Welcome to the Hero Course

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"You should have seen his face when we got the results back Deku-kun! He was so mad that both me and you beat his score!" Ochako says, holding her sides laughing. "He was all like. Ugh stupid round face and Deku, you probably cheated to get a higher score than me. I'm Katsuki. I'm supposed to be the strongest. How did I get beaten by a girl blah blah blah." She says mocking her younger brother.

"How many points did you get? I got 100 exactly, 40 from villains and 60 for rescue points." Izuku responds after recovering from his own laughter.

"83 points, I tried to save you from the fall but that one chick with the vines for hair saved you before I could. I would have caught you but my ankle was broken in 3 places because of the rubble." she replies, looking angered slightly.

"Akochan if I hadnt destroyed that robot you could be dead. The girl that saved me did what you would have done if you weren't injured so it's nothing to be upset about." Izuku says trying to calm her.

"Yes there is Deku-kun! If she wasn't there you wouldn't be here! I failed to save you and you would have died if She wasn't there." She shouts, this shocks Izuku a little bit because of her sudden outburst.

"It's ok, I'm alive and more than well thanks to you. There's no point in wondering if something would have happened. What matters is we're here now and we both beat Kacchan's score." Izuku says with a smile, Ochako smiles back hearing this before getting up from the bench they were sitting on near Dagobah beach.

"Want to go to the mochi shop nearby? We have to go home soon because we have school tomorrow." Ochako asks, pointing to the mochi and ice cream shop across the street.

"Sounds good to me, who's paying?" Izuku asks as he too gets up and the two of them start walking towards the mochi shop.

Izuku idly waits for Ochako to get to the train station the next morning, he had gotten up bright and early for his first day at UA high. Looking down at the last text she had sent him saying that, "I'm on my way there now Deku-kun." he felt a twang in his chest. God he loved that crazy exploding brunette but didn't know how to express his feelings. His thoughts wandered to what his life would be like if they were together. How angry it would make Katsuki to find out that his rival is dating his older sister. Izuku already knew that Katsuki was mad about having his score beaten by both Izuku and Ochako but he wasn't sure how angry he was. He was fully expecting to see Katsuki with broken blood vessels in his eyes as soon as he got to UA. Ochako had already told him that both she and her twin brother are in Class 1-A with Professor Aizawa to which Izuku is also in that class. All sorts of wild individuals and unique quirks to be learned of, friends to be made. It only made his excitement grow for the day ahead of him.

"You didn't have to wait for me, Deku-kun. You could have taken the train that just left." Ochako says pointing to the train now leaving the station behind them.

"I could have but then I wouldn't have anyone to talk to and probably just ended up talking to myself." He admits, Ochako laughs hearing him say this.

"Yeah you'd probably crush everyone in there with all those mutter kanjis that appear when you do that." She says through her laughter.

"I don't even know how that happens! They just appear and float around!" He protests.

"I think we figured out what your actual quirk is Deku-kun!" She says before starting to cackle at the ridiculousness of it all.

"Nobody would like a hero whose main gimmick is talking their opponent to death. Like 'Here comes the can't stop talking hero Deku to save the day by talking the bad guys to death.' see what I mean?" Izuku says in an apathetic tone and gives Ochako a neutral and bored expression.

"It still would be pretty funny." She says.

"Oh hush, come on. The train is here." He says grabbing the back handle of her backpack and pulling her onboard the train.

As the train speeds through the early spring scenery of Japan the two continue to jape and joke with each other. Sakura blossoms are budding in the trees and flowering trees are just starting to release their blooms. The landscape was all sorts of shades of greens, yellows, purples and reds from the flowers along the bushes and trees that dart the landscape between the cities. Children running and playing in the fields as the train passes by, Ochako looks out at the field and dreams of a time where her and Izuku's own baby will get to play with the other kids much like the little ones are running without a care in the world. Her fantasies are cut short as the loud squeaking of the breaks on the train car. It comes to a screeching halt at the train station before the doors slide open and the two heroes in training get off .

On the top of the hill the large H shaped building overlooks the landscape as a hero would overlook a city under their protection. The two look up at the large building and smile with excitement for what is to come. The trek up the hill was quick and something that Izuku didn't have a problem with due to his training, though the 35 degree incline wasn't something Ochako was too happy about having to walk up. Nevertheless the two make it to the top of the hill and see hundreds of students walking through the gates of UA. The two hurry onto campus and head through the main gates. "Welcome Students Izuku Midoriya and Ochako Uraraka." The robotic voice greets as they walk through the gates. The two look to each other and laugh hearing this before hurrying off to the main building where their class is.

The two stare and look up at a massive door in front of them in awe, they shoot a glance towards each other before opening the door and having to push it open with both of them pushing on it due to its weight. As they get inside their ears are assaulted by none other than Ochako's little brother's incessant shouting over nothing important.

"Will you get the hint! Fuck off you four eyed lawyer! I don't care what you think!" He shouts glaring daggers into the blue haired man from the entrance exams.

"I am telling you to have some respect for the people who sat in that desk before you! Many pro heroes sat in these desks before us and you are disrespecting all of them by putting your disgusting feet on the desk. You even stepped in dog excrement." He retorts and pushes Bakugou's feet off the desk once again.

"Who the hell are you to touch me asshole?" He snarls back standing up from his seat and leering at the glasses wearing man.

"Tenya Iida, a man with more respect than the rabid beast you are." He shouts back leaning over Bakugou.

"Little brother, didn't mom ever tell you it's not nice to use such colorful language? Do I need to wash your mouth out with soap?" Ochako says catching the attention of the two of them.

"Fuck off round face." Katsuki says indignantly.

"That's no way to talk to your big sister. When did you become so mean?" She mocks pressing a finger into her cheek and dancing the toe of her shoe on the floor.

"I hope you have better manners than that cretin. I am Tenya Iida of Sommei private academy." Iida introduces himself to Ochako.

"I'm Ochako Uraraka, that cretin there is my Younger, twin brother Katsuki Uraraka." Ochako says, Katsuki growls and flips her the bird for saying this name.

"My name is Katsuki Bakugou, not Uraraka. Don't fuckin call me that name round bitch." He grumbles before setting off explosions in his hands.

"Oh, how cute! Your explosions are so small little brother. I don't think you'll ever get to my level how sad for you." Ochako replies before opening her hands and generating an explosion in both that leaves a mushroom cloud in its wake.

"As much as I'd love to let this continue, we have things to do." An older male voice says, Izuku turns around to see a disheveled older hobo of a man in a yellow sleeping bag on the floor. "My name is Shouta Aizawa and I am your homeroom teacher. It took you all far too long to quiet down. Get these on and meet me at the training field in 10 minutes. Oh and twins? Don't kill each other, this is the hero course, we don't have time for petty sibling rivalries." He chastises.

Ochako smirks and Katsuki scoffs as the twins collect their gym uniforms, shortly followed by Izuku, and head to the locker rooms to get changed. Shortly after the class makes their way down to the training field in their uniforms. They get to know one another as they walk from the locker rooms to the training field. Aizawa stands there in all black side from the grey scarf around his neck. Deku thinks to himself on why Aizawa is standing in all black on a warm spring day but shrugs it off seeing that Aizawa is nonplussed about the temperature. The class groups up in a semicircle in front of Aizawa before the man clears his throat and addresses the lot of them.

"Today we will be conducting the quirk apprehension test, it's similar to the physical tests you did in middle school but here you will be using your quirks as well for this exercise." Aizawa explains in his monotone voice, a voice so dull and life draining that a few students yawn hearing his instructions.

"Sir? Don't we have 1st year orientation this morning?" Ochako asks after raising her hand.

"You do, but I find that it is a waste of time, you will have what they would have given you on your desks after this. Now here at UA, we run this like a university meaning teachers can teach classes how they want and when they want to. Seeing as you scored the highest on the entrance exam Miss Uraraka, how about you demonstrate one of the first tests. The ball throw, use your quirk to throw the ball as far as you can." Aizawa sluggishly says before tossing her the ball he was holding. "You threw the ball about 72m in middle school. walk up to the circle and throw it with your quirk now."

Ochako shrugs before tossing the ball up in the air once and catching it before walking up to the circle outlined in paint on the pavement. She slips a sly smirk to her brother causing him to scowl at her in return. With the finesse of a professional softball player, Ochako spins her right arm around twice before setting off an explosion that dwarfs anything that Katsuki had ever done in his life. The blast creates a mushroom cloud where she is standing with the pink flash of fire quickly vanishing as she blasts the ball. Out of the mushroom cloud the ball streaks through the air with such speed it creates a secondary boom from breaking the sound barrier. She walks out of the smoke cloud with a wide smile on her face before sticking her tongue out and mocking her younger brother by pulling down her left eyelid slightly. Aizawa sighs knowing those two are going to be trouble, before looking at the results of the ball throw.

"I'm not sure you've earned the right to brag, but I will be impressed if someone beats this one. 2,956.71 meters. Just 25 meters short of All Might's first year score." Aizawa says, showing her the score. Ochako smiles before fluffing her hair with her right hand and returns to her spot.

"Though your score is impressive, there is always room for improvement, to make your quirks stronger as you train through the hero course. Today I will have you conduct 8 different physical exercises and the results will be public, whoever comes in last place will be expelled from the hero course and sent to either general education or the support course. Before we begin, I want to make one thing clear, the hero course is extremely competitive, other students want your spots you have now. I fully expect that some if not most of you will not graduate the hero course but instead be switched out for different students. Feel free to prove me wrong, that being said. Let's begin." Aizawa says with a strange and off putting smile.

Ochako practically burned through every exercise, though Izuku was close behind her in some of them. Her vertical jump was maxed out with a single simultaneous blast from both hands. Katsuki had to generate several explosions to propel himself vertically and the frustration and anger was visible in both his expression and aura. Deku managed to jump within 3 meters of Ochako's height using a portion of his power, though his landing wasn't the most graceful. (He landed on Katsuki bringing both of them down in a heap on the floor) Katsuki, Ochako, and Deku completely cleared the long jump sand pit with Izuku overtaking Ochako on this one and landing almost in the face of Aizawa. Though the older man's stoic expression wasn't showing it, he was impressed at the son of his new colleague here at UA.

The stretching and calisthenics exercises were nothing to write home about but a pink skinned girl with twin yellow horns and black and gold eyes swept the competition on that one. Izuku ended up not doing so well in the 50m dash having stumbled over his own foot on the first attempt. Granted, Aizawa was kind enough to let him retry the run so it wasn't that bad all things considered. A taller student standing at Aizawa's height, IE Mezo Shouji, had a grip strength of 540kgs on the grip test. Bakugou kept dropping his due to the nature of his quirk and always having sweaty palms. Deku accidentally crushed the poor device like a tin soda can. The twins scored similarly on the grip strength, not being able to maintain a good grip on the small gauge and Mineta barely registered 5kgs with his pathetic attempt.

Ochako stunned everyone with her side to side jumps, using blasts spaced half a second apart she became a blur of smoke, pink explosions and brown hair. Mineta was behind her in count using his hair balls to act as trampolines. Katsuki attempted the same strategy as Ochako but wasn't able to get nearly as many in as she did. Last was the ball throw. Much like his sister did, Katsuki waltzed up to the circle and generated an explosion throwing the ball overhand as he did so. "DIE!!" He shouts letting lose the blast. "705.2 meters. Not even a 4th of your sister's distance." Aizawa reprimands. "Midoriya it's your turn." Aizawa sighs before tossing him the gps ball.

Izuku walks up to where Bakugou once stood, the blonde scoffing at him as he walks past. He walks to the center of the circle before rolling his shoulder twice and lifting his left knee. He steps out with his leg far in front of him before leaning forwards and throwing the ball. A massive discharge of power and the same sound as when All Might uses his quirk reverberates off the walls and surrounding areas. The wind generated by the throw almost knocks people off their feet as they brace themselves from the air. Aizawa watches in amazement before looking at the GPS meter in his hand. He watches the meters skyrocket on the device in his hand, and his eyes widening with awe of what happened.

"Well well, it runs in the family then. 3,785.45 meters. A new record set by a first year. Congratulations. All Might junior." Aizawa says with a grin on his face.

"WHAT?! THERE'S NO WAY THAT QUIRKLESS NERD BEAT MY SCORE OR IS THE SON OF ALL MIGHT!!!" Katsuki shouts before rushing Izuku with his hands outstretched trying to grab him. "TELL ME HOW YOU GOT THAT QUIRK DEKU!!!" He shouts.

"That's enough!" Aizawa says as he ensnares Bakugou in the grey scarf he had around his neck. Izuku sees the yellow goggles on Aizawa's neck.

"Y-you're the underground hero Eraserhead! The hero that can eliminate people's quirks by looking at them. You should be top 10 at least with that quirk!" Izuku exclaims.

"I can be, but I hate the press and media so I prefer to stay hush hush when it comes to my hero work. Now, Katsuki Uraraka or Katsuki Bakugou or whatever you want to call yourself, UA has an in-depth report of all the things you have done to Izuku Midoriya or should I say Izuku Yagi. I should kick you out of the hero course right now for that outburst and for bullying him for having his quirk not develop until he hit puberty, there have been cases where quirks appear in or after puberty and he is one of those cases. Now, I am going to have you stay in my class but you and your sister are going to further yourselves against the other. Nothing pushes people further than rivalries and because of this, I want all of you to have a rival of sorts. Someone you strive to beat in terms of strength and performance. On top of this, in 3 weeks time UA is implementing a dormitory system on campus. Have your parents sign permission slips to stay on campus before the end of the month. Lastly... I was lying about the expulsion thing, Hagakure though you might have come last in the apprehension test I can't turn away someone with as much potential in stealth and infiltration based missions as yourself. Prove to me you all deserve to be heroes, and Welcome to the Hero Course."  

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