61: Spring Has Arrived

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Reposted: December 29, 2021


Can it be? A new chapter within a month? Two weeks? That hasn't happened it ten years

Y'all, I've been tagged in three different Tomarry fics after someone brings up Tomalongadingdong. I just— wow

Summary: term had started up again

"Can it be summer already?" Harry muttered, tapping his foot impatiently as he waited for Blaise to get back up.

Draco gave him a look of exasperation. "That's the eighth time I've heard you say that. And we hadn't even been back for two weeks."

Harry returned his stare with a raised eyebrow as if to say, Your point?

"Impedimenta!" Daphne said, sending Draco staggering back a few steps before he could say anything else.

"Not bad," Remus said. "But you're adding an extra flick at the very end. Try to keep the wand still."

Daphne repeated the incantation and Draco, who had only just gotten back in position, went flying across the room. Thankfully, Remus had put up cushioning charms to prevent injuries. Last time, George Weasley had to go to the hospital wing because he fractured his wrist. Fred had gone up to Remus after class and reassured him that they wouldn't blame him and gave him a bag of sweets as a peace offering. No one had touched it.

"Very good," Remus said as the bell rang. "Well done, all of you. Please turn in your essay on your way out."

The Slytherins headed for the Great Hall. Many of the Gryffindors were already there; Harry spotted Ginny with Ron and Hermione. Ever since Remus had sneaked her out to have the goblins remove her compulsions, she had been more like herself, though sometimes she would gaze at Harry like she did before to keep Dumbledore from suspecting. Once or twice, she would follow him, only for Severus to take points away (Remus would add them back subtly so it didn't impact their placement). Ron and Hermione were doing their part as well, steering Ginny away or directing her attention elsewhere. Dumbledore didn't suspect a thing.

Harry realized two seats at the High Table were empty: the headmaster's and Severus'. Probably taking another look at his Dark Mark. Still, Harry made a mental note to ask him later.

"I'm starving," Tracey announced, piling her plate with food.

"When are you not?" Daphne joked.

Tracey shot her a deadpanned expression while stabbing her potato.

"Oh, there's Professor Snape," Theo said, looking toward the entrance in surprise.

Heads from all four tables turned to watch the potions master stalk toward the High Table. He was not normally late, so even a minute or two was enough to garner attention. Remus gave him a concerned look but didn't ask him what was wrong. The Great Hall was not a time to discuss private matters.

Harry finished his lunch and headed off to his next class. He would ask them before dinner.

Or at least, that's what he intended to do. Ron stopped him as he was leaving Transfiguration.

"Harry!" he shouted, running up to him.


"Dumbledore told me to give this to you," he told him, handing him a note.

Harry raised an eyebrow as he read it over. It didn't say much, only that he wanted to speak to Harry, but the fact that he was calling him up at all did not bode well.

"Thank you," he said.

Ron looked around before leaning in. "Do you know what this is about?"

"Not a clue. I hope I'm not in trouble."

"I doubt it. You've never gotten in trouble before," Ron said, though his eyes were filled with apprehension. Harry could understand why given the recent revelations with Ginny. "Well, good luck." And he was gone.

"What could he want now?" Tracey wondered irritably. "He was doing so well in avoiding you."

"Could it have to do with Professor Snape?" Millicent suggested. "He was late for lunch after all, and he's never late!"

"Perhaps," Harry said. "I'll see you later."

The Slytherins echoed Ron's words first good luck as Harry took off at a brisk pace.

Reaching the headmaster's office, Harry gave the password— another sweet— and rode up the spiraling staircase.

He didn't knock, knowing Dumbledore knew he was there. A few seconds went by until he realized Harry wasn't about to knock and called him in.

"Good afternoon, Harry," he said, giving Harry a smile that did not quite reach his eyes.

"Hello, sir. Is there a problem?"

"I am unsure," Dumbledore admitted.

Okay, that was different. The headmaster liked to believe he was omnipotent and that he was a mysterious and powerful wizard. Although, to be fair, the latter two weren't entirely wrong.

"Has anything felt wrong at all?" Dumbledore peered at Harry closely. "Different?"

Harry shook his head, eyebrows furrowed in confusion that was not fake for once. "No, sir. Why would I feel different?"

Dumbledore didn't respond right away. When he did speak, it wasn't to answer Harry's question. "I am afraid Voldemort is on the move," he said.

"How so?" Harry asked, his eyes widening slightly, once more not having to feign surprise. What was going on?

"That is what I'm trying to figure out." Dumbledore folded his hands in front of him. "That is what I'm hoping you would willing to find out. After all, your parents had been struck down by him. Surely, you wouldn't want their sacrifice to be in vain."

And there he goes using my parents. "No, I wouldn't."

"Good, good. You know you can come to me if you have any suspicions," Dumbledore said. "I know I have not been a very good guardian—"

Harry resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

"— but I hope I can make up for it."

He looked downcast, and Harry silently conceded he looked very convincing.

"Thank you. And I'm sure Professors Snape and Lupin are willing to help."

There was a flicker in Dumbledore's eyes, but it disappeared almost instantly. "Good, good. You may go. Remember what I said."

Harry left, feeling very out of place. What had prompted Dumbledore to speak to him at all? Was it related to Severus at all like Millicent had thought?

He had time now, so he headed for Severus' office.

Unsurprisingly, Remus and Sirius were there, waiting for him. Someone must have told them where Harry had been.

"So?" Sirius prompted. "What did he want?"

"What did he want with Sev?" Harry countered.

"A look at my mark." Severus' eyes were troubled. "But normally he is left disappointed. This time, he looked like he was in shock for a second. What did he want with you?"

"He asked me if I felt different," Harry said. "Why would he think that?"

There was one thing he could think of, but he didn't want to voice it.

It was Remus who did. "Do you think he knows about Tom?"

Hearing him say it out loud made Harry's stomach drop. "He can't! Can he?"

"The Dark Mark was connected to Voldemort, who was, by all rights, Tom Riddle," Severus pointed out. "It's possible."

Harry sank down heavily into the couch.

"It's probably best you don't meet up with Tom in the Chamber," Remus said, looking apologetic.

Harry knew he was right, but that didn't mean he had to like it. "Okay."

Sirius placed a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, pup. We won't let anything happen."

"Don't make promises you can't keep," Harry warned.

Sirius didn't waver. "We can promise we'll do our best," he amended, and Harry nodded.

Weeks passed, and soon it was March. Dumbledore hadn't done anything since pulling Harry into his office, but Harry refused to let his guard down. He hardly even spoke to Tom through the mirror, fearing Dumbledore may be spying on them in the dorm. Dobby and Kreacher checked multiple times a day, but Harry wasn't reassured. Especially with the unreadable stares he received from Dumbledore. It reminded him back when he was in his second year when everyone thought he was behind the attacks. But this was worse, way worse.

It wasn't only him being stared at. Remus was subjected to the same looks, though Dumbledore had yet to speak to him in private. Harry hoped he wouldn't, remembering the scrawny, shaking form that Dobby had brough with him.

But at least now he had Severus. Harry would check the map and the potions master was with him frequently.

Remus didn't have to ask to know Harry, Sirius, and Severus were worried about him. Dumbledore was keeping his distance from Remus for some reason, often regarding him with a troubled gaze.

Severus often came in or invited Remus to his quarters to make sure he was all set for the next transformation. Or at least that's what he said, even though they both knew that was only partly true. Severus hadn't said anything, but Remus knew he still felt guilty for now realizing how much he had suffered during his first year as a teacher.

Now, as he looked over Hermione's essay, which was thankfully legible even without the use of charms, his mind was completely focused. So focused that he did not hear the door quietly open and close and it took a few seconds to register he was not alone.

Remus looked up, eyes widening as he caught sight of Dumbledore standing in front of the now closed door. For one terrible moment, he was back when he had only just begun teaching. Dumbledore had just raised his wand and murmured the Unforgivable that sent Remus collapsing on the floor, pain worse than even his transformations cursing through his body.

He abruptly pushed the memory aside. "I didn't see you come in," he said, standing, his voice only just managing not to waver.

"I know."

He had his wand drawn before Remus could move. Thick black cords shot from his wand and wrapped around Remus' ankles, mouth and wrists before he could even reach for his wand and he fell to the floor with a grunt. The stack of parchments slid to the floor as well, scattering like leaves in autumn.

Remus let out a muffled cry of confusion. What was going on?

Dumbledore gazed down at him coldly, then lifted his head as the fireplace spat out green flames. The person who stepped out made his insides freeze.

"I got your message. What did you—" Tom caught sight of Dumbledore and broke off, his face blanching.

"It can't be," Dumbledore whispered, staggering back as if he'd been hit.

Tom gazed back, panic threatening to overwhelm him. He glanced over at Remus' bound form. Remus stared back, his wide eyes practically begging for Tom to get the hell out of there.

"I knew you'd come back somehow," Dumbledore said, making Tom's head snap back around, "but I never imagined it would be like this."

A spell was sent hurtling toward Tom, who jumped to the side and pulled out his wand. He fought to push down his fear; he had trained, and he was very powerful, but so was Dumbledore.

Even still, he managed to hold his own, using both normal and wandless magic to fight back.

Dumbledore silently conceded Tom's skills. Then again, he had always had a knack in magic even before he knew about it. But Dumbledore had the upper hand.

He maneuvered until he was near Remus and swiftly reached down and pulled him up by the hair. "Drop your wand," he commanded, holding his own wand to Remus' throat.

Tom halted, his eyes flicking to Remus and back up. "Let him go," he snarled, though his voice was tinged with fear. "Haven't you done enough to him?"

He was actually concerned for Remus, Dumbledore mused. "I said drop your wand," he repeated, pressing his wand further into Remus' neck.

Remus shook his head rapidly, a muffled shout sounding as Tom finally gave in, tossing his wand onto the floor.

Dumbledore nodded slightly. "You should have known better than to use Harry, Tom," he said gravely.

Use Harry?

Before Tom could fully process his words, a red light came his way and he knew no more.

.............. welp, time to add fight scenes to things I can't write

Also *looks at tags* I knew I was right in adding crack treated seriously

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