Oh the pancakes!

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Scars pov
I hugged grian back but I still had many questions, like why was he banned? Or like what server are we even on right now? And...wait.. wouldn't grian have been immediately sent here not the void because this is his home world, so how did he find me?

This is so confusing but with how grian brushed off my other question I wasn't gonna keep asking I'm just happy that we're both safe " Hey grian, can we have something to eat? I'm abit hungry. "

he looked up at me and smiled " yea sure come on " he stopped Hugging me and got up, I followed him as he took me to the kitchen, it was a pretty simple design and quite old too.

most kitchens would be designed abit differently nowadays but maybe that was just his goal when building this place, but now to think about it the entire place had an old design to it so I guess he was trying to make it this way.

I hadn't noticed that he had gotten out ingredients and had started to cook already but was quickly snapped back to reality when grian spoke teasingly" scar you going to help or keep standing there looking pretty "

he had a smirk on his face, I shook my head slightly with a smile " your such a tease " I ruffled his hair and started to help make pancakes with him "No not my hair, that's not fair" I giggled " Oh and why is that? "

I stood with my back straight to show how I was significantly taller than him as I smiled smugly "Because you're Stupidly tall and I can't reach your hair " he crossed his arms and pouted but I could tell he was still playing around

" aww look at the little guy he's pouting, " I said in a baby voice causing him to look at me and stick his tongue out at me then he giggled "Oh Scar your something else I swear " I put a hand on my chest dramatically

" oh my, grian you've hurt me oh so deeply with your words " I spoke overly dramatically which made him laugh, I smiled as I looked at him his laugh was always so cute I loved it. he soon noticed how I was looking at him and stopped laughing "You good scar? "

I realised I was staring and looked away as I blushed slightly "Yeah, I'm fine " he laughed again "You see something you like? " he said teasingly as he moved to try to see my face, I covered my face with my hands " griaaan"

I said in a whiney voice, he then moved my hands off my face I immediately looked at him as he held a smug smile " scaaar " he said in a whiney voice to mock me, I looked at him then at his lips and blushed more as my mind wondered.

he went to say something but we were interrupted by the smell of something burning " Oh the pancakes! " he quickly went to go save the pancake that was on the pan just burning, he turned off the stove and looked at me which caused us both to break out In laughter

" we're not good at this, huh? " I shook my head "Yeah, we shouldn't be allowed to cook " he sighed then binned the pancake, I turned the stove back on "Let's try this again and focus on not burning the food "

he nodded and we started to actually focus on making food. After a while we finished making the pancakes and sat down to eat them, it was mostly quiet but it was a nice quiet, when we finished we worked together to clean up

but now I was curious to look around grian's home server, grian never really talked about it while on hermitcraft but I wanna see if there are any of grian's old friends that I could meet "Hey Grian, I was wondering could we go around the server? "

gonna end it here lol see ya for the next one guys i hope you guys are liking this book.

word count: 720 

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