An Ill-Fated Field Trip (Part 2)

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"We are the League of Villains, we've come to kill All Might." A man with light blue hair states this in a rather raspy voice before looking at the group up above. "Where is he? He was supposed to be here!?" The man starts scratching his neck in a rather unpleasant way while speaking to a being made up almost entirely of mist.

"It would appear there may have been a change in the itinerary sir."

"Hmm. I wonder if he'd show up if we kill some of the students here?"

Ochako heard this comment to immediately start cracking her knuckles. "YOU WANT A PIECE OF ME HANDJOB!? I'D BE HAPPY TO SHOVE THAT FUCKING HAND ON YOUR FACE WHERE THE SUN DON'T SHINE!" None of the students truly thought this a great way to handle the situation by antagonizing the villain that sneaked in with a small army on a bunch of students that were still new to being heroes.

"Stay behind me kids!" 13 prevented any of the students from going down to the center of the plaza while Aizawa began one by one taking down any villains he could. For the ones with mutation quirks, he was able to use his agile reflexes to bind them and use the trapped ones as shields against others while erasing the quirks of those who he could and taking them down before they'd have the chance to know what happened.

"Iida. You're the fastest here. You gotta go get help."

"I am not leaving you all here!" Yaoyorozu and Iida began to have a small argument before 13 intervened.

"She's right class rep. If they are able to get in and not trip an alarm, that means the security is being blocked. We need to inform those outside of what is happening." The engine quirk user agreed to begin running out. But before he could, the mist man came between him and the door to speak.

"Hello. We are the League of Villains. We are here to kill All Might, but it would appear he is not here. Might there have been a change in the syllabus today?"

"DIE YOU FUCKING VILLAIN!" Both Ochako and Katsuki shouted in aggression with them and Kirishima prepared to make a hole right through the mist man.

The attacks for some reason missed with everyone beginning to get encased with the strange mist being created by the man's body. "Seems you all are going to be a troublesome lot if you remain here. Now, disperse!"

"AKOCHAN!" Izuku jumped towards Ochako with OFA active to latch onto her and push the two of them near Todoroki. In what seemed like a small second, the three were transported into an area with what looked like a mountain terrain.

"THE FUCK DID HE DO!?" Todoroki started making a sheet of ice they could slide down for the three to narrowly avoid any injuries. "Thanks for the save Icy-hot."

"....." Todoroki didn't say anything before glancing over to the large number of villains.

"Well well well, lookie here boys. We got us a cutie."

"Playing with her will be fun." A bunch of the thugs began making cat calls and saying rather disgusting things to the point Izuku was absolutely seething with rage.

Not saying a single word, lightning manifested in thin air as a crack of thunder preceded it. The electricity bouncing off of him and striking the stone with enough force to cause them to crack. After a second thunderbolt had echoed throughout the landslide zone, all the villains were bloodied, battered and beaten stacked neatly in a pile. The other two had barely even blinked and they were defeated in even less time. "Ah, a nice pile of corpses. It's a shame that your leader led you here to your demise. What a fool." Ochako says in a cocky attitude before extending her hand and setting off an explosion in the pile of goons sending them flying. "Air mail." She says as one of them lands on top of the mist man down at the entrance. This causes the figure to be crushed under the weight of the four armed villain. Without much hesitation afterwards, Iida manages to bolt past the wisp villain and out of the USJ heading for back up.

"I think that's a record for a distance someone flew, Akochan."

"Nice." The area immediately went cold for the two to glance over and see Todoroki freezing the villains in a casing of ice. "ARE YOU TRYING TO FREEZE MY ASS OFF OR SOMETHING!?"

"This is so they don't attack us again. Besides, I'm sure Midoriya wouldn't mind helping you thaw it out."

This statement somewhat confused everyone since this was the most he's spoken. "Was that meant to be serious, or a sex joke?"

"What's a sex joke?"

"I... Di- I just... Ugh. Nevermind I'll explain later. Come on, we have some more shit bags to deal with." Ochako started walking down before having her arm grabbed by Izuku.

"Hold on a second. I wanna find something out." He walked over to one of the few that were still able to speak and knelt down to his level. "Your boss said he was going to kill All Might. How?"

"Like I'd tell a fucking piece of shit like yo-" The thug stopped when he saw Ochako behind the OFA user making pink explosions.

"You know, I can break your fucking limbs off your body easily and make you a fucking amputee a lot easier than normal right now bitch." At this point, both Izuku and Todoroki were kinda fearful for the man's life as Ochako took charge of this interrogation. "Now speak the fuck up. How was a bunch of shitty F-listers like you all going to kill the best pro-hero alive right now?"

"W-we don't know! All we were told was to head through a portal and we'd be able to take down All Might!"

"Who said this?"

"The weirdo with the hands on him! Him and the mist guy got us and said the weird bird wacko with it's brain on display was gonna do it! Something about being able to take what he dishes out and heal from it That's all I know, I swear!"

"Shock nullification and regenerative quirks. That means I, My brother or you will have to take this thing down. Probably best to do a Carpet bomb on it's brain. If the brain goes, it won't be able to regenerate such a complex organ." Ochako says, turning to Todoroki. Before doing so she sets off a stun blast in the villain's face knocking him out. "That's for saying you wanna spank my ass. Fucking pedophile."

"I'm not using his fi-"

"Use the fire or I'll cut that side off. Quit bitching about the burning trash man. Does his quirk make you use yours? No? I didn't think so, so nut up or shut up Mister, your more of a pussy than my brother is if you're gonna refuse to use your own fuckin quirk." Ochako threatens.

She begins walking down back to the center of the plaza for Todoroki to glance over at Izuku. "Are you into brazen girls or something?"

"WHAT!? THA-THAT'S NOT IT! Me and Akochan are just friends. I mean, yeah she's really cute and everything but....WHAT THE HELL AM I SAYING!?" At this point, even the villains that didn't know them knew that the two had a thing for one another to almost wanna tell him to just go up and make out with the brunette already.


"COMING!" Izuku and Todoroki ran down to catch up with Ochako and see All Might arrive to take on almost every villain in the plaza. He was without a doubt pissed before picking up Tsu and Mineta to take back to safety. As he did, he asked the two to take their teacher away while he battled the villains that were still causing problems. In a flash, he gave a ferocious Carolina Smash to the brain villain that split the ground and water behind him from the level of force alone.

"All Might was able to handle this. What did that loser say about beating the number 1 now?" Ochako laughed before noticing the brain monster taking All Might's attack like it was nothing. "Guess I was right about the shock nullification quirk."

"I don't like where this is going." Izuku started to worry before seeing his father get punched in the side with his injury and cough up a little blood. Him and Ochako went pale before watching the blond pro move to the back of the villain and suplexing him into the pavement.

"HA! Head's crush-" Ochako was in the middle of a confident laugh before seeing the villain's upper half through a portal with it's arms lodged in All Might's side. Izuku was in shock as the beast reopened the injury on his father's side. "Oh... that's not good." Ochako says out of impulse seeing the blood seep through the white dress shirt All Might is wearing.

"Todoroki, freeze that thing's side now!" Izuku commands, turning to the son of Endeavor.


"JUST DO IT!" The peppermint haired teen did as he was told and slammed his foot on the ground creating a path of frost along the ground that led up to the beast. It touched its arm and leg on the left side freezing them instantly allowing All Might to shatter the limb and retaliate.

"Quick! Burn it while the muscle is exposed! Hot as you can." Ochako shouted this time with Todoroki opening his palm and focusing all of his fire to a single point, raising the temperature hotter and hotter. It began melting the clothing of his hero suit and the surrounding area. Finally he fired the white fireball, melting the ground as it traveled through the air from the intense heat. All Might jumps out of the way seeing the incoming fireball as it slams into the exposed tissue of the Noumu. The smell of burnt flesh sickens the nearby heroes and villains alike as the monstrosity screams in agony from the pain.

In the heat of the moment, All Might attempts to get back in to finish off the beast, however both of the twins see this as an opportunity to launch an attack of their own. Simultaneously from halfway across the facility from the other, they form a hole with their right hand in front of their left flattened out hand and fire a AP shot together. The pink and orange balls or condensed explosive force spin in a corkscrew manner as they fly through the air but, due to how the twins were aiming, the blasts collide with each other. At first they turn and look angered at the other but notice something remarkable, the combined AP shots formed an even larger mass of energy, growing so large it dwarfs even All Might in size. The peach colored 10 foot wide fireball slams into the Noumu as it tries to regenerate and detonates. The shockwave was so powerful it sent everyone, including All Might flying backwards. Those unlucky enough to be close to it had their eardrums ruptured from how loud the explosion was. The shockwave was so strong it ripped part of the roof off the facility and left a mushroom cloud in its wake. When the smoke and dust settled, nothing was left of the Noumu whatsoever. It had been well and truly vaporized by the combined attack from the twins.

"HA! LET'S SEE YOU REGENERATE FROM THAT BIRD FREAK!" Ochako was somewhat happy with this while the man with hands held his ears in pain for being too close towards the blast.

"DAMMIT! MY EARS ARE RINGING FROM YOU BASTARDS!" He started screaming on the ground with All Might prepared to apprehend him. But before he could, the man made of mist pulled them away, leaving only their underlings left. Shortly after, the teachers of UA had come through the opened doors to the USJ and began immediately defeating the remaining villains.

"All Might! Are you alright!?" Izuku ran up to his father who began to drop to his scrawny form, clenching his side in pain.

"I'll be alright lad. I should however thank the young Uraraka twins."

"Ehehehe. It was nothing sir." Ochako came over to blush a bit at having the number 1 pro thank her for the acts she did. "If it wasn't for Todoroki though, I don't think we would've gotten a clean shot at that whatever the hell it was."

"All Might!" Katsuki and Todoroki begin walking over with the three realizing that they're in a really bad situation with the blonde's time using OFA being gone for the day and nowhere for them to hide.

'SHIT!' The three silently curse to themselves before a large cement wall was made. They glanced over to see Cementos protect the three and the secret of what All Might really looked like.

"Thank you Cementos. I appreciate the help."

"It's quite alright. Besides, I am somewhat a fan of yours from a child to know how devastating it would be if your secret got out." The cinderblock looking pro put his fingers together in an embarrassed way to somewhat surprise the two teens.

'So Cementos is a fan of All Might's? I wonder just how old dad/All Might actually is.'

Few hours later

After the incident with the USJ was resolved, all the students were checked and made sure to be alright. Other than a few bumps and bruises, they were for the most part fine. The ones that had the worst however were Aizawa who had taken quite the beating from the brain creature that was called Noumu and 13 who unfortunately had her quirk used against her. Some lacerations were done, but both were expected to come out alright with some scars from the incident. When they were released, Ochako walked up to her brother and began having a somewhat civil conversation with him.

"That blast before. I'm sure you're aware it was more than either of us could make alone."

"Yeah. Guess that was quirk synchronization at best." The two learned of a unique trait that occasionally happens with twins with similar quirks and ways that they could sometimes create stronger forms of said quirks than the first could ever have. This was what was called quirk synchronization. Unfortunately, it's a very unstudied theory that primarily occurs in twins with the same quirk but doesn't have as much grounds to go by. As such, this theory does not have enough evidence to back that it is even possible. But the two knew that this was most likely what happened.

"I wonder what would happen if we'd put more juice into that blast?"

"If that's the case, you better get stronger. I can't keep pulling your weight if you wanna do that again."

"Excuse me? My blasts are always stronger than yours and probably held most of that blast together!"

"I could make a blast as strong as that wimpy shot you did in my sleep!"



"BRING IT CUNT!" The two immediately started a fight with each other for Izuku and Kirishima to get dragged in and pull the two off of each other. Kirishima dragged Bakugou right after leaving the school, while Izuku grabbed Ochako under the arms and hoisted her in the air so she couldn't walk. As they did, both continued flipping the other off while cursing at one another. Needless to say, some things never change.

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