Y/n Vs Galand

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3rd Person Pov

The Ten Commandments sit on a large purple and red demon tree on Edinburgh hill as they looked out to the land around them. Zeldris sure on one knee as Fraudrin stands next to him with his arms crossed.

Fraudrin: It appears that an Albion's been destroyed. Two of them, actually. In separate locations, and in one of those locations, I sensed Alastor's power.

Melascula floats on another branch behind Fraudrin and Zeldris as purple flames surround her.

Melascula: Who cares about them anyway? To me they were nothing more than ancient toys.

Galand begins laugh as Melascula, Fraudrin and Zeldris look at him.

Galand: How amusing!

Melascula: What is it that you find so funny?

Galand: Who'd ever imagine that there would be people daring to stand against the Demon Race?

Galand stands up pushing himself up with his lance as he walks to the edge of the large branch he sat on.

Galand: Right, let's go.

Melascula: Your not considering heading out there with your powers still depleted, are you?

Galand: Why not? It would be a perfect warm up exercise. Or do you actually think they'll defeat me?

Melascula sighs as Zeldris stands up from his spot as he vanished and reappeared in front of Galand as he looked up at him.

Zeldris: Now wait a minute, have you forgotten that it was this kind of arrogance that led to our being sealed in the first place?

Galand: Well, memory loss in old men can be rather severe.

Gloxinia looks at Galand as he uses one of the tentacles around him to point towards him.

Gloxinia: So, what direction are you gonna take?

Galand raises his free hand to his chin as Zeldris crosses his arms and sighs as he closes his eyes and looks down.

Galand: Hmm, let me see.

Gloxinia: I noticed something north-west of here, for a minutes there were power levels that were almost tripling the Albion's. The one south of us was strange, because that Albion seemed to self destruct. As if it's own power slammed back into it somehow.

Galand: Hmm.

Galand walks over and pats Gloxinia's head softly before looking up as he jumped high into the sky.

With Y/n

Y/n had finished cutting down Ban from Gerheade's vines as his injuries began to heal himself. Ban lands on the ground as he stretches and spins his arm around. Jericho stands next to him as she watched them.

Ban: Thanks, little Captain.

Y/n: You really need to stop getting yourself hurt like that, you may be immortal but it's getting annoying.

Y/n sheathes his sword as he crossed his arms before looking at Gerheade.

Y/n; And you, you try something like that again while I'm around...

A dark aura starts to surround Y/n as Gerheade backs away slightly in fear.

Y/n: and I'll end you.

Gerheade looks at Y/n in fear as King watched them as Wendy was healing his injuries.

King: Y/n, that armor you used to defeat that monster, what exactly was that?

Y/n turns and looks at King as he kept his arms crossed and shrugged his shoulders.

Y/n: I'm not exactly sure, I know I only have four armors, but that one was definitely new. When I was in my fourth armor, I just felt something was powering it up more.

Jericho: Could it be from your Demon powers?

Jericho looks up at Y/n as he closed his eyes.

Y/n: Maybe, but I'm not sure. But it could explain what happened before I left Liones, I just felt more strength and a new lust to kill.

After Ban heals himself, he grabs his bag as he starts to walk away. Y/n looks at him before looking at Jericho and Wendy.

Y/n: Jericho, Wendy, I want you two to stay with Ban.

Jericho: Why?

Wendy: I won't leave you, big brother.

Y/n: Listen, fighting that Albion was a challenge for me, and I bet that armor was just a fluke when it helped me. I need to go pay a visit to some people that can help me get my strength up, but until I'm back, Ban can watch over you. I can't risk-

Y/n stops halfway through his sentence as he groans and holds his head. Wendy stops healing King as she looks at her brother in worry.

Wendy: Big brother? What's wrong?

Y/n continues to groan as he holds his head as he hears Elizabeth's voice in his head.

Elizabeth: Y/n, please....help us.

Y/n opens his eyes in shock as he looks up a bit before looking at the top of the tree.

Y/n: Ellie!

Y/n ignites his feet in flames as he takes off through an open hole in the tree. Wendy and Jericho call out to him as Ban and King looked at him in shock.

With Meliodas

Meliodas struggles to get out of Galand's grip after he appeared in Camelot as Diane charged at him and swung Gideon down on him. Galand lifts up his left leg before doing a backwards kick hitting the claw of Gideon as the face of it hit Diane in the head as she yells out letting blood come out of her forehead. Diane falls to the ground as she groans as Merlin looks at the three.

Merlin: Seems we're more outmatched than I expected. Let's take a moment to strategize.

Merlin lifts up her hand and snaps her fingers as Galand feels a magical power coming towards him before disappearing and letting go of Meliodas. Meliodas falls to the ground as Arthur, Elizabeth and Hawk watched them while inside two Perfect Cubes.

Elizabeth: Lady Merlin! Amazing.

Meliodas groans as he slowly stands up as he held his Sacred Treasure, Lostvayne, as he walked over to Diane. Diane continued to groan in pain as blood came down the middle of her forehead as Meliodas stood by the side of her head.

Meliodas: Diane, are you all right?

Diane lets out a painful sigh as Arthur looked to the battlefield with his hands on the side of the Perfect Cube.

Arthur: Looks like Galand vanished!

Slader stands in front of Arthur's Perfect Cube as he looked at the three Sins in front of him.

Slader: That was Big Sister's Teleportation.

Merlin looks at where Galand stood as she narrows her eyes.

Merlin: I had nothing to do with it. In a matter of seconds, he leapt miles beyond the range of my power. So I can only assume, that he has retreated.

As Merlin finished her sentence, Galand appears behind her hunched over as a small explosion from his feet landing on the ground made a small smoke cloud under him. Merlin look back at him in shock as Galand opens the mouth to his armor as he stands up.

Galand: You know, it's deceitful underhanded mages like you that I despise more than any other!

Slader looks in shock as Arthur does the same.

Arthur: Run, Merlin! Right now!

Galand reels his fist back as he throws it at Merlin as Slader appears in front of her.

Slader: Overpower!

A spirit replicating Slader's form appears behind him as Galand roars as a even larger spirit of Galand appears behind him as it roars out. The spirit of Slader disappears as Slader himself looks at Galand in shock.

Slader: This intimidating presence of his, it's like...

Galand slashes his lance into Slader's side as Slader's body bends to where the blow hit him in.

Slader: A mountain.

Slader spits up blood as he tumbled on the ground as his right arm was severed and bounced away from him.

Elizabeth: Slader!

Galand slowly stands up as he looks at Slader's body as Merlin looks at him as she put her hand on her hip.

Merlin: Wait!

Galand looks towards Merlin as she smiled and moved her hair and coat showing her crimson boar symbol on her neck.

Merlin: Why don't we make a deal?

Galand: Oh?

Merlin: Galand of the Ten Commandments, serving under the King of the Demon race. Your power and fighting abilities have far exceeded my expectations. And it's clear that you could easily...

Merlin continues to talk as she kept her smile and eyes on Galand as she started to think.

Merlin: I've got ten seconds to think of something. I have to bring down Galand and keep everyone safe while preventing more damage to Camelot. What would Y/n do in a time like this? In return, we'll give you anything you and your people desire. Regardless of what you may need to try and achieve your goals, I'm more than confident that I can be able to-

Merlin stops as a large shock goes through her body as she could feel something was off.

Merlin: What...what's happening?

Meliodas: That won't work on him! Galand can't be...

Elizabeth and Hawk look in shock as they looked at Galand and Merlin.

Hawk: What...what is that monster doing?

Galand looks down at Merlin as his eyes flowed green.

Galand: You lied, you lied to me, didn't you?

Merlin looks at her hand as purple lighting covers it before turning it to stone. Merlin's body begins to turn to stone as she gasps in shock before her whole body turns into a statue of stone.

Arthur: Merlin!

The knights surround them look in shock after seeing Merlin turn into stone.

Knight: Lady Merlin, the great mage, has been turned to stone!

Knight 2: No...how is that possible?

Galand cackles evilly as he looked at Merlin.

Galand: I am the Ten Commandment's Galand of Truth! Speak any lies in my presence and no matter who you are, you'll be turned to stone! Withstanding the Commandment the Demon King bestowed on me is impossible. Now, I'll pulverize you into dust!

Arthur looks at Galand as tears fall down his face.

Arthur: Stop this! She's had enough!


Everyone looks in shock as they heard the voice shout out as Galand looks around before turning as a punch came straight to his face before he was blowing away and tumbled on the ground. The person who punched him lands as Galand groans and slowly gets up as he looked at his attack.

Galand: So you finally decided to appear....

The sun shines down on Y/n as he looked at Galand in rage as fire covered his left hand as he stood in front of Merlin's stone body.

Galand: Y/n.

Elizabeth and the others look at Y/n in shock as she slowly smiles and covers her mouth as a tear falls down her cheek.

Elizabeth: Y/n...

Y/n looks at Galand before turning as he looked at Merlin as she was frozen in place. Y/n raises his hand and cups her cheek as he looked at her.

Y/n: Merlin...I'm sorry I didn't get here in time...

Galand stands up straight as he looked at Y/n as he stabbed his lance into the ground.

Galand: Even after three thousand years, you still have a punch that could wipe out an entire mountain.

Y/n looks at Galand slowly as he takes his hand back from Merlin's cheek as he glared at Galand.

Y/n: And for a frail old man in armor, your still too weak to even dodge my attacks.

Galand chuckles evilly to himself as he rubbed the chin to his armor.

Galand: Still a cocky fighter, I see.

Y/n: And your still a fool.

Y/n slowly pulls his sword out his sheathe as he puts it at his side as the two start to circle each other. Diane looks at Y/n as she slowly reaches out to him.

Diane: Y..Y/n...

Y/n looks back at her and smiles as he put his hand on hers.

Y/n: Just sit tight, this will be over in a minute.

Diane lowers her hand as she looked at him as Y/n looked back at Galand.

Y/n: So tell me, are Melascula and Derieri still with the Commandments?

Galand: Indeed they are, but something did bother me before we came back to this world.

Y/n raises and eyebrow as the two stop circling as they looked at each other.

Galand: I always wondered, what did happen to you after you betrayed us? After sealing us away, I assumed you became apart of the Goddess race, but here you are as a human.

Y/n: Well, as much as I'd like to tell you that, I don't feel like sharing my story with a piece of scum like you.

Y/n dashes at Galand as he goes to swing his sword before disappearing as Galand looms behind himself and blocks a strike from Y/n. Y/n growls before disappearing again as he appears by Galand's head as he kicked him in the face blowing him back a bit. Galand drags his feet on the ground keeping himself standing as he rubbed his chin. Galand looks at Y/n as he charged some fire in his hand before firing a torrent of flames at him. Galand spins his lance in front of him holding back the flames as Y/n looks at him.

Y/n: I'm not gonna let you hurt anyone else! Your gonna die right here!

Galand: We will see about that.

Y/n jumps into the air as he goes into his dragon armor as he dives down and clashes his sword with Galand's lance. Galand's eyes glow again as Y/n looks at him as the two stay in a weapon lock.

Galand: You May have better fighting skills, Y/n, but another thing you don't have is...

Y/n looks at him before his eyes widen as some blood comes down his lip as he looks down to see Galand had stabbed his armored hand into
Y/n's stomach. Y/n looks back at Galand before roaring out as he uppercut Galand in the chin sending him flying back to where he came from as he fell to his knee. Elizabeth and the others look in shock as Y/n held his stomach as the wounds started to slowly heal before stopping as Y/n's eyes widen.

Y/n: What...

Y/n's armor disappears as he soon falls on his face as everyone looked in shock and horror. Meliodas ran over to Y/n as he put him on his back as he looked at his wound as Elizabeth looked at him with tears falling down her face.

Elizabeth: Y/n...no...not again...

Everyone looked in shock as they had finally saw the power of one of the Ten Commandments. Meliodas and Diane looked at Y/n before some knights led them to the castle to get their injuries treated. Elizabeth stayed by
Y/n's side as she held his hand as he laid in a bed in one of the spare rooms in the castle as she put her head on his hand.

Elizabeth: Please be all right, Y/n. I can't lose you again, so please, for me....

Stay alive.

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