Chapter 9

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A deathly silence hung over the group of teenagers. Bianca's body had been moved out of the library by Percy and Jason. Nico and Hazel were both still crying, sitting close to each other. Reyna stared stonily ahead, glaring at each of us in turns.
"I didn't kill her!" She burst out. Everyone turned sharply to stare at her.
"What?" Will asked, frowning.
"I know that you think that I killed them." She hissed. "But I didn't."
"Well who did? You were the only one that could have killed Rachel, Octavian and Bianca. Plus, you had reasons to kill them." Jason shrugged. Reyna gave him a glare.
"Guys, fighting won't help. The killer might not even be one of us. It might be someone who was locked in the school with us." Percy suggested, trying to make some peace between them.
"Or the killer could be two of us." Thalia shrugged.
"What do you mean?" Nico asked, his eyes red.
"Well when Rachel died, we were playing hide and seek in pairs. Therefore, there could be two killers." Thalia explained. The mood darkened and everyone eyed each other nervously.
"All of this accusing is getting us nowhere." Piper sighed.
"Exactly. What we should be doing is sending out a search party!" Jason exclaimed. I rolled my eyes.
"Well that's a brilliant idea." I muttered beneath my breath.
"Well it would take our minds off of the murders." Thalia shrugged again.
"Yeah. Let's split up and search the school for a murderer." Annabeth said sarcastically.
"Totally." Jason nodded. Annabeth and I rolled our eyes in unison.

I shivered as a crash of thunder rung through the air. I shone my flashlight along the wall, my footsteps echoing through the hallway.
"Dammit Jason. I'm searching the school alone with a murderer somewhere because of your dumb idea." I muttered to myself. The storm was slowly dying down outside, but there was still lightning. I continued on, when I heard a muffled shout, then a sickening crack. I paused in my steps, then ran to where I thought I had heard the sound. A few minutes later I came to a staircase leading down to the first floor of the school.
"Hello?" I called, my voice shaking. There was no reply. I slowly walked down the stairs, looking around with wide eyes. When I reached the bottom, I swung my flashlight around, but there was no one there. I took a step forward, then froze as my shoe stepped on something warm and liquid. I looked down, shining my light on the floor. I gasped at what I saw. A large puddle of blood was sitting on the ground, one side of it smeared as if a body had been dragged away. I couldn't stop a terrified scream from escaping my mouth.

I froze as a scream filled my ears. I felt my eyes widen as I recognised it to be Calypso. My legs started moving before I realised it, and soon I was running through the hallways. I found Calypso at the bottom of a staircase, staring horrified at the floor. Leo, Percy, Thalia and Reyna were with her, looking shocked.
"What happened?" I asked. I followed their gazes, then felt my stomach drop as I saw a pool of blood by Calypso's feet. I swallowed away the nausea I was feeling, turning as I heard more footsteps. Annabeth, Leo, Nico and Will all came into view. Behind them was Frank and Piper.
"What happened? We heard you shout." Will gazed worriedly at Calypso.
"Oh no." Leo whispered, his eyes moving to the blood by her feet. "Not another one." Piper looked around frantically.
"Where's Jason?" She asked. I looked around, now noticing he wasn't there.
"You don't think...?" Percy asked, pointedly looking at the smeared blood.
"No." Piper whispered, tears gathering in her eyes. "No no no no no." She repeated, sinking to her knees. Annabeth knelt next to her and she sobbed into the blonde's shoulder.
"If his body is gone, the killer must've dragged it away. Maybe we should split up into groups and look for him." Percy suggested. Everyone nodded in agreement. "Alright. Calypso, Frank, Nico and Will can be in one group. Me, Annabeth, Thalia and Piper can be in another. And Reyna, Hazel and Leo can be in the last group." Once again everyone nodded. "Alright. Meet back in the library in an hour or shout if you find anything."

Hi there. Sorry for the late update. Who do you think killed him? Go on and place your bets, people.
~Ciao for now.

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