That's Entertainment part 1

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Happy Hotel

Zalgrath was asleep in his new room at the Hotel his jacket still back in the lobby tossed to the side as he just laid on the bed eyes shut, as it was peace and quiet in the room, meanwhile back in the lobby Charlie looked over Zalgrath's Application still having that charming smile since now she has two more employees to help in her passion project. Vaggie on the other hand was still deep in thought on how Zalgrath told her that he gave himself the scars. At first glance she didn't really trust him since she doesn't really trust men but something about Zalgrath made an exception since he too supports Charlie's ideal and that wasn't like to take advantage that was true from the heart and people thought demons never had heart. She then looked over at Azregul who was testing his leg if he was good enough to walk due to his healing taking time due to damage by holy weapon. She walked over to him as he only struggled a little to stand up.

"You know maybe still rest for a while before trying to get up" Az heard Vaggie say to him he looked to her before brushing it off "I'm just gonna get a drink and get back to resting" As he stand up trying to take his first step the pain kicked in and he sat back down. "Damn" Azregul hissed before looking to his side to see Vaggie with a bottle of water in hand. "Here" Az accepted the bottle as he opened it and drank from it, he looked at vaggie as there was something on her mind. Charlie walked back to the office to put away the application as Azergul asked "So he told you that he gave himself those scars''

"Why did he do that to himself? He's not a complete psycho is he?" Vaggie asked concerned as she thought maybe it was a mistake to hire him because he could be playing with them. "If i were to actually be honest don't judge him too quickly because of what he said" Azregul said looking down at the bottle "Zal is actually a nice guy and pure soul but there are somethings that are a mystery that even I can't figure out" Vaggie looked with interest before asking "What things you mean are mystery?" Azre looked up before saying "We'll when we first met I thought he was a sinner due to seeing tears in his eyes i thought maybe he was a pure soul in his past life but came to the wrong place but next thing i see is him with his angle knife and cutting that corner in his eye and that was just his second scar his first being the one across his nose and that was already there when I met him so he wasn't sinner"

"So hellborn?" Vaggie asked "That what i thought too but if he is a hellborn why is some traits of him are different from a normal hellborn, one he had that angel knife with him and is a master of using it knowing what it's used for and he even has knowledge of human activities and techniques Hunters from  the human world use to torture demons and angels" Vaggie looked surpised as she never thought a hellborn had knowledge of angel weaknesses she then decided to change the subject "so that weapon of yours it hurts the Exterminators as well?" Looking at the sickle Azregul grabbed it and let Vaggie looked at it explaining, "Yep before it was just my regular demon killing weapon but after I met Zal he stole an Exorcist weapon and modified it to this beauty now able to kill demons and angles"

They both talk more learning about one another as Vaggie revealed that she was a sinner in her past life but can remember, as well as Azregul saying that was in the progress of being an overlord of hell, Throughout their conversation they both shared some fun stories of their own adventure like from how Vaggie and Charlie came across their first client for the Hotel a Porn Star named AngelDust who was very hard for them to come to terms with, to Azregul telling how he and Zal came across a overlord who tried to get in their pants,  Vaggie throughout her life not trusting men made an exception that Azregul and Zalgrath are two she can trust to how they're not like the other Demons she's come across in this Hell.

Meanwhile Charlie looked over at the two and her grin grew wider as this was the first time she saw her best friend actually getting along with someone and that's the opposite gender. For as long as Charlie knew Vaggie only trusted her and always stayed by her side not that she was against it but Vaggie needed to be more open up with others besides her. Once putting away Zalgrath's and Azregul's application away she looks at the time to see that the End of Extermination day was almost there though her being the princess of hell she can still feel some demons from the outside being tortured and brutally executed from the Exorcists. Walking out of the lobby a sad expression came over her face and she walked down the Hall.

Back in Zalgrath's room he opened his eyes as his sleep was disappearing and was feeling more wide awake due to him having an ability that lets him sleep only for a short while like just having a quick recharge. Stretching out his limbs he was more curious of what this hotel has to offer since he was now gonna stay here. It's not like he has a home of his own since when living in hell he actually had an apartment or house.Exiting out of his room he looked around as he did notice that there were a few portraits of Charlie and her Family looking at one with the King of Hell himself Lucifer. Now Zal was familiar with demon Royalty as he was actually good friends with the Goetia Family, as well being close with their Daughter Octavia who he likes to hang out from time to time when Azregul's busy, as well some overlords some he despises like The Pimp of Porn Studios Valentino, who he likes to get on his nerves and steal money from his just to see his grin turn upside down to a frown.

Zalgrath then snickered to a time he caused collateral damage to one of Valentino's properties and sents the Pimp to full on rage and he still doesn't know who Zalgrath is though that brought up another memory of how he and Azre met Velvet. But that's a story for another time as his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of someone singing.

At the end of the rainbow, there's happiness. And to find it, how often I've tried.
But my life is a race. Just a wild goose chase. And my dreams have all been denied.

Zalgrath hear the voice getting louder as he started approaching a hallway who had a giant glass tinted doorway hinting that it leads to the balcony area

Why have I always been a failure?  What can the reason be? / I wonder if the world is to blame.  I wonder if it could be me.

Looking over to one window that shows a view of Pentagram city Zalgrath could see more corpses of hellborns and sinners dead as well as some remaining Exorcists who are seen smiling deviously as they look down upon the souls they have gotten rid of.

I'm always chasing rainbows.  Watching clouds drifting by.  My schemes are just like all my dreams.  Ending in the sky.

As Zalgrath approaches the voice he sees it is Charlie who heads towards the hotel's balcony as she releases fireworks that signals the rest of Hell that the extermination has ended. But he notice charlie was wiping her face as he could tell she has been crying

Some fellows look and find the sunshine. I always look and find the rain.

In the outside of the hotel a handful of demons are seen checking the area to see if the coast is all clear. An Overlord opens the blinds to her room, revealing the display of fireworks. Inside where she is shows a four-eyed Overlord, as well as Lucifer himself hiding in the shadows, present in the same room as her.

Some fellows make a winning sometime. I never even make a gain. / Believe me.

At The Porn Studios, Velvet takes a selfie with Vox whereas Valentino is not amused when he sees that he got a text from his employee. In another area in 'Cannibal Colony' Two demons check to see if Franklin is still alive and proceed to head offscreen as the cannibals waiting nearby pounce onto her dead body. Rosie then crosses out Franklin's name from the sign above their business.

I'm always chasing rainbows.
Out in the rest of the streets a demon can be seen cleaning up what's been left of the extermination as other demons begin to freely walk about in the open.

Waiting to find a little bluebird. In vain.

Zalgrath saw Charlie looks back at the Clock Tower as it resets the timer for the next yearly cleanse, but he also notice that charlies usual yellow Sclera then turn demonic red as yellow iris appeared with a black pupil and hear a loud bell chime as the numbers on the Clock Tower turned to 365 days until next Cleansing as the new year has begun. As Charlie gave another sigh she turned and saw Zalgrath staring at her, she quickly tried to regain her positivity as but Zalgrath was no fool as some tears were still present on Charlie's face and he walked towards her pulling out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped her tears off. "I-I thought you were asleep" Charlie began as more tears escaped her eye with Zal still wiping them "It was just a nap besides I wanted to explore more of this hotel then I...I thought heard the sound of an Angel singing" Zalgrath replied as Charlie became flustered by his compliment and looked away embarrassed before saying "Well I like to express my ways through songs" Charlie said with a chuckle as Zalgrath replied "well you're a great singer I've never met another singer besides Azre well I think I always try to hear him sing but neve actually got a chance to hear."

"You like to sing too?" Charlie asked with a small glint of happiness in her eye as Zalgrath smirked and stood back as his fingers snapped and eyes glowed as a electric guitar in the same Cyan color as his horns was summoned and gave one quick shred as he looked back at Charlie "There's more to that" Charlie had stars in her Eyes as she examined his guitar. "OH MY FATHER THAT'S SO COOL *gasp* YOU CAN HELP ME OUT WITH MY NEW SONG!!!" Charlie yelled excitedly as Zalgrath raised his eyebrow "New song" he questioned as Charlie then got into his personal space as a paper out of nowhere was in her hand as she showed him a song and explained what this song was about. Zalgrath, while paying attention to Charlie's plan of what she was going to do on the news, was also glad to lift up her spirits once again his cheeks had that tinted purple blush.

Back In the Lobby Azregul who know has his leg fully healed was now Fully healed put back on his hat as he and Vaggie sparked a new Conversation. "So Charlie said she was gonna have an interview about revealing this project on 666 news?" Az asked as Vaggie sharpened her spear.  "Yeah honestly we were lucky to have an interview though I don't really trust this idea of having it on 666 news" Vaggie replied as Azregul could clearly tell why "If it's about that Katie Killjoy lady then i totally understand she's a skank if I ever saw one " Az replied and he remembered the one time when making a name for himself, sure it got him notice to be feared in hell, but Killjoy did a whole rant on how he was just a lucky shot hellborn who thinks he can stand up to the big leagues of Overlords. "So, this hotel is supposed to redeem sinners, Did you two manage to find someone you think you can redeem?"

"Well there's our first and only patron whose name is-'' before Vaggie could finish Azregul then felt  2 pairs of arms wrapped around him and felt something soft hit the back of his head, now most men would find it rather exciting but in hell nothing is exciting. "Aw toots you shouldn't have got me a gift because i was being clean glad you and the princess know i need to lose myself once and while and you bought a cutie for me"  a male voice can be heard as Vaggie wasted no time and pulled Az away from who was grabbing him as he got a better look who it was. This demon was ​​around 8 feet with his heels on. He has a slender build with fluffy white hair and pink details on his fur, including a distinctive pink love-heart on the back of his head. The outline of a heart also encircles his chest, the bottom point of which extends past his waistband and down to his crotch area. He wears eye-shadow and eyeliner and while both of his irises are pink, his left eye has a dark sclera and no pupil. He also possesses a single golden fang among his sharp teeth, He has three cerise-pink dots under his eyes, which appear as freckles, although they are actually another set of smaller eyes his attire consists of a long white suit blazer with horizontal pink stripes down the length, a black and cerise-pink bowtie, a black choker, cerise-pink gloves, a black miniskirt and long black thigh-high heeled boots.

Azregul was trying to process what this demon was gonna do to him Vaggie spoke snapping him out of the process."He's not your play toy, he's a new staff member of the Hotel *sighs* Azregul meet Angel Dust the sinner we're trying to redeem" Azregul looked back to AngelDust before looking back at Vaggie "Wasn't there anyone else who even wants to be redeem" Azregul asked before Angel replied "Aw what's wrong handsome not your type I can change that" Vaggie felt her temper rising "Control Yourself He's not doing anything with you" Angel was taken back before a smirk appeared on his face "Oh~ so he's for your personal needs honestly toots never thought you actually went for men." Both Azregul and Vaggie had a tint of red on their cheeks before shaking their heads "I JUST MET HER/HIM!!" They both got taken back again since they said the exact words at the same time.

Before anything can be said Charlie and Zalgrath returned to the Lobby, Zalgrath who looked freshed up as his clothes were clean from the blood, his under t-shirt was traded to a black well dressed shirt. AngelDust got a good look at Zal before smirking again and flicking his hair up. "Well two cuties must be my lucky day, who's this blueberry?" Angel asked as Zalgrath can already tell he wasn't gonna like this. "Oh Angel you're here I like you to meet Zalgrath and looks like you met Azregul they're our Security for the Hotel'' Charlie replied as Angel walked towards Zalgrath and leaned down looking into his eyes before using one of his hands to hold his chin. "Oh you're a lucky one to have this job we can get pretty close, you and I. '' Before Either Charlie or Vaggie could interfere the sound of a gun click could be heard and Everyone looked to see Zal's beretta pointing at Angel's chest. His head looked down, his hair covering his eyes.

"I suggest you walk away. I just got this job and I don't want to make this look like an accident" his said as his voice was deep and menacing and it was enough to make Angel to walk back as Zal lowered his arm and put his gun away as he looked at Charlie before "Ohmygodthatwascrazypleasedon'tlethimnearmeeveragain'' Zalgrath said fast as his personality was complete 180 which took Charlie Vaggie and Angel by surprise as they thought he was really gonna pull the trigger the only one unfazed was Azre. "Yeah I should've mentioned Zalgrath has this soft side of himself that peeks out from time to time." Zalgrath, who had a purple blush covering his face with his hands as he shakes as Charlie, found it adorable. "So are we ready to go?" Zalgrath asks, peeking his head out "Yes we are" Charlie replied as she snaps her fingers as two flying goat demons appear.

Both have similar red fur, long black and red horns, yellow eyes with red irises, and similar suits, One of both hace their eyes a reptilian-like with thin vertical pupils while the other eyes are larger, with his pupils being round and circular. Both also possess dragon-like wings, and their tails are long with a tuft of fur at the end of each shaped into a point. Their "hands" have close resemblance to hooves, and their cheeks have pink spots, as well as what appear to be freckles located beside their eyes. One appears to have a normal looking tongue while the other has a more snake-like one.One of their hair is a light shade of red, while the stripe going down his snout is darker red in coloration, whereas the other hair is dark red and his snout stripe is a lighter shade of red. The Demon Duo were taken back by this particular Goat Duo. "Razzle, Dazzle please start the limo for us, please?" Both Goats nodded then flew off as Zal and Azre looked at Charlie "Who were they?" they both said at the same time.

"They're Razzle and Dazzle both were originally Charlie's stuffed plushies before they somehow magically came alive" Vaggie explained as the Demon Duo both taken a note in the back of their Heads. "Well anyway Charlie and I are ready to go to the news station and we were just waiting for you guys" Zalgrath said as Vaggie nodded and was readied herself as Azregul just sat down letting his hat covering his eyes "Good luck you guys I'll be here" He said as they stared at him as the moment of silence pass before Zalgrath spoke "Actually you gotta come too dude we're both new members and security for the hotel so we gotta help promote it as well" Azregul lifted his head up and deadpans as he replied "Oh come one work on the first day look i wanna help too but no way i'm getting near Killjoy". Charlie then tried to reassure him saying "Hey don't worry it's just me she'll be talking to as well as Zal since he promote his security position you'll just be there as back up if something goes wrong"

"Do I really have to?" Azre questioned. "Would you rather wait here with Angel Dust?" Zal asked before Azregul got up and straighten his clothes and putting his black medieval jacket back on "Nope let's go" and with that he walked ahead of the others leaving a disappointed Angel "Alright speaking of which, Don't you dare do anything stupid while we're gone" Vaggie said at Angel as she walked away to the limo as Charlie and Zal both looked at angel as he replied "Don't worry I know just don't do no sin" and Angel sat down as Charlie and Zalgrath looked at one another and nodded and turn to leave not before "Be on your best behavior angel" Charlie said and they both left and once they all entered the Limo, it drove off. "You don't think Angel Dust will try to ruin this?" Zal said sitting next to Charlie as she replied "I have faith it's not like he's gonna break his redeem streak "

He did.

{Timeskip Pentagram City square.}

The sound of someone screaming can be heard as A sinner has fallen into Hell and has been transformed into a demon. He falls face-first onto the road and is surprised to see that he is still "alive". "Ugh. Huh? *checks himself* I'm alive! I'm alive-" Now you're dead as He then gets run over by a taxi driven by Travis as the doors of the taxi open to reveal Angel Dust as he walks out of. Travis snickers.  "Heh. Thanks for the fun time, hot stuff!" he says as Angel pushes his hand through his hair " Yeah, yeah, listen. *Fixes his hair more* Keep this discreet, you hear me? I can't let out I'm offerin' my services to randos on the street! It was a quick cash grab *makes a gesture with his fingers and snaps his fingers at him, smiling*. Ya got it?" Angel said as Travis replied "Pfft! Whatever you say, slut! Muhehehehehehe!" Unfazed by his comment and pretending to be offended, "Ouch! Ooh! *turns back to face him* Such an insult! Let me know when you've come up with something creative to call me"  He then looms over Travis and points at him with all his index fingers," you sack of poorly packaged horse shit! Tell the missus I said "hi" *kisses him*, Shnuckums!"

Sighing defeatedly and saying "Pack a - puh..." Travis angrily drives off, as the sound crashing can be heard in the distance and Angel give an unamused look before looking behind him to see a vending machine for drugs. He goes for the 'angel dust' and just as he gets a hold of it, a random demon runs by and steals his drugs. "YOINK" he yelled before Angel Looked annoyed as he shouted at him as the thief only replied "Up yours, drag show" though he never made it that far as a boulder proceeded to fall out of the sky, crushing the feathered demon alongside Angel's drugs. "*gasp* Oh my GOD!" he yells as he leans worried more for his drugs rather than the dead demon he proceeds to pick up what's left of his pack of drugs with a devastated look on his face "MY DRUGS!"  he clenches the cloth angrily and looks up "Damn it!" Up in the sky A war ship can be seen passing by, destroying its surroundings. We take a closer look at the Warship blimp as there were 'dozens' of egg henchmen running around activating all mechanics on the ship as we hear laughter of their Boss who was a slender snake-like demon.

His eyes have a red sclera with black, narrow pupils. He has a wide mouth with sharp, yellow teeth. His predominant body color is a charcoal gray. He wears a jacket in a matching charcoal gray, pinstriped with yellow. The open breast of the jacket reveals a yellow underlayer, in the center of which is a single cerise eye.His cobra hood is yellow, tipped with black and features four cerise eye patterns spread across the center. He wears a black bow-tie with a yellow center. His neck is long and his tail is dark charcoal gray, with thick yellow stripes featuring almost a dozen cerise eyes running down the length of it. He also wears black fingerless gloves with yellow dots on each knuckle on his hands, and has sharp, cerise claws. The accessories include a large top hat in light charcoal gray, which has a large cerise eye in the center of it and, just like him, has many sharp, yellow teeth.  The top hat appears to be sentient, as it blinks and changes expressions. The Boss Snake was the one that Zal and Azre talked about before the "new overlord in the making" Sir Pentious.

Sir Pentious was operating different levers as he laughed at the destruction he was causing "Ahahahahahahahahahahah! Those other cowardly ssssinners dare not hinder my territorial take-over! A wise decision! The power of my machines are unmatched! *proceeds to push two levers as his hood flares open* No other demon can compare to the likesss of I!" The Egg henchmen begin to say their compliments as they admire their boss "Gee! That was pretty swell, boss!" "Yeah!" "You really showed them what for! I liked when you *his hand mimics the action of a shooting ray gun* shot them with your ray gun!" He then gets slapped away by Sir Pentious "I wish he'd shoot me with his ray gun!" Another Egg Boi pats him, As Sir Pentious then establishes "At this rate, I will seize control of the entire west side of The Pentagram by day's end! *pushes a few buttons* And nothing, *pulls levers towards him* not a single beast in this inferno of suffering will be able to take back this empire from *squeezes an Egg Boi with his tail* my constrictive grasp! And with no word From The Scarecrow demon my recognition for future overload will be in my grasped" The Egg bois begins to celebrate as one suddenly pops open a bottle of whiskey onto Sir Pentious's face. Sir Pentious proceeds to swat said Egg Boi aside. "Oh boy!" one said as Sir Pentious Then exclaimed "Hell will be mine! And everybody will know the name of Sir Pen-"

"EDGELORD!!!" Someone yelled as everyone on the ship stopped what they were doing and looked surprised, but Pentious looked offended "Pardon?! *looks around angrily and eyes the two Egg Bois behind him* Who said that?! What did you just say to me, you fried chicken fetuses?! *hisses* Speak up!" He replied "That wasn't us, Mr. Bossman." As suddenly a small bomb with a print of a skull on it breaks through Sir Pent's ship. It then lands right between Sir Pentious and the two Egg Bois. The bomb proceeds to blow up, leaving red smoke behind. Everyone was coughing as the smoke clears up, the owner of the scream is revealed to be a women as she prepares another bomb in hand. This lady appears to be a cyclops demon. She has blonde hair, with pink and white accents, a large ponytail, and wears a large amount of mascara. Her eye has a bloodshot pink sclera and a pale yellow X-shaped pupil. Her skin is mostly white, with pink freckles on her face and right shoulder. She also has a tattoo along her right arm that changes with different artists' interpretations. Her attire is a gray, fingerless satin glove on her left arm and appears to have a tattoo sleeve on her right arm. She also wears a red off-shoulder crop top, a black bra, a reddish, torn-up miniskirt with two buttons on the front with one loose suspender, and ripped black leggings underneath. She appears to be wearing a red and white boot on her left foot, while on the right, a white and red sock, suggesting that she lost her other boot. This Sinner here is Cherri bomb as the name suggest she likes explosions.

"You lookin' for a fight, old man?!" Cherri begins to juggle around her cherry bomb. "Why don't you get that tinker toy bullshit off my turf before I smash it?!"
She proceeds to throw up and catch the bomb in her hands as a large pipe falls on top of an already dead Egg Boi, crushing him as Sir Pentious and Cherri momentarily look at the carnage and grins sadistically "....More!" Sir Pentious unfazed by this sudden arrival of an opponent "Oh! *hood flares open* You wanna go, missy?!" Sir Pentious is then backed up by his henchmen of Egg Bois who are all packing heat. "Well, I'm happy to oblige! Ahahah!"

666 News Station
A Tv Screen shifts to a news segment as the logo for 666 News is shown on a black background, which is followed by the day's newscast. One was a tall, slim, pale-skinned demon. She has short, light-blonde hair that flares out into an almost fan-like shape, swept to the side bangs. She has rose-red eyes with small, white pupils. Her neck is long, mirroring her thin torso, and she has a large, round head. She wears a short, rose-red dress with a low-cut sweetheart neckline, long-sleeves, and shoulder pads. When she moves in a sudden way, cracking sounds can be heard coming from her body. And the other news Anchor whose appearance is composed of an expressive gas mask, which is his entire face and neck, that has a sweep of ashy blonde hair. He wears a gray suit with a white collared shirt, what appears to be black gloves, a red tie, and a red pocket square.

The Blonde women began "Good afternoon, I'm Katie Killjoy." she introduced herself as her partner then said "And I'm Tom Trench! Chaos out at Pentagram City today as a turf war is raging on the west side!" As That was said followed by "Between notable kingpin, Sir Pentious, and self-proclaimed spunky powerhouse, Cherri Bomb!" An image of Sir Pentious trying to be hip is shown, followed by a drawing of Cherri flipping the bird. "That's right, Tom! After the recent extermination, many areas are now up for grabs! Demons all over Hell are already duking it out to gain new territory!" Katie exclaimed as footage shows Cherri and Pentious fighting as he threw an egg boi at her and she caught it, broke him in half, and putting a bomb inside him, and throwing him back at Pentious. "Those two seem to be really going at it, huh?" Tom exclaimed as Katie replied "Looks like they're fighting tooth and nail *as she fishes out a tooth and a nail respectively from her mug of coffee* for that hot spot!" She then swallow said tooth and nail as Tom look at the broadcast focusing on Cherri and made a very terrible sex joke "And I'd sure like to nail her hot spot! *wiggles eyebrows* Hoohoo!" Katie is still smiling "Haha, you are a limpdick jackass Tom! Or should I say - *pours scalding hot coffee onto his crotch* no dick?" Tom holds in private reigions in vain as he squirmed "Ugh...not again!" The screen next to Katie then Show an Image of Charlie as Katie then said "Coming up next, we have an exclusive interview with the daughter of Hell's own head honcho who's here to discuss her brand new passion project! All that and more, after the break!" She crushes her mug in her hand and turns to Trench who's still in pain "Suck it up, you little bi-!" The camera cuts to commercial Break.

In a break room are our Demon Duo who were staring at the TV along with Charlie and Vaggie as she was adjusting Charlie's bow tie. "Gotta feel sorry for that man's future children *shrugs shoulders* if he'll have any" Zalgrath said as Azregul gave in a deadpan look "Like you felt any pain in your region" Zalgrath Gave a confused look as Charlie and Vaggie also shared his look of what Azregul meant "Care to elaborate" Azregul then said "What I mean throughout our entire adventures i seen you get Hit and object get thrown at you Dick and you're always unfazed by it and just walk away, you even got shot there but it didn't do a dent to it neither to your pants!" Charlie eyes widen before a red blush appears on her face and quickly shakes her head before any dirty thoughts can come to mind. Vaggie focus back on Charlie  "*exhales* Okay! You remember what to say?" she asked before Charlie inhaled and her mood was brightened to 100% "Yes! Let's do this" Vaggie then got in her 'protection mode "Just, look at me and I'll mouth it to you."

"Come on, Vaggie! *bends backward* I know what to say! I just feel like we need to...I don't know, *grabs and throws a doughnut away* make things sound more exciting! *Gasp* Hooo! What if I si-" Charlie got cut off by her girlfriend "-Sing a song about it?" Knowing she finished her sentence she gave her a boop on the nose "You knew I was gonna say that!" Vaggie adjusted her bow again as she replied "Because I know you But please don't sing! *shakes Charlie* This is serious!" Zalgrath Then approaches the two taking his jacket off and hangs it on a chair fixing his well dressed shirt "Well nothing wrong with a little music to express the mood" Charlie nood in agreement as she added "Exactly , I'm better at expressing myself and my goals through song!" razzle and dazzle can be seen eating donuts as Azre grabbed one as well. "But life isn't a musical, hon." Vaggie centered before putting her hands on her hips, Charlie got off the table as she then said "Fine. But I have these other ideas of what to say! *starts bouncing a bit as she shows Vaggie a piece of paper* The highlighted bits are the best part!" Zal and Azre looked at the paper as well and Azre replied "Uh, it's all highlighted. *squints* Is this a drawing...?" Charlie zips to the others pointing at the drawing "Yes! That's the happy ending, see?! *begins to fantasize* Everyone is smiling and happy in Heaven!"

"I know a guy who would like the dauphin high fives" Zal muttered as Vaggie pinches the bridge of her nose "I don't think it's that  simple. Just please follow the talking points we went over. And *grabs Charlie to face her* do not sing!" Vaggie looked at Zalgrath with guitar in hand as he rolled his eyes and it poofed out as Charlie rolled her eyes  "Okay, fiiiine. *in a british accent* I'll just have to resort to my impeccable improv skills! haway now Zal, we got an interview to dae!" She salutes Vaggie as she walks over to Katie Killjoy Zalgrath following behind playing along as well with his own british accent "right behind thou my lady" They both shared a laugh as Azre and Vaggie looked a little worried "Oh i hope this won't go bad" Vaggie said and looked at Azre who emotions shift from worried to suspicion when eyeing Katie "What's with you?" She asked as Azre replied "When we walked in I noticed how Killjoy looked at Zal and I don't like the look of it."

And he was right as Charlie and Zalgrath approach Katie as Charlie's voice returns to normal and nervously tries to go for a handshake "Hiii! I'm Charlie." Instead of the smiling Katie that was on TV one giving a stink eye to the princess but a lustful look at Zalgrath as she blows out a smoke of her cigarette before throwing it away "Katie Killjoy. I'd say it's a pleasure to meet you, but that would be a lie. And you can put that away. *gestures to Charlie's hand* I don't touch the gays. I have standards!" Charlie turns away nervously before replying "Yeah? How's uh... how's that working out for ya?" Katie with an annoyed look said "Look, my time is money, so I'll keep this short. *proceeds to poke Charlie's chest* You're not here because we wanted you here. You're here because 1. Jeffrey couldn't make it for his cannibal cooking segment." Zalgrath looked to the side to see A billboard of Jeffrey's cannibalism cooking show titled "It's Dahm Good!" 'She said she doen's touch the gays but she poked her chest which is also very rude now i know why Az hates her' "And two?" Charlie asked Before Katie gave a lustful look at Zalgrath and got to his personal bubble and lifted his chin to make him look at her directly. "Before I was thinking of canceling you at the last moment but when seeing this handsome man with you I couldn't refuse" Zalgrath raised an eyebrow as Charlie looked a little annoyed at what Katie was doing.

"What's your name?" Katie asked 'nicely to Zal as all he said "Zalgrath, im part of the staff of Charlie's new project" He stated before Katie gave a giggle and leans closer "Now why are you interested in helping out the princess looking for some fun time with her cause I believe you missed out she's gay you know and why go for her if.." she grabbed one of his hand and placed it near her chest "When you can have me for a private interview" CHarlie already having enough of what was happening pulled Zal away from killjoy and wrapped her arms around him "Um Ms. Killjoy it's best to get ready for the interview" Charlie stated clearly not liking what Kattie was trying to do in seducing her new friend. Katie leaned back fixing her hair before saying "You might be some royal big shot, but that doesn't mean shit to me. I'm too rich and too influential to give a flying fuck about what some tux-wearing demon *does air quotes with her fingers* "princess" wants to advertise." Both Charlie and Zalgrath look at Tom shaking his head in disapproval as Katie boasts about her wealth and influence to them,

"But I-" Charlie was about to say before Katie interupted her and poked her chest again. "So don't get cute with me, honey, or I will fucking bury you!" Zal was gonna talk back at Killjoy before one of the staff members of the studio yelled "And we're live!" Katie quickly rushed back to her seat holding papers while cracking her neck. "Welcome back! So, Charlotte!" she stated as Charlie and Zalgrath took their seats "It's... Charlie and this gentleman her Is Zalgrath." she smiles nervously as a spotlight flashes her way all Zalgrath did was wave at the camera "Whatever. Tell us about this new passion project you've been insistently pestering our news station about!" Katie said as she tried to hold in her outburst by clenching her pen. Charlie looked at Zal as he nods his head and looked at Vaggie and Azregul who both motion her to go on, "Well, *clears throat and exhales* As most of you know, I was born here in Hell and growing up, I always tried to see the good in everyone around me." Zalgrath saw a slug just peacefully passing by; he smiled at it before Killjoy spotted it and stabbed it with her pen, the slug's blood bursting all over, Zalgrath looked away as one tear slides he then see KillJoy about to throw the slu's blood at charlie so as soon as she threw it,"Hell is my home and-" Zal's hand goes up and the blood is splattered at his hand looking at charlie and nodded at her to continue " you are my people. We... we just went through another extermination."

Vaggie is seen giving Charlie two thumbs up as Killjoy quickly starts to lose interest " We lost so many souls, and it breaks my heart to see my people being slaughtered every year. No one is even given *slams fist on table, waking Killjoy up* a chance! *walks up from Killjoy's desk* I can't stand idly by while the place I live is subjected to such violence! So, I've been thinking: Isn't there a more humane way to hinder overpopulation here in Hell?" She walks around the audience, some demons listening well one specific demon was looking at her behind as Zalgrath noticed and looked around as everyone was focusing on Charlie and quickly put a silencer on his beretta and shot the demon before anyone else noticed.  "Perhaps we can create an alternative way to change souls through... redemption? *throws her arm around one of the News Cast's staff members* Well, I think yes! So that's what this project aims to achieve! *returns to Killjoy's desk* Ladies and gentlemen, I'm opening the first of its kind! A hotel that rehabilitates sinners!"

Zalgrath gave a small clap though looking around he was the only one clapping and stopped as the silence was the only response Charlie got as Her broadcast is being shown at The Radio Shack, which many other demons are also watching by the streets and everywhere else in Hell. Charlie started to lose her confidence a little as "Y 'know? 'Cause hotels are for people passin' through... temporarily..." Demons all around watching the interview just thought she was nuts as some just started to lose interest, back at the station Charlie still tries to regain confidence "I think it'll serve a purpose... a place to work toward redemption... yay...!" Back outside The Radio shack . A mysterious figure walks up to see her broadcast alongside a bunch of other demons watching as it sparked his interest. Back in the studio one the camera men muttere "Stupid bitch" and That just cause Vaggie to punch him as she looked back at charlie she didn't notice Azregul murder the guy and swallowing his soul. Back to Charlie she looks around saddened before Zal Nudges here and she looks as he was using his tail to carve on the news desk which was a music note hinting at Charlie to regain her confidence. "Look, every single one of you has something good, deep down inside. I know you do! ...Maybe I'm not getting through to you."

Razzle and Dazzle are then alerted as Vaggie knows what's gonna happen and facepalms "Oh no..." Charlie snaps her fingers as the room turns dark and a spotlight is shown over a piano that Charlie, Razzle and Dazzle start performing on as well as Zalgrath who was wearing a fedora looking down and snaps his fingers as a blue fire surrounds his hand as his cyan guitar appears and looks up to the crowd "Let's Rock this Joint!". Meanwhile, back at The Radio Shack, Alastor and his shadow can be seen tilting their heads curiously as their smiles widen.

(A/N: play the song to follow along if you want)

I have a dream, I'm here to tell! / *walks away from the piano as two news staff look at each other* About a wonderful fantastic new *takes out a drawing of The Happy Hotel* hotel!

Yes, it's one-of-a-kind! Right here in Hell, catering to a specific clientele *boops Dazzle's nose*. (Oooh ooh ooh~)

Killjoy is in shock as Trench looks around, confused.

Inside of every demon is a rainbow *throws her arm around the necks of two bird demons*! Inside every sinner is a shiny smile *passes through a hellhound's tail*! Inside of every creepy hatchet-wielding maniac *dodges all the hatchets being aimed at her* is a jolly, happy cupcake-loving child *hands the masked demon a sparkling cupcake and pats his head*!

We can turn them 'round! *turns to Killjoy and Trench* They'll be Heaven-bound! With just a little time, down at The Happy Hotel!

Vaggie stands with a worried expression  and looks at Azregul as he just shrugs and gave a nervous smiled before the both looked at Zal who tossed his fedora to the crowd and shred on the guitar

So all you junkies *takes out syringe from a doll demon's head*, freaks *takes a pic with a Siamese twin demon in its cage*, and weirdos *fends off a several-eyed blob demon*. Creepers *stares at a snail demon out the window*, fuck-ups *boops a couch demon on the nose*, crooks and zeroes *returns the stolen money to charity*, and down-fallen superheroes *throws her hands behind the necks of two supervillain demons* Help is here!

All of you cretins *dips her hair into the water by the pier*, sluts *holds out a pair of panties in disgust*, and losers *calls her rival a loser*, sexual deviants *backs away from the sex offenders as Zal pointed a gun at him with a crazed smile*, and boozers *turns to face a depressed demon*, and prescription drug abusers *throws away the drugs a blue demon is taking into a burning trash can*, need not fear!
Forever again *A demon lands on a wheelchair and is pushed by Razzle towards Charlie and Dazzle*, we'll cure your sin *shows the demon her chart*! We'll make you well *Dazzle injects a happiness serum into the patient* you'll feel so swell! Right here in Hell *turns to her full demonic form*, at the Happy Hotel!

Razzle continues to aggressively play the piano along with Zal bobbing his head.

*slides over to Killjoy's right* There'll be no more fire, *slides over to Trench's left* and no more screams. Just puppy dog kisses *holds a dog close to her face*, and cotton candy dreams *holds out a cotton candy*, and puffy-wuffy clouds *cuddles both the dog and cotton candy*, you're gonna be like "Wow!" Once you check in with me *shows a check-in chart*!

Vaggie is seen with both her hands covering her face, Azregul only using one hand to cover his face

So all your cartoon porn addictions *confiscates a neckbeard demon's cartoon porn magazine*, vegan rants *confiscates a vegan demon's Hellphone and takes a selfie with it*, psychic predictions *confiscates the spell books and crystal ball of a psychic demon*, ancient Roman crucifictions *avoids running into a crucified demon and knocks over two other crucified demons*, end right here *throws away all the confiscated items off a cliff*!

All you monsters *clenches the hands of two monstrous demons*, thieves and crazies *points finger guns over a dog demon trying to steal baguettes from an insect demon whose hood flares open*, cannibals *tempts the cannibals with a severed arm on a plate*, and crying babies *looks at a possum mother and her rabid babies, annoyed*, frothing mouths that's full of rabies filled with cheer *pulls a hellhound with rabies close to her*!

You'll be complete *completes a puzzle demon as the camera pans out*! It'll be so neat *a wrecking ball demon destroys the puzzle demon as Charlie gives two thumbs up*! Our service can't be beat *in her doorman uniform*! You'll be on easy street, yes *hugs three demons which include Mimzy*! Life will be sweet *turns to her demonic form* at The Happy Hotel!

Charlie twirls happily in flames as she jumps up, revealing a land made of candies and sweets behind her as Zzaalgrath slides on his Knees hitting the last key and stands next to Charlie


Charlie ends the song, rather exhausted as everyone in the news station looks at her with disgust and disbelief. One gray demon dumbass pops up and says "Wow!... That was shit!" Everyone in the audience including Killjoy and Trench begin to laugh at Charlie. Charlie looks crushed and devastated and slumps back down to her seat. There was a boo section in the news and the demons look uninterested, Zalgrath made his guitar disappear as he put a hand on Charlie's shoulder before giving stink eye at the other demons who are laughing "What in the Nine Circles makes you think a single denizen of Hell would give two shits about becoming a better person?! You have no proof that this little experiment even works! You want people to be good?! Just... because?! Katie says and she continues to laugh as Charlie's response was "Well, we have a patron already, who believes in our cause and he's shown incredible progress!" Katies give a feigns shock and ask "Oh? And who might that be?" Charlie does her best to look smug and confident "Oh, just someone named... Angel Dust!"

"The porn star?" Tom said as Katie turn to him menacingly "you fucking would, Tom! *turns back to Charlie* In any case, that's not even an accomplishment. I'm sure you could get that hooker to do anything with enough booger sugar and lube *motions doing a handjob*." Charlie wasn't affected by her statement as she replied "Oh, I beg to differ! *begins to count on her fingers* He's been behaved, clean, and out of trouble for two weeks now." Azregul looked at a news notification on his phone before his expression dropped "oh shit" and the news staff the said "Breaking news", "Double shit" Az said before he katie shoved charlie off her desk "We are receiving word that a new player has entered the ongoing turf war! Let's go to the live feed." The live feed shows Angel Dust stepping on an Egg Boi and throwing a grenade over at Sir Pentious with visible laughter in the background as Charlie stares at the screen in defeat and Zalgrath gave a facepalm "Oh shit"

"I'm a bad person!" They can hear Angle yelling in the muffled live feed as Katie started her bitchiness ""Oh, shit" indeed! It looks like the one who just joined the battle is none other than *feigns a gasp* porn actor, Angel Dust! What a juicy coincidence! You must feel really stupid right now." Charlie shakes her fist as Killjoy and Trench proceed to laugh at her, and does jazz hands together "Ratings!" Charlie stares at the live feed in distress and attempts to block it from the audience's view "Don't look at this!" Thinking on how to resolve this Zalgrath quickly rushes to Vaggie and Azregul "That spider's dead, I'm gonna rip his lungs out!" Zal said in anger as he couldn't believe Angel broke their rule. "Get in line" Vaggie said as she too was in anger. "Alright guys before we could think about attacking Angel we gotta first resolve this" Azregul said as he pointed to the news desk, "Well It sure looks like your little project is dead on arrival. *looms over Charlie* Tell us, how does it feel to be a total failure?" Katie said as everyone in the room excluding Charlie started bursting into laughter. Charlie thought of a comeback before grabbing killjoy's pen "Yeah, well... How does it feel that I got your pen, huh?! ...Bitch!"

Everybody instantly stops laughing while Katie Killjoy and Tom Trench give her the death stare Zal breaks the silence "Um is there something im missing what's so bad about taking her pen" he looked at Azregul as pointed back at the desk to see Tom Running away and Katie's demonic form reveals itself as she looms over Charlie from the shadows. "Okay we gotta resolve this one of us will get Ange-" Before Zal could finish "Not it" bith Vaggie and Azregul said at the same time as Zal gave them a deadpan look "Alright I'll get angel You help Charlie with that bitch and Az feel free to gobble some staff souls" Zal said before looking back ast kill joy before taking out his beretta and Shot one of her demonic legs off catching her attention as Zal just gave a smirk and flipped her off before jumping out of the window and using his know to slow his fall on the way down.

Back at the total chaos showdown in Pentagram city Purplish red smoke transitions into Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb fighting egg bois. "Heyyy, thanks for the backup, Angie" Cherri said as she was shooting at the egg bois with a rocket launcher. Angel just laughed as he replied "You kiddin'? This is the best action I've seen in ages!" Cherrie pulled out another one of her bombs and she threw it and asked "Where've you been, anyway? I thought you up and died or some shit." Angel lighted his own bomb as his response was " Oh, I wish! I've been staying at this crappy hotel on the other side of town. Some broads are letting' me stay rent-free if I play nice."They both cover their heads as the explosion sets off behind them, then grin at each other as they jump into the field. More egg boies came rushing at them as Angel took out a drum mag M1928 Thompson and shot then down one by one as he continued "Y'know, no fights, no pranks, no "problematic language"... Her words, not mine. *steps on a broken tile, launching an Egg Boi airborne and shoots him from behind as he sighs again* These crazy bitches are no fun! I've been clean for two weeks!" Cherri gives a disbelief smile responding with a "Holy Shit"

"Though I wouldn't say it's all terrible, just today two handsome fellows started working at that place and let's just say I bet they would be great for a night with us," Angel said, remembering Zalgrath and Azregul. "Oh really, do one of them at least love Violence?" Cherri asked but before angel can respond he gets chained and thrown aside by Sir Pentious* "Oh Harder Daddy!" Angel says but Sir Pentious took it seriously, "Son?!" Then Cherri flew in like a train and kicked Pentious to the side "Grr! You whores have no classss! In war, The side remembered is the side with the most ssstyle!" Pentious yelled angrily as cherri just decapitates a Egg Boi and said "Or the side that ain't dead!" Angel stands up and removes the chains before asking "Speakin' a style, is your hat like, alive or something?" Before Pentious can give a definitive response he regains his focus "Oh! Well, that's none of your GOD DAMN BUSSSSINESS! Now, is it?"

"Hah, would that make your hat the top and you the bottom?" Angel say smugly, A sign that says "Loser" can be seen in the background pointing at Sir Pentious as an Egg Boi acknowledges the roast and get a pebble thrown at him by Pentious as he was enrage and said "I'm going to blow you to bitssss!" not feeling a least bit threatened all Angel said was "Hm, Kinky" Pentious hat flared as he responded "Not like that! Pervert!" an Egg boi came from behind as Angel pushed Cherri out of the way and got caught in tentacles, "Not so cocky now, are we?!" Pentious said as Angel was unamused and replied " Y'know, you really gotta watch what comes outta ya mouth. I've been making these sex jokes the whole *limbs gets pulled on as Sir Pentious reveals a drill which jump starts* TIME! *reveals his third pair of arms carrying a gun* And it's obvious ya ain't catchin' on. I mean, it's just *pulls out M1928* sad! *shoots it at Sir Pentious*" Cherrie appeared on angel's side again and asked "So, think you're gonna get in a lotta trouble for this?" Before Angel retracts his third set of arms "Eh, what's one little brawl gonna cause?"

"It's gonna cause a whole lot of trouble!" Both Angel Dust and Cherri looked to see multiple Eggbois taken down as Zalgrath appeared giving both the death glare at Angel, Back at the News Station Azregul can be seen covered in demon blood as gave a small Burp and see Tom on fire and Charlie drop kicking Katie before he pulls out a spare chain and kicks and lassos it at Kill joy as he tied it to a support material and kicks her out a window leaving her hanging for a while and he looks at Charlie and Vaggie and nods to them signaling time to go. Back at the battle field Zal killed more Egg bois as there was so little left "That one of the cuties i was talking about" Angel said to cherri as she saw How Zal Slaugter the egg bois as he grabbed at light pole and with his bare strength lift it and and squashed the Egg bois and one of cherri's explosions went off in the background "Dibs on him" Cherri said as They both look behind to see Pentious and his last remaining egg bois as Cherri lifted another bomb

"You ready to finish this?" she said as Angel loaded another drum in Thompson. "Born ready, baby!"Angel and Cherri pounce onto Sir Pentious and his army as they prepare to clash, Zalgrath Saw what was about to happen and quickly thinks a way to resolve this before rolling his eyes and knew what had to be done and with a snap of his fingers a blue fire ball shot from his finder and it got between the 2 demons that were about to clash and they were blown back as Zal quickly grabbed angle and cherri and ran away from the chaos before anything else could happen. "It's only been one day, how can this possibly get any worse" Well it can as from the shadows two red eyes can be seen as it looked at Zal and a sharp yellow grin appear from the shadows as it begins to follow Zalgrath

To be continued....

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