Part 63

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Reposted: January 4, 2022

Classes start up again in two weeks. Yay /heavy sarcasm


Summary: Remus' trial

Harry stepped into the courtroom. His eyes narrowed upon seeing Dumbledore, who was quietly talking the Weasleys. Did he convince the Wizengamot to let them in, too?

After seeing how Ron, Ginny, and the twins had taken the news, Harry wasn't surprised by the wary expressions on the older children and the parents' faces. Percy was standing slightly in front of Ginny as if to protect her and there were two unfamiliar redheads— Bill and Charlie, if Harry remembered correctly— watching Dumbledore with narrowed eyes.

Madam Bones appeared, her face an inscrutable mask.

"We are gathered here today for the trial of Remus Lupin."

Remus was brought out moments later by dementors. Harry could see he was utterly exhausted, even though he had only spent a week in Azkaban. He hardly seemed to even notice the chains magically latch onto his arms, binding him.

Harry unconsciously gripped the mud ball Azure had given him. This was it.

"Do you consent to the use of Veritaserum?" Madam Bones asked.

Remus started. For a moment, he blinked at her uncomprehendingly. Then he spoke. "Yes."

But as an Unspeakable moved forward, Remus leaned back. A touch of his old spirit flashed in his eyes. "I'm not taking it until it's been checked," he growled, turning his head away.

Several members of the Wizengamot rolled their eyes, but their annoyance changed to shock when the Unspeakable examined the serum and announced, "There's liquid silver mixed in."

Sirius inhaled sharply from beside Harry.

Madam Bones looked just as shocked. "Dispose of that," she ordered. "I think we can resume without it for now."

The Unspeakable dipped his head and hurried off.

"State your name," Madam Bones said, continuing on.

"Remus John Lupin."

"What is your blood status?"

"Half blood."

Madam Bones nodded. "First official question: Have you been helping Lord Voldemort?"


Dumbledore's eyes, which had been twinkling since Remus was brought out, dimmed.

"Are you implying Tom Riddle is not Lord Voldemort?"

"Yes," said Remus. "Voldemort has been dead for a year now."

Dumbledore couldn't help but speak. "But regardless, you were working to harm Harry."

"I would never intentionally hurt my cub," Remus said, some anger bleeding through. "And neither would Tom."

"And why is that?" Madam Bones said, throwing Dumbledore a sharp glance as he was opening his mouth.

"Because he loves Harry."

"Voldemort is not capable of love," Dumbledore said, shaking his head in disappointment.

"But Tom is. Besides, Tom is—" He paused and took a deep breath. "Tom is Harry's soulmate."

Gasps were heard throughout the courtroom. Harry saw Ginny's eyes widen. She looked at Harry and back at Remus, stunned.

"Impossible!" Fudge shouted in disbelief. "He tried to destroy him as baby! He had your friends killed!"

Pain flashed in Remus' eyes, but his voice remained steady. "Voldemort tried to destroy him."

Madam Bones was silent for a few seconds. "How is Tom Riddle different from Voldemort?"

"Voldemort made Horcruxes when he was younger to ensure immortality," Remus explained.

"Horcuxes?" Fudge rasped. "How many?"

Remus had to count them in his head for a few seconds. "Six. Tom came from the first one, his diary."

"And he tried to come back by using Miss Ginny Weasley," Dumbledore added, looking triumphant. "And when that didn't work, he used Harry. You ensured that."

Remus shook his head. "No, he and Harry decided to find the other Horcuxes and have Tom reabsorb them to regain a body without harming anyone."

"But why would anyone stoop so low as to make a Horcrux in the first place?" Fudge said.

"Isn't it obvious, Cornelius?" Dumbledore said in an irritatingly condescending tone. "Tom's mind has been corrupted from the moment he was born."

There was a harsh laugh from Remus. "More like since you put compulsions on him during his first year," he growled.

This tidbit had everyone shouting, some in denial, most in outrage. Madam Bones had to bang her gavel several times before they quieted down.

"Bring in Tom Riddle," she ordered. "He should be answering these questions himself."

"But this isn't his trial," Fudge pointed out.

"Amelia," Dumbledore said before Madam Bones could reply, "surely you can't actually believe what Remus said?"

"It's standard protocol to cover every base," Madam Bones shot back, eyes narrowing. "It has nothing to do with my personal beliefs." To Fudge, she added, "I believe we can make an exception for once. After all, Mr. Lupin and Mr. Riddle were brought in together."

Coldness seeped into the room once more as a pair of dementors arrived with Tom. They dropped him in a conjured chair next to Remus and left. Tom didn't look quite as ragged as Remus, but there was a haunted look about him as his dark eyes swept around the courtroom. Unlike with Remus, he already had chains that dangled from his arms.

"Mr. Lupin has told us you were under compulsions since you were in your first year," Madam Bones told him. "Is this true?"

Tom glanced at Remus and back. "Yes."

"Please elaborate."

So Tom went on to describe what he had shown Harry, from him discovering the soul bond to him being forced to forget to him remembering again.

"I couldn't stop my other self," Tom said. "He was too far gone."

"Now wait a moment!" an old wizard shouted. "You don't actually expect us to believe that tripe."

"Elphias Doge," Sirius murmured in Harry's ear. "He's a big Dumbledore follower."

"I have memories." Tom stared at him challengingly. He turned to Madam Bones. "I'll provide them if you'll allow it."

"I do not think that's necessary," Dumbledore said.

Everyone looked at Dumbledore strangely. "Why not?" Fudge said.

"This is Voldemort we're talking about," Dumbledore said in a chiding tone, as if that were reason enough for them to listen. "I do not think it is necessary to waste our time with meaningless memories."

"I told you he's not that disgusting thing!" Remus snarled, clenching his fists.

Madam Bones banged her gavel. "Quiet! Unspeakable Bode, the memories."

The Unspeakable that had almost given Remus the truth serum stepped forward with his wand raised. A pale, silvery substance appeared above Tom's head. Bode walked away to where a Pensieve had just been placed and put the memories inside.

"We will now view the memories," Madam Bones announced. "Please remain quiet."

Unspeakable Bode touched his wand to the surface of the Pensieve. Because there were so many people viewing the memories, the Pensieve used in trials was different. The memories would play overhead like a film.

Harry had already seen most of Tom's memories already, so he did not react quite as strongly as the Wizengamot did when Dumbledore added the compulsions to Tom. But the memories did show more of the contrast between the real Tom and the one under compulsions. Before the compulsions, Tom had been much like how Harry knew him now, but then he became colder and meaner, having no respect for the Muggle-borns that he shared the school with.

Then came the Horcruxes. Inside the diary, Tom paced, hands tearing through his hair in a frenzy as he tried to think of a way to get out. At one point, his knees gave way and he slid to the floor in despair.

The Wizzengamot didn't look like they knew how to react to a Voldemort— or a version of him— looking so scared and vulnerable.

Harry noticed Ginny straighten up as she appeared, dropping her quill when Tom wrote back for the first time. Her bright brown eyes stared intently as Harry and Tom made their plans to pretend to destroy the diary and save her. Harry wished he knew what she was thinking when she realized she had never truly been in danger after all.

There came the memory of Tom and Sirius meeting Bella, Barty, and the real Voldemort. When Voldemort dismissed the soul bond, many people looked affronted. Then Bella turned on Voldemort, killing him with far more mercy than he would ever show anyone.

"My Lord?" Barty ran over to Tom and untied him. "Are you all right?"

"Don't," Tom rasped, "call me that." He tried to stand but fell back with a groan.

The memory began changing as Sirius helped Tom to his feet.

Not all the memories were bad; a few showed Tom and Harry having fun during the summer, chasing each other around the manor and talking about nonsensical things like who would win in a fight: a hippogriff or a thestral.

"Oh, come on," Tom was saying. "You've seen how formidable hippogriffs can be. It would totally win."

"Yeah, assuming they can even see them," Harry retorted.

Tom opened his mouth, then his eyes went wide. "Holy shit, can they?" he exclaimed.

Another memory showed them running past Sirius, who was clearly used to their antics as he barely reacted other than a sharp, "Watch where you're going, I don't want to have to clean up your mess again."

Then Remus ran by and Sirius looked very confused. "I thought I was the immature one between us!" he protested.

Fred and George grinned a little. Their parents exchanged amused glances despite themselves. A few purebloods cringed at the crude language used, while others stared with the same bemusement as the Death Eaters had when they first met Tom. It only grew as the next memory showed Tom sitting in a chair with no hint of Slytherin decorum. Then Harry leapt out and let out a war cry that sent Tom toppling out of the chair with a yelp.

"You little shit!" he exclaimed as Harry cackled.

Harry leaned down and kissed him. "Better?"

"A little," said Tom, looking mutinous.

The last memory showed Tom in Black Manor. He was reading a piece of parchment that said to come through so he could speak to Remus.

Harry leaned forward. He could see Tom's eyes flickering as if he was fighting something. He looked at Dumbledore, who had shrank back slightly, and back at the memory.

Almost as if someone had taken control, Tom moved to the fireplace, called out "Remus Lupin's office!" and went through.

Several gasps were heard when they saw Remus was already bound and gagged, contradicting Dumbledore's earlier account.

Dumbledore was the first to raise his wand and Tom was quick to raise his own in defense, once more countering Dumbledore's claims.

Rage filled Sirius' eyes and he leapt to his feet as Dumbledore grabbed a hold of Remus and held his wand at his throat. Severus yanked him back down even though he would have loved to see Sirius tear Dumbledore apart.

Within the memory, Tom surrendered, tossing his wand onto the floor. Remus gave a muffled protest, his body twisting in an attempt to break free. Dumbledore simply tightened his grip, his eyes gleaming with grim satisfaction as Remus winced.

"You should have known better than to use Harry, Tom," he said.

Tom's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Then he was Stunned, ending the memories.

Shock kept the courtroom silent— you could hear a wand drop. Dumbledore looked worried now as it dawned on him he wasn't going to get away from this.

Harry caught Tom's eye for the first time since he arrived. He gave a slight nod.

The Wizengamot members spoke quietly together for several minutes. Then Madam Bones stepped away. "Remus Lupin, Tom Riddle, we hereby declare you both not guilty."

Harry slackened his grip on the mud ball.

The chains that bound Tom and Remus released them. Tom immediately went over to Harry, collapsing in his arms as his legs gave way. Remus was a bit slower, so Sirius went out to get him. Severus went up to Madam Bones and spoke quietly in her ear. Her eyes widened.

"Now wait a minute," Dumbledore said, looking at Ginny. "You saw the memories, Tom did almost use you. Don't you want him destroyed?"

Ginny looked over at Tom, who had laid his head against Harry's shoulder and was clutching him as if his very life depended on it. Then she turned back to Dumbledore, gave a minute shake of her head, and stepped closer to Ron.

"Enough, Dumbledore," Fudge said. "They are free."

"But you are not," Madam Bones said, turning away from Severus. "Aurors, arrest Dumbledore."

"What?" Dumbledore said. He looked around wildly for support but received none except for a feeble protest from Doge.

"You need me," Dumbledore continued to the courtroom. "Voldemort will rise again, and it'll be too late." His gaze flickered over to Tom.

His wand was in his hand.

Luna's words rang in Harry's head. "And Dumbledore will make one final attempt."

"Expelliarmus!" he shouted.

The wand went sailing through the air and landed in Harry's outstretched hand. A rush of warmth shot through him as it accepted him as its new master. Dumbledore gaped at him.

"Enough, Albus," Madam Bones said. "Your trial will be held as soon as possible."

"But Remus..." Dumbledore protested as he was dragged away. "He's dangerous! He's a werewolf!"

"And yet you allowed him to attend Hogwarts," Madam Bones pointed out. She was clearly growing tired of hearing him speak.

"And look at how he turned out!" Dumbledore said. "He supports Voldemort! And he's dragged Harry and Sirius along with him! He—"

A Silencing Charm was cast upon him and he disappeared from view.

"Harry." Tom lifted his head. "It was awful down there. I don't know how Sirius managed it for so long."

"It's okay. You're free now." Harry kissed the top of his head and felt a shudder run through his body.


Harry jumped and turned to see that Ginny had appeared.

Tom stiffened slightly. "Hello, Ginny."

"Tom." Ginny nodded to him, looking just as awkward. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm as fine as I can be," Tom answered.

"Me, too," Harry added as she looked at him. "But what about you? And your family?" Her family was watching them with anxiety in their eyes.

"We'll be fine," Ginny replied. "The real problem will be when we get back to Hogwarts. Everyone will be wondering what happened."

"You may as well tell them what you know," Harry advised. "It'll be in the papers anyway."

"True enough." Ginny went silent for a few seconds, then she squared her shoulders and looked Harry in the eye. "I'm sure I speak for the rest of my family when I say we're on your side."

Harry dipped his head. "Thank you."

Ginny nodded. "Goodbye. Maybe we'll see each other around Diagon Alley."

"Maybe we will. Bye."

Ginny walked back to her family.

"Who knew she wouldn't always be the silly little girl from her first year?" Tom mused, watching her with new respect.

"Not me," Harry said.

"You two ready to go?" Sirius said. "It's been a long morning."

"Yeah," said Harry. "Let's go."

The five, reunited once more, quietly left the Ministry and returned home.

Previously, I had an author's note asking for something. It did not go well, so I deleted it.

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