Sibling Rivalry

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 "GET OUT OF MY SPOT ROUND FACE!!!" Katsuki screams at his sister who is sitting in front of Izuku's chair in Bakugou's seat as they wait for All Might to arrive for the most anticipated class of the day.

"WHY SHOULD I?! JUST SO YOU CAN THREATEN DEKU WITH YOUR WIMPY ASS EXPLOSIONS!" She shouts back palming an explosion before crushing the smoke in her hand.

"WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO TALK TO ME THAT WAY ROUND BITCH!!!" Katsuki shouts before headbutting his sister and pressing his head against hers scowling at her with exposed sharp teeth.

"BECAUSE I'M OLDER AND STRONGER THAN YOU, NUCLEAR RAT DOG!!!" She headbutts him back this time sending the twins recoiling holding the spot on their foreheads that collided, Ochako with croc tears in her eyes and Katsuki seemingly in the same manner.

"How long have you known the two of them?" Yaoyorozu asks after tugging on the back of Izuku's jacket to get his attention.

"Since we were three." Izuku responds.

"Have they always been like this?" She asks pointing at the two of them growling at each other like two voracious beasts.

"Not until we were 5 and Kacchan started bullying kids around our school who had not developed their quirks yet. Akochan was always there to try to protect them but there's been this massive sibling divide ever since. Even to the point where their mother kicked Kacchan out of their house to go live with his uncle due to how much they were fighting and how many fires and police calls they had about their fights." he says with a sigh as the two get ready to start tearing each other limb from limb.

"I am..." All Might's voice is heard from the other side of the solid mahogany door. "Coming through the door like a hero!!!" He shouts crashing face first through the door leaving a silhouette of himself.

The class erupts into cheers seeing the number one pro hero, this even stops the near all out brawl between the siblings. Several students comment about him being the teacher for this class, the fact he is in his silver age costume or that they're excited for what is to come. All Might lets out his trademark laugh before giving them his wide ear to ear grin before addressing the class, well primarily the twins.

"Urarakas, I must ask that you refrain from trying to rip each other limb from limb until after today's class. Speaking of which, this is Heroics 101!" All Might declares causing the class to start cheering and shouting in excitement. "Settle down you will have plenty of time to spend all your energy during today's lesson in... COMBAT TRAINING!!!" The class starts to cheer and celebrate but the twins in particular are more than happy to be fighting today.

"Oh yes. I finally get to beat that little nerd/rat dog's ass. WAIT, WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY!!!" The twins say in total unison before instantly going back to each other's throats.

"Now, now you two, you'll have plenty of time to fight one another today. But before we begin, what hero would be complete without their HERO COSTUMES!?" The blond pro pressed a button for 20 costumes to come out of the wall with numbers on them. "Put these on and meet me down on testing site Beta on the double!" The blond ran away with everyone grabbing their costumes to immediately start changing.

As they began to change, Mineta discovered something he probably shouldn't have under a poster in the changing room. "Check it out, a hole that goes right to the girls changing room!"

"Mineta! That is completely unethical and wrong to do to our female classmates!"

"Plust I know Akochan would kill you if she found out you spied on her." Izuku adds the last bit for the small grape headed perv to either be very bold, or very stupid to not heed his words of warning.

He begins to look inside to only notice small pink explosions coming from the exit. "Whoever is on the other side of this hole better be prepared to die." A blast came from the hole to nearly make Mineta lose his eye as Izuku knelt down to him.

"I tried to warn you. Last person who was stupid enough to do what you just did to Akochan, nearly died. The only reason he didn't was because I was able to hold her back. Didn't like the person this happened to, but that doesn't mean I wanted him dead."


"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU MIDGET!?" Ochako retorts from the other side of the wall for Izuku to walk up to the hole and cover it. "Thank you Deku for being a gentleman and covering it."

"I'll tell one of the teachers about this to have them cover it." Izuku walked back to his locker to change and head out.

As the class of 1-A came down to the testing sight, they were met with All Might waiting patiently for them. He commented on how everyone looked rather cool with some of the students having gear that specialized for their specific quirk, while others had gear that helped exemplify the type of quirk they had as a basis. Izuku's on the other hand....well it was original in it's own way.

"Hey Deku, isn't that the suit you drew with me when we were little kids? It kinda looks like a green rabbit." Ochako walks over unsure what to make of the suit as it didn't have a significant feature to help him at all.

"O-oh yeah, I was kinda unsure what to use and mom helped me a little with getting this one."

"I should have specified a bit more with mine, it ended up being skin tight, but my gauntlets came out great and I even have a few tricks with them too!" Izuku realized what she meant with the skin tight to see her curves more defined than they normally are on the explosive brunette. Izuku couldn't look at her directly at the moment with Mineta not learning his lesson from the first ordeal to smile at the sight in front of him.

"Gotta love this scho-" He was then grabbed by Ochako and sentenced to a severe explosive treatment that left him looking like a burnt french fry that was never pulled out of the oil until it was pitch black.

'Will this kid ever learn?' Everyone thought this as they returned their attention to All Might.

He begins to explain how the match will be a two on two with the scenario being heroes trapping villains in a stronghold where a bomb is to go off. To win, heroes need to capture all the villains or tap the bomb. For the villains, a similar situation with capturing the heroes or letting the clock run out. The teams would be divided by drawing lots before they would be randomly selected as heroes or villains. As luck would have it, Ochako and Izuku were on the same team for them both to be rather excited due to their ability to show off their teamwork. When the drawings for the first match were shown, Izuku and Ochako were the heroes facing Bakugou and Iida who he was partnered with as the villains. They were given a five minute prep time with Ochako and Izuku formulating a plan of their own.

"I think Kacchan might try to fight you." Izuku says beginning their planning phase.

"Knowing my brother, that's exactly what's going to happen. As for Iida, You have both me and him beat in terms of speed. Since he is inside he won't be able to go as fast as he can without face planting into a wall at full speed. Not to mention, what i've seen of him yesterday during the quirk test, he has problems turning around tight corners the faster he goes." She responds by drawing up a scale model of the building in the sand after memorising the floor plan.

"Kacchan will separate with Iida wanting to fight the two of us, since the two of you have more of a rivalry I think he will fight you first thinking he could win. He will come to a lower floor to come to us. I think we should ambush him and subdue him then face Iida together." Izuku says taking his finger and drawing stick figures of them inside the building and of him and Ochako capturing Bakugou.

"I think I'll pass on that. As much as I think it will work, I think it would be more fun to get my hands dirty and beat the tar out of my empty headed brother myself. If he has any brains, they're swimming in nitroglycerin because he thinks with his quirk." She responds, erasing the little stick figures and drawing new ones.

"What do you mean by new tricks?" Izuku asks turning away from the dirt sketch to face her. She lifts up the white and pink wrist gauntlet on her arm showing a lever on the back that connects between the two sides.

"It's a secret, but I think you might like it. Oh and in case things get ugly I need you to hang on to this." Ochako says before she puts both her arms behind her back and fiddles with something between her shoulder blades, then she moves them awkwardly in the skin tight costume before pulling her bra out from the inside through the hole where her neck comes through the costume and handing it to Izuku. This causes him to blush profusely at what she just did.

"Wait, why do you need me to hold onto that!?" Izuku was uneasy saying it out loud for Ochako to go into vague detail.

"It's because of one of my 'new tricks' I have. You'll understand if you see it in action. Plus that's my favorite bra and I don't want it being incinerated."

"Times up! Hero team enter the building. Your fifteen minutes starts. Now!" All Might's voice rings out through the speakers throughout the city.

Izuku hesitantly grabbed the bra to place in a small compartment in his utility belt to place larger things. Even after folding it a few times, the small cloth barely fit for the green haired boy to worry it would fall out if he moved around too much. Soon after, the two were given the ability to head in with them completely ignoring the first and second floor. They slowly crept their way through the first floor and second floor stairway having wrapped around a maze of hallways and rooms on each floor. The stairwells are on opposite sides of each other and they have to circle the floor to go from each flight to the next.

"If I was Kaachan, I'd put it on either the top or second to top floor so in case one of us does escape him, we'd be searching a bit of time for him to take us down one at a time." The two rounded a corner before Ochako pulled Izuku out of the way of an explosion that nearly hit him full blast.

"Time to see just what you're really made of, you useless nerd!" Bakugou came after Izuku with Ochako standing in front. "OUTTA THE WAY ROUND FACE!"

"BITE ME YOU ANNOYING RAT!" Ochako grabbed Bakugou's arm as he was about to do a right uppercut before sending him into a wall with more force thanks to an explosion. "Deku, go!"

Izuku ran to the fourth floor with the ash blond getting up again. "LIKE I'M LETTING YOU FUCKING ESCAPE YOU USELESS PIECE OF SHIT!" Bakugou came at Izuku again with Ochako kneeing his stomach to send him back a bit. He got up to see the brunette standing between him and Izuku.

"Come on little brother, come play with me! Show me what you can do, because I for one think you're all talk and over compensating for something." Ochako mocks, she sparks hands a couple times issuing a challenge to her brother.

Bakugou scowled as he came at Ochako with explosions coming at her. She attempted to block only to realize this was a diversion to attack Izuku. Little did he know, Ochako was prepared for this. "Don't think I didn't plan for that." She had a small bit of the gauntlets on her arms open to show a smooth continuous barrel around the inside between the top hemisphere and bottom of the spherical gauntlet. Without warning, the barrel blasted a wave of concentrated explosion at the ash blond keeping him from going any farther. The blast creates a wall of fire blocking Katsuki off from Izuku as he sprints away.

"The fuck was that!?"

"Unlike you, I look for more controlling ways to use my quirk, not blast anything that moves until it's dead. With that in mind, I made a couple of tweaks so I can find a way to succeed in controlling my blasts a bit better. If you want to know how that works, it's pretty similar to yours, it stores up my nitroglycerin into a liquid cartridge that is stored in the gauntlet. When I click that lever it sprays it out like a mist or like a tar, depending on how much there is and all I have to do is spark it. It either ignites and creates a blast or it creates a wall of fire."

Bakugou was clearly ticked as a vein on his head began to snap. "YOU FUCKING COPYCAT!" He came at her for the two to begin sending blasts at one another trying to hit themselves.

"Oh please little brother, I had this idea in mind before I even designed my costume. You're the one whose the copy AND YOU'RE A CHEAP KNOCK OFF AT BEST!!!" These were countered and given a return fire of another explosion each time to show the twins were somewhat on par on the outside. However, Ochako was waiting for a moment he thought he could beat her before grabbing his side and kneeing him in the gut to force him to kneel. She decks him in the side of the face with a punch sending him rolling over. He blasts the ground getting back up before blasting himself backwards a little bit to get some distance on her.

"Ah, ah, ah~ Not so fast little brother. What happened to your big tuff guy facade hmm?" Ochako mocks before stretching her arms above her head in an elegant fashion before getting in a runner's stance and creating blasts from both her hands and her feet. This boost almost instantly closes the distance between her and her brother down the hallway and the two and a simultaneous explosion aimed at each other's face. Both siblings are sent away from each other in opposite directions, Ochako is blasted through an open door way but her brother collides with a concrete wall and shatters it like glass from the force.

"How tough am I? HOW TOUGH AM I?!?! I'LL FUCKIN SHOW YOU HOW TOUGH I AM ROUND BITCH! BY BLASTING YOUR WORTHLESS BODY AND YOUR PATHETIC BOYFRIEND INTO RED MIST!!!" Katsuki screams in anger, blasting the rubble that had landed on him away and into dust.

"Oh wonderful, I was beginning to wonder when you would want to take this seriously. Now Onee-san Ochako gets to play with her baby brother." Ochako says with a sassy tone ripping off what is left of her sleeve on her right arm that had taken the brunt of the blast from her brother. "Now let's see how you take your own medicine, but ten times the normal dose."

Going up, Fifth Floor.

"Geez their fight is getting really heated, that last explosion shook the building. I better find Iida quick before the whole building comes crashing down on our heads." Deku mutters to himself as he creeps around another corner and observes another empty room. He creeps by the door and turns into another hallway.

Just around this hallway the room opens up and exposes Iida's white armor and the giant paper mache nuclear bomb. Iida is seemingly talking to himself muttering about how he needs to uphold his duties that were assigned to him and be the most Dastardly villain alive! Mwahahaha- Ehem. Where was I? Izuku covers his mouth to keep from laughing hearing him impersonate a villain before seeing him pace around the completely empty room. "He must have cleared it in case Akochan and I got separated and she came to fight him. He didn't want anything to be used as shrapnel from her blasts flung at him. Smart." He thinks. He scans the ground in front him to make sure he won't make a noise as he enters the room. Going as far as to take off his shoes to keep the noise to a minimum. He times his movements with the explosions from below and creeps into the room. Iida is speaking into his communicator, practically shouting over the blasts as Izuku manages to get to a pillar a few meters away from the fake bomb. With his back turns, Iida has no clue Izuku is there.

To ensure that Izuku will take the win, he tucks his finger behind his thumb and aims it for the door opposite the room that Iida had closed and seemingly isn't watching. Using a small portion of One for All he creates a concentrated air blast as he flicks his fingers. The bullet of air streaks silently through the room and makes a loud bang against the metal door on the far side away from him. Iida immediately drops what he's doing and walks cautiously towards the door with his hands raised in a runner's stance ready to use his quirk. Izuku even hears the engines in Iida's legs ignite as he readies himself. Keeping low to the ground he sneaks out away from the pillar and inches towards the mache weapon. Iida kicks down the metal door discovering nothing to be on the other side and Izuku's golden opportunity makes itself known when Iida leaves the room and walks through the door in search of what caused the sound. "Perfect." He thinks as he continues his way forwards. Another blast rattles the building causing Izuku to stumble and hit the floor, the weapon also falls over from this blast. "Are they trying to get us killed?! They're going to trash the entire block at this rate."

At Ground Zero

Ochako nimbly dodges another blast directed towards her before spinning and collecting a few shards of broken wall and ceiling and floor in her hand. She spins through her rotation then points the dust and rubble in her hand at her brother. "Smile!" She says setting off a blast that sends the rocks out of her palm like a shotgun. A piece strikes Bakugou in the shoulder and another cuts him across the cheek and even clips a portion of his ear. He growls animalistically at the pain before righting himself in mid air and charging at her again. Suddenly, he feels his gauntlet vibrate and the black accents between the pineapple grenades like gauntlets glows red. An evil smirk graces his lips. "They're ready." he says with that sinister smile plastered on his lips. "So, Sister. Remember how I said you were a copycat?" He asks causing her to look at the gauntlets. "That's right, mine are pure destructive force. SAY GOODNIGHT BITCH!!!" He shouts, throwing his arm forwards and pulling back on the lever. This exposes a pin at the front above a small circular hole.

With his left hand he places his index finger in the rectangular shaped pin and curls it over the small aluminium pin. Ochako's eyes widen in shock as she too maneuvers her gauntlets to counter this attack. She pulls back on the pink lever at the base causing the front to pop off and rolls on the floor. This exposes what looks like a gatling gun of barrels all ment for channeling her explosion in a single direction. A round pin appears at the back of her gauntlet and she too grabs this one in the same exact way with her left hand. "Twins! Do not use such a blast indoors! You might kill each other!" All Might protests as the two apply pressure on the pin. "HE/SHE WONT DIE AS LONG AS HE/SHE DODGES!!!" The shout in unison. Time seems to slow as a golden ball of energy appears at the single barrel exit of Bakugou's gauntlet and a large pink light appears from Ochako's own. The blasts erupt from their user's gauntlet filling the hall with kinetic force, flames, and an extremely loud bang. in front of both of them the blast consumes the hallway like a hollywood fireball before colliding with one another. The two shockwaves collide causing the two to be thrown back from the force and the blasts are forced away from each other.

The resulting massive explosion rips the building in two, almost causing it to collapse under its own weight. The dust filling the air and blotting out the light from the cracks in the walls. Katsuki picks himself out of the rubble first, third degree burns along the side of his arm and his hero suit melted onto his skin. Ochako didn't fare any better. She however was still standing, but her arm is burned badly, both out of breath and panting heavily in the dust filled room. "Still haven't had enough have you?" She asks, rolling her shoulder and ripping off what is left of the top of her hero costume. "Says you. I can still go ten rounds." Katsuki replies, dropping the shattered gauntlet and ripping the tattered portion of his off as well. Ochako uses the bandage kit in her utility belt to wrap around her chest while the room is still full of dust and the two can't see each other. "I'd like to see you come over here and say that to my face." she says cracking her knuckles and rolling her head to the side popping her neck once.

Katsuki puts his shoulder back into the socket with a quick motion before rolling it around once. He tries to spark an explosion in his hand and finds he is unable to do so. The explosion destroyed a water main in the building soaking him and diluting his explosive sweat to the point it can't even ignite. He wipes the water from his face and through his hair before scowling in the direction of his sister. Meanwhile Ochako is more than capable of creating a blast and does so in firing a new technique that Katsuki hadnt seen before. She forms an open fist with her left hand before placing it in front of her right. A pink glow appears from inside her hand before a single sphere of energy is fired out of it sounding similar to a gunshot. The pink ball of light flies through the hallway and lands mere centimeters away from Katsuki's head. This explosion was smaller but far more precise, it bores a hole straight through the wall as if it was a breaching charge, the shockwave causing the wall to crumble and fall on top of Katsuki. Ochako laughs once under her breath before stumbling forwards and walking towards Katsuki. "Ochako 1, dipshit little brother 0." She says latching the handcuffs onto his wrist then to an exposed piece of rebar.

The massive explosion shook the entire building and even caused one of the support beams to collapse in the room Izuku is in. Iida scrambles to get through the door but is too late. The support beam falls and blocks the doorway quartering off Iida from the entrance to the room leaving Izuku by himself with the weapon. He had fallen down due to the earth shaking explosion but manages to get to his feet. He simply walks over to the weapon and places a hand on it before taking a seat against the fake bomb. "Those two will be the death of me." He thinks to himself before All Might's voice is heard over the intercom in the city. "Hero team, WIIIIIINNNNNNSSSSSSSS!!!!" His voice ringing out through the city and echoing through the alleyways. Ochako smirks hearing his shout before sitting down against a wall and tending to her wounds. "Little shit did a number on me. I'll have to take him seriously in the future." She says pulling a water bottle from her belt and taking a sip from it.

In the Observation Room:

"Sheesh, those two are a two person demolition crew. I'm surprised the building is still standing." Kirishima says watching on the cameras the cataclysmic battle that had taken place.

"Their quirks work the same way but Uraraka Ochako's quirk is vastly more versatile and powerful than her brother's. Not only can she detonate the sweat she produces, the natural oils on her skin are just as volatile. Her mother's quirk is called nitroglycerin, from what I know of how it works, she can produce the explosive substance from anywhere on her body and detonate it at will. Young Ochako's quirk is the same as her mother's but strengthened by a factor of 10, her brother on the other hand is only capable of producing explosions from the palms of his hands. Though it makes for vastly destructive force and maneuverability, he's limited to his hands. If he was captured and wasn't able to use his hands, he would be helpless to defend himself." All Might explains turning to face the class.

"How do you know how her quirk works?" Todoroki Shouto asks giving All Might an emotionless expression.

"Moving on, Who was the MVP of this match?" All Might exclaims ignoring the question from Todoroki.

"It's Midoriya, he managed to distract Iida, get him to leave the weapon unattended and snuck in to secure the weapon completely undetected. Behind him is Uraraka, she handled the hot headedness of her brother with equal force. She didn't incite the conflict but merely retaliated after he attacked. Though both of their recklessness could have detonated the weapon in a real world scenario her versatility with her quirk and support items allowed Midoriya to capture the weapon unhindered." Yaoyorozu explains.

"Very good! We're going to have to relocate to a different building for the remaining groups." All Might says as they exit the building.

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