Chapter 1

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I was running through the forest, two demons riding my ass. My crossbow was destroyed, my gun was out of bullets, and the two assholes that were chasing me were masochists. Oh, your wondering how this happened? I'll give you the short version for times sake.

I took a dumbass job from a dumbass guild like a dumbass, incompetent, and plain old moronic hunter would. Yeah, I know it's all the same, but I'm kinda pissed.

I grabbed a dagger from my pocket, skidding to a halt. I waited until one demon got close, before throwing the silver dagger at it's chest. It screamed, turning to a pile of ash at my feet. Thank God for holy water,the miracle stuff. The other came around the corner, and I pulled my dagger from the ashes.

This one froze solid, before a dark look came over its face as it charged at me. Well shit, I wasn't expecting it to charge me,they usually didn't.

I shifted my stance, plunging my dagger into it's shoulder as it came near. It screamed, tossing me away with a shove, which threw me a good foot away into a large oak stump. I groaned and climbed to my feet, mumbling an enchantment to gain some speed, and pulled out my last dagger. 

Running full speed at the demon, I grabbed my other dagger from it's shoulder right before slitting the demons throat, watching it turn to ashes at my feet. Those were the last two out of the ten hiding in the cave. I let out a relieved laugh, running my fingers through my long blond hair. The day was finally over.

I put my daggers away, going over to where I had tied my horse off at the post showing the way to Harper valley and my sweet home town, Carmina Village. The kingdom of Sanora was located right outside our small village, so we had named it after the glorious Queen who had once ruled the kingdom many years ago.

I wiped the sweat from my brow, along with wiping blood from my nose. "Shit, that fucking hurt" I grumbled, climbing onto my horses back. One of the fuckers had stabbed me in the shoulder earlier, and it stung as I grabbed the reigns. "Come on, Philip, let's get home" I murmur to the horse, gently hitting his sides.

I was a demon hunter, trained by both my parents before their death by, ironically enough, a demon that had been around when I was fifteen. I was twenty now. I shook my head, pulling my hair back into a ponytail, grimacing when I remembered my arm after I had just moved it again. Nice going Amelia.

I looked at my beaten up black pants, and the white blood stained blouse under my usual trench coat. I had a strap across my chest that held my gun, and thigh holsters that held my daggers. Sadly, I would have to get a new crossbow, but the quivers sat on my back in their rightful place in the pouch. I had vials of holy water in my pocket, bestowed upon my by the high priest of the church. I'm kidding! I got them at a local guild, much cheaper, and easier to get.

I directed Philip to go a bit faster, gritting my teeth against the pain in my shoulder. Oh well, I could deal with it for a good half hour. That's how long it takes to get from town to the woods. Pain in the ass, right? Well, it was worst if you were going to the next kingdom. Four whole days by horse with only one rest station halfway there.

The ride home was definently bad, but not as bad as when the injuries were sustained. I was headed right to my little cottage to sanatize and bandage my wounds, until I realized; the wound would have to be sanitized and stitched up. Such a pain.

"Come on Philip, let's go to the doctor" I coo. The guild that hired me for the job has a doctor there. I can get fixed up and grab my gold as I head home. A healing rune and a long nap should get me on my feet in no time after this.

I pull Philip around, heading towards the guild on the other side of town. It wasn't to much farther, only five minutes if Philip was at a trotting pace, which is exactly what he was at.

Once we arrived at the old guild, I tied Philip off to a post outside the guild, stepping inside. I toss a vial of ash from the leader of the demons group at the bar keep, grinning as soon as I enter. There wasn't time to waste chatting. "I'm here for the cash" I stated. I wasn't greedy, I just really needed the cash for food and my rent. My landlord was a bitch.

The bartender seemed surprised, but didn't bother seeing if it was fake demon ashes or not, since demon Ash is black in color with red and gold infused in the flecks. It also oozed magic.

The tender placed down a large bag, and I knew I was going to be set for at least three months. The job had been rather difficult though. I didn't like to brag, but I was one of the better demon hunters. I just didn't like the guild. To many danm, dirty men.

"Thank you. Um, where's your healer?" I asked, motioning to my shoulder. It hurt like hell. Not only had it been stabbed, but that horse ride had jostled it, and it was bleeding again. Great.

"Down the corridor, first door on the right" he says, his voice gruff and deep, not looking at me as he cleans a glass. Fucking asshole, no decency huh? "Thanks" I murmur, grabbing the bag of gold coins and slinging it over my good shoulder like a satchel. The one day I forget my favorite piece of equipment. Go figure.

I make my way down the long corridor, opening the first door. "Ah! Ms. Sparrow! I was wondering when you'd show up" the older man smiled. "Mr. Carter! I didn't know you were a healer" I stated, shock evident on my face. Mr. Carter was a sweet older gentleman with two kids and five grandchildren. Me and his grandkids got along wonderfully.

They always came over to hear the tales of my victories. They wanted to be just like me, but I didn't think it a good idea without their parents permission. Everytime they asked me to show them something, I would move my hand a little bit, and asked if they saw it, then make up a story that I was so fast, I had actually just stopped a demon.

Mr. Carter chuckled. "Yes, well. I have to make gold somehow, don't I?" He asks, earning a grin from me, then shuffling over to take a seat and let him do his magic. Literally.

His hands glowed a soft blue, hovering just above each scrape and bruise, healing nicely. He clicked his tounge as he came to the deep gash from the knife. "Amelia Sparrow, how many times must I tell you to be careful" he scolds. "Sorry Mr. Carter" I mumble.

His eyes softened. "I can heal this a bit, but not fully, you'll have to do that. And Lydia's been wanting to see you. Would you like to come over for dinner tonight?" he asks.

Lydia was Mr. Carter's wife. She was a sweet old woman who had helped my parents with me when I was younger. She's like the grandmother I never got to meet.

I smiled at the invitation. "I'll be there tonight then" I state. He nods, healing my shoulder just enough, and then I was gone from the guild with a 'Thank You', and heading to my little cottage.

Finally, time for some rest.

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