but I'm alive...

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grian pov

I quickly teleported to the server I have to be careful I don't want to draw any attention, especially with scar here, I carried him to an old bunker I made all that time ago, I opened the door and walked in. 

The place wasn't that bad looking saying it hadn't been touched In years, I walked to one of the rooms and placed scar on the bed " I hope your okay " I said to myself as I left the room and started to tidy up the place, I had turned back to my human form as to clean easier

* Time skip *

I walked into the room scar was sleeping in to see him sitting up just zoning out " Hey Scar" he immediately looked at me " Where are we? " he sounded a lot calmer than I thought he would for being in a strange place

 " well we're in my home server, I saw you passed out in the void so I brought you here " he nodded seemingly processing, I went and sat on the bed so that I was sitting In front of him "Feeling abit better? "

 he smiled slightly "As better as one can be after being in the void " he giggled a bit at his remark " But I'm alive... " he looked at his hand and then at me "I don't really know how to feel about this, I thought I was dead "

 he took a deep breath as I looked at him not knowing what to do to help because there's not much I can do in this position. but I can't really blame him he thought he was gonna die and that no one could help him so this has pretty much flipped his world around. 

it was silent as I thought, i remembered a question I wanted to ask him " Hey scar how come you didn't get sent back to your home world ?" He tensed up 

" I.. don't want to talk about it... " I felt abit bad for making him uncomfortable" Okay.." we then sat there in an awkward silence but scar broke it "So what do we do now? "

 I wasn't really sure myself, I thought for abit thinking of the best response that wouldn't stress scar out " I'm gonna be honest scar I'm not sure, after xisuma banning you and me I'm not sure as to what we should do but at least we're safe here "

 I smiled hoping to make scar feel abit better "Wait grian why did you get banned? " I froze for a second, scar didn't know I was a watcher, he was banned so he didn't see me lose my cool

but now raises a new question, do I want to tell scar? I don't want him to fear me but I don't want to lie... Gosh why is this so difficult

 "It's not important, I'm just happy that your safe, imagine if I didn't find you, you would have been dead by now "he nodded and smiled "Thank you " I smiled then hugged him "It's okay "

end here this chapter's shorter than the others just to get you guys excited for this, I'm planning on making my chapters longer resulting in fewer chapters but more content :) 

word count: 570

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