Chapter 2

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Light shone through the window of my cottage, and I couldn't help but groan as I threw an arm over my eyes. Fucking mornings.

I sat up, stretching. My arm had been fully healed, and I had gotten a wonderful dinner while getting to spend time with Lydia. I would call that a win my book.

I got out of bed, changing into black jeans, boots, a white blouse, and grabbing my gear to clean it. I had also bought a new crossbow to replace the broken one. I also grabbed my favorite leather satchel my nana had apparently left me before she passed before my birth.

I had grabbed a job from the guild before I had come home, and it looked like a good one. My job was to find a coven of witches and get information about a demon pit. Oh, uh, I should probably explain. A demon pit is a trap demons lay for animals and people near one of their camps.

The pits are always cloaked with magic, so nobody sees them until their falling unless your a demon, a witch that can see through good illusions, or you hold rosary and drink holy water. The affect of holy water lasts an hour. But I digress.

A demon pit is checked around sundown for whatever fell in there. They eat the animals, burn the humans, and collect whatever goods weren't damaged in the fall, cleaning the whole pit for the next day.

So long story short, their problems for pretty much everyone, and they lead to demon villages. So their helpful for hunters.

I read the request once more, narrowing my eyes. Every request came from someone met by the guild, and demons couldn't look like humans, at least not fully. So the witches were real, but their always a pain in the ass when asked questions. Hopefully these witches will just tell me what I need without causing me to flip.

I sighed, pocketing the request so I wouldn't lose it and go out the back door towards the small stable I had built for my horse, Philip.

I opened the gate, looking over at Philip as he lazily ate on the food in the large feeder I had built for him a few years back. "Philip, come here!" I called to him, a soft cluck sound coming from my lips after my sentance. It took him a moment, but he eventually turned from his food, trotting over to me with a soft puff of air when he came up to me. "Oh don't be that way, we're going on another adventure" I state, patting his neck as we walked into the barn.

Philip was a beautiful black horse with a white star on his forhead. He was a good horse, and was very fast. The perfect horse for a demon hunter. I pulled him to the side where I had put up his saddle, securing it on him with the straps. I didn't need much, just a blanket that I'd put over him if he got cold, and climbed aboard, adjusting myself. He headed towards the gate, and I closed it before starting off towards the forest where the coven had made their home. I guess since this will take a bit, I should Explain everything.

Humans have never liked demons. Demons have never liked humans. That was the gist of it. There are many classes of demons, from lesser demons, all the way up to greater demons. There are also diffrent species, such as incubi and succubi, vampires and wearwolves, and magi demons.

Magi demons are rare, but a pain in the ass. They possess stronger magic then humans, and their harder to kill because their more powerful.

The vampires and wearwolves are easy to kill. Wearwolves die with silver, vampires die from a stake to the heart, yadda yadda yadda. But garlic doesn't work, and it has to be pure, untainted silver. The stake also has to be made from ash wood. It's hard to get this stuff, but easier then decapitation or cracking their necks.

Succubi and incubi are the easiest to kill, because they can be killed with simple weapons or magic. The best is a magic weapon, which is an weapon inhanced with magic, or magically enchanted. Easy right? Wrong. Magic weapons are hard to obtain and sell for high prices. I have one magic weapon and that's because my mother made it before her passing. So it's hidden in my house in a secure location.

All in all, demons are pretty easy to kill, but they all have their strengths. And those were only some of the demon types. There are so many others, like Gremlins, dark elves, and other demons. Not all demons are bad, and some help humans, such as the nature feys, but other then that, ninety-five percent of them are ruthless killers.

That's where hunters come in. Hunters take care of the demons, sending them to hell forever. When a demon dies in the upper world, their second chance is 'wasted', and their done for. Which is helpful for us since we don't have to fucking deal with them again.

Oh hey, I made it.

I tied Philip up to the post the witches had outside, and patted his neck to show him he had done well, pulled a carrot I had stashed in my sash, giving it to him to eat. Luckily there was a water trough near the post that was full enough for Philip to drink from.

I adjusted my satchel, taking a breath before knocking on the door to the covens house. It was a bigger cottage then mind, obviously. But it was definently older, and the porch steps were starting to rot, and the poles securing the overhang of the foor needed to be replaced.

A woman with a black cloak opened the door. She had long, Raven black hair, green eyes, and red, full lips. But I knew better, since witches could use an advanced form of cloak magic that made them look any way they wanted to look.

"Ah, you must be the hunter miss Sparrow, come in" she says, moving out of the way to let me inside. I wasn't having any sort of off feeling, and decided to go inside. Not like I had a choice if I ever want to complete my task.

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