Chapter 1: The Fridge

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I stirred from my bed as I tiredly opened my eyes just to stare in my pillow. I sighed and crept out of bed flapping my wings a bit just to wake me up. I walked towards my drawer and picked out some clothes and slumped my way to the bathroom to get them on.

Apparently, I wasn't the only one up because then I heard a knock on the door to the living room. I wasn't sure why they were knocking, for everyone in the house knew that every toilet was its own stall and they could just enter in and use it how they needed to use it. I finished putting my clothes on and opened the door to see Kymera.

"You know you don't need to knock, " I told her.

"Oh! Sorry, I keep forgetting, " She explained to me. I just walked out past her and sat on the couch waiting for more people to wake up. I decided even though Crooked was going to prepare breakfast I was going to prepare it instead because he was taking forever waking up.

I opened the fridge and to my horror, we were out of food. The fridge was completely barren with not a crumb of anything left. By now almost everyone was up except for Crooked. I was overhearing the conversation by the living room.

"Shouldn't we be eating by now?"

"I think Crooked was supposed to make breakfast."

"But Crooked is still asleep!"

"Well, I guess I'll make breakfast then..." That was Andro, and hearing her footsteps come towards the kitchen I quickly walked up to her.

"Oh, Andro! I have something I need to tell you."

"Not now Bolty. I'm going to be preparing for breakfast. Could you go wake up Crooked for me?"

"And- " I tried to say before she cut me off telling me just to go wake up Crooked once again. "The fridge is empty!" I finally mustered out right before Andro opened the fridge. She rolled her eyes and opened the fridge to see the empty fridge. She looked at it, scanning it with her eyes to find any food.

"But all that food should've lasted us a while! Where has it all gone?" Andro seemed to be

going into a state of panic her wings fluffing up and shivering. I tried to comfort her but she just ran to her room in frustration. I thought it was for the best and went out to the living room. Everyone was looking to me probably looking for answers of why Andro wasn't with me.

"I'm here to tell you all I guess that the fridge is empty. There is no more food." I watched as all the relaxed, calm faces melted into panic and anger. Panic rose with the flock. Everyone started crawling around in fear before Maddie stood up and called order to everyone.

"Everyone calm down! We knew this would happen eventually, " she declared. "We had already discussed what we would do when we ran out of food. We will send out 3 avians to a town where there is a convention going on. We will only look like we are cosplaying as winged characters. Now we must decide who is going to go." Everyone relaxed while listening to Maddie as she explained what was going to happen.

I stood up first and asked if I could go. Everyone seemed to be cool with that. "Well if you're going then I'm going to!" That was Kymera. She stood up and walked over to me. I noticed her wings softening as she was calming down. I looked around to the rest of the group, no one else looked like they wanted to go. Then, Ruby stood up.

"Since no one else wants to go, I'll go, " she said. We all held each other's hands in a line while everyone else just sat on the couch with their thumbs up. All three of us went to the bathroom to get dressed in our cosplay costumes. We came out and we looked at each other.

"Are we all ready?" I asked Kymera and Ruby. They nodded and after being given some money from Maddie we went out the door. Maddie called from behind.

"Good luck!" I just barely heard her before Ruby closed the door and we headed off on our journey.

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