The Mud Puddle Demands A Sacrifice

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Where's your shoe?

The Giant mud puddle down the road demanded a sacrifice.


"You're off your head!" Leo scoffed. "You can't be listening to every mud puddle that demands a sacrifice. Have some self respect."

"Of course I can, mud puddles are always full of knowledge but an idiot like you would never know!"

"Whatever! Let's get your shoe back...Unless you want to be sacrificed too?"

"We should never take back a sacrifice, that's just plain rude!"

"Trust me, you could sell that pair and become a billionaire one day!"

"We could do that, or" --a grin managed to form on Leo's face-- "I can eat this single pair on my foot?"

"How about I eat your head?!" he snapped.

"The shoe sacrifice was to get my head back."

"But you're holding your head!" another gasped in outrage.

"This ain't my head, this head belongs to someone else; my head is still with the mud puddle."

"Then who does the head belong to???"

"Me," the mud puddle gurgled.

He gasped loudly, "I never knew you had a head at first place,"

Leo nodded as he took a bite out of his shoe and said, "Everyone has heads."

"I do!" Everyone said smugly as he took Leo's other shoe as a snack. Then Everyone and Leo gazed into each other's eyes, feeling sparks fly when their hands brushed.

"Well, this has gone over my head," Jamie Two-foot said, rubbing her temples.

She rubbed her temples way too hard that they caused an earthquake that released the fairies from their slumber under the earth. With the fairies came the fairy King, and thus Lord Snickersnort returned. Everyone applauded as he drew himself to his full height of four inches, brushing dirt from his clothes.

"Sacrifice please," called the mud puddle.

"You've already had your sacrifice, Mud Puddle!" the Fairy King growled unpleasantly, his eyes twitching at the abnormality.

"WILL YOU ALL JUST SHUT UP?!!" The Bacon of Destruction showed up out of nowhere to spread chaos.

"No!" Burning Elmo yelled back, smacking the Bacon of Destruction.

"Oh, shush!"' Bacon burnt elmo.

Thankfully, the mud puddle was there to nom the Bacon of Destruction like the delicious treat it was.

Then the mud puddle burst into flames because lo and behold, there had been a miniature oil spill. Alas, now Elmo has to battle the flaming concoction of muddy puddle and bacon of destruction, now named:

"Peppa pig from hell."

Elmo swallowed a lump of puke knowing what must do to save the mind of all the children in the world: eat Peppa pig from Hell. Elmos thoughts were limited when Bambi came running towards him.

"Elmo!" Bambi said in a really concerned voice, after he ran towards Elmo, and stood next to him, panting.

While all this was happening Leo and Everyone still gazed into each other's eyes.

Elmo then shot Bambi with a rifle. But still the sound of the rifle being shot couldn't break the staring game of Leo and Everyone, they still gazed into each other's eyes. And as their faces leaned closer, Leo stabbed Everyone in the chest.

Leo was happy that everyone was killed but what they didn't know was a wild Moni was watching from her invisible hideout.

Moni removed her mask, revealing Sarah inside it. Sarah loaded her shotgun and shot Leo in the back of the heart with a clean shot right through him, watching as he fell on the ground, drowning and dying in his own blood puddle.

The blood puddle turned into mud, and Leo turned into a shoe, making another sacrifice for the road. The mud puddle laughed at his fullest seeing the new sacrifice, after all that's what he always wanted. Another shoe. The mud puddle went back home and placed the shoe carefully on a shelf with few other shoes, as if it was a trophy.

A disco dance then commenced, the strobe lights in his trophy room flaring to life as he began to floppily breakdance. A baby dragon pattered in to look at its father/owner. Then, the father ate him. But the baby dragon ate him from the inside. And then the baby dragon died from trying to eat the stomach acid.

But the father's stomach digested itself, causing him to die. Another baby dragon pattered in and saw the scene then decided to fly out the window to its land. But little did the baby dragon notice, the window was closed. And then, the nuke finally fell and killed everyone. The nuke also accidentally set off a reaction which gave birth to a new species.

Patacians, they called themselves. From the word "pata" which means "chaos birthed from nukes". But people only saw them as bloodthirsty killers. But the blood was maple syrup, due to the nuke. But it didn't taste like maple syrup, it tasted like cardboard. And cardboard was a delicacy to the Patacians.

And so the Patacians became cannibals.

Except they were no ordinary cannibals. They craved to eat themselves. Aila took a bite of her arm and decided it tasted like chocolate. She got punched, for chocolate was a forbidden word that meant 'calm down'. but who punched her, she doesn't know. It was the power of chaos itself. A spaceship landed out of nowhere, dust flying everywhere as it then fell apart

A shoe tumbled from its lower compartment, speeding through the air, searching for an unsuspecting head to bonk.

It bonked Life's head, making a lot of people think it was a guardian angel. They were wrong, for it was a Guardian Shoe, and the last of its kind. A puppy came and chewed the last Guardian Shoe, killing it. The puppy was now entrusted with the task to save the Universe as it was now the Guardian Pup. But the Guardian Pup was too lazy to save the universe so he entrusted the role to Jeffery the Middle Finger who came back from his trip from another server where he almost stepped on an adorable bee.

"Am I the most important now?" Jeffery asked with a gasp, amazed that he might have got his wish of being the true main character.

"Unfortunately yes," echoed the people of the Universe.

The adorable bee groaned. Mia the bee punched it. To fix this issue, the universe decided to explode, leaving the duoverse all alone. But Mia was strong enough to survive. With a grin, Mia removed her disguise, revealing Sarah with the button that destroyed the universe.

"NOOOOOO!" yelled Willy.

Jeffery sobbed, "Don't shatter my dream so quickly!"

The dream was unfortunately shattered when Sarah pressed the button and the universe went poof. Conspiracy fanatics decided to start up a chart detecting every instance the universe had been nuked and decided to cause an uproar to cancel the one responsible. Everyone turned to Sarah, who has nuked more times than they could count! Sarah didn't notice every gaze in the room was on her, she was happily eating her share of Wardrobe.

The moon exploded.

"NOOOOO!" Sokka cried as he fell to his knees.

"Quit being a baby!" Katara scoffs, slapping him upside the head.

"I'm hungry, can we get some frogs?" Aang asked.

"Hey you, you're supposed to be learning fire magic get back here!" suddenly Zuko pops up, his eyes twitching at his pupil.

Before the fanfiction could continue further, Sarah jumped down and chased them all away with a broom.

"But Zuko just got here," the fangirls whined.

"He didn't sacrifice properly," the mud puddle, still somehow there, countered.

And then the Fire Nation attacked.

"It's always 'the fire nation attacked," cried a fire nation citizen, "not the fire nation defended--we could have been victims ya know!"

Waving her bazookas, Sarah protested, "it wasn't me this time!"

"Yeah, maybe the Earth Nation attacked, you wouldn't know cause the Fire Nation is all the talk!" someone else sneered with a grin.

Behind them, the air nation just rolled their eyes.

"Stop fighting! It's an iconic line," protested Korra.

"Even if it's iconic its discrimination against the Fire Nation, we're not bad people!" someone else whined, while others snickered in the background.

Sarah bonked them all with a broom and yelled, "Stop getting in the way of my plan for who knows how long!"

They all bonked Sarah back. And so, the Great Bonking War began.

bonk bonk bonk bonk bonk

But Sarah bonked back like she had never bonked back before.

That included using her nukes to bonk, as she didn't have a clue how to do it without her precious nukes!

Again, Sarah's nukes ended the Universe.

"Sarah!" One of the gods groaned, having to, again, make sure the universe was up and running, "someone take the nukes away from her!"

A guardian angel appeared, banning all the nukes and taking them with her as she disappeared as she came, leaving Sarah on her own in this massive universe.

The earth exploded and got split into two round shapes.

"I proclaim this Planet Mud!" announced the mud puddle, waving a brown flag atop the first of the spheres.

And they all lived muddily ever after. Or so they thought. For under the dark storm clouds of the opposite sphere, a new batch of overlords were rising, the rulers of Planet Dirt. And such dry humor these rulers had. And so, the Planet Dirt rulers landed. The Planet Dirt rulers killed the mud puddle.

All the other residents of Planet Mud simultaneously pressed F to pay respects to their beloved puddle.

"The early burd eats the dust," Yui, who was awoken by the simultaneous pressing of F, solemnly said.

The mud puddle laughed, "Hah, you thought I, the great mighty mud puddle, was dead?"

"I feed from the fear of you! I can never die"

Everyone gasped as he rose to his full floppy height, the knives embedded in his puddliness wriggling loose.

Tatsu came along to lend a hand to Yui. They were soon joined by Rhythm. Birthday Bot shot them all. MEE kept laughing evilly in the background. His plans for a robot takeover are unfolding before his very eyes. Along came Dyno and resurrected them all to help with the robot apocalypse. Yui came along and shot birthday bot, then blew him up.

In the meantime, the mud puddle was fiddling with knives in the corner, while the overlords of Planet Dirt had given up and gone home. But the mud puddle didn't know that behind him, disboard was preparing the very mighty shoe for the take over.

"Why do I hear boss music?" asked disboard.

"Because I'm here," snorted Ganon, who appeared out nowhere and stabbed his trident into the mud puddle. The mud puddle screamed. Agony and despair fell upon the people of the Dirt Planet, not knowing what to do with the screaming mud puddle. The screaming was so loud, it even drowned out the boss music. This made Ganon panic and begin patting the puddle in a helpless attempt to soothe him. The mud puddle swallowed Ganon with a big gulp.

The mud puddle burped and the sound was, "Never gonna give you up."

"Hyah," said Link when he realized he was too late to destroy Ganon again. So the mud puddle ate Link as well. But while swallowing him, the master sword got stuck in his throat. The mud puddle started choking and promptly spitted Link and his sword out.

"Never gonna let you down!" Link declared proudly, lifting his sword in the air. Ganon blinked in surprise--since when did Link know how to talk?

Link then went ahead and started singing "I'm a barbie girl, in a barbie world, life in plastic, it's fantastic"

Navi bonked him on the head for being an idiot.The bots, suddenly remembering they existed, began throwing knives in all directions for a laugh. "You can brush my hair—never gonna run around and desert you!" Link sang, dodging the knives like a pro. Rick poofed in having been summoned by the lyrics. The writer bot threw her knife a little later than the others, because she was down for maintenance yet again. The dagger struck poor Link as he sang the final verse to Never Gonna Give You Up. Sarah played "see you again" on the piano to mourn the death of Link.

Rick Astley shook his head, disapproving of the late Link's rendition of his masterpiece. And so Rick decided enough was enough and to end all bad rendition of his masterpiece once and for all! He set off a holy hand grenade, destroying the whole of Planet Mud and a good chunk of Planet Dirt as well.

"I'm gonna give you up," he announced.

Sarah loaded her shotgun and said, "And I'm gonna let you down."

"Time to run around and desert you,' Rick said, spinning around and running away from Sarah at top speed, leaving dust behind him. This was when Sarah started taking matters into her own hands.

But then her hands turned into She ate her own hands, then proceeded to turn into a human-sized donut.

"Donnnuutttsss!" A group of minions appeared, eyeing the delicious pastry. It turns out the donuts were a curse, so all the minions also turned into donuts.

"DONUT PARTY!" A random shout came from out of nowhere, and soon everyone was donuts and doing the disco.Too bad the donut police had to shut things down due to someone who was immune to the donut curse making a complaint, they would have been a very salty donut had they not been immune.

But a couple of donuts mobbed him to draw out some of his blood and study his anti-donut-antibodies.

"Planet Donut!" declared a particularly oblong-shaped chocolate donut, waggling his sprinkles at the salty donut. The planet shook as it began reforming into the shape of a donut, and the sky began to rain multicolored sprinkles. The sprinkles demanded they be treated as equals to the donuts and started an uproar.

The sprinkles launched their attack on the donuts. The donuts crushed the sprinkles, and the sprinkles buried the donuts, and then there was nothing but colorful crumbs as left.

Planet Donut was eaten by a giant alien who had been craving for a sweet snack. Now that Planet Donut was no more, and the giant alien was full, the universe had gone quiet...

a lightning strike could be heard in the distance, roaring closer.

Adorable Dreams while doing the renegade dance was coming closer to the scene, the power of her dance had caused the lightning strike. As a final resort, Donut Sarah decided to finally drop the nuke and end the world. The Gods and Goddess' were very disappointed and decided to let donut Sarah float into nothingness as they enjoyed their lovely hot meals.

✨ The End ✨

Or is it? Gods are still disappointed and their lovely hot meals are not as good as their high standard demands. And thus, they were grumpy for the rest of time, continuing to torture all creatures alike for eternity. But eternity is too long for one to reign supreme. For each kingdom is a dream that is dying or one coming to birth.

"Oh no," said the gods, "anyway."

It's none of our business," said the gods and took a sip of their apple juice from their mugs. 'You all need Jesus' was written in dark neon green colour on the black mug.

"We shall simply lounge here and glug juice until we die."

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