Chapter 5

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Days blurred into one another, a relentless cycle of classes, homework, and the castle's ceaseless hum. Jane was submerged in a sea of books and parchment, the weight of her academic pursuits and extracurricular commitments pressing down on her. Yet, amidst the chaos, the promise of Saturday's outing with Lily was a beacon of light, a much-needed respite. And before she could blink, that day had arrived.

Jane tugged on a pair of too-tight jeans and a faded tie-dye shirt, the familiar softness a comforting embrace. Her heart raced with a mix of anticipation and dread as she hurried downstairs to meet Lily.

As she approached the grand entrance hall, their designated meeting spot, Jane spotted Lily standing by the ornate fountain, her face lit by a radiant smile. Sunlight poured through the towering windows, casting a warm glow on the bustling scene of students preparing for their Hogsmeade adventure. Jane waved enthusiastically, her steps quickening as she navigated the lively crowd.

"Hey, Lily! Ready to hit Hogsmeade?" Jane grinned, her excitement palpable.

Lily's face lit up with excitement. "Hey, Jane! I'm so glad you could come. I hope you don't mind, but I invited another friend to join us."

Jane's excitement faltered slightly. "Oh? Who is it?" Her voice was a careful balance of curiosity and polite indifference.

Before Lily could answer, Jane's heart sank. Standing a few paces behind Lily was Snape, his presence like a dark cloud on an otherwise sunny day. Their eyes met, his as cold and hard as ever. A wave of nausea washed over Jane. She wanted to turn and run, but Lily's expectant gaze held her in place. Taking a deep breath, she forced a smile. This was going to be a long day.

Lily, blissfully unaware of the crackling tension, turned to Snape with a bright smile. "Severus, this is Jane. Jane, this is Severus."

Jane managed a stiff nod, her smile feeling pasted on. "Hello, Snape."

Her outstretched hand hovered, a token of civility. Snape's gaze flickered from her palm to her face, a cold, dismissive appraisal.

"Lewis," he murmured, his attention already claimed by Lily, as if her existence were an afterthought.

Jane's smile, once bright, now trembled at the edges before she regained control. For Lily, she would endure this.

Lily clapped her hands with childlike enthusiasm. "Wonderful! Let's explore Hogsmeade. I hear Honeydukes have started carrying the most amazing new sweets!"

The wrought iron gates of Hogwarts swung open, revealing a path that wound its way through the changing landscape. The dense forest gave way to rolling emerald hills punctuated by charming cottages, their chimneys sending lazy tendrils of smoke into the crisp autumn air. Hogsmeade emerged as a picturesque tableau, its cobblestone streets lined with storybook shops, inviting exploration.

The walk to Hogsmeade was a strained procession. Amidst the excited chatter of students, their trio moved in an awkward silence. Lily, with a valiant effort, kept the conversation afloat, her voice a bright counterpoint to the tension. Jane, struggling to match her friend's cheer, felt the weight of Snape's icy scrutiny. His occasional, contemptuous glances ignited a simmering fury within her, which she clamped down on with a tight rein.

Hogsmeade unfolded before them in a riot of colour and sound. The village pulsed with youthful energy, a tapestry of students weaving through the charming streets. Sweet and savoury aromas danced on the crisp autumn air, a tantalising prelude to the exploration ahead.

Lily's eyes sparkled with anticipation as she turned to Jane. "So, Jane, what are your favourite shops here in Hogsmeade?"

Jane forced a casual tone, despite the unfamiliar territory. "Oh, the usual suspects, I suppose. Honeydukes, Zonko's, The Three Broomsticks—can't go wrong with those classics."

Snape's gaze sharpened, his dark eyes boring into her with a disconcerting intensity. A flush crept up Jane's neck as she met his scrutiny. She managed a strained smile, determined to conceal the truth: Hogsmeade was a rare luxury, often spent window shopping or seeking refuge in the dusty confines of Times and Scrolls. Until they realised that she wasn't going to purchase anything and kicked her out.

Lily suggested, "Let's get the ink sorted first, then we can decide where to go next."

Jane nodded in agreement, relieved for the suggestion.

The bell above Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop jingled merrily as they entered. The small shop was a treasure trove of writing implements, its shelves lined with quills, ink bottles, and parchment. Lily disappeared into the colourful array, her excitement apparent as she flitted from shelf to shelf. Left alone, Snape and Jane stood awkwardly near the door, their shared discomfort as tangible as the stacks of parchment.

Jane scanned the shop, searching for a topic to bridge the uncomfortable silence. "So, Snape," she began, her voice wavering slightly, "what potions are you currently brewing up in your classes?"

Snape's gaze was withering. "We share a Potions class, Lewis," he replied, his voice dripping with disdain.

Jane immediately looked at her feet, not wanting to match his gaze. "Of course."

She decided to try again. "Are you working on something extra outside of class?" Her voice was barely audible.

Snape barely looked at her, his expression cold. "Advanced Draughts," he replied curtly.

Jane nodded, attempting to prolong the conversation. "Potions can be quite challenging, but the rewards are definitely there."

"Mm-hmm," Snape acknowledged, his tone flat.

Jane bit her lip, the sting of his disinterest palpable. Shifting her weight impatiently, she wished Lily would hurry. "Any new spells you're working on?"

"Yes," Snape replied, his voice flat, offering no further encouragement.

Jane felt her cheeks flush with frustration but tried to remain polite. "That's nice. Are you... um, working on anything in particular?"

Snape finally turned to look at her, his dark eyes boring into hers with a mixture of irritation and amusement. "Yes, I am," he said slowly, as if speaking to a child.

Jane's patience was wearing thin, but she forced a smile. "Care to share what it is?"

"No," Snape replied bluntly, turning away from her again.

Jane sighed inwardly, the tension thickening in the air like a fog. Her gaze wandered the shop, finally settling on a vibrant display of inks. "I like the colours they have here," she murmured, more to herself than to her silent companion.

Snape gave a noncommittal grunt, his attention focused on a shelf of rare writing quills.

Jane clenched her jaw, trying to think of another topic. "Do you, um, come here often?"

Snape looked at her again, his expression unreadable. "When necessary," he said, his tone dripping with disdain.

Jane's frustration bubbled over, and she attempted to keep her voice steady. "You know, Snape. It wouldn't kill you to be a bit more friendly."

Snape raised an eyebrow, his lips curling into a sneer. "And it wouldn't kill you to mind your own business, Lewis."

Before Jane could respond, Lily returned, a small package clutched triumphantly in her hand. "Got it! Shall we explore the village before we grab some butterbeer?"

Jane smiled, relieved. "Sure, that sounds nice."

Lily's enthusiasm lit up the streets as she pointed out various shops and landmarks. "Oh, look! There's Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop. It's so romantic there. And Zonko's is just down the street. We should definitely check it out."

Jane nodded along, feigning fervour. Despite Snape's icy presence, the quaint charm of the cobblestone streets and the lively atmosphere created by other students began to seep through her earlier irritation. The crisp autumn air was invigorating, and she found herself starting to enjoy the outing, albeit guardedly.

Lily glanced at Jane with a mischievous glint in her eye. "Fancy a trip to Zonko's? I could use a good laugh."

Jane hesitated, her lack of funds a clear obstacle. "Maybe later," she suggested, trying to sound casual. "Let's explore a bit more first."

Snape scoffed softly, his disdain barely concealed. Jane shot him a pointed look but held her tongue. This day was about Lily, not Snape's amusement.

Lily grabbed Jane's hand tightly as she pulled Jane towards Honeydukes. "We can't leave Hogsmeade without trying some of their famous chocolate frogs!" she exclaimed. "And then, of course, we'll head to The Three Broomsticks for butterbeer. It'll be the perfect afternoon treat!"

As they stepped into Honeydukes, Jane did her best to appear nonchalant. Her eyes darted around the shop, taking in the overwhelming display of sweets. A pang of longing shot through her as she gazed at the colourful array of treats, but she quickly masked it with an indifferent expression.

Snape stood near the entrance, his dark eyes fixed on Jane, a silent, almost predatory intensity in his gaze. She could feel his scrutiny like a tangible weight, his scrutiny making her skin prickle with discomfort. The sweet, cloying scent of chocolate and caramel filled the air, a stark contrast to the cold, calculating atmosphere Snape seemed to bring with him. It was as if he were a shadow, looming over her, casting a long, dark influence on the otherwise cheerful environment.

"How about some Chocolate Frogs and a bit of Fizzing Whizzbees?" Lily suggested, picking out a few items. She didn't seem to notice the growing tension between Jane and Snape.

"Sure, that sounds good," Jane replied, forcing a smile. She glanced at Snape, who was still studying her with that same intense look, like a predator stalking its prey. His dark eyes seemed to bore into her, and she felt a shiver run down her spine. She tried to ignore him, focusing on the colourful array of sweets, but it was difficult to shake the feeling that she was being watched.

Lily quickly made her purchases, her pockets bulging with colourful sweets. With a triumphant grin, she led the way out of Honeydukes, the tinkling bell signalling their departure.

"Alright, next stop! The Three Broomsticks for some butterbeer!" Lily exited the shop, almost skipping with each step. Jane and Snape exchanged a brief, unspoken battle for who would exit first, a silent duel in the sugary aftermath of Honeydukes.

They walked down the bustling streets, the cool breeze adding a rosy tint to their cheeks. Jane tried to focus on the lively atmosphere and Lily's cheerful chatter, doing her best to ignore Snape's brooding presence beside her. The crisp autumn air carried the enticing aroma of roasted chestnuts and warm pastries, creating a comforting ambiance. Yet, Snape's silent disapproval hung heavy in the air, casting a long shadow over the idyllic scene.

The warm, inviting smell of butterbeer enveloped them as they stepped into The Three Broomsticks. The busy pub was filled with the sounds of laughter and rowdy students, creating a lively atmosphere. Lily, eager to indulge, headed straight to the bar to order their drinks.

Jane noticed Snape still lingering close, his dark eyes following Lily as she navigated the crowded bar. There was a strange intensity in his gaze, as if he were captivated by her, his expression a mix of longing and possessiveness. It was unsettling, to say the least.

Lily returned, three frothy mugs of butterbeer balanced precariously in her hands. With a triumphant smile, she placed them on the table. "Here we go! Butterbeer for everyone."

Jane hesitated, a wave of embarrassment washing over her. She couldn't bring herself to admit she couldn't afford to repay Lily. A forced smile crept across her face as she said, "Oh, I'm not really a fan of butterbeer. It makes my stomach upset," hoping the lie sounded convincing.

Lily looked slightly surprised but didn't press the issue. "That's alright, Jane. More for us, then!" She handed a mug to Severus, who accepted it with a curt nod, his eyes still flicking suspiciously to Jane. His expression was a mixture of annoyance and something else, perhaps suspicion, that Jane couldn't quite decipher.

Jane did her best to ignore Snape's sceptical gaze, turning her attention to Lily. "So, Lily, what else do you want to do today?" she asked, hoping to change the subject.

Lily took a sip of her butterbeer, her eyes lighting up with excitement. "Well, after this, we could explore some of the shops we missed. Maybe check out Dervish and Banges to see if there's anything new?"

Jane nodded enthusiastically, trying to hide her disappointment at the prospect of more spending. She wasn't sure how she would explain her lack of funds if they decided to buy something.

"That sounds great," Jane replied, forcing a smile. She noticed Snape still glaring at her from across the table, his expression dark and unreadable. She tried her best to ignore him, determined to enjoy her day with Lily.

As Lily and Snape continued to enjoy their drinks, Jane felt increasingly out of place. She wished she could relax and enjoy the outing, but Snape's constant scrutiny was wearing on her nerves. His dark eyes seemed to follow her every move, and his occasional grunts in response to her attempts at conversation only served to deepen the awkwardness. The warm, inviting atmosphere of The Three Broomsticks seemed to be a world away as she struggled to find a way to escape the tension-filled table.

Jane took a deep breath, trying to mask her growing irritation. "Have you been working on any new potions lately, Snape?" she asked once more, hoping the presence of Lily might encourage a more civil response.

"Yes," he replied tersely, once again offering no further explanation.

Jane sighed inwardly, her patience wearing thin. She glanced at Lily, who seemed blissfully unaware of the tension.

"I'm looking forward to seeing what Dervish and Banges has," Jane said, once again trying to shift the conversation to safer ground. She adored Lily, but she did not understand why she was friends with Snape.

Lily smiled brightly. "Me too! It's always fun to see the new gizmos and gadgets they have. There's always something there that I find fascinating."

As they finished their butterbeers, a sense of relief washed over Jane. The prospect of escaping Snape's company and burying herself in her Care of Magical Creatures homework was suddenly very appealing. She took a deep breath, trying to shake off the lingering tension that Snape's presence had created. The sooner they left, the better.

Lily led the way out of The Three Broomsticks, her voice filled with excitement as she suggested their next stop. "We should definitely check out the Magic Neep," she chirped. "I need to pick up some fresh ingredients for Potions, and Severus mentioned they just got a new shipment of rare herbs. He can help us find the best ones."

Jane nodded, trying to hide her growing dread. The thought of spending more time with Snape, especially in a confined space like a shop, was not appealing. She honestly would have cried from joy if he had dropped dead at that moment. However, she didn't want to dampen Lily's enthusiasm.

"Sure, let's go," she replied, forcing a smile.

"We have to go in there!" Lily exclaimed, her eyes sparkling as they passed Zonko's Joke Shop. The colourful shop window, filled with peculiar objects, was a magnet for her.

The store was a bustling hive of activity, filled with students browsing the shelves and trying out various prank items. Jane and Lily navigated through the crowd, their laughter echoing through the shop as they examined the absurd and amusing assortment of magical trinkets.

Lily picked up a box of Nose-Biting Teacups and grinned. "These would be perfect for a prank on James and Sirius. What do you think, Jane?"

Jane blinked, trying to place the names. "James and Sirius... are they in our year?"

"Oh, Jane, you must know them! James Potter and Sirius Black? They're the infamous pranksters of our year," Lily explained, a mischievous glint in her eye. "They're always up to something."

Jane shook her head, feeling a bit out of the loop. "I guess I haven't really noticed them," she admitted, slightly embarrassed.

Jane watched Snape stiffen, his expression turning to thunder as the others spoke. His lips moved silently, a string of curses perhaps, lost to the room's noise.

Lily, acutely aware of Snape's sudden tension, swiftly steered the conversation. "Enough of that. Let's explore the Shrieking Shack. It'll be a laugh to see who's brave enough to go inside."

The walk to the Shrieking Shack was a forced lightness, a brittle veneer over the growing unease that gnawed at Jane. As they drew closer, the dying sun cast long, ominous shadows over the dilapidated building. Curiosity warred with a deep-seated dread as she gazed upon the supposed most haunted house in Britain. Even logic couldn't quell the shiver that ran down her spine.

Lily's laughter was infectious as she urged Jane forward. "Go on, Jane, be brave!" Her tone was playful, but there was an underlying challenge.

Her voice was firm despite the fear that gripped her. "I don't like it, Lily," Jane declared, her eyes wide with apprehension. "It feels...wrong. Like something truly terrible could happen here."

Lily's smile faltered, replaced by a look of genuine concern. "Really? It's just an old building, Jane. But if it's upsetting you, we can leave it alone."

Snape, ever the antagonist, scoffed. "Afraid of a haunted house, Lewis? How typical."

Lily's eyes flashed with fury, a lethal intensity that could have slain a dragon. Snape seemed to shrink under the weight of her scathing glare.

Jane bit her lip, suppressing the sharp retort that threatened to escape. She couldn't risk ruining the day for Lily. "It's not fear," she insisted, her voice barely a whisper.

Lily, ever the peacemaker, suggested. "Okay, let's head back. We can hit up Tomes and Scrolls if you're still in the mood."

Relief washed over Jane as they put distance between themselves and the ominous Shrieking Shack. Gratitude warmed her heart as she walked beside Lily. Despite the tension with Snape, Lily's company had been a comforting balm. A few more hours of Snape's presence, and then the blissful solitude of her dorm room and the unfinished essay awaited.

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