Facing The Great Beast Albion

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3rd Person Pov
Fairy King's Forest

Y/n and Wendy stood next to Jericho who was leaning on a tree with her hands behind her head as King looked at Oslo.

King: All right now, Oslo, open up a portal to Liones, okay?

Oslo barks in question of King's order.

King: I'll be fine, trust me. I'm pretty sure the Fairy King's Forest doesn't need me around anymore.

Y/n: I still think you should stay, even if they don't need you now, they may need you later on.

Wendy: Big bro is right, you should at least stay.

King doesn't say anything to the two as he looks at Jericho.

King: Come on, Jericho, your not really on planning to stay here, right? You're gonna regret it.

Jericho: *sighs* Leave me out of this, okay? After all, it's not like I'm a Holy Knight anymore. And to be honest, I've had just about enough of living with my older brother.

A small fairy with blonde hair appears from behind the tree as it had squinted eyes while he looked at Y/n, Wendy and Jericho.

Fairy: Human go home now!

Jericho sticks out her tongue as Y/n chuckles and smiles a bit before the fairy flies away. The ground begins to shake as Jericho and Wendy look at the ground in shock as Y/n and King look around for the source.

Jericho: Is it an earthquake?

King looks around before looking at the forest as it grows as Jericho holds onto a branch with her behind pointed towards the air as it grew larger as she yells out.

King: Can't be. The forest is growing somehow.

Y/n looks up as he saw the young Great Tree grow larger as more branches appear.

Y/n: But it doesn't make sense, how could it grow at such a rate like this?

King: Well, normally, it doesn't. Maybe the seed of the Great Tree has something to do with this, but still, it couldn't have gotten this big in twenty years. And the Fountain of Youth doesn't exist anymore.

Y/n: The Fountain of Youth? The magic that if you drink from the chalice from the Great Tree it would make you immortal. Wait a second...looking back at battles that Ban was in, he would always heal quickly even if the injuries were extreme.

Y/n looks up at the young Great Tree as he held his chin and looked at the tree in curiosity.

Y/n: Maybe Ban...drank from the fountain and uses his blood to revive the forest...

The ground shakes again as Jericho and Y/n look in shock as King turned and looked I to the forest.

King: What's going on? Something isn't right here.

The ground continues to shake as leaves fall from the trees as Y/n grasped his sword tightly.

King: Is the forest about to grow again? No, that's not it! This...

A small group of fairies flies over as they were scared by something coming.

Fairy: Theres trouble! Theres trouble! King Ban! There's a large scary monster outside the forest!

The group look at the fairies before looking at each other.

Jericho: A what?

Wendy: Did they say a monster?!

The ground begins to shake as Y/n sprouts black shadow wings as he shoots up into the sky and hovers in the air as he gasps in shock as his eyes widen. His gaze falls upon a giant skinny grey demon with small green patches around its body as it had long thin arms and legs as ribbles appeared in its chest as it had red X's for its eyes.

Y/n: It's....

Y/n: It's a Great Beast Albion!

The Albion continues to move slowly closer to the young Great Tree as the fairies and the others look at it in shock.

Jericho: Woah...I don't think I've ever seen anything like it! That things bigger than the Great Tree of the Fairy King's Forest!

Y/n continues to look at the monster as a few fairies fly up to the beast as he looks at them.

Y/n: Are you guys nuts?! Get away from that thing!

The fairies ignore Y/n as they hover in front of the chest of the Albion.

Fairy: Stop right there! Don't you know you're not allowed to enter this place without the permission of King Ban?!

The Albion stops as it slow raises it arm as it reels it behind its head before swiping it to the left as it cut down part of the mountains surrounding the forest. The fairies look in utter shock before flying away as Y/n scoffs and grabs his sword as he pulls it out of his sheathe. Y/n holds his blade side ways in front of him as he puts his hand on the back of the of the blade as dark purple and black flames cover it as he reels his sword back and slashes it as a large blade slash of the dark purple and black flames heads towards the Albion.

Y/n: Dark Slash!

The slash hits the Albion before disappearing as the demon was unaffected by the attack. The Albion raises its right arm as Y/n looked in shock as his attack had no effect.

Y/n: No! It should have been able to cut down that thing like it was nothing! Wait...

A large shadow covered Y/n body as he looked up to see the Albion slam its arm down as a large shockwave slashes through the forest blowing Y/n with it as he yells out in pain.

Wendy & Jericho: Y/n!

Y/n crashes into the ground as he stops and groans as his body was covered in bruises with his clothes slightly ripped. Wendy Dan over your him as she knelt down by his side as he hovers her hands above him as a green aura appears on her hands and starts to heal him. Jericho looks in shock before she hears the little fairy from earlier groan out and sit in shock as she grabs him in her hand and runs toward the Great Tree.

Jericho: Hang in there, little guy! Wendy, I'm gonna go get Ban! You stay and help Y/n!

Wendy: Right!

The Albion swings it's arm again wiping out another section of the forest as Ende watches with a few more fairies as others fly away.

Ende: Again...the whole forest will be destroyed!

The Albion walks closer to the Great Tree as it gets ready to attack only for explosions to appears in its face as it backs up. Ende and the other fairies look in shock as Jericho stops in her tracks to look at what just happened.

Jericho: What's going on?

The Albion leans back as smoke comes off of its face as Ende looks to where the attack came from and gasps in shock. The Great Tree was protected by a large sunflower as its yellow leaves glow brightly.

Ende: Th-that's- The Sunflower that blooms on the Fairy Realms's Sacred Tree!

Melik: But...that's impossible..

The fairies look above the flower as they see King floating above it with his hand held out to the Albion. The fairies gasp in shock as they saw him as he was glaring at the beast.

Fairies: Harlequin!

The Albion hangs its head low before looking at King as it opened its mouth as a small red ball appeared in its mouth as it flowed brightly. King looks at the beast as he motions his hand around.

King: Spirit Spear Chastiefol, fourth configuration! Sunflower!

The yellow leafs on the flower move inside towards the center as they glow brightly. Wendy helps Y/n up as he looked at the two.

Y/n: King...

A red beam fires from the Albion's mouth as a yellow beam fires from the sunflower as they clash together. The two beams continue to clash as Y/n and Wendy cover their eyes from the blast before a large explosion erupts blowing King into the Great Tree as he made a small dent in it and groaned in pain. The Albion stands tall from the explosion as the fairies all look in shock.

Cisca: He doesn't stand a chance against a beast like that!

Fairy: He'll never beat that monster!

King slowly gets up as he holds onto Great Tree as he looks at the Albion. King stands up and floats up as Y/n appeared next to him as he held his sword weakly as he looked at King.

Y/n: You all right?

King: I won't let this thing...destroy my homeland.

King wipes his chin and spits out some blood as Y/n looks at the Albion.

Y/n: It must have come through the seal with the Commandments...or they must have summoned them.

Inside the Great Tree

Jericho and the little fairy, Puora head further into the tree towards the chamber with Elaine's body.

Jericho: Ban! Ban! It's awful! A giant monsters in the forest.

Puora: Hey, King Ban! Please! We need you to protect us!

The two arrive at the chambers as the see it was guarded by vines as the two stop and look in confusion.

Jericho: Huh? Wasn't this the doorway to the chamber? Ban, you are in there aren't you?!

Inside the chamber

Ban stands near Elaine's body as he stood across from Gerheade, who was smiling at him.

Gerheade, I have to admit, I assumed you'd be a little taken aback by my actions. You have nerves of steel for a human.

Ban chuckles as he hands his tongue out of his mouth with a wicked smile.

Ban: Well, it really all isn't that surprising. Some of you guys seem to like calling me king, but there are lots of other fairies that can't stand the idea. Then again, I never asked any of you to call me that in the first place. From what Elaine told me, the plans that those humans that had plans for you Fairies and plans for the Fairy King's Forest weren't exactly what you'd call pleasant. So if you hate my guts after all that's happened here, I guess it's only natural.

Gerheade's hat covered her eyes as she kept her small smile.

Gerheade: Oh, no, Ban. Believe it or not, I'm actually grateful to you.

Ban: Huh?

Gerheade: The Demon Race Byrnes our whole forest to the ground, but you single handedly resurrected this place which was lost to us. An ordinary human could have never accomplished something like that. But even so, no Human could never become our ruler. The Fairy Ling must be chosen from our Sacred Tree with no exceptions!

Gerheade holds up her wand as vines start to come out of the floor in the chamber as they glow.

Gerheade: The one this forest truly needs...is Harlequin. And no one else!

Gerheade swipes her wind as the vines grown and stretch out to Ban at top speed. Ban looks at the vines in confusion before dodging them as they try to hit him.

Ban: I told you. When it comes to being king, I don't even want the job!

A vine pops out heading towards Ban as he backflips and dodges it before Gerheade swipes her wand down as Ban lands to see a barrage of vines shoot up and head towards him.

Ban: Now I don't know what you have in mind, but knock it off!

Ban smirks as he jumps up and runs along one of the vines as he jumps up and kicks a few of them splitting them in half before being surrounded by them. The vines capture Ban in an orb before he kicks away at they shredding them to bits as he smirks while Gerheade looks in shock. A piece of the vine hits Gerheade knocking her back as Ban lands in front of her with his hands still in his pockets.

Ban: Gerheade, listen up, cause I'm only saying this once. I'm planning on leaving their forest whether you plan on having me stick around or not.

Gerheade: Sorry, that won't do.

Ban looks at Gerheade as the collar of his coat covered his mouth.

Ban: What?

A vine slowly brings to grow behind Gerheade before sharpening up as Gerheade looks at Ban and swipes her staff back as Ban gets ready to attack before seeing Gerheade swipes her staff to Elaine. Ban looks in anger as he dashed toward Elaine's body.

Ban: You bitch!

Back in the Forest

Y/n and King pant as they looked at the Albion as they had dodged one of its attacks. Y/n holds his sword up as he holds the hilt with two hands.

Y/n: You still with me, King?

King nods as Chastiefol was in its spear form as he glared at the Albion. Y/n takes a deep breathe as he closes his eyes as white and black shadows surround him.

Y/n: Shadouāmā.

The black and white shadows surround Y/n's body in a small twister as black armor slowly appears and connects on Y/n's body as white gems appear on his the back of his hands, knees and his chest as the eyes of the helmet glow white as shadows slowly rise off the armor.

King: Do you really think that armor can beat this thing?

Y/n says nothing as the fairies and Wendy look at Y/n as Wendy held her hands together.

Wendy: Big Brother, please, be careful.

Y/n looks at the Albion as his armor glows brightly as King looks at him and covers his eyes as Y/n's armor begins to turn a light grey as it bulked up with a grey armored cape as black armor appeared on his shoulders and arms as his helmet changed shape.

Y/n: Gōsutoāmā.

Y/n looks at the Albion as he holds up his sword towards it chest as a large black and silver orb appears in front of the blade.

Y/n: Shadow Ghost Blaze.

The orb turns into a torrent of flame as it shoots to the Albion as it hits the demon in the chest directly. The Albion screeches in pain as everyone was in shock as the attack continued.

Fairies, Wendy & King: He was able to damage it?!

The attack continues as the Albions body begins to turn black as it yells out in pain as it tries to attack Y/n but stops moving as it arms become ash. Y/n looks at the Albion with no emotion under his helmet as the Albion soon turned to ash and blew away in the wind. Y/n lowers his blade as he sheathes it as he looked to where the Albion once stood.

Y/n: If these things keep coming, I have to get all of my power back. Looks like I have to pay a visit to my two favorite Druid's.

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