Chapter 2

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I sighed as I got out of the shower, remembering that the guy I kissed yesterday was coming over, Nate must have seen what happened because she is ignoring me. I just grabbed some clothes from my suitcase.

After I got dressed I got a call. "What room are you in?" Jungkook asked as I answered "315" I said and hung up. Seconds later I heard someone knock on the door. I opened and let Jungkook in. He saw how upset I was, I wasn't even trying to hide it. "You seem sad." He stated I glared at him slightly "of course I am, my girlfriend is ignoring me." I stated he rolled his eyes "yeah sure. Why did you do that dare?" He asked I sighed "to go back to real family. I hate my step family why do you think I'm staying in a hotel." I stated sassily he just glared at me. "Whatch how you talk to me, I'm the one that should be pissed off! Because of you my girlfriend dumped me!" He yelled at me my face hardened "look I didn't know that! The only reason to do that is to get home! So I'm sorry. But don't fucking yell at me how the hell was I supposed to know that you had a girlfriend!" I yelled at him. He opened his mouth to say something when someone knocked on the door. I sighed and yelled out "who is it?" "Just let me in." I heard my eyes widen at the voice. I shoved Jungkook out of my way and opened the door and saw Nate standing there. "Oh my god, Nate I'm so sorry! I-" she shushed me "I know you wouldn't do that to me, so call down and explain. Also why is the guy you kissed with you?" She asked walking in, he just rolled his eyes. "Are you the actress she hired to make me believe that she only kissed me because of a dare." He stated Nate glared but then looked at me hurt "why would you do that on a dare?" She asked I froze at her hurt expression. "What, no baby. Don't listen to him it wasn't like that!" I exclaimed she had tears in her eyes, I glared at Jungkook who had a look off realization on his face. He realized that she wasn't an actress. "Then what was it like then? Huh?" She stated I walked closer to her "baby, I did it so I could go home." I stated she glared at me slightly "how the hell was kissing a Korean Celebrity supposed to do that?" She asked "i asked Jessie if there was anything I could do, to let her let me use her jetto go back home to you! I was so desperate to be with you, Nate please believe me!" I yelled out about to start crying she looked at me shocked "r-really?" She asked I just wiped Mt eyes and kissed her lips. "Really." I stated she just hugged me. "Look Arabella, I'm sorry I yelled at you like that, and thought you were lying about her. I was upset about my girlfriend breaking up with me." He stated Nate pulled away and looked at him. "It's fine, but I think you should leave. You should try to get your girl back." I stated he nodded and left.

I kissed Nate again longer this time, not that we were alone. "I'm so sorry babygirl. Please forgive me." I whispered as my forehead was pressed against hers. She looked into my eyes. "Show me how much you want me to forgive you." She whispered and kissed me again. I just smirked and took dominance and pinned her against the wall. As soon as I started to put my hand up her shirt my phone rang. I groaned and looked at the caller ID "what?" I asked answering it. "Can you come to bighit, my manager wants to talk with you." He stated I blinked and looked at Nate, who was looking confused. "Can I call you back in like ten minutes?" I asked I heard him sigh "no, he wants you here now." He stated I growled under my breathe "fine I'll be there in 5." I stated and hung up. I looked at Nate who was upset. "I know this is really overdo. But I need to go baby, you want to come with me?" I asked as grabbed her waist and kissed her lips. She pulled away and nodded "yeah, but when we get back. You need to prove that you missed me." She stated I smirked and kissed her again. "You got it baby, now let's go." I said grabbing my phone and her hand and we walked out to the elevator then out of the hotel, I got us a cab and we went to bighit.

When we walked in I saw the recpionist look at us with a raised eyebrow. Before I could say anything I saw Jungkook "come on. He's getting impatient." He stated I nodded and we followed him.

We walked into a office. I kissed Nate and told her wait outside she nodded. And I sat next to Jungkook in a chair. "So, I want you to sign a contract, to be his girlfriend for a year." He stated me and Jungkook both yelled "what!?" He just told us to sit down. "Everyone wants to know who you are to Jungkook. And we'll pay you every month." He stated "I don't understand why I have to be his girlfriend. I'm happily in a relationship." I stated "you'll get 200 grand every month. And you only have to pretend his girlfriend for one year. You can still have a real relationship but it must stay secret. All you and Jungkook have to do, is just be seen with eachother in public, and act like a couple." He stated I sighed not wanting to be part of scandal, but this doesn't make anything better. "I'll do it if you do it." Jungkook stated I sighed and signed the paper. "There." I stated the manager guy nodded. "Now I think you should explain to your lover about what is going on." The manager guy stated I nodded "also you'll be living with Jungkook." He stated I looked at him shocked but then just walked out to Nate and kissed her roughly "I'm sorry Nate." I said she looked at me confused "I have to act like I'm dating Jungkook." I stated she looked at me shocked "what why?!" I explained to her that it wouldn't cause a scandal or me getting bashed on. And wouldn't mess anything up with the boy band. She said she agreed with it as long I have a night with her before she goes back home. I agreed quickly. We said our goodbyes and I told Jungkook that I'll meet him here tomorrow after I drop Nate off at the airport.

|the next day|

I smiled as I woke up and saw Nate sleeping next to me, her bare body pressed against mine. I kissed her lips, she woke up looking at me. "Get up babygirl, we gotta get you to the airport." I stated she nodded and we got in the shower then got dressed.

After I got dressed we walked out I got a cab and drove to the airport.

When we got there I kissed her goodbye and that we will talk, text and video chat whenever we get a chance. She agreed and then got on her plane. I walked back to the cars and got in the cab and told him to go to bighit studios.

'This is so weird.'

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