Chapter 8

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We all sat at the table. None of us were hungry, but we all forced ourselves to eat. I picked at my food. Percy had oddly enough, found a box of blue cereal and was eating it. There was an unbearable silence among the group. Half because two people had died, and half because we all knew that the murderer was one of us. Bianca sipped at her cool drink. Piper still looked queasy.
"I'm sorry, but the silence is driving me crazy." Thalia blurted out. I let out a small sigh. The silence had been killing me too.
"Yeah. Same." Percy muttered.
"Maybe we should talk about..." I trailed off. Even though I hadn't finished my sentence, they all knew what I was talking about.
"How two of my friends were murdered?" Jason asked angrily. His eyes were bloodshot. I looked away uneasily. I noticed vaguely that Bianca was sweating, her face flushing.
Weird. It's cold in here, so why would she be sweating?
"Why would someone do this?" Piper asked softly.
"Well whoever killed Octavian had to be out of this room for that time. The only ones who left were Reyna," Jason glared at her in particular. "Hazel," He turned his gaze to the trembling girl, then to her brother. "and Nico."
"Well Reyna went to the bathroom." Nico moved his accusing stare on her.
"But Hazel came with me!" She protested.
"Yeah, for a minute before I called her back." Nico answered.
"Well Octavian was dating Rachel, and Rachel and Jason cheated on her. So she would have a reason." I added. Reyna shot me a glare.
"I didn't kill him!" She growled. A loud cough caused all of us to turn to Bianca. Her throat looked like it had a rash and she was breathing heavily.
"Are you okay?" Will asked. She licked her lips as if they were dry.
"M-My head hurts..." She whispered.
"Bianca, what's wrong?" Will asked, obviously getting worried.
"I-I'm thirsty..." She was slurring now. Her voice sounded hoarse and parched. She was blinking quickly as if she couldn't see properly. "Everything's blurry..." She muttered. Will quickly went to her, kneeling next to her. He studied her quickly, seeing her clammy face and pale skin.
"Her pupils are dilated." He said, mostly to himself. He felt her pulse. "Tachycardia." Will said.
"What?" Percy asked.
"Her heart rate is abnormally fast." Will answered. Then he took a torch and shined it in her face. She cringed away from the light.
"It's too bright." She slurred, trying to stand up, but almost falling over.
"Loss of balance..." Will muttered, moving to help her. She staggered as she tried to catch her balance.
"What's wrong with her?" Nico demanded, looking worried.
"I think she's ingested something poisonous." Will answered, frowning. Bianca tripped, but Nico caught her.
"Well what poison?!" He demanded as he lowered her to the floor. Will's eyes flickered as he tried to remember.
"I-I'm not sure." He muttered.
"W-What's happening?" Bianca slurred, looking confused. Nico put a hand to her forehead.
"She's burning up." He said, pulling his hand away.
"Wait, what did she eat or drink?" Will demanded.
"She didn't eat anything." Piper said.
"She was drinking this, though." Thalia handed Will Bianca's half fill cool drink. He quickly unscrewed the lid, smelling the liquid. His eyebrows furrowed as he thought. His features lit up.
"Wait! I know what it is!" He said, putting the bottle down again. "Belladonna! They used it in Chemistry a while ago!"
"Is there a cure?" Nico demanded. He was cradling Bianca's head in his lap.
"Physostigmine, or pilocarpine. I saw some in the chemistry class a while ago!" Will raced out of the room as fast as he could.
"I think we should leave Nico and Bianca alone." I said. They all nodded, not knowing what else to do. Hazel and I stayed while everyone else left to different places in the library. Hazel sat next to Nico, looking pale. Bianca was shivering, softly muttering to herself. As I turned to walk away, she grabbed my hand. Her eyes turned to me, coming a little into focus.
"Zoe, you're alive..." She trailed off. "I knew you couldn't be dead. I remember the car, but then you pushed me out of the way..." Her eyes glazed over again. Nico looked at me, his eyes red rimmed and filling with tears.
"She's hallucinating." He whispered. I knelt next to her.
"I just knew you couldn't be dead... I'm sorry that you died saving me..." Something seemed to snap her back to reality. "Hazel..." She trailed off, looking at her adopted sister. "I'm sorry about everything-" She was cut off by a fit of coughing. "...everything I ever did to you... I was wrong to say those things about you, and I'm sorry..." She continued softly.
"It's alright. I forgive you." Hazel whispered. Tears fell down her cheeks.
"And Nico... I am so sorry for all the misery and pain I put you in..." Her voice started getting weaker and softer. "I love you brother, and I never meant to hurt you like I did. Can you forgive me?" She whispered. Nico nodded, his tears dripping onto her face.
"Of course. I already have."
"I-I love you, Nico..." Bianca started convulsing, white foam dripping from her mouth. She thrashed around violently, and then suddenly, she stopped moving altogether. Her eyes turned glassy and she lay limp on the ground, unmoving. She wasn't breathing anymore.
"Bianca." Nico sobbed, burying his face in her hair.
"I've got it!" Will burst through the doors, a small vial in his hand. "I've got the antidote..." He trailed off quietly as he saw us. I caught his eyes and slowly shook my head solemnly.
It's too late...

Hello there. So who do you think killed them?
And who do you think is going to be killed next?
Go on and place your bets, people!

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