Gerald Man and PikaSheen save the day

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Nobody's point of view
Gerald Man and PikaSheen ran into bils cave and destroyed bill who had magically returned to gravity falls with the help of the illuminati who gave him more magic illuminati powers. Only Gerald man and PikaSheen were able to stop bill, and they did it fabulously, like true BOSSES.
Gerald Man slapped bill in the face with his flippers!!!! Wow!!!!! Such pain!!!!!!! And bill was laughing because pain is hilarious and everybody knows that!!!!!! Duh. Obviously!!!!!!!!
Then PikaSheen used her magic Pokemon powers to make bill explode in a fiery inferno of explosioness. BOOOOOOOM! Like BRUH.
So when PikaSheen killed bill they took dipper back to his family at the shack and he married Wendy and they had five children together. Even though they're a bit underage for that kind of stuff.
Mabel marries Gerald man and Waddles married PikaSheen. Everything was cool and stuff and nobody wondered where ford was. Meanwhile, in the vat of oil....

Ford crawled out of the oil with half his face melted off!!!! Oh my cheesecake! But don't worry, he was still alive, he was just missing half his face. He was mad that Gerald man, PikaSheen, dipper and everybody forgot him and was like "bruh I gots to kill them for revenge" and then fiddleford came in and decided to become ford's magical partner in crime. also known as sidekick. Dun dun dun!!!!

Find out what happens in book two.

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