgrath said as Azre twirled the sickle and lodge it on the angels face their helmet still keeping it alive before Azre turns around and swung the chain like a lasso and it send the exorcist flying across the red sky as Azre pulled and the sickle came back to his hand.

"Thanks for letting me get the point" Before Zalgrath could reply the sound of a wing flapping can be heard and both immediately jumped out of the way but Azre wasn't fast enough as he got stabbed on his left leg "Fuck" he then quickly limped to an alleyway as he looked across to see Zalgrath in an alleyway hiding from more exorcist that showed up."You alright Azre?" Zalgrath shouted across the alleyway. "I HAVE A HOLE IN MY LEG DOES THAT ANSWER THE QUESTION!?" Azre shouted answering Zalgrath's question "alright that was stupid to ask" he muttered and rapid fired at the armed Angel and it fell and he quickly made his way to his partner before he could try to tend the wounds he looks to see more Exorcists arrive so no other choice he quickly grabs Azre arm and put it over his shoulder and help him stand up and quickly made their way to a vehicle.

Going to the drivers Window Zalgrath hit it with his elbow with all his might and once the glass was shattered the car alarm went off alerting the Angels and Zalgrath open the door and put Azre in the passenger's seat before entering the car himself and shut the door and hotwire the car making it turn on and putting his foot on the gas pedal and drove off. A window of a building opened and a demon poked his head out and looked to see a car drive off "Hey! That's my car Assho-" before he finished, an Exorcist flew up to him and decapitated his head with a spear, and soon the other exorcists followed the car.
"Any idea where you're going?" Azregul asked and he tried to steady his breathing and Zalgrath just drove straight down the road. "Not really but right now the situation is a bit more complicated so we need to hide somewhere I already have some items I need," Zalgrath replied and he looked to see any buildings to enter but also looked to see exorcists flying to them a few departing from the group to kill more demons and sinners. Some had shot at the getaway car Zalgrath noticed and did his best to avoid them but could hear the sound of spears hitting the back. "Son of a bitch we gotta lose them somehow," Zalgrath said as was nearing the car without a second option Zalgrath quickly put a seat belt for Azre and himself before making a sharp turn and the car turn going off-road and bumping into something causing the car to flip and rolled across the ground.

As it looked time slowed for a moment Zalgrath took a moment to unbuckle himself and quickly made his way to the passengers door and opened it and grabbed Azre's Sickle and used it as a grapple and unbuckles Azregul's seat belt and hold on to him as they both Flew out of the vehicle and once they both hit the ground with a thud they both groaned in pain though Azre in more pain due to his injury. As Zalgrath got back up he looked to see the Exorcist distracted by the crashed vehicle and quickly grabbed Azregul he spotted a back door of a building and quickly made their way and opened it and as they both rushed in Zalgrath turned around and immediately slammed the door shut locking it and taking a breather.

"Well that could've gone better," Azre said through his heavy breathing as Zalgrath went to find a light switch once on they looked around to see that their in some sort of storage room and looked to the side and see that there was a white limousine with pink on the side, pink tinted windows and the fron some sort of mouth indicating they were in a garage. Azregul gave a whistle before getting a panache. Seeing the condition his friend was in Zalgrath Went and pulled up a foldable chair that was on the side and stacked some items in front of it as he then helped Azre sit in the chair and reseted his leg on the stacked pile. "I'll find a first aid kit" Zalgrath said as he took out his gun and put it off to the side and looked around for the first aid but while looking he could hear footsteps approaching and looking at the door that led to elsewhere the knob turned and the door opened and two females came in.

One was a tall demon, with curly long blonde hair, her lips are black and she has red cheeks, Her eyes are black and her sclera is light yellow. Her eyelids have a contrasting pink shadow to add more depth and are decorated with gray eyeshadow her outfit consist of black bow tie, long black suspenders over a white long-sleeved shirt underneath her red colored tuxedo jacket, paired with aubergine colored trousers with stripes at the end of the legs in the same color as her jacket, and black and white spectator shoes. Just her attire appearance made Zalgrath have a tint of purple on his cheeks. As for the other female she is a slim demon with muted lavender-colored skin. Her hair is white, with light pink stripes at the ends, and she wears a big pink bow on the back of her head. Her right eye has an ivory white iris and her sclera is light pink. Her left eye is missing and is replaced by a pink X on a slate-gray eyepatch. Her attire consists of a white mini-dress with slate-gray X's on her bust, similar colored scalloped trim to the bottom hem, and a matching belt. She also wears slate-gray evening gloves and a choker of the same color. Her right stocking is pale slate-gray and her left stocking is pale slate-gray alternate with light pink stripes down the length. One of the straps of her dress is off-the-shoulder, revealing a slate-gray bra or tank top underneath. Her design is themed after a moth.

Also, this moth Demon had a Spear in her hand and pointed directly at the two Demons as Zalgrath regained his senses and pulled out his Angel Blade and took a stance Ready to fight. "Who are you two!?" Yelled the moth demon pointing the spear mostly at Zalgrath since he was in good shape to fight. "I could say the same to you!" yelled back Zalgrath as the Blonde hair spoke. "Wait Vaggie let's be calm about this" She said as the moth demon now known as vaggie didn't lower her guard. "What are you two doing in this hotel?" Vaggie question as Xalgrath hasn't let his guard down but wondered "Wait Hotel?"

"The happy hotel" The blonde hair Said with a smile and a little jazz hands as the demon duo looked at her awkwardly before regaining her posture. "Maybe we got off the wrong foot. My name is Charlie and this is Vaggie" The blonde now known as Charlie introduced as Zalgrath eased a little. "I'm Zalgrath. I'm sorry for intruding but my friend Azregul and I tried to find somewhere to hide from the exorcist and tend his wound" He pointed to Azre and he kept breathing heavily. Charlie gasped before moving passed Vaggie and looked at the Injured scarecrow Going to a shelf she grabbed a First Aid kit and opened it to grab some band-aids. Zalgrath dropped his fighting stance as Vaggie looked at the two as they both don't look too much of a threat and lowered her guard as well.

"What were you two doing out there it's dangerous to be out there when the extermination is in process" Vaggie questioned as she joined Charlie's side as she wrapped the band-aid around Azre's leg. "It's a sort of thing we do every year, Exorcists hunt us, we hunt them back mostly for resources to help us survive the next Extermination," Azre said as he took off his hat and let it hang off the chair. Both Vaggie and Charlie looked at the two surprised "Y-you both hunt Exorcists?" Charlie questioned as Azre answered "Yep not one of those bastards got us on their spears though I guess we were caught off guard by one with a good aim of throwing their spears." He chuckles as Charlie looks at Zalgrath and sees blood dripping off his forehead. "Oh Zal you got some blood on your head" Before he could correct her on the name he touched his head and tried to wipe the blood before Charlie got up and pulled out a handkerchief "Here let me get it"

"It's fine it's not that bad" Zalgrath replied but charlie paid no attention and wiped it "No I can't stand seeing my people injured" She said back as the blood was wiped off. A half an hour later they moved out of the garage and Into the Lobby of the Hotel as Azre was laid on the couch to rest his coat and gloves removed to ease him as well his sickle to the side. Zalgrath also took off his coat as well as his scarf mask as he talked with Charlie while Vaggie kept an eye on Azre. Charlie looked at the blade in Zalgrath's hand. "What is that?" She asked as vaggie was listening and a bit interested in the weapon as well. "oh it's nothing just a tool to keep me alives." Zalgrath responded quickly hiding his blade away wanting to change the subject. "So this hotel why would the princess of hell would want to make something like this not that i'm against it i mean anyone would like a vacation so hotels are great" Zalgrath said as Charlie responded "Well there's actually a different purpose, you see every year with the extermination it just breaks my heart to see that the only way to decrease hell's population is to purge them but I couldn't stand that so i thought maybe there could be a different way to decrease the population without the involvement of murder so I thought why not give sinners the chance to redeemed themselve so this hotels more of a way to see if we can make a sinner find their way to heaven"

After her speech Zalgrath was taken back seeing that the daughter of Lucifer himself was a nice soul to help rather than see slaughter. "Wow that actually sounds great, not bad of an ideal" Zalgrath said surprising both Charlie and Vaggie "T-Thank you Zal you're the third person that said the nicest thing about my passion project." Charlie said, smiling and almost teary-eyed. "Third?" Zalgrath said confused before Charlie looked down and drop her smile "My Dad believed that it's a ridiculous idea that there's no way that a sinner can be redeemed they only people who believe me is my mom and Vaggie, when I was starting my dad think I might turn out like a failure" Charlie said rubbing her arm as Zalgrath looked at her with Sympathy before putting a hand on her shoulder making her look at him "That he may think but i see it as a what if, if you put so much hard work into it I see there's a chance of success" Zalgrath said as Charlie smile bright that could rival hellfire before hugging Zalgrath which caught him off Guard and he blushed a purple color as his tail went straight "Thank you for that Zal"

Azregul was listening to the conversation and smiled for his friend as an idea came to his mind "Say Charlie" calling her all three looked at the scarecrow demon "Zal here looking for a job got any positions open for him?" He asked as Charlie looked at Zalgrath "Oh you're looking for a job? We have a position open right now only on staff is me and Vaggie but you can be a great addition. Are there any skills you have, what position do you think is good for you?" Charlie questioned happily as Zalgrath thought for a moment before replying. "Well why not security I know your princess of hell and *points to Vaggie* you have a personal bodyguard but having a bit more protection to make sure not you nor other residents are in harm's way." Zalgrath replied as Charlie thought and nodded before telling she'll be back for a moment going to get some papers. Vaggie walked up to Zalgrath and said "You know i don't really trust men that much but i gotta say thank you for supporting Charlie's project"

"You don't need to thank me having someone that believe in your ideals is a good thing and i only known you guys for an hour and so far besides Azregul seem like nice people I could trust before I even met Azre other demons and sinners were just so cruel" Zalgrath said looking down. "Is it the scar they gave yo-" vaggie was cut off when Zalgrath spoke "No it wasn't them i gave myself these scars" he replied as vaggie was shocked before she could ask more Charlie returned with the papers "Alright Zal just sign here and the job is yours" Charlie said handing Zalgrath a pen as his mood change to a happy one like charlies "Not just me getting the job" This surprised Vaggie Charlie and Azre as Zalgrath continued "I also believe Azregul here could also work here he needs a job like me as well so be lucky you're getting two new staff members Charlie" Zalgrath said as he filled in for both himself and Azre as Charlie had stars in here eyes and collected the papers "Thank you Zal Welcome aboard the Happy Hotel" she puts her hand out for a handshake as Zal shook her hand "Pleasure to be working with you, your highness" They both shared a laugh as Charlie spoke "well you should get some rest there's still time before the extermination is over i need you both in good shape as on The day the extermination is over i'm announcing my passion project on 666 news" Zalgrath nodded before heading off to a room and lay on the bed ready to catch some shut eye before his final thoughts "Things might get interesting around here" and with his eyes shut finally catching some sleep.

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