Chapter 7

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In the hushed ambiance of the Hogwarts library, Jane sat surrounded by a mountain of books and parchment, her brow furrowed in concentration. Once a solitary study session, it had blossomed into a bustling study group, a byproduct of her inability to turn down requests for help. Now, over thirty students from various houses and years sought her guidance. Juggling their schedules and ensuring everyone received the support they needed was a daunting task. As she meticulously plotted out a workable plan in her planner, a shadow fell across her page, interrupting her focus.

Looking up, she found Snape looming over her, his dark eyes fixed on her with a familiar sneer. The dim library light cast long shadows on his face, accentuating his disdainful expression. Jane gave him a flat look, setting down her quill. Mindful of the watchful eyes of her study group, she restrained her impulse to lash out. She grabbed his hand and dragged him behind a nearby shelf, her grip firm and unkind. She wasn't about to hex him in front of their classmates; it would set a terrible example. Besides, she didn't want any witnesses when she inevitably did.

"To what do I owe this... pleasure. Snape?" she asked, her voice laced with barely concealed irritation.

He looked down at her, his eyes widening slightly in surprise. Her fingers were still wrapped tightly around his pale wrist, and he could feel the warmth of her skin through the fabric of his cuff. He raised a brow, his expression a mix of surprise and amusement, but there was also a hint of something else in his eyes, something that Jane couldn't quite place.

Jane yanked her hand away from his, her face flushing with anger. She crossed her arms over her chest, glaring at him with annoyance. Her patience was wearing thin. "Or is it just another opportunity to make a snide remark?" she questioned, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

He didn't respond immediately, his gaze fixed on her with an intensity that made her skin prickle. A slow, almost predatory smile crept across his lips.

Jane squared her shoulders, trying to appear unfazed by his scrutiny. "If you're just going to stand there and breathe down my neck, you could at least say something. Or is lurking all you're good at?"

Snape let out a derisive snort, his eyes filled with contempt. "It's quite entertaining watching you struggle under the weight of your own ineptitude," he sneered.

Jane felt her blood boil, a flush of anger rising to her cheeks. Her voice, though steady, grew louder. "If you think I'm incompetent, why don't you just say it instead of skulking around like a coward?" she spat, her eyes narrowing.

Snape took a step closer, his figure looming over her as she was pressed back against the bookcase. Panic surged through her as he towered over her, his proximity unnerving. "Your discomfort is oddly entertaining." He hissed, a hungry glint in his eyes.

A surge of unexpected defiance coursed through Jane. Her heart pounded like a trapped bird as she took a hesitant step closer, her eyes locking onto Snape's with a newfound determination. "You didn't answer my question," she demanded, her voice stronger than she'd anticipated.

Snape took a graceful step back, his eyes gleaming with malice. "Fine," he snarled, his voice low and menacing. "You're wasting your time with this pathetic study group. Trying to elevate a bunch of Hufflepuffs and other assorted misfits is futile. None of you have the ambition or the talent to excel."

A spark of righteous anger ignited within Jane. "Ambition and talent aren't exclusive to Slytherin, Snape," she retorted, her voice rising. "We're doing something positive, helping each other improve. What have you done lately, besides criticising everyone around you?"

Snape's sneer deepened. "Helping each other improve? More like holding each other back. Your naive idealism is laughable, Lewis. You think playing tutor will change anything? It won't."

Standing up straighter, Jane's voice rose with each word and her hands clenched into fists. "At least I'm trying to make a difference. You just hide behind sarcasm and bitterness. Maybe if you stopped tearing people down, you'd actually see the value in our work."

His eyes flashed with anger, Snape's voice dropping to a venomous hiss. "Value? All I see is a bunch of deluded fools wasting their time. You're not helping anyone, least of all yourselves."

Jane's face burned with frustration, her heart pounding in her chest. Struggling to find the right words, she felt her anger simmering just below the surface. "I'd rather be a nobody trying to make a difference than a so-called somebody who only spreads negativity. You may think you're superior, Snape, but true strength lies in uplifting others, not tearing them down."

He leaned in closer, his voice a cold whisper that cut through the air. "Keep telling yourself that, Jane. One day, reality will hit you, and you'll realise just how foolish you've been."

Her eyes flashing with fury, Jane's voice rose to a shout. "It's better to be foolish and kind than cruel and alone! Maybe you're the one who needs to learn that!"

Snape raised a skeletal finger to Jane's lips, silencing her. "Hush. We wouldn't want your fellow Hufflepuff to witness that Gryffindor spirit. I'm aware that some question your house placement."

The animosity between them was thick, the air crackling with tension. Jane didn't know what to do. They'd clashed before, but he'd never willingly crossed this line. Her chest heaved with anger, heart pounding so loudly she could barely hear herself think. Snape's sneer remained fixed, his cold, dark eyes filled with contempt.

Before Jane could move, Madam Pince, the stern librarian, emerged from behind a towering bookshelf. Her face flushed with annoyance. "What is going on here? This is a library, not a duelling ground. Quiet down, both of you!"

Snape straightened, giving Jane one last venomous glare before turning on his heel. As he stalked away, his robes swirled around him like a dark cloud. Jane sank back against the bookshelf, the cool spines pressing into her back. Her body raced with a mixture of anger and adrenaline.

Jane returned to her group, their expectant faces turning towards her. She forced a smile, determined to focus on helping them. Meanwhile, at a nearby table, a group of Gryffindor boys were erupting in laughter, recounting a prank they'd pulled on Snivellus just fifteen minutes prior. Completely oblivious to Jane's presence.


A vibrant tapestry of chatter filled the Hufflepuff common room as Halloween loomed. Students buzzed with excitement, their voices a lively symphony of costume ideas, decoration plans, and party strategies. A whirlwind of activity consumed the space as they darted about, sharing inspiration and refining their preparations, their anticipation palpable in the air.

Eleanor and Olivia, a dynamic duo of planners, were immersed in a whirlwind of costume ideas. Nestled in a secluded corner of the common room, their workspace was a riot of colour. Fabric swatches in every hue imaginable were scattered alongside shimmering accessories. While open spellbooks, filled with promising charms and transfiguration spells. All hinting at the magical enhancements they planned to incorporate.

"We should totally coordinate our costumes," Eleanor suggested, her voice rising in enthusiasm. "Imagine dressing up as famous wizarding rivals! Or maybe we could be mythical creatures from enchanted folklore?"

Olivia nodded eagerly. "Enchanted creatures sound amazing! We could definitely use charms to make our costumes extra special. Imagine having wings that actually flutter or tails that move on their own!"

Jane sat nearby, half-listening to her friends' animated conversation as she struggled to organise the study schedules. Her makeshift costume - an oversized black robe and a floppy, worn witch's hat - felt like a stark contrast to the elaborate outfits her friends were envisioning. A wave of self-consciousness washed over her as she realised how plain her attire was compared to their magical aspirations.

Eleanor noticed Jane's distraction and nudged her gently. "Jane, what are you thinking of going as? Have you decided yet?"

Her mind was still preoccupied with the study group schedule."I haven't put much thought into it. Maybe something simple. I don't have time for anything elaborate." Jane shrugged.

Olivia leaned in, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Speaking of the party, who are you going to invite? There's that Ravenclaw boy, Clark Walsh. He's been looking your way a lot lately. Have you noticed?"

Her cheeks flushed slightly, but she shook her head dismissively. "Clark's just being friendly. Besides, I'm not really thinking about the whole dating thing right now. I'll probably just invite Lily. She's been a great friend, and I know she'll appreciate the invite."

Eleanor smirked, a playful spark in her eyes. "Positive you don't want to reconsider? Clark's clearly smitten, and let's not forget that Quidditch uniform."

"And don't forget he's a Beater, so you know he's strong and a good kisser," Olivia teased, fanning herself dramatically with a scrap of parchment while batting her eyelashes at Jane.

Jane managed a tight-lipped smile, feeling a twinge of annoyance. "Honestly, guys, I'm not interested. Lily and I are going to have a blast."

Olivia sighed, sensing Jane's discomfort. "Fine, Jane. We'll drop it. But remember, we're here for you if you change your mind."

"Absolutely! And don't worry about the costume too much. We'll help you put something together, even if it's last minute," Eleanor nodded, her enthusiasm undiminished. "But seriously, Jane, you should think about Clark. He's cute, smart, and he'd definitely make the party more fun for you. And we won't say anything if you find yourselves hiding in an alcove. Hufflepuff's honour." She gave Jane a mock salute.

As Eleanor and Olivia buzzed with excitement about the upcoming party, Jane felt a quiet warmth spread through her. She was grateful for their enthusiasm and support, even if she wasn't fully caught up in the planning. The thought of inviting Lily brought a sense of peace. With Lily's kind heart and easygoing nature, Jane knew the evening would be enjoyable, no matter what.

The Hufflepuff common room was a hive of activity as the party drew near. Pumpkins, meticulously carved into intricate designs, lined the walls. Delicate cobwebs, spun with magical precision, draped from the ceiling. Enchanted candles, floating serenely and casting a warm, ethereal glow, transformed the space into a magical dreamscape. Students worked with feverish enthusiasm, their laughter and excited chatter creating a vibrant atmosphere.

As the party approached, Jane found herself caught in the whirlwind of excitement. Overcoming her initial reluctance, she joined her friends in crafting costumes, suggesting decorations, and even experimenting with a few charms to enhance the party's magic. Though the shadow of Snape's words still lingered in her mind, she was determined to focus on the positive and savour the camaraderie of her friends.

In the days leading up to the Halloween party, Jane found a somewhat quiet moment to invite Lily. She pulled her to the end of the Gryffindor table later that week during dinner. Surrounded by the faint scent of pumpkin pastries and the boisterous laughter of young Gryffindors, they managed to find a secluded corner for their conversation.

"Lily, I wanted to ask you something," Jane began tentatively, a small smile playing on her lips.

Lily turned to her with bright eyes, her curiosity piqued. "Of course, Jane. What is it?"

Jane took a deep breath, her eyes briefly closing as she gathered her thoughts. "So, there's a Halloween party happening in the common room," she began, a touch of excitement in her voice. "I wanted to invite you. It's not exclusive to Hufflepuff, we want it to be open to anyone invited."

Lily's eyes sparkled with excitement. "A Halloween party? That sounds fantastic!" Her smile widened. "I'd love to go, Jane. Thank you for inviting me!"

Relief and joy washed over Jane. "I'm so glad you can make it," she replied, her smile mirroring Lily's. "It's going to be a blast."

Lily nodded, her fingers tracing absentmindedly through her long hair. "Definitely! I can't wait to see what everyone has planned."

Lily's enthusiasm for the party was contagious. She bounced from idea to idea, her mind brimming with creative flair. As the event drew closer, she became an invaluable asset to the planning committee, suggesting innovative decorations and intriguing Muggle-inspired activities. Jane watched in admiration, feeling a profound sense of gratitude for Lily's friendship and support.

The night had finally arrived. The Hufflepuff common room was unrecognisable, transformed into a mesmerising, enchanted realm. Every corner held a touch of magic, the result of countless hours of planning and hard work. A sense of accomplishment washed over Jane as she surveyed the room. Her gaze landed on Lily, surrounded by a group of girls all dressed like Hogwarts ghosts. Jane couldn't help but marvel at Lily's effortless charm. It seemed like she could make friends with anyone, anywhere.

Eleanor and Olivia, their fairy wings shimmering under the party lights, fluttered towards Jane, their faces beaming. "Your costume is incredible, Jane!" Eleanor gushed, though her eyes darted away for a moment.

Olivia agreed with a forced smile, adding, "Very classic choice!"

Jane glanced down at her own attire—a worn black robe and a floppy, well-loved witch hat—a wry smile tugging at her lips. She'd been so focused on helping others with their costumes that she'd neglected her own. "Thanks, Eleanor," she replied, forcing a cheerful tone. "You both look absolutely enchanting."

"Thanks, Jane!" Eleanor beamed, giving her a grateful smile. "We appreciate it. We spent hours on these, you know. While you were probably studying or something incredibly productive." Olivia giggled, nudging Eleanor playfully. "Let's just hope the boys appreciate our hard work."

Before Jane could respond to Eleanor and Olivia's playful banter, a group of girls she didn't recognise approached them. Their eyes were fixed on Eleanor and Olivia, their faces alight with admiration. "Your costumes are incredible!" one girl exclaimed, her voice filled with awe. "You look like real fairies!" Another chimed in, her mouth gaping in disbelief. Jane stood to the side, a wry smile playing on her lips as the newcomers seemed to have forgotten she was even there.

Jane discreetly slipped away from her friends, her gaze scanning the crowded common room. After a brief search, she spotted Lily standing alone near the entrance, her eyes scanning the room. "Lily," Jane called out, approaching her friend. "How's the party so far?"

Lily turned to Jane with a bright smile. "It's amazing, Jane! Everyone looks fantastic, and the decorations are incredible. You did an amazing job with the planning." She paused, her eyes scanning the room. "Have you seen—"

A sudden presence made Jane tense. Snape materialised beside them, his usual austere demeanour softened by a hint of discomfort. His costume, if it could be called that, was a haphazard attempt at a wizard's robe, hanging awkwardly on his lean frame. A hastily transfigured Ravenclaw tie completed the underwhelming ensemble. It was clear that minimal effort, if any, had gone into his attire.

Lily, on the other hand, looked radiant in her mermaid-inspired ensemble. Complete with shimmering scales and a flowing aquamarine tail that trailed behind her. She noticed Jane's reaction and quickly spoke up, her voice warm and inclusive. "Jane, I hope you don't mind, but I invited Severus to the party. Since all houses were invited, I didn't want him to spend Halloween alone."

Jane blinked in surprise, momentarily taken aback by Lily's kindness. She glanced at Snape, who seemed to shrink into himself, his gaze avoiding hers as he muttered something unintelligible.

Suppressing a sigh, Jane forced a polite smile. "Of course, Lily. It's great to see you both here."

Snape grunted in acknowledgment, his dark eyes flickering briefly with discomfort before he turned away, his posture tense and guarded. Jane couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for him, despite their past disagreements. It was evident that Snape felt out of place, surrounded by students who had put effort into their costumes and were enjoying themselves. She wondered if she could do something to make him feel more comfortable. But any attempt at conversation with Snape usually ended in attempted murder or worse, awkward silence.

As the night wore on, Jane found herself drifting from one group to another, a solitary figure in the midst of the revelry. She danced tentatively on the makeshift dance floor, her movements hesitant and unsure. The impromptu games, with their bursts of laughter and friendly competition, seemed to exclude her. She found herself drawn to the quieter corners of the room, observing the party from the sidelines. The once vibrant energy of the room now felt overwhelming, and she yearned for a moment of solitude.

During a game of exploding snap, Jane turned to Olivia with an uneasy expression. "Olivia, could you come with me to the girls' bathroom?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly.

"Uh, Jane," Olivia replied, a puzzled look crossing her face, "do you really need someone to go to the bathroom with you?"

Jane hesitated, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "I just... I don't know. I feel really freaked out about going alone. It's like I might be attacked or something." Her voice was barely a whisper, and her eyes darted around the room nervously.

Olivia's confusion turned to concern, and she nodded. "Of course, Jane. Let's go." Her voice was gentle as she stood up and offered Jane a reassuring smile.

Jane tried to shake off the unsettling feeling as they returned to the party. She was grateful for Olivia's support, but the sudden wave of irrational fear had left her rattled. The incident added an inexplicable layer of unease to the already peculiar Snape inspired atmosphere of the night, making her hyper aware of every shadow and sound.

As the Halloween party reached its zenith, it became increasingly clear that Snape and Jane were mismatched gears in the grand machinery of revelry. While Lily effortlessly commanded attention, her mermaid costume shimmering under the party lights, Snape and Jane found themselves relegated to the sidelines, observers rather than participants.

Snape, sulked in a corner for most of the night. His dark gaze darted around the room, observing the revelry with a mixture of disdain and discomfort. Jane, mindful of his presence and determined to prevent any potential disruptions, kept a watchful eye on him from across the room. She intervened discreetly when necessary, redirecting conversations and diffusing tension before it escalated. While she loved Lily, the girl had made a terrible choice in a childhood friend.

When the party began to wind down, the once vibrant common room emptied gradually, leaving behind a trail of discarded decorations and remnants of the night's celebration. Snape and Lily approached Jane, their figures standing out against the fading party lights.

Lily's eyes held a genuine warmth as she embraced her friend. "Thank you so much for inviting me, Jane," she said, her voice filled with gratitude. "I had a wonderful time!"

Jane returned the hug warmly, her smile genuine as she echoed Lily's enthusiasm. "I'm so glad you had a good time, Lily. You looked absolutely stunning tonight."

Lily beamed, her smile worth a thousand watts. Jane couldn't help but think how beautiful the witch looked. "And thank you for being so kind to Severus. I know it can be difficult, but he appreciated the invitation."

At Lily's mention of Snape, Jane glanced over at him. He stood nearby, his expression as stoic as ever, his body language radiating an aura of discomfort. The stark contrast between his demeanour and Lily's exuberant gratitude was evident.

With a turn of his heel, Snape turned and made his way to the door. Jane immediately exchanged a knowing glance with Lily. "I think he's still getting used to the idea of parties," she said with a soft chuckle.

Lily nodded in agreement, a touch of amusement in her eyes. "Maybe next time he'll bring a book," she joked. Jane couldn't help but smile at Lily's lighthearted comment. It was a much-needed moment of levity after the tension of the evening.

Disengaging from Jane, Lily approached Snape, who stood near the common room door. With a practised elegance reminiscent of a pureblood gentleman, he offered her his arm and escorted her out of the common room.

Turning back to the now-quieter common room, she felt a surge of exhaustion. It was time to transform the party-filled space back into a snug Hufflepuff haven. With a determined sigh, Jane rolled up her sleeves, ready to tackle the cleanup.

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