Chapter 1

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I smiled as I hang up the phone, I looked at my homescreen to see my beautiful girlfriend. I sighed as I looked at my closet, I hate homeschooling and I want to see my Nate. I don't want to do this dare, but if I want to go back home to my real dad and brother I have to do this stupid dare. I grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom and got in the shower. I got out of the shower and got dressed.

After I got dressed my phone rang. I answered it "hey, I'm on my way out now." I said then hung up and walked out of my room grabbing my bag. And walked downstairs and out the door and got in the car. Seeing Jessie sitting there, and she handed me a note. I read it and gave her a look "yeah... No. Give me that notepad and pen." I stated she just laughed and did as told. I wrote down all that needed to be said. I put it in my bag. "Here you go." She stated and handed me a necklace that had a white half of a heart. I looked at her, she just smirked and put a black half heart around my neck. I raised an eyebrow at her. "You need to do something to get your face close to his." She stated chuckling I scoffed and took it off. And I just held it. I looked at my black and gold heart locket. "Sorry, but I won't be wearing that." I stated she sighed and just shrugged "alright. Well we're here for the fan meet. I made sure we skip the concert, since I know you don't like it." She stated I nodded smiling "you are the best. Now the second I run to you that car better be ready." I stated as we got out she just laughed "I don't know maybe I want you to get mauled by crazy fangirls." She stated I punched her shoulder she held her arm and rubbed it "your mean." She stated I smiled "thank you, I try." I stated and we walked in to the building and stood in line forever.

$<3 earlier with Jungkook$<3

"I can't wait to see Miyung." Jungkook stated happily to his hyungs, they all nodded not exactly as happy as him. "You know what, maybe I'll announce our relationship today after the fan meet." He stated they didn't want to agree but did anyway knowing he was happy. Except Jimin. "Are you sure? I mean how will A.M.A.R.Y. react?" He stated that made Jungkook frown "your right..." He stated drifting off. "Guys, time for the meet." Jin stated they all got up and walked out.

~~|Arabella POV|~~

As Arabella was texting Nate she heard the screams and looked up to see 7 males. I rolled my eyes and saw the youngest one, Jungcock? I think is what Jessie said his name was. He was looking at me, Oh well I'm taken.

After I met all the others, it was finally the moment I despise. "Hello." I said in Korean he smiled at me "hello." He said back I cleared my throat. "So I was hoping you would except my gift." I said holding the necklace up he smiled "of course, can you put it on for me?" He asked I nodded "yeah, sure." And he leaned over and I put it on him. "Also, here, take this *hands note* plus, this is a dare, and I'm so sorry." She said and pressed her lips on his. Then quickly ran off grabbing Jessie's hand and ran out, to the car. Got in and drove away.

~~|Jungkook POV|~~

I couldn't stop looking at the girl, she was breath taking, and she didn't seem very happy to be here though. When she caught me looking she rolled her eyes.

She soon was in front of me. "Hello." She stated I smiled and repeated the word, she cleared her throat. "So I was hoping you would except my gift." She stated holding up a half necklace, I smiled "of course, can you put it on for me?" I asked she nodded "yeah, sure." She said and I leaned over. After she put it on, she handed me a note. "Also, take this. Plus this is a dare, and I'm so sorry." She then pressed her lips against mine. I was shocked. 'They're so soft.' I thought she then pulled away and ran off. Then all the fans went crazy. Soon the security got us off stage. I looked at the note.


So I'm sorry I kissed you infront of your fans and if I cause any drama. So just to let you know, I'm from California in north America. I did this as a dare for my friend, so I can use her jet to get me back home. So again I'm extremely sorry. If you want to contact me for anymore questions. I am staying at XXXX hotel for the rest of the week. And my phone number is XXX-XXX-XXXX. Also my name is Arabella Biersack. That's all. Again I'm so sorry.

After I read the note I got a call from Miyung. "Dude what just happened?" Namjoon asked I threw them the note and answered the call "Miyung listen-" she cut me off "you son of a bitch! You kissed another girl! We're through! Go to hell!" And with that she hung up.
Butvwhats weird is that I don't feel sad, I feel angry. "You should call her. Meet up with her." Taehyung stated I took a deep breath and dialed her number.

After about three rings she picked up, I heard our music playing in the back ground. I also heard her yell "will you turn that pop shit off! It's rotting my damn brain!" The music was turned down and I heard in the background a 'fuck off bitch!'


Hi is this Arabella

Yeah, who is this?

It's the guy you just kissed.

Oh shit! Look dude I'm so sorry. I just really want to get home that I'm desperate.

Well can I meet you at your hotel tomorrow? Around 1 pm. We should talk.

*sigh* I guess I'm not doing anything tomorrow so I guess.

Alright. Good. Also don't think much about this.

Umm.... Why would I? I have a....Girlfriend.

A girlfriend, huh? Yeah sure, I'm sure you do. Bye.

Well your rude. Bye.

And with that I hung up. "Wow, you just lost a girlfriend. And just gained another one!" Jimin stated I rolled my eyes. "No, I'm going to see why the hell she did the damn dare just to go home." I stated pissed off. They all backed off. "Okay just don't go over there yelling at her. You said it was a dare right? So there might not have been anything behind it." Jin stated I scoffed "yeah, okay. I told her not to think anything of me coming over tomorrow. And she was 'umm.... Why would I? I have a......girlfriend.' She even sounded hesitant, like she was lying." I stated they all just rolled their eyes. "Okay, but like Jin said, don't go over to her and yell and be a dick about it." Yoongi stated "I'll try, but she just made my girlfriend dump me. So yeah." I stated and put my head in my hands. "Can we just go home. I'm tired." I stated solemnly, the sadness kicked in. They all nodded and we got in the van and just went home.

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