Dr. Curt Connors

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"Was it as big as everyone says it was?" Ned asked Peter excitedly the next day.

Peter sighed looking at his friend, "Yes Ned, anymore question?" He asked with a hint of annoyance. Noticing how Ned's face had dropped he added, "sorry. It's just bothering me that it got away."

"Ok but how can something that big just get away?" Y/n asked from the kitchen, making sandwiches. Peter opened his mouth to answer but she continued to speak, "I mean where would it hide? It was like ten feet tall, it's not like it's a person who can blend in..plus the police were hunting it down too!"

"They lost it in the street." Peter added, taking a peanut butter jelly sandwich from y/n, "I should've tried harder." He mumbled taking a bite of the sandwich.

"Stop beating yourself up about it." Ned cut in, "you were hurt."

"But how can you lose something like that in the street?" Y/n asked, and Peter shrugged. "What if it's not a lizard?" Y/n asked, Ned and Peter stared blankly.

"Huh?" The both asked in union.

"I mean what if it's a person turning into a lizard." She explained and Ned and Peter broke into a laugh.

"A person?" Asked Peter laughing.

"No seriously because what are the odds that we've never seen it before, and how can it just vanish without a trace?"

"Actually that makes sense." Ned agreed.

"Thank you Ned!" Y/n said putting her head on his shoulder, "see Peter, Ned this I could be right."

But Peter looked enviously from her hand to Ned's goofy smile. "Whatever." He shrugged, "I'll just keep looking for it."

"We can help!" Ned offered gesturing to y/n and himself "we can go around-"

"No! no!" Peter cut in waving his hands in front of his face, "I don't want you guys in danger. What if I'm not there and something happens?" Ned looked disappointed and y/n made a grumpy face. "Just promise you won't look?"

"Ok fine." Ned said mumbling something else along the lines of, 'so much for guy in the chair.'

"Ok.." y/n said peering at the time, "I'm going to the library."

"It's Sunday." Ned said confused, "why would you-"

"There might be something there about lizards. I trust books over the internet." And upon seeing Peter's face she added, "it could give you some hints on where it's hiding."

•••times skip•••

Peter was walking down the street in the shade, earbuds in thinking about how much of a mess he was feeling over y/n. Ned likes her but I'm the reason he even knows her! What if I just told her and let her cho-

"Peter!" Y/n yelled from down the street and Peter stopped, taking out an earbud to listen better. "Peter." Y/n said again this time she was right behind him, "look." He turned around noticing a book in her hand labeled lizards & their habitats.

"Y/n I told yo-"

"Just listen." She cut in, covering his mouth with her hand, and she inched closer to a building so they'd be out of everyone's way, removing her hand quickly, "did you just lick me?" She asked, wiping her hand on his shoulder, which he complained about. She looked down at the book beginning to read: "in the wild lizards tend to be most active during hot days, as they live and are built to survive hot and dry climates."

"Ok and?" Peter asked not catching the idea.

"Well I thought, where in Queens could a lizard stay, there's no desserts." She explained, "so I was walking home but-never mind come on I'll show you!" She grabbed his hand running in the other direction and stopped abruptly in front of the entrance to the subway.

"Since when do you run?"

"Just look." Y/n told him pointing at a sewer drain under the subways staircase entrance. To his surprise a small group of brightly colored lizards came walking out of the sewer.

"They were in the sewers?" He asked himself crouching down to take a closer look, "I thought you said they live in dry areas."

"Yeah but that's the thing these are tropical lizards, look at the colors.

"Ok..so why are tropical lizards in New York?" Peter asked still watching the lizards, curiously.

"Well guess the closest place that imports lizards."

"Oscorp industries." Peter said, "I know Dr. Curt Connors uses them for testing, he's trying to make a cure that can regenerate limbs, I read his book."

"Yeah and where was that lizard heading when you fought it?"

"Oscorp industries." he answered again.

"Exactly...and who's he testing the cure on?"

Peter looked up at the girl, "I don't know probably mice."

"What if the lizard is hiding in the sewers and that's why they're here." She asked pointing to the small lizards. "What if the lizard is a human? Dr. Curt Connors is probably literally injecting lizard blood into himself to grow back his arm!"

"Ok..you think that Curt Connors, one of the most famous and brilliant biologists to exist has turned himself into a giant lizard?" Peter asked, "but-"

"Peter, Curt Connors hasn't been seen in two days ago, and his office was totally wrecked  yesterday! His research was taken, it's all over the news!"

"Yeah I know, I saw." 

"I'm telling you it all makes sense, Curt Connors is the lizard and he's hiding in the sewers!"

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