Chapter 6

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Rain lashed against the Hogwarts library windows, a steady drumbeat that seemed to echo the rhythm of their hearts. Huddled around a colossal oak table, Jane, Eleanor, Olivia, and Lily were a constellation of concentration. Their faces illuminated by the soft glow of lamplight. Textbooks and parchment littered the table, a chaotic expanse of knowledge yet to be conquered.

Eleanor adjusted her glasses and let out a weary sigh. "Goblin rebellions? Really, Professor Binns? Do we actually need to know the intricacies of every disgruntled gnome uprising?"

Jane extracted her quill from her lips with a soft chuckle, her gaze fixed on her notes. "Maybe Professor Binns enjoys our suffering," she mused.

Lily elbowed her playfully, a smile spreading across her face. "Remember that time you tried to answer his question? You might as well have been talking to a wall."

Jane's laughter was light and infectious. "How could I ever forget? I believe I complained about it for a week."

Olivia rolled her eyes dramatically, a touch of exasperation colouring her voice. "Honestly, Jane, I sometimes wonder if you're single-handedly responsible for half of Hufflepuff's earned points."

Jane smirked, pushing a wayward strand of hair behind her ear. "I'm just trying to enlighten the masses," she replied with a touch of arrogance.

Lily leaned in with a conspiratorial look upon her face. "Speaking of enlightenment, have you noticed Professor Flitwick's inexplicable generosity when it comes to grading Jane's essays?"

Eleanor's snicker was barely contained, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Must be nice to have a professor's favourite student perk," she teased.

A blush crept up Jane's cheeks, her attempt to hide her embarrassment as futile as a garden gnome trying to hide in a sunflower patch. "I simply enjoy the challenge of thorough research," she defended weakly.

Lily winked at her. "Thorough is one way to put it. Obsessive might be another."

Jane's blush only darkened. "I have to be in order to keep my grades perfect!" she exclaimed defensively. Her gaze darted around the library, hoping Madam Pince hadn't overheard her raised voice.

Lily's eyes widened in mock surprise. "Jane, I heard you had a little...encounter with Severus after Potions? Something about a homework assignment and an impending hex?" Eleanor, struggling to maintain her composure, was on the verge of outright laughter.

Eleanor couldn't contain her laughter any longer. "You almost hexed Snape? Over homework?" she gasped, wiping away tears of laughter, her sides aching from the effort to stifle it.

Jane's expression hardened as she crossed her arms defensively. "He started it, alright? And why are you even friends with him, Lily?"

Lily's playful demeanour softened as she explained, "He was the one who told me I was a witch. Before Hogwarts, he was the only one who understood what I was going through. You know, the weird stuff." She ran a hand through her hair, a thoughtful expression crossing her face.

Olivia's eyes widened in surprise. "Wait, is Severus the same Snape kid who's always neck and neck with you for top marks? The one who scoffs at you in Potions?"

Jane sighed, her frustration evident. "Yes, it's him. Always one-upping me, the little...snake," she muttered, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Lily flashed a knowing smile. "It's good for both of you, really. Keeps you on your toes and striving for the top," she teased.

Jane just stared at her with a flat look.

"Oh, come on!" Lily whispered loudly, her voice filled with playful exasperation. "I honestly think you two have more in common than you'd like to admit. You could actually be friends, you know."

Eleanor regarded Lily with disbelief. "Are you serious? You've witnessed their classroom interactions, right? They're constantly on the brink of a full-blown duel. I swear I once saw Jane jotting down potential poison recipes with his name on them."

Lily's eyes widened in concern as she glanced at Jane. Jane defensively crossed her arms. "It was a bad day, alright? And besides, I destroyed the list only three months after I wrote it."

Lily pursed her lips, determined. "I'm just saying there is a thin line between love and hate."

Olivia checked the time, her brow furrowing. "I'm sorry to say we should wrap up this study session. I have to prepare for the Hufflepuff meeting. Lily, you should probably return to Gryffindor. It's getting late."

Lily tilted her head in confusion. "A planning meeting? What's that all about?"

Olivia flashed a thousand watt smile. "It's a Hufflepuff tradition! Every year, we plan a service project to improve Hogwarts. It's been a long-standing custom. This year, we're aiming to strengthen friendships between the houses. It's a lot of fun and a great way to make a positive impact."

Lily's face showed her curiosity. "I've never heard of that," she admitted. "How did it all start?"

Olivia's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she began her tale. It was clear this was a favourite subject. "Way back in the 15th century, a monstrous blizzard trapped Hogwarts. We were cut off from the wizarding world, and food was scarce. Hufflepuffs, always loyal and hardworking, took charge. We rallied together, searching for food, gathering firewood, and even helping the house-elves keep everyone warm and fed."

Jane had investigated the story before. It seemed more like a tale that had grown over time, possibly starting as a prefect's idea. However, she wasn't going to spoil Olivia's fun by mentioning it.

Lily listened, her eyes wide with wonder. "That's amazing!" she exclaimed. "I never knew Hufflepuffs had such a long history of helping others."

Olivia nodded, her voice filled with pride. "Absolutely! It's a tradition we cherish. Every year, we take on a new challenge to improve Hogwarts. It's been passed down for centuries. This year, we're focusing on building stronger bonds between the houses. It's the perfect project."

Lily smiled warmly at Olivia. "That sounds like a wonderful tradition. Is that why Jane started hanging out with me?"

Jane's heart pounded. "No, that's not the only reason. We...I.."

Lily quickly raised her hands, her green eyes wide with reassurance. "I was just teasing, Jane. I know we're friends because we like each other, really."

Jane exhaled, relief washing over her as her cheeks flushed. "Sorry, Lily. It's just... it means a lot to me that you know that."

Lily smiled warmly. "I understand, Jane. Don't worry about it. I'm glad we're friends no matter why it started."

Jane mumbled an apology, feeling awful. She gathered her things, ready to leave. "I should get going to the meeting," she said.

Eleanor gave her a reassuring pat on the back. "We'll catch up later, okay?"

Jane nodded. "Yeah, see you later." She glanced at Lily, her eyes softening. "Thanks for understanding, Lily."

Lily waved her off with a smile. "Go on, girls. Have fun at your meeting."

As Jane stepped out into the relentless rain, a mix of relief and lingering guilt washed over her.


The Hufflepuff common room was abuzz with activity, the warm glow of the fireplace casting a comforting ambiance over the room. Students were scattered about, engaged in various activities, their laughter and chatter filling the air. Amidst this lively scene, Jane, Eleanor, Olivia, and the other Hufflepuff students huddled together, their heads bent in concentration as they stared at a large, floating parchment. They were about to start a lengthy brainstorming session, their minds racing as they sought to devise the perfect plan for fostering inter-house unity.

Lucas stood beside Maya, his voice carrying across the room. "Shall we start?" he asked, his demeanour suggesting he already had a plan. Maya

nodded in agreement. A Dict-O-Quill hovered nearby, ready to capture their ideas as the meeting officially began.

"Alright, everyone," Lucas announced. "Let's get down to business. We need to brainstorm ideas for our inter-house unity project. We're looking for activities that will bring students from all four houses together."

He gestured to the parchment, and the first idea appeared: "Dueling Clubs." A ripple of eagerness and murmurs of approval spread through the group.

"That's a great start!" Olivia exclaimed, leaning forward with excitement. "It's competitive, but it also encourages teamwork and learning new spells."

Jane adjusted a loose curl in her ponytail, nodding in agreement. The duelling club idea was intriguing; it offered a thrilling way to break down the barriers between houses.

Jacob, a bright-eyed third year, spoke up. "Study groups could be beneficial," he suggested. "We could pair students from different houses who are strong in different subjects. It's a win-win; we learn and make friends."

Maya's face lit up. "That's a fantastic idea! It combines academics and social interaction perfectly."

Lucas cleared his throat, adjusting his hair. "Alright, everyone. We have some great ideas on the table. Now, who's going to lead the study groups?"

A moment of silence followed his question before a timid voice piped up from the corner. It was a small first-year, clutching her bag nervously. "Um, I-I think Jane should do it," she stuttered. "I mean... I always see her studying..."

Jane was caught off guard, her eyes darting between Olivia and Eleanor. Leading study groups was the last thing she'd expected. With OWLs looming, she wasn't sure she could handle the extra responsibility.

Before Jane could refuse, Emily, the girl Jane longed to harm, sneered from across the room. "Oh, Jane, I thought Hufflepuffs were supposed to be helpful. Or is studying too much for you?"

Jane's face burned with shame and anger. "It's not like that, Emily," she replied, forcing herself to remain calm. "OWLs are coming up, and I need to concentrate on my studies."

Emily arched a sceptical brow. "Focus on your studies? Are you really that stupid that you can't handle a little extra work?"

Jane's jaw clenched as a tense quiet filled the room. She bit back her angry reply, comforted by Eleanor's hand on her shoulder.

"Emily, stop," Eleanor stated firmly. "We're here to uplift each other, not put each other down."

Jane inhaled deeply, regaining her composure. "Look, Emily, I'm trying my hardest. OWLs matter to me, and I can't afford to fail."

Emily's expression softened, acknowledging she might have overstepped. "Fine, Jane," she mumbled, her tone less aggressive. "Don't forget what it means to be a Hufflepuff. It's not all about studying."

Jane nodded, a mix of frustration and resolve evident on her face. Guilt gnawed at her. "I know," she responded softly. She gave Emily a pointed glance. "I'm happy to help anyone who asks me privately."

"What about clubs centred around specific Quidditch teams? Or maybe even one for fans of the Hex Pistols?" A fellow fifth year by the name of Walter King suggested.

The mention of the Hex Pistols, a popular wizarding rock band, ignited a frenzy of nods and cheers among the students.

Lucas nodded with enthusiasm. "Music unites people like nothing else," he beamed. "Great suggestion."

As more and more ideas filled the room – from themed parties to magical creature enthusiast clubs – Jane couldn't help but feel a surge of pride in her house. Hufflepuffs were renowned for their loyalty and welcoming spirit, and she was witnessing it firsthand.

A fourth-year Hufflepuff named Megan raised her hand, her voice carrying over the gentle chatter. "What if we created a Hufflepuff-inspired Slug club, but open to everyone?" She suggested, her voice carrying a confident tone. "We could organise events like a fancy dress Halloween party. I know it's a Muggle tradition, but imagine celebrating it here at Hogwarts with a magical twist!"

A buzz of excitement filled the room as students exchanged eager looks. Maya, always the champion of anything muggle, nodded enthusiastically. "That's a fantastic idea, Megan! We could transform the common room with pumpkins and cobwebs, and maybe even whip up some spooky snacks."

Thomas, a second-year with a knack for creative ideas, spoke up from the back of the room. "I've always wanted to dress up and play classic Halloween games like bobbing for apples and telling spooky stories. We could even have a costume-making workshop beforehand!"

"I could help with the costume crafting," another student offered tentatively. "Maybe we could use charms to make our costumes even more magical."

Olivia, always supportive of imaginative endeavours, clapped her hands together. "I love it! And we could make sure everyone feels included, no matter their background or magical upbringing."

Lucas, flipping through a magical notebook he'd pulled from his back pocket, nodding intently. "We'll definitely need volunteers to handle decorations, food, and games. This could be a great way to bring our house closer together."

The planning session stretched on, the Hufflepuffs' minds whirring like overactive cauldrons. Their spirits soared as they envisioned a Halloween unlike any Hogwarts had seen before. Jane felt a mix of excitement and relief—a chance to relax, connect with her housemates, and immerse herself in the magical spirit of Hogwarts. As the clock ticked towards midnight, they continued to share ideas, their anticipation for the upcoming Halloween party growing with each passing moment.

As the initial thrill of planning faded, a wave of concern washed over Jane. Balancing her packed study schedule with the demands of organising a party seemed like a daunting task. She couldn't afford to let her grades slip, but the idea of missing out on the fun also weighed on her mind. A frown creased her brow as she pondered how to juggle both responsibilities without sacrificing either.

The Hufflepuffs poured over details late into the night, debating themes, activities, and the practicalities of pulling it all off. They created a basic schedule, making sure the workload was shared fairly among themselves and the other houses who'd joined their cause. Jane diligently scribbled notes, her initial worries slowly replaced by a thrilling anticipation for the party to come.

As they put the finishing touches on their plans and presented them to the older prefects, Lucas offered a practical suggestion. "We should schedule regular check-ins to monitor our progress and make any necessary changes. Staying organised is essential, especially with exams on the horizon."

"Absolutely," Olivia agreed. "We'll keep everyone in the loop and make sure we're on top of everything."

Lucas nodded, his eyes lingering on Olivia a moment too long before darting away, a subtle blush creeping up his neck as he tried to appear nonchalant.

Maya clapped her hands together to refocus Lucas's attention. "Alright, it looks like we've got some fantastic ideas. Let's start planning out the details for each activity. We want to make sure everything is ready to roll out smoothly."

As the clock ticked towards midnight, they continued to share ideas, their anticipation for the upcoming Halloween party growing with each passing moment.

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