Y/N has a dream in a dream that's in another dream..

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Week 77


At the age of 16 everyone gets teleported into a small room. In front of you is a table with all kinds of meals from apples to gourmet meats. Whatever you take a bite of will determine what superpower you will get. You're the first person to take a bite of the table itself.


However, before Y/N could continue writing what happened after the protagonist took a bite off the table, she heard her mom calling out to her.

"Y/N come downstairs for dinner honey!"

When she got down, the meals on the table were different kinds of mini tables too.

"What is this?" Y/N asked, narrowing her eyes suspiciously.

"These are cakes, my dear, in the form of tables," her mother replied, whipping out some more table cakes from the oven.


She took a bite of one of them, and they were surprisingly soft and sweet.
But what Y/N didn't know was that her "mother" wasn't her real mother and she had cursed the cakes.

Y/N's chest exploded with pain and it felt like their ribs were burning from the inside out. And when she thought she was about to die, she became a table hybrid! Y/N's mother gasped as she realised her mistake, she wasn't meant to put zucchini in it!

The now Y/N table was furious at her mother, burning with anger - no, she was literally on fire. The fire from Y/N table spread throughout the whole room.

"Not the fine curtains! They were the only thing I got in the divorce!" said Y/N in panic.

The mother grabbed a spare bat that was lying around and swung at Y/N with the intention to kill. Suddenly, Y/N's dead father who died in an accident rose as an Angel and protected Y/N from the assault. The bat swung through the angel's body and the mother toppled over, flying down the stairs with a BANG.

Then the angel pushed Y/N down the stairs and Y/N woke up from yet another dream.

Y/N yawned and got up, ready to start a new amazing and productive day! But when she looked at her breakfast, she saw zucchini cupcakes. Since she doesn't remember anything about the dream she was having a minute ago Y/N happily eats the cupcakes. She groaned in delight at how delicious they were... until they grew arms and legs and pulled out her teeth.


"Yes mere mortal, and I've come to tell you that you've been sold to One Direction"

Y/N was excited to hear the news and asked them how to get to One Direction's place.

"There lol," the cupcake zucchini human table hybrid disappeared in a puff of smoke.

The puff of smoke turned into a ghost. And Y/N strove to do what it said to her earlier and it didn't result in a good situation. Turned out Y/N accidentally went to BTS's house!

"This day is just getting better," Y/N said.

"I can't believe I get to possibly live with BTS," Y/N says out loud.

As Y/N walked into the house, horror burst out in the form of snakes. And BTS spontaneously materialised into One Direction. Y/N got to see a live performance.

But right in the middle of the concert, a table fell on her and she fainted. Soon after, Harry Styles kissed her.

Y/N woke up, but something was wrong- was Y/N Harry's omega? And then she was attacked by a titan carrying a table!

But then Y/N woke up in bed for real this time, back in her original 17-year-old self, with long silver hair and a short height of 4 foot 11 inches.

"Wow what a crazy dream," she laughed.

She checked the time and realised she was late for her school. Therefore, she did the only logical and reasonable thing left to do to ensure she makes it to school on time. She drinks a bottle of laxatives and calls herself in.

Y/N then got dressed quickly and teleported to her class. Once at school, she gasped to herself, "Did I just teleport?"

"Yeah you just did," her inner sarcastic self replied.

Suddenly a huge class table ran towards her and tackled her down making her faint again. But Y/N simply had enough of this, it was about time she fought back. As her eyes opened they revealed her burning red pupils and the undying determination to fight the table with an ungodly amount of rage.

As she went downstairs, she grabbed a bat and broke all the tables within her sight but the tables seemed to repair themselves back. Y/N decided to burn them all.

"AND IT BURNS, BURNS, BURNS" Y/N screamed maniacally as she materialized a flamethrower in hand.

So the entire school was burned to the ground.

"And that was how the world ended," said a mysterious voice. The puff of smoke that had turned into a ghost.

A little cupcake-zucchini-human-table hybrid ghost popped into existence next to Y/N, which was the clear source of the voice.

"Nah! we are just getting started! bring me more zuchichinin shini mini cupcakes you cute mortal," said Thor and he smashed his cupcake on the floor.

And with that, Y/N woke up.

But then she collapsed again because the cupcake was poison gas.

"Wait, how can Y/N, the reader, know what's going on in the story if she's asleep?"

"Because she's the Chosen One" The Wizard Elder whispered from the mountains. "The Chosen One is basically an omnipotent being."

The Chosen One was basically Sarah!

"So.. Y/N is Sarah?" Thor asked.


Y/N (Sarah) suddenly broke through the studio walls where Thor and a Wizard were talking about her for a podcast.

And then Zeus appears, "Why wasn't I invited to the Chosen One Podcast?" he rumbled.

"Because you're a biach," Thor said to him while taking a bite of his pop tart. Y/N was devastated at Thor's cruel words and started singing the fight song.

And while all of this was going on, Hercules sat in the corner, contemplating how he could leave the room without making it painfully obvious that he really wanted to leave.

Thor then summoned his hammer, Mjolnir, and smacked Y/N with it.
Y/N screamed so loud she busted Thor's eardrums and he died. Then the wizard (who turned out to be doctor Strange) used the time stone to make Thor come back to life.

Soon after, Leo Valdez ran in singing, "THIS GIRL IS ON FIREEEEEEE." He was also on fire.

However, as a side effect of being brought back to life, Thor had amnesia and couldn't remember anything that happened before.

Doctor Strange then did a weird spell and Thor had all his memories back and killed Y/N which released Sarah.

"Mornin', nice day for fishin' ain't it?" Sarah said with an innocent smile.

Doctor Strange then blew up because Y/N put a bomb inside him when she was still alive.

And because this was a mess, one of the authors materialized the other author into the story to settle it down.

Then Sarah woke up from this horrible nightmare. Turned out, her nightmare was only a nightmare and now she was craving waffles.

So, she got up and went to the Waffle House, where the goddess Demeter was cooking her famous whole-wheat waffles.

"Wow these look delish," she said and stole the waffle machine when no one was looking.

That's when she noticed a middle-aged police lieutenant named Hank Anderson with grey hair and a beard seated at the bar while slowly drinking whiskey.

"Hello good sir," she said walking into the bar, "Would you like to have some waffles with me?"

"Yes I would like some waffles," he answered the girl.

"But can I have some wasabi on them?" asked the man excitedly.

"Yeah of course!" Y/N answered excitedly, because she finally found a friend.

For once in her life, nothing supernatural or horrifying occurred as she was able to enjoy her life with a friend and live peacefully.

Y/N was so happy that she accidentally transformed into Sarah. Sarah and her friend then ate waffles.

Little did they know, Sarah's inverted doubleganger, called Haras, made those waffles in the dark dimension. Haras wanted to send her supernatural spies into Sarah's fake peaceful dimension.

But the owner of the cafe they were at accidentally switched up the waffles with other waffles, so they had normal waffles.

Thankfully Demeter had good luck in the spring and summer.

The end was five meters away from the beginning.

And a meteor crashed burning everything and destroying the world.

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