The bestest avenger

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I had a dream that I was slow dancing w/ Peter to hostage by Billie Eilish....🤷‍♀️

Also I have like three extra chapters in drafts that I wrote yesterday but its kinda sad bc I'm rlly having fun w/ this book and doubt anyone is actually that interested 💀💀💀 anyway enjoy!

After the three had watched the movie in Peter's living room they just sat on his couch staring at the rolling credits. "Do you guys wanna finish building the LEGO Death Star?" Ned asked, but it seemed he was asking y/n only as he sat staring at the girl.

"I'm down, Peter?" And he gave a small nod.

About ten minutes into building the ship Ned had gotten a phone call from his mom saying he had to leave, he said it was a small family emergency but everything was 'fine' Peter and y/n had said goodbye and goodnight to him and he had left.

"Ok now I need twelve of these pieces." Y/n told Peter, showing him the picture in the instructions. "Gosh this is taking foreverrrr and I thought my Hogwarts had a lot of pieces" (the hogwarts set took me way too long to build lol)

"Y/n y/n" said Peter making a tsk noise with his tongue. "It's all part of the magic." He said, looking for the pieces she needed. "And in the end you'll be like 'wow this looks so cool the soreness of my fingers was worth it.'"

She laughed taking more pieces of legos, and when he gave her the pieces he had collected, their fingers brushed making them both blush. Twenty minutes later the LEGO Death Star was completed and y/n picked it up to admire it because she loved legos. (No it's not gonna turn into Loki and stab u) "wow you were right it does look cool." She confessed and smiled at Peter.

Peter giggled looking at the girl in admiration before looking back to the death star.

"What would you do if I dropped it?" Y/n asked, "and it just completely fell apart."

Peter took the Death Star from her placing it onto his desk gently then looked to her, "I'd kill you." He said in a completely serious tone.

"You'd kill me?" She laughed and he nodded. "Yeah you'd probably tickle me to death."

Peter looked up to her with a menacing look in his eyes, "so..are you actually ticklish?" He asked the girl taking a step closer to her.

"Wait no!" She said taking step backwards and when he approached her she grabbed a pillow from his bed and flung it at him, running out of the door laughing. "I didn't even drop it!" Peter followed her into his kitchen chasing her in circles with his hands out in front of him like claws. The two kept laughing until y/n ran into the living room taking another pillow from his couch to shield herself. But when Peter came into view she giggled again, keeping it in front of her. "This is my tickling shield." She announced. "don't come closer or you shall be terminated."

"A pillow?" He asked and with almost no effort he snatched it from her, giving her a 'really?" look and tossed it aside "so much for that." He teased grabbing her wrists. "No pillows will save you now!"

"Wait no!" She laughed as he began tickling her , "stop it!" She laughed "Peter stop!" She squealed, she was now on the floor shaking and laughing harder than ever before. "Stop!"

"Not until you say I'm the bestest avenger!" He laughed, stopping his tickling attack, yet pinning her arms down so she couldn't escape.


"Then I guess I'll just keep tickling you." And he did, making the girl continue to laugh to the point where her stomach ached.

"Ok! Ok! You're the best avenger!" She finally announced in a gasp. And he instantly stopped, still sitting on his knees. Y/n sat up in front of the boy with her legs straight in front of her. "That was evil." She laughed holding her stomach. "I hate you."

"Oh you know you love me." He told the girl and they both blushed again and the room almost went completely silent, except for the muffled sound of cars outside of the window.

"Well..I should probably go home." Y/n said, and in response Peter made a sad face "but maybe we can hang out tomorrow..if you want that is."

Peter nodded, "Yeah." He responded a bit too fast, feeling like he was caught in a daydream, but then he remembers Ned's words from the previous night. "and Ned can come too." He quickly added scratching his neck.

"Yeah..of course." But the girl looked a bit disappointed.

Peter stood up offering y/n his hands which she took, and he pulled her up. There was a little space between him, her hand were still in his and their eyes met sending butterflies into Peter's stomach. "Y/n I.." but he stopped when his mind once more lingered to the fact that Ned also was crushing on her. She quirked an eyebrow in question and he quickly said "I was thinking maybe the three of us could go watch a movie or something. You know that new men in Black movie came out.."

Y/n nodded in agreement and displayed a small smile, "ok we'll tell May I said hi when she gets home."


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