Part 62*

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Revised: January 1, 2022 (dear lord, that looks weird)


Look, I know you want to kill me for that cliffhanger............ and that's all I got to say on that. Enjoy this chapter!

Something was wrong. Harry didn't need to be a Seer to know that. He took his seat at the Slytherin table and put some food on a plate, but his mind wasn't on that. He kept thinking of Luna's words — "It isn't spring yet" — and the anxiety that had flickered in her eyes when she said it.

He raised his eyes to the High Table. Most of the professors there didn't seem to notice anything was amiss, but Dumbledore had an usually somber expression. Nearby, Severus kept glancing sideways to the empty seat next to him. It took a moment longer than Harry would have like to admit to realize what was wrong.

Remus was missing.

Severus' eyes locked with Harry's with a questioning glint. Harry gave a minute shrug, feeling helpless. Frustration flickered across Severus' face before he turned to McGonagall.

Harry glanced over at the Ravenclaw table where Luna sat with her back to him. She had a plate full of food in front of her, but she had barely touched it.

"May I have your attention please?" Dumbledore had risen to his feet.

Everyone turned to look at him.

"I am afraid I bring bad news," he began. He paused as if bracing himself. "Professor Lupin is in league with Voldemort."

Harry stiffened, staring up at him in shock. All around, murmuring broke out.

"Except..." Dumbledore paused again. "It is not Voldemort the way we've come to know him as. Dark magic had enabled him to come back in younger version, specifically the one that had opened the Chamber of Secrets."

Here, Dumbledore cast a sympathetic glance over at the Gryffindor table. Ginny's face had grown white and she looked like she was about to be sick.

"He and Lupin are now being held in Azkaban awaiting for a trial. I expect the Daily Prophet will have more information soon." He sat down, ending the announcement.

More whispering broke out among the students. One or two voices sounded satisfied, saying they knew they shouldn't have trusted a werewolf. Harry, though, just sat there staring blankly down.

"Harry?" Draco was staring at him in concern.

"Not now."

To his relief, he didn't push it. "You need to eat something. You barely touched your plate last night."

Harry sighed, knowing he was right, and forced himself to take tiny mouthfuls of soup. But the looks being thrown his way became too much for him and he abruptly left the Hall.

Azure was snoozing on his bed when he entered the dorm. 'Harry,' she said, instantly alert. 'What's wrong?'

Harry sat down heavily. 'Dumbledore found out about Tom.'

'He what?' Azure raised her head until she was eye level. 'That's impossible! How?'

'I don't know.' Harry was starting to feel sick.

Azure started hissing curses under her breath, her tail lashing in agitation. Harry couldn't find the strength to comfort her; he just lay on his back staring up at the canopy.

He wished spring had never arrived.

The first thing Tom registered when he came to was that it was freezing and that his arms were suspended above him. He forced himself to open his eyes and look up. In the dim light from high above, he could just make out the heavy manacles around his wrists. He tugged at them without really trying to break free and the cold metal pressed against his skin.

Azkaban. He was in Azkaban.

Tom shuddered as he remembered exactly how he came here. He had received a note telling him to come to Remus' office. For some reason, he had not checked it over, so he had gone through, only to find himself face to face with Dumbledore while a bound Remus lay between them.

Tom mentally kicked himself for not being more careful. You'd think he would have been more suspicious.

A whimper broke him out of his thoughts.


He could only just make out the figure huddled in the cell next to his, trembling.

"N-no... Don't... Don't hurt him..." His voice grew more desperate and an agonized groan slipped from his lips. "No! Please... I'll do it..."

"Remus. Remus! Wake up, it's not real!" But even as Tom said this, coldness seeped into body, chilling him to the bone.

He heard screaming — his own screaming — and could see himself as clearly as if it had been yesterday as part of his soul detached and absorbed into the diary.

Happy memories, Tom. Think!

But none came, only the overwhelming despair and desperation he had felt all that time.

"My Lord?" a voice rasped.

Tom's eyes flew open. When did I close my eyes?

He forced himself to look, and found himself staring into the dark eyes of a tall, skinny man in the cell across from him.

It took a moment for Tom to speak. "Who are you?"

"You don't remember?" Surprise flickered in the man's eyes. "Rodolphus Lestrange. I am one of yours, my Lord."

Bellatrix's husband. Not that she really cared for him. A marriage contract joined them together, but that was as far as it went on both sides.

"I'm not your Lord," Tom murmured.

"But you are." Rodolphus shifted around. "That's what they've been saying."

"They're wrong," Tom said as harshly as he could with his memories raging war inside his mind.

"Wrong? How are they —"

Another voice, this one less gruff, spoke. "My Lord?"

Tom rolled his eyes. "I just said I'm not your —" He broke off as a growl sounded from next to him. Remus had lifted his head, hostility darkening his features.


Tom was instantly more alert. He leaned forward as far as the manacles would allow him to and peered closer to get a better glimpse of the other man.

He was very short and had mousy brown hair that had thinned out over time. He blanched at Remus' less-than-happy response but pressed on. "Moony, my old friend."

"You lost the right to call me that when you decided to stab your friends in the back," Remus snapped, turning away and curling up. The dementors didn't seem to have an effect on him at that moment.

Pettigrew recoiled again but persisted. "But you serve our Lord —"

"I'm not his Lord," Tom interrupted him. "And if I could, I would hex the next person who so much as thinks that."

Pettigrew fell silent.

Remus groaned softly, his head in his hands. His momentary show of strength was gone as his memories clouded his mind once more.

Tom tried to focus on something, anything, but his own memories were swirling around, drowning out everything else.

Classes had continued on as normal, though Remus' absence reminded everyone constantly of the recent events.

As Dumbledore had predicted, the Daily Prophet came out with an article telling the events that had occurred, with Dumbledore himself speaking. According to him, he had gone to speak to Remus about Harry just as Tom was stepping through. They fought, and Dumbledore had been surprised when Remus turned on him. Nevertheless, Dumbledore bound him and Stunned them both before taking them to the Ministry.

"I was devastated," Dumbledore had told the Daily Prophet. "I had wanted to trust Remus, but he has given me no choice but to turn him in to the Ministry along with Tom."

Once the news of Remus apparently helping the Dark Lord had sunk in, many were in denial. Some people, though, hoped that they'd get a better person to teach D.A.D.A. Almost everyone gave Harry pitying glances that made him want to hex them, but he stayed put.

The Weasleys remained neutral throughout. Harry suspected they were just as suspicious as him about Dumbledore's claims, especially given how Ginny had been personally manipulated by the headmaster. They never spoke to Harry, but Harry saw them giving Dumbledore a dubious glance every now and then. Once, while she was roaming the halls, Azure overheard Ron telling Hermione he didn't know what to believe anymore. Ron had thought it was a final attempt or Dumbledore to regain his former glory. Hermione had agreed, although she did point out Voldemort seemed to be back, albeit in a different form.

'I don't think they're ever going to return to Dumbledore's side,' Azure told Harry.

'They never did seem to get over the initial abuse,' Harry noted. Which made sense given how loving their family was.

'Child abuse in the wizarding world is taken very seriously. Well, for most people anyway,' Azure added, and Harry imagined her rolling her eyes if she could.

Harry checked the map even though there really wasn't any point now. Remus' office and quarters remained empty, though Harry did notice Sirius in Severus' office more than once.

One day, when he was making his usual round, he saw Sirius' name outside with Luna's and Ginny's. He went out and found Luna stroking Padfoot's thick fur while he dozed off. Ginny sat next to her so close their shoulders brushed against each other.

The words tumbled out before Harry could stop them. "You said it wasn't spring yet. It is now. Is this what you meant? Why didn't you tell me more?"

His voice was harsh even to his own ears and he wasn't surprised when Ginny turned and scowled at him. "Don't take it out on Luna. She's not to blame for any of this."

Luna laid a hand on her back and faced Harry, her eyes sympathetic. "You know it doesn't work like that, Harry," she said more softly. "I told you all I knew, which was that something was going to happen in the spring."

Harry forced himself to calm down. "I know, I'm sorry. I'm just worried."

"So is Sirius." Luna scratched Padfoot behind the ear. "He finds comfort in talking to Professor Snape."

Harry wasn't surprised by that. The relationship had begun with just Remus, but over time Sirius and Severus had spent more time alone, bantering and annoying the hell out of each other. Harry doubted it would go further for either Sirius or Remus — Severus was a lot like Harry in that regard — but it was what they needed, especially now.

"It'll be all right," Luna went on. "Secrets that have been hidden will be revealed. And Dumbledore will make one final attempt."

Harry almost asked what she meant, but he stopped himself.

Padfoot stirred and turned back into Sirius. He looked more relaxed now, but his eyes remained bleak. "Luna said everything would work in our favor."

"But — but how?" Harry couldn't think rationally enough at the moment.

"The headmaster doesn't know what you know, does he?" Luna pointed it.

For a moment, Harry stared at her baffled. Then realization dawned. Dumbledore didn't know about the soul bond. But if he had... Harry didn't want to think about what he would have done if he knew.

Sirius seemed to follow his thoughts. "The wizarding world is going to tear him apart once it gets out," he said, his eyes darkening gleefully.

Luna hummed in agreement.

Ginny looked between them, her gaze questioning. "I'm not going to ask what it is you're talking about, but I do have to admit I'm curious."

Harry shook her head. "You'll find out soon enough, Ginny. I promise it'll make sense."

She accepted this with a small nod.

Sirius' gaze flitted past Harry and brightened. "Severus!"

Harry looked up to see Severus standing a little ways away, looking uncertain as to whether he should join them or not. But then he gave in and sat down next to Sirius.

"What secrets are you sharing now, Sirius?"

Sirius grinned a little. "Oh, nothing important. But I did tell Luna and Ginny here of that time you cuddled with me and Remus. You didn't want to let go of either of us."

Severus shot a warning glance at the girls as they giggled. "I trust you can not share this with anyone?"

"With all due respect, Professor, I know things about the future. I think I can handle something of the past," said Luna.

"You didn't answer his question," said Harry.

Luna smiled. "We won't tell." She raised her head, eyes on something beyond Harry. "The thestrals are here."

Harry instinctively looked before remembering he couldn't see them. "It's too bad you can only see them in... certain circumstances," he said.

Luna thought for a moment. "Come here. You can still feel them."

Harry stood and allowed her to guide his hand. Something surprisingly soft bumped against it and warm breath fanned his face.

"I think he likes you," said Luna.

The thestral nudged Harry's hand as if in agreement.

Harry smiled for the first time since Tom and Remus had been taken. "Thanks, Luna."

She smiled back. "Of course. I'm glad I could help." Her eyes got a faraway look in them. "I think I'm going to go down to the kitchen. Ginny, you coming?"

"Sure." Ginny sprang to her feet.

"You do that," Harry said, slightly bemused.

"She's not as much of a dunderhead as she acts," Severus muttered as they set off to the castle.

Ginny whipped around, mouth open as if to give a stinging remark, but Luna pulled her along. "It's okay, Ginny. That's Professor Snape's way of complimenting people. It's what makes him unique."

"Awww, Sevvie, did you hear that? You're unique!" gushed Harry. Severus rolled his eyes.

Sirius laughed and stood, extending his hand. "Come on, you're covering for Defense Against the Dark Arts tomorrow morning."

"As if I don't have enough to worry about," Severus grumbled, but allowed Sirius to pull him to his feet.

Harry remained outside for a while, stroking the thestral absently. But it was about time he went inside, too. He nearly tripped as he tried to move. "Careful," he cautioned, looking in the general direction he thought they were in. "Remember I can't see any of you."

Thankfully, the thestrals didn't get in his way as he left.

Tracey was in the library when Harry found her. To his surprise, she was with Hermione.

"I don't know what to think, honestly," Hermione was saying. "I mean, You-Know-Who — er — Riddle — is back, but Ron still thinks Dumbledore was lying about something."

"Pretty perceptive, isn't he?" said Tracey.

"He is." Hermione looked wistful now. "No one seems to realize that."

"Does he?"

Hermione shook her head. "He underestimates himself a lot."

Harry made himself known. "Then tell him how you feel."

Both girls jumped. Tracey looked cross. "Harry, don't sneak up on people!"

"You were looking in my direction!" Harry protested.

"Yes. I was looking in your direction. I wasn't looking at you."

"Whatever. Anyway, where were we?" Harry looked at Hermione.

"You were saying I should tell Ron..." she said haltingly.

"Right." Harry looked her up and down. "Is Ron aware you admire him?"

"Well..." Hermione looked guilty. "I don't really compliment him a lot, not like he does me."

"That's stupid," Tracey deadpanned.

"Tracey," Harry groaned.

"What? The guy has low self-esteem from what I've gathered and he doesn't get appreciated enough. If he has doubts Hermione likes him, I can't blame him."

Hermione blushed. "Wait, I don't —"

"Save it, Granger. You're wasting precious oxygen. Look, just tell him. A lot of romance novels and films like to prolong the agony. So don't be like that."

"Okay." Hermione looked so startled she didn't try to protest further.


"It's him!" Hermione whispered.

"Perfect timing. Go!" Tracey shoved her and Hermione scrambled to leave.

Harry heard Ron's surprised yelp as she practically crashed into him but didn't stick around to find out how it went.

Tracey hurried after him. "Did we just become matchmakers or something? Cause if so, I quit."

"Maybe you should wait until Ginny and Luna get together," Harry suggested jokingly.

"Ginny and Luna?" Tracey glanced at him in surprise.

"They were outside together. Very close. They might be together already, but I didn't ask."

"Huh." Tracey looked intrigued.

They walked in silence for a bit.

"You know, I'm surprised you and Hermione were conversing," Harry said as they rounded a corner.

"Eh, she's okay. Not my type, but she certainly knows how to talk your ears off."

"Do you even have a type?" Sometimes, Harry wondered if she liked anything other than food, sleep, and plush animals.

"Uh... food?"

Harry laughed a little. "I'll take that as a no." But his amusement faded away quickly as they were reaching the common room.

Severus was waiting for them. "Remus is on trial first," he told Harry. "It was originally a closed session, but the headmaster managed to convince the Wizengamot you can go."

"It's about time he did something I agree with," Harry muttered, although it was he who had put them all in the mess in the first place.

"You'll tell us what happened, right?" Tracey asked.

"Yeah, course."

Tiredness swamped over Harry like a tidal wave. He said good night and headed up to his dorm despite it being barely after seven.

Tracey moved as if to follow him but paused at a look from Severus.

"Leave him be for now," he said. "He needs to be alone."

Azure was curled up on Harry's bed when he arrived. 'Hi, Harry,' she said. It was rare she called him by his actual name, which meant she was too weary to muster up her usual antics. 'I brought you something.'

She shifted to reveal the ball of mud in her coils. It was much smaller than the ones she had gotten him for his birthday; it easily fit in the palm of his hand.

Harry picked it up, noticing bits of green that dotted it like sprinkles.

'Clover,' Azure explained at his questioning glance. 'Daphne said it was considered good luck. Well, the four-leaf version is, but I thought the three leaves was good enough.'

'That's really thoughtful, thank you.' Harry let his magic wash over the mud and felt it harden in his hand. He put it aside, making a mental note to remember it the next morning.

Fun fact for new readers: Ginny wasn't there in the original draft.

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