The Plan to Show Their Affection to One Another

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"Ugh! I don't get it. How am I supposed to get with Deku if he doesn't get any of the hints I'm giving him!" Ochako groans before flopping down on Mina's bed in her dorm room. "I've known him forever, I'm sure he likes me too but why doesn't he get it! I swear unless you write it out in all capitals and in bold he wont ever understand."

"You're in love with the most dense and innocent boy in our entire class. Despite him being the strongest out of the guys in the class, he is equally as dense. Frankly I'm surprised that the two of you weren't already a thing." Mina says as she throws blankets and pillows out from on top of her dresser looking for one specific thing.

"I think your best bet would be doing exactly that, be as forward as you can and specifically say that you are in love with him." Momo replies as she continues to paint her nails sitting in one of those ceiling suspended chairs.

"There's a problem with that Yaomomo. I'm afraid I might have... Competition." Ochako says leaning in and whispering the last word to Momo.

"Who do you think is going to take him away from you anyways? As much as I like him as a person he isn't my kind of guy that I'm into." Ochako was slightly relieved that Mina wasn't also into Izuku. Meanwhile the pink girl finally found the one specific thing she was looking for and all it turns out to be was a tube of lipstick.

"Ibarra Shiozaki from Class 1-B. During the entrance exams she was getting all chummy with deku-kun and even saved him after he destroyed the zero pointer and hurt himself." Ochako complains, as she rolls over and rests on her forearms.

"The nun? Girl you don't have to worry about her. I think you need to go up to him, grab him by the collar and drag him into his room, then fuck him." Mina suggests but it is quickly shot down by Momo who throws a russian nesting doll at her for the suggestion.

"One, that's rape and before you think you can protest it is unconcenting sex so yes it is rape. Two, Ochako is never going to do that and Three, What the hell Mina. Why did you suggest that?!" Momo shouts in an exasperated manner gesturing with an open hand at Mina, so confused that she would even suggest it.

"Well what do you have in mind then miss prissy britches. Because that's about the only way you're going to get it through his thick head." Mina protests before having an even larger matryoshka doll hit her in the head.

"I believe that you should go about it romantically, write him the most heartfelt love letter that your feelings can sing. Let your heart control your pen and let your feelings pour onto the page. After, mark the letter with a kiss and an anonymous name saying to meet you on the roof of the dorms. Then prepare a candle lit dinner under the stars fit with fine wine and fancy food. When he arrives, hide for a moment and when he calls for his secret admirer walk out into the light and embrace him." Momo says as if she's reading the words off the page of a cheesy romcom or romance novel. Hearts in her eyes as she holds a book to her chest and blinks like a lovesick girl in said cheesy romcom.

"I think both your ideas are terrible. The only thing you two can agree on is that it should be direct and blunt. I think you two are missing a key aspect about Deku-kun. He loves heroes, I think with the sports festival coming up I should do something big. When I beat out my brother and make it to the finals. I should profess my love to him in front of the whole stadium! I know, if he and I make it to the finals or even face off against each other, I'm gonna walk up and kiss him on the lips." Ochako declares rolling back over to her back and kicking her legs around like an excited toddler. "After we're going to celebrate my sports festival win by fucking the dorms down."

"Don't you mean, knock the dorms down? I'm slightly concerned for your pelvis. Should I be concerned for her pelvis?" Momo asks in a frantic manner but Mina just shrugs.

"Nope. I mean fuck the dorms down. He's gonna virginia smash me until this whole fucking building crumbles apart!" Ochako declares before a series of hard pounds are heard on the door. "FUCK OFF KATSUKI!!! WHAT I DO WITH MY BODY AND MY DEKU IS MY FUCKING CHOICE!!! GO JUMP ON KIRISHIMA'S DICK YOU IRRADIATED CHIHUAHUA!!!"

"Sheesh Uraraka, I was just trying to get you guys to quiet down a bit, I'm trying to practice." Jirou says sheepishly from the otherside of the door.

"Oh... Sorry Jirou, I thought you were my brother."

"It's cool, also, Midoriya, Sero, Kaminari, Kirishima and Todoroki are all out in the yard training shirtless if you want to give them an audience." Jirou says getting the other three's attention. Instantly Ochako gravitates to the window as if she was a magnet, squishing her face up against the glass as she watches her Deku-kun train out in the yard with most of the guys.

Meanwhile, down in the courtyard in front of the dorms, Deku is sparring against Todoroki and Kirishima while Sero and Kaminari merely just watch. Both too tired to keep up with the other three in their sparring match. Kirishima hardens his forearms and charges after Izuku who blitzes around the entire courtyard like a bolt of lightning. Todoroki is standing still watching the two spar looking for an opening on Izuku, however the holder of One for All isn't staying still long enough for the son of Endeavor to find an opening to counter. Suddenly, Deku blitzes past Kirishima and spin kicks him in the back sending him flying into a tree. Seeing this as his opening, Todoroki tries to freeze Izuku to the ground but only succeeds in freezing the ground itself as Deku speeds off once again. Before Todoroki can react Izuku is in front of him and taps him on the head with his hand flattened out, Kaminari and Sero call the match.

"That's game. Midoriya 5, everybody else 0. You know, i'm starting to believe what Aizawa had actually said about you being All Might's kid. You're stupid strong and fast. I could barely keep track of you just watching." Sero exclaims as Kaminari writes down another tally mark for the son of All Might.

"He is blond with straight hair and blue eyes, I have green curly hair, freckles and green eyes. How could I be his son?" Izuku feins, in an attempt to hide the fact that he is the son of All Might.

"I'm pretty sure your All Might's secret love child Midoriya. I have the evidence to prove it." The others sigh when they hear him say this, Izuku walks over to where the other two are sitting in the grass and flops down.

The next almost two hours were spent with Todoroki going up to his room and wheeling out a bulletin board as well as boxes and boxes of pictures and articles. From there he begins to weave the most out of this world tale wrapping every conspiracy theory he knows of into this hodgepodge of mismatched evidence with the end goal of attempting to show that Izuku is the son of All Might.

"So, this starts with the second shooter on the grassy knoll when JFK was assassinated, he goes on and helps develop the super computers that use CGI to fake the moon landing." He starts before a montage of him talking, the others looking more and more exasperated, more talking, the others asleep, and even more talking. "This all leads up to a couple weeks ago where All Might explained how the twins' quirks work. He knew exactly what happened between the two of them, knew of their mother's quirk and knew of the relationship between you and the twins. How could he know this? Only one way. YOU ARE ALL MIGHT'S SECRET LOVE CHILD!!!" Todoroki shouts now out of breath from his multiple hour long presentation of evidence, pictures of SCPs, random unexplained events, locations and even a poorly photoshopped picture of a man in a bigfoot costume hanging from red string from the trees over top of them and even more red strings attached from the pictures to the board. All the strings directed to a single thumbtack that is circled in red ink and written in all caps "MIDORIYA SECRET LOVE CHILD OF ALL MIGHT???"

"The funny thing is, he's right." Ochako says walking back from the balcony (She had walked out there to listen to Todoroki's tirade of him trying to explain all this) to the room.

"The conspiracies or?" Mina asks, being completely burnt out from the explanation.

"The fact that Deku-kun is All Might's son. Him and Inko never got married but had Izuku, All Might's secret life is that of a family man. Izuku's technical real name is Izuku Yagi but he goes by his mother's maiden name of Midoriya and even then, that's an adopted name. Inko was sent away by her mother to keep her safe since her mother was a pro hero a long time ago. She was adopted into the Midoriya family and got the surname as a baby." Ochako explains, Momo cocks an eyebrow hearing this.

"What's her mother's name then?"

"We don't know, not even All Might and he's known Inko since they were in elementary school together much like me and Deku-kun were." This creates even more of a mystery as the girls go back to gossiping with each other, blissfully unaware of what the guys below are talking about.

"Well, moving past that crazy conspiracy train we were abducted on and forced to ride for the past couple of hours, I need some advice." Izuku says as Todoroki starts taking down all the pictures and strings of the web he had woven for his explanation.

"Sure, what's up?" Kaminari asks.

"I need some advice. I want to ask out Akochan but I'm afraid that she's probably into someone else like Iida or Todoroki." The others go quiet for a moment thinking about what to say to the green haired man.

"Boisterous and Brazen women are not my type Midoriya so you won't have to worry about that. I like more quiet and bookworm type girls." Todoroki says in his typical monotone voice.

"So, Yaomomo?" Kaminari asks the son of endeavor who blushes at the mention of the girl he has a crush on. "I'll take that as a yes then."

"I'm pretty sure Mr high and tight over there would prioritise his hero work over a relationship but he does have a family legacy of heres. As for Uraraka, this is the first time I'm hearing that you two aren't a thing." Sero comments.

"We said that on the bus to the USJ."

"I wasn't paying attention. I was reading a hentai manga."

"TMI dude."

"If you want my advice, be direct. Tell her how you feel. She seems like the kind of girl into large over the top displays of affection. I think you should confess to her at the sports festival."

"Yeah man, if you end up in the 1 v 1 tournament against each other, walk right up to her and kiss her!" Kaminari suggests.

"That might be a way for him to get blown up but, if you want my opinion. Win the sports festival then have whoever is announcing it give you the mic. Then tell her how you feel in front of everyone."

"You know, that might actually work. Thanks for the advice guys." Izuku says as he gets up from his spot in the grass and heads back inside.

"Over under on the chance he's gonna either get laid or blown up." Sero asks pulling out a couple yen coins.

"Who says that both doesn't happen? I think that when he gets laid by her, he's also gonna get blown up. Both in the fun way and not so fun way." Kaminari smirks accepting the bet.

"Yeah, I guess I'm gonna join in on this. 5,000 yen says that they're gonna get together and fuck on the same day." Kirishima says offering up some of the notes.

"I guess I'll hold your pot then. To the winner goes the spoils. Hopefully they don't go overboard, we don't need an exploding and All Might strength level infant mewling and crawling about the dorms." Todoroki sighs before taking the money from the three and putting it in an extra wallet he had.

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