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"Police have blocked off the damaged areas and are advising citizens to stay in their homes, at this time further investigations are pending, this unknown creature is highly dangerous and authorities say it is not to be approached."

Y/n sighed rubbing her eyes with her hands. She looked down at her phone, which while dialing Peter, displayed a photo of him sticking out his tongue. But he didn't answer, adding to the long list of missed calls. "Come on Peter." Y/n turned her focus back to the tv as she heard the word 'spiderman' being said.

"-was seen earlier battling the creature, eyewitnesses say he appeared to be injured while leaving the scene."

The tv screen changed from the news anchor to a person on the street wearing sunglasses on their head, "it was so lit up bro!" They yelled at the reporter, "that green guy was all like wam! And Spiderman was like pow! He took some hard hits yo, that tail was huge! After it left Spiderman was all limping and stuff, he had like some slashes too dude, it was un-bleep-believable!"

If it had been under any other circumstances y/n would have laughed at the person, but because of the fact that Peter was still missing without any phone calls or texts all y/n could do was fear the worst. She paced the room once again with her phone to her ear and was sent to voice mail once again, "Hey Peter it's y/n, I just wanna know if you're ok I'm watching the news, it's in every channel just call me back." She hung up, running her hand through her hair.

"I'm sure he's ok." Pepper said from het bed "he's a tough kid."

"I'm just worried." Y/n huffed, "they said he was hurt."

"I know I heard." Pepper said looking apologetic, "if tony were here he'd lose his mind." Tony was in an entirely different country at the moment, with completely different daylight hours. He dealing with iron man duties and such. "I'm gonna drive around with happy again to see if we can find him, you stay here in case he calls or comes around." And so her step mom left the room.

"Y/n?" A small voice came from the doorway a few minutes later. "What happened to peter?"

Y/n turned and saw Morgan standing there, "oh he just..was fighting bad guys." Y/n explained turning off the tv, "isn't it past your bedtime?" She asked making a silly voice and Morgan giggled.

"I just wanted to say good night." She said walking to y/n and giving her a hug, "goodnight! I love you."

"I love you more." Y/n responded hugging the little girl, "do you want me to tuck you in?"

Morgan shook her head, "mom said she'd do it after she comes back, goodnight!" And the little girl waddled out of the room.

Y/n switched the tv back on biting her nails as things just seemed worst and worst, it was dark out now and still no response. The girl picked up her phone and once more dialed Peter's phone number.

Bang. bang.

There was a small knock on the glass window making her jump. Already knowing who it was y/n closed her door and hurried to the window, ripping the blinds open. Sitting at her window sill was and unmasked Spiderman with messed up hair, he was holding onto his side and kept his head leaning on the glass of her window. Y/n pushed the window open hurriedly and he gave her a small smile with his eyes closed. "Hi." He greeted, his hair was stuck to his forehead from sweat and his face had some scratches.

"Oh my god" y/n gasped and she got out of the way to let him in, "Ive called you at least thirty times and Pepper and happy are looking everywhere for you and-" she stopped talking, taking notice in how Peter winced as he ducked into her room and instead of landing on his feet, he just fell onto her floor. "Peter?" She kneeled beside the boy and helped him stand, guiding him to her bed she placed several pillows so that he could lean on them whilst sitting up. "What did that thing do to you?" She  asked brushing his hair gently out of his face, revealing more scratches and bruises including a gash stretching from his temple to his cheek bone.

"There's more." He groaned laughing lightly, "under my suit, on my back, and on my-ouch my chest...I can't go to a hospital and you're the only person I trust as..uh-my personal nurse?"

"I'll be right back." Y/n said and she rushed over to her bathroom, gathering alcohol, towels and, various types of bandages.

"Sorry about not picking up the phone." He said holding up a completely shattered phone, "it kinda got..killed."

Y/n dropped the medical supplies beside her onto the bed as she scooted closer to Peter. She looked down at the spider emblem on his chest hesitantly hovering her fingers above it, "Uh can I?" He nodded his head and she hit the button, instantly the suit went loose and the injured boy tiredly pulled it's sleeves from his arms until his bare chest showed. His skin had various cuts and scratches, she took notice in the bruises that began forming beneath his rib cage and the large gash across his chest. "This is gonna burn." She told him and he closed his eyes leaning his head back onto a pillow as she began pouring rubbing alcohol onto a clean towel. The boy hissed as she cleaned his wounds, but he didn't fuss or move much. He only made a few wincing noises here and there. When she finished cleaning all the cuts that were spread across his back and chest, she moved onto his face. "I need you to lean in closer so I can see your face better." She instructed and he obeyed moving in closer. "I'm gonna clean this big gash, ok?" And once again the boy winced painfully as she cleaned the blood and washed his wound. "Think of something pretty." She told him softly, concentrating on the cut, "it'll get your mind off the burning." She noticed that behind his eyelashes his eyes flickered upwards and watched her shyly while she finished.

"Better?" She asked the boy when she was done and he smiled at her.

"You should've seen the other guy." He joked, making himself laugh. And he rested his forehead on hers closing his eyes, "thank you." He whispered, opening his eyes to meet hers. Y/n blushed slightly when he pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear, resting his thumb on her cheek lightly. It was just her and him and the silence of the room, they were so close, so close in fact that y/n could feel his breath on her face and her lips. Peter had closed his eyes and started leaning in slowly, but remembering how he and Ned made a 'vow', he stopped and leaned away leaving y/n to open her eyes blushing even more and with a visible look of confusion mixed with disappointment upon her face. "Thanks again.." he said looking at the ground, "I..I should-uh-I should leave. May is probably watching the news and calling the-uh police stations again..tell Morgan I said hi."

Y/n was left alone confused after he climbed out of her window slowly and went swinging away.

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