Chasing Love - Rikara

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Hey there! It's been a long time since I wrote an one shot story and this time it's about Rikara. Thank you so much for all the love and support, means the world to me. Give this one shot a shot and let me know how it is. Please kindly ignore the grammatical errors and love you all.


I took a deep breath and looked at my reflection in the mirror. The person who was staring back at me was no longer a girl. He wore red caps above his dye short hair with thick black rimmed glasses. A sweater which is three times larger than him with Khaki pants completed his appearance. In the end I was statisfied with my outfit but I had done it before too.

It was today morning when I reached to Mumbai from America. It was all a sudden planning and still I doubt my decision. I shook my head and went kitchen taking a bowl and pouring milk with cereals in it. It was the only thing there was in the apartment and I didn't have enough time to go out and get groceries and room service was never an  option because they could be late.

After putting the bowl in the sink and taking a last look in the mirror I headed out to the city. In India Mumbai is the city that never sleeps even though I didn't have any good memories here still I loved it because it was here where my husband and family is living.

I waved hand in front of a taxi cab and when asked about my destination, I said "Oberio Mansion"

It was four years ago when I left the mansion when Omkara ji asked me to leave on a midnight. I loved and respected him. I don't know who my real parents are but I lived with my adopted one. It was Omkara ji who saved me from the evil Kaali by marrying me but the words he said after that still echoes in my ears. He said that he didn't value it and it was all a drama but marriage is important and he was my husband. For an unknown reason he always hated me and I'm still clueless about it. I followed him and when it was clear that he didn't want to see Gauri Kumari Sharma. So, I went there as Chulbul the boy who I am now. The memories of him finding out flashed in my mind quickly but came to an end when car came to a halt and stopped.

"We are here ma'am." The turban driver told and I sat there numb. A part of me was scared but it craved to see him. After paying him I made my way to the Oberio Mansion. It was crowded and sure enough it should be because it was the birthday of second Oberio heir Mr. Omkara Singh Oberoi.

I didn't plan to do anything except watch him from afar and get a glimpse before leaving. I was nervous now what if he saw me? What if he rudely ask me to leave? No...I will just see and leave. My hands were sweating while I took small steps to the entrance. It was beautifully decorated and there was men in suit and beautiful woman in dress with a glass of wine in their hand. Again, I felt I would never fit in his world.

I slowly wondered around and stood safe away infront of a pillar blocking others from seeing me. My eyes stopped at that special someone. He was standing there in a black armani suit. His long hair not tied to the back just the way I like. He have a crescent on his face which is brighter than the moon. He looks happy and content in life not the sad and heart broken Omkara.

A man in royal black suit approached him and wished "Happy birthday Mr. Oberio. All the best wishes for the life ahead and yeah I have heard of your new Art gallery and it sounds interesting."

"Thank you Mr.Patel, I'm glad that you find it interesting." He smiled again which made my heart melt. The voice that I haven't heard for long time and now it was like music to my ears. I'm genuinely happy for him.

"Hey Om, did you see Shivaye anywhere?" Anika di came forward in her red beautiful lehenga. My eyes brimmed with tears at that sight of her. My sister. Anika di is my sister. I came to know it the same time when I left the mansion. She was always like a sister from another mother to me but in truth she was my blood from the same mother.

When I left from here I didn't have enough money to go somewhere. I stayed in shelter for sometime doing odd jobs and saving the money for a ticket. 'Dont show me your face ever.' that was his last words so I decided I will leave the country. I worked in a cafe as a waitress also and one day there was an accident and the person who got hit lost so many blood. By giving blood I will get some money so the next moment I was in the hospital. I haven't seen the patient till I gave blood but the doctor said that it was surprising that we both have same blood and perfect match. Curiosity killed the cat in me so I saw the patient. It was Anika di lying unconscious there and Shivaye bhaiya was sitting next to her. The doctor helped me to know that she was my long lost sister but I couldn't even see her because Omkara ji was there too. I'm a person of my words.

There were nights when I used to cry thinking about my fate. Life has been unfair to me and I didn't deserve it. My parents were taken away from me, My sister was infront of her me but still I couldn't reach her and there the person who I gave my heart and he broke it into pieces. I didn't hate him for that because it was his choice, his life. But somewhere deep in my heart I wish he gave me a chance.

"Anika, I was searching for you." Shivaye bhaiya came forward and took her hands in his large ones. They were so beautiful together and thinking back to the moments where they were like chalk and cheese made my lips tug upwards in a smile. I was thankful to him, he supported me and stood for me. He accepted me like a real sister and that's why he demands to be respected.

"And here I was searching for you and Ansh." She said and he chuckled, his greenish blue eyes twinkling and her chocolate eyes sparkling with love. Ansh? I definitely did miss something.

"Stop driver, there is my mom and dad." My eyes lifted to the little boy who was sitting on shoulders of Rudra. He looked cute with his dad's eyes and mom's smile. Rudra put him down and ruffled his hair. He frowned and ran to wrap his tiny arms around his mom's waist. They were a perfect family and how much I wish to be a part of it.

Ansh, my nephew.

A few minutes later elders joined them and the family was completed. My eyes blurred with tears but I held them back. They were so happy and that's enough to make me happy. I took a deep breath and turned around knowing it was time for me to leave.

I was about to step outside when I heard my name being called out, I instantly turned around to find him staring at me, frozen in his place like he was in a dream, not a nightmare.

"Gauri..." He trailed off not knowing what to say. The tears streamed down my cheeks and the music in background have stopped. Everyone gathered in the hall and their eyes darted from me to Omkara ji.

He started walking towards me and I was waiting to see him lash out his anger on me telling me that I was a cheater who couldn't even keep her own promises so instead I turned around deciding to leave.

But then all of a sudden I was yanked back and crashed into his chest. He wrapped his hands around me and kept his head on my shoulder. My hands were trembling but his body was shaking and I realized it was him who was crying.

"Omkara ji..." I called out but his grip on me tightened. The familiar faces smiled at the sight but many of them looked confused just like how I am now.

He slowly pulled away and kept his hand on my tear stained cheek. "You are here." He said and repeated "You are here, Gauri." I nodded my head and with that he hugged me again.

"Where were you? I searched everywhere for you but we couldn't find you." He said and my heart dropped.

Why did he search for me?

"You asked me to leave, Omkara ji. You told me never to show my face to you." I mumbled as tears raced on my cheeks.

"I know and I'm sorry." He said leaning his forhead against mine. "I am sorry, Gauri. I was stupid and an idiot. I didn't realize anything and god I was terrible not to even hear your story once." He scratched his head but the other hand still on my cheek.

"It was after that day when I forced Kaali that I came to know the truth. The truth that you were helpless and didn't have any choice but to marry him to save your mother. I just judged you and didn't even thought what would be the other side of the story. I hated you when I witnessed Kaali's wife dying infront of my eyes. I hated you thinking you were the reason for her death and I hated you even more when you acted like you didn't know anything but I was very wrong to judge you. You were innocent and I made your already painful life more difficult. I'm sorry and I know - I don't deserve you and you would be better off with someone but call me selfish I want you as mine." He said with tears in his eyes and my head felt spinning.

He knows the truth. He thought all this time as a player and a cheater not any less than a muderer.
My eyes filled with tears as I stood there rooted to the ground.

"Will you forgive me? I know I don't deserve it again but please, please give me once chance and I will prove myself. Until you went I didn't realize your value, Gauri. You always did everything to make me happy and thank you so much for being Chulbul. There also you had good intentions but I'm an idiot to not have my eyes open then. I'm really, really sorry and please, Gauri." He said with his lips trembling and he looked tired.

"Stop it, just shut up." I screamed running outside feeling suffocated in the mansion. The words what he thought about me still echoed in my ears. My eyes were getting filled with tears and this time I didn't hold them back. I let them flow because I deserve to cry and yell.

I ran where my legs carried me but stopped when I felt exhausted and the tears refused to come out. I kneeled down on the grass and pulled my knees to chest as I cried again. I removed the wig and thrown the glasses. My eyes fell to my waist and I felt so angry. I never felt broken when my parents died, when I was separated from my sister, when Kali dragged me to the marriage, when Omkara ji pushed me away, when I went to America but now I felt alone and broken.

It was getting dark but I stayed there without caring about the life ahead but after some time a car flashed it's light and came to halt right in front of me. I rubbed my eyes and my heart dropped when I saw it was Anika di, Shivaye bhaiya and my husband, who thought I was a cheater.

Anika di came forward and wrapped her arms around pulling me to her as she patted my back. "I thought I lost you, Chutki. Like we lost our parents." She whispered to my ears and I tightened my grip on her. She knew I was her sister. She knew about our relationship that we are siblings. We held each other and cried again, I was surprised that I can cry again.

"Anika di, I'm sorry." I said when she pulled away and she shook her head.

"No way, I'm sorry I mean you had a rough time and I wasn't there for you." She said keeping her hands on my shoulder. Her eyes were red like she she has been crying I left.

"It's not your or my fault, di. No is going to separate us anymore and we will be together." O promised and she nodded her head smiling. "How did you know?" I asked being curious.

"Well, I definitely felt a connection towards you and honestly I considered you as my little sister. But the accident, the blood matched perfectly and the lady daughter was like a grandmother to me. We used to spend time together, she is a lovely women. One day, she told me about you. I was confused but then when I realized that you were my sister, it was too late that you already left." She said looking me at with her chocolate brown eyes.

We stayed there for sometime until Shivaye bhaiya came to us. He smiled and ruffled my hair like he always do. "Very funny, Gauri. Just because Om, my stupid brother without a brain asked you to leave, you left? You are my sister and leaving without asking permission from your brother is very bad. You know I was the one who have to bear your emotional sister all the night when she whined about you, I tell pregnant woman's crazy mood swings." He laughed and Anika di glared at him lighlty smacking his shoulder.

"Ansh...I saw him. He is very cute." I said thinking about the adorable boy.

"He is waiting for you to be back. He cried so much but it's late so we didn't take him here. And we had no idea where you were. I must say for a person like you,you ran a long way." He said and Anika di smiled at our bonding.

"Okay, let me just ring at home to see if Ansh is giving trouble or not." She got up and went to the car.

"He is inside the car." Shivaye bhaiya said staring at the sky. "He loves you, Gauri. I know my brother and I admit he did very bad but he was having his shit in his life that he was living another person's life. He was very tired after his parents argument all. It was wrong of him to believe what we see but in another angle isn't what is we all do? Believe what we see and hear? It happened with me that I and Anika were on the edge of breaking but she gave me a second chance and I kept my promise. Now we are here happily married with Ansh." He said looking at me now.

"Thank you, I want to talk to him." I said and he raised an eyebrow with concern asking if I was sure. I nodded and he got up leaving to get his brother.

This is not how I planned it. It was just I would come and see then leave back to America. If anything I imagined if ever did want me back then I would run into his arms and say thanks for letting me in his life. But it was upside down now. It was him who was asking for a second chance. I don't why I did it  because I know my heart stayed with him all the time.

But I guess the four spent in America taught me a lot of things. I learnt to appreciate and love myself. I lived for me for once and I felt content. I found happiness in the empty life and I understood it would only be me at the end of road for me.

It's 'you' who is important. It's 'you' who you have to put first in your life. It's 'you' who you have to take care and love. This world needs 'you' and please don't lose yourself while trying to please others. It's only 'you' which matters and at the end of road it is only you. Love yourself and live for yourself. Quit living and trying to please others. Let's live for ourselves.

Those words made me for the better.

"Hey..." I turned to see Omkara ji standing there still in his suit. His eyes were red and he slowly crouched down next to me.

"I was shocked but no matter how hard I try to dislike you, my heart belongs to you." I confessed and his eyes widened in surprise. "I am ready to give a second chance, Omkara Singh Oberio. Make sure you use to and prove yourself." I said standing up and crossing my arms over my chest. I can order too.

"I promise, I will and thank you so much love." He said taking me in a hug and his endearment painted my cheeks pink and I could feel them burning.

"Let's start over." I said and he stood there for a moment maybe he expected us to be husband and wife again but he needs to earn it. Deep inside I have forgiven him but what fun is there is you tell straight to his face.

"Sure, I'm Omkara Singh Oberio." He said forwarding his hand.

"I'm Gauri Kumar Sharma." I said shaking his hand back . It felt perfect to have our hand together.

"And the story of Rikara starts." He announced to the stars and walked a little.

"May I?" He asked before takings my hands and intertwining our fingers. I blushed and inside I was squealing like a teenager.

After all, this moment was worth the wait.

Thank you so much for reading. It means the world to me. Keep reading and supporting like always you do. I'm grateful to each on of you. Don't forget to vote, comment and share the story. Love you all and stay blessed! This is my Sunday treat 💙

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