Chapter 12

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I straightened out my outfit, smoothening the soft material with my hands in my mirror. I fixed my hair, smiling slightly.
Hm. I think I look okay.
A knock at my door brought me out of my thoughts.
"Come in." I said. My amazing boyfriend came in, looking handsome in his suit. His eyes trailed over me and he smiled.
"You look amazing." He told me. I smiled.
"Thank you. You look very handsome." He blushed.
"Thanks. You almost ready? Don't want to miss the party. Everyone's going to be there."
"Yeah, nearly done. I'll be ready in a minute." I told him. He nodded, walking out of my room again.

It has been two weeks since the incident... two weeks since they were killed... two weeks since Reyna was sent to prison... two weeks...

Since I framed her.

I smiled sweetly at my reflection.

Yes, I framed her. I'm the one that killed them, not her. And no one but Reyna knows it. But she's a killer, no one would believe her. Even if I hadn't framed her, still no one would've believe her. No one thinks that I could've been the killer. No one could've expected me to be a murderer. Life has been better without them anyway. So what? I am the killer, and nobody knows it.

I let out a laugh.

Nobody but me.


I hid in the shadows as the two people walked out of the classroom. I slipped inside, silent as a mouse. Everything was neat and orderly, making my job easier. My eyes trailed along the chemicals, struggling to read the labels in the darkness.
"There you are." I whispered, picking up the small vial.
Belladonna leaves...
"Perfect." I pocketed the poisonous chemical, making sure no one would be able to see it. With a smile, I left.

My hands tightened around Rachel's throat. A cruel smile slid across my face as I shoved Rachel's head underwater. Rachel tried to scream in terror from beneath the water, air bubbles streaming from her mouth, just letting more water fill her lungs as she inhaled instinctively. It gave me interesting pleasure to watch the fear in her green eyes. She scratched against the white tiles of the pool wall, bloodying her fingertips. She convulsed and struggled against me, but to no avail. Almost three minutes went by. Her movements soon became slower and sluggish. White foam bubbled to the surface from her mouth, her pupils widely dilated and her corneal reflex lost.
This should take another minute.
Her lips and jaw muscles started contracting.
Now is the stage terminal gasps. It should last about thirty more seconds.
"Sorry Rach. But honestly, you deserve everything that came to you." I said, not caring if she heard me or not. Her eyes started to close and her body stopped moving. This is what she deserves...

A flash of short blonde hair caught my attention. But almost as quickly as I saw it, the person disappeared around the corner. I hurried after him, barely able to see in the darkness. But I could still tell who it was. Looking around, I saw a gleaming, golden trophy sitting on the trophy case next to me. Smiling, I picked it up and walked towards the figure. Hefting the heavy object, I crept up behind the teenage boy. Swinging it as if it were a baseball bat, I hit him over the head as hard as I could. The blue eyed boy dropped like a stone, hitting the floor. Just to make sure, I smashed the large trophy down against his head again. Then again, and again, and again. Panting from the effort, I threw the bloodstained trophy aside. A large pool of blood was forming around the body, the head bleeding heavily. Bits of his brain and some other gory substances stuck to the floor and the trophy. I knelt next to the body, cupping the face in my hands and turning the head to the side. Icy blue eyes stared unmoving into the distance, looking glassy and glazed over.
No... No! It can't be!
I could hit myself in stupidity.
It's Octavian! Not Jason!
"Shit..." I whispered.
Dammit. Oh well. Nothing I can do about it.
I slipped into the boys bathroom, washing my hands quickly, staining the clear water a pink colour...

I slipped the small vial out of my pocket. Pulling the lid off, I poured a few drops of the toxic liquid into the open can of cool drink. I smiled a little to myself.
When Bianca drinks this, she'll be dead within half an hour...

I stepped into the light of Jason's flashlight and he jumped, startled.
"Oh. It's just you." He sighed in relief. I smiled and stepped towards him. I lifted my hands, and with a sharp shove, I pushed him. His eyes widened as he slipped, falling through the air and tumbling down the stairs. He landed at the bottom with a sharp, crack. I followed him down the stairs and found him lying in a pool of his own blood, his left leg and his neck bent in unnatural positions. I smiled once again and grabbed his arms, starting to drag his body away, smearing the tiles with red.


I put on a dash of lipstick, grabbing a purse. I took one last look in my mirror, my golden eyes gleaming in the reflection.

Nobody but me.

Expected? Unexpected? Were you surprised? Weren't you?
I hope you liked it. Just to be clear, I did not copy anyone's books. It was all my idea. This is the last chapter of A Killer Among Us. There will be no sequel. Again, I hope you enjoyed it. And for the last time,
~Ciao for now.

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