Ti Amo | Valentines Day

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Hello to my favourite people, I know it is an early update. Just close your eyes and think of today as February 14. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I am not sure whether I will have enough time to update tomorrow so sneaking today to update. I also wanted to write so much but I am not going to bore you to death. Love you all and don't forget to comment. It was typed in hurry so there is going to be tons of mistakes, please tighten your seat belt. Thanks for always being there and happy reading :)

- This is a bonus chapter to my book 'The Story of Us'


"Once in a lifetime, you will meet that someone who would be your best friend, soulmate, better half, lover and who owns the key to your heart. They will be the best thing that  happen to you and you can't even think of letting them go. That person can make you feel special, weak on your knees and melt your heart. It doesn't matter where you are but together you will survive. He or she will love you for who you are and promise to be there for you at your brightest and darkest days. Cherish, tressure and never take them for granted. Love them with with your whole heart and make beautiful memories together."

The slow music stopped and everyone clapped appreciating the beauty and reality of the words. "Happy Valentines day to all the couples and the singles out there who haven't met their other half till now. I believe that in between the dates, surprises and romantic moments, you will have little time to sneak and watch your favourite show Ti Amo."

The anchor smiled brightly at her audience. It has been only a few months since the show started but most them are hooked to it. It was a show where confessions are made, love is in the air and real stories are shared. Raina, the young and chirpy girl greeted the audience with a smile.

"So, aren't you guys excited to know who are our guest today?" She asked and audience whistled.

"Any guesses?" She asked them out and everyone started shouting names.

"Manik and Nandini."

"Swara and Sanskar."

"Karthik and Naira."

"Avni and Neil."

The names followed and Raina kept her finger on the lips asking everyone to be silent. All are excited to know and Raina announced "So, this couple has stole our heart. They are known as the perfect match made in heaven. The wedding was in secret with the presence of close family and friends so everyone is curious about them and the last clue is that they have a sweet princess now." She winked and everyone shouted the names of the couple who is the talk of town now.

"Yes, you are right. It is none other than the business tycoon Mr.Shivaye Singh Oberoi and his beautiful wife, Mrs.Anika Bansal Shivaye Singh Oberoi."

A profile of them are showed in the screen. It is mostly the pictures of the lovely couple with their princess and also with their family. It is known than Shivaye is the one taking over the business because both of his brothers are interested in other professions. Anika is a famous interior designer who is in demand all over the place.

Every claps again and eagerly awaits for the arrival of the king and queen and slowly the song of O Jaana started to play in the background.

O jaana
Khoya khoya rehta hai
Dil tadap ye kehta hai
Tu hai mere jeene ki wajah
O jaana..

Ishq hai aansu ishq hai naghma
Ishq sukoon hai raahat hai
Ishq hai sehra ishq hai dariya
Ishq junoon hai zahmat hai

The spotlight was put on two people. Shivaye was in his dashing navy blue suit with his hair set stylishly. What made Anika stand out from most of the girls is that she wasn't in a designer dress demanding attention but she wore a white top with red cardigan and ripped jeans with her signature flip flops. She has beautifully braided her hair and smiled at everyone before intertwining her fingers with Shivaye's.

"Welcome to Ti Amo, we are so happy that you made it here. I hope you enjoy the ride and this is amazing." Raina greeted them with a smile when she herself want to squeal on top of her voice now.

"Thank you, it's our pleasure." Anika smiled and waved at the audience.

"The pleasure is all ours. How are you feeling now? Also it's the first time both of you are making a appearance in the media. We are honoured." Raina grinned and Shivaye nodded.

"We are good and yeah we decided it is better to stop the fake rumours now." Shivaye said and Anika nudged him and whispered something.

"Okay, can we go for the compatible test and see how much you know about each other." Raina asked the question for which both of them agreed. They all sat in the red couch with love cushions.

"Don't get mad when I answer wrong." Shivaye murmured only enough for her to hear and took her hands in his.

"I am not that silly, idiot. It is just a game and now be ready. Just smile and think of our little munchkin." Anika said to him and he smiled in assurance.

"Okay, so can we go for the first question? We will start from low to high." Raina said taking a paper in her hands.

"Shoot." Anika said with a smug smile.

"What is your partner's favourite colour?"

"It is the colour of his tux. That is something everyone knows." Anika shrugged but still she smiled thinking how her husband is obsessed with navy blue.

"She loves every colour but white and red are her favourite." Shivaye said the right answer and the audience clapped.

"So next, favourite movie?"

"Yeh Jawaani Yeh Dewaani of Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone is her favourite."

"Trust me, he don't have a favourite movie because he can't sit down for till the end and will get bored unless it is forced or he will fall asleep in the middle. But I think it is Frozen now." Anika winked at Shivaye and Shivaye glared at her.

"Looks like we have a little secret behind the movie Frozen. Can we get a piece of that?" Raina asked with a hopefully.

Anika laughter but replied "It is nothing, he is Rhea's movie buddy and her favourite movie is Frozen. She makes him sit there all day." Everyone awed at it.

"Only if you know to be silent. Rhea likes to watch it silently but her mom always comments in between and she banned her mother from entering the movie room." Shivaye said and everyone laughed. Anika sheepishly smiled but it was true.

"Who is Rhea's favourite person?"

"Obviously, it's me." Shivaye beamed and Anika elbowed him lightly.

"Liar, I am her all time favourite." She smirked and Shivaye rolled his eyes.

"Okay, I guess why don't you say about one thing you are jealous about each other in Rhea's case?" Raina suggested and patted herself for the bright idea.

"I will go first, he bribes my daughter with best pancakes." Anika said and Shivaye smirked.

"She shares every little with her mom." Shivaye said and Anika smiled sweetly.

"Okay, now back to early days. First impression about each other?" Raina asked looking at the couple.

"We hated each other's gut." The both replied in unison.

"Like the words, there is only a thin line between love and hate." Raina said and they nodded.

"First memorable moment?"

Shivaye said "When I saw her at my client's house as his daughter."

"I bet that was mine too but the prank I pulled was best." Anika beamed.

"Okay, next question is the most annoying but cute at the same time thing of your partner?"

"Any doubt, it her non-stop rambling." Shivaye said and Anika winked at the audience.

"When he comes with nicknames for Rhea. Let us see, today morning he called her jelly bean. There are others like buttercup, sugar, sweety, super girl, princess, dumplings etc."

"That's cute." Raina squealead and Anika muttered 'Annoying at the same time.'

"One thing you admire about each other?"

"Selflessness." Shivaye answered.

"The way he cares and protects his family." Anika smiled at it and took his hands in hers.

"A funny moment?"

"I need to tell this. When I was delivering Rhea, you people should have seen his expressions. He was green and for a minute or two I doubted whether it was me or him who was giving birth and I laughed at the same time but he is the best husband." Anika said thinking about the memory.

Everyone looked at Shivaye for his answer and he said "She is weird so every moment is hilarious." Anika glared at him but there was too many in store to narrate.

"Your partner's best mate except yourself." Raina asked and audience waited for the answer.

"It is his brothers Omkara and Rudra. It is their brother bond I love so much." Anika said and Shivaye nodded.

"It is her father but he passed away. Now it is her brother Sahil." Shivaye said and Anika lowered her head. It was still hard for her to get past it

"Okay, now this is your fans gift for you. It is collash video with your pictures they had managed to get from the paparazzi. You people at the 'it' couple now." Raina said and signalled to play the video.

There was a lot of pictures even they haven't seen yet. The first was of Shivaye and Anika in the train with headlines that he was spotted in the local train. The next was of a business meeting with Mr.Bansal in the picture. There was another one where both of them are entering the chopper to Mumbai. There is a couple of pictures with the brothers. There is another picture of them at the amusement park. There was many more including their wedding and many blissful moments. A smile appeared in everyone's face when they saw the four year old Rhea pictures with her parents. The last one was of the fan wishing them happy valentines day.

"This is awesome, lovely and beautiful. Thank you so much for this video. You guys are the best and it was living the story of us. But I didn't we even had fans." Anika said clapping her hands and she truly was awestruck after watching the video.

"True, this is amazing. Thank you." Shivaye said and the audience read out the names of the fans.

"Now, what do you want to tell your audience about valentines day and love?" Raina asked giving the mike to Anika.

Anika walked to the centre of stage and began "Everyday is a valentine day, express your love all the time and don't wait for this date to confess your feelings because it may become too late. Be there for each other always but at the same you should be interdependent yourself. You know it is the best feeling in the world when you know that you will have that someone in your life who would love each and each bits of your part. Love is a magical word and don't give up on it. Happy Valentines day to everyone and to you Shivaye, thanks for being that someone in my life and I love you. Thanks for being the best husband and father. Thanks for everything and I didn't mean by my large appetite, endless rambling etc. You are the best thing that happened to me." She smiled and gave a flying kiss to Shivaye.

Shivaye came and cupped her face. The woman in front of him never failed to surprise him even. He leaned in and slowly pecked her cheek not being a fan of public affection. Anika grinned and he ruffled her hair.

"Aww, that's so cute."

"They are couple goals."

"Be like this forever."

Everyone clapped, cheered and whistled at the scene. Anika passed the mike to Shivaye who took it from her with a smile.

"Thanks for that sweet speech wifey, I guess I will have to buy tissue box for me and my baby." He winked at Anika and she sticked his tongue out at home childishly.

He cleared his throat and said "Thanks for inviting us here and if it wasn't my girls I wouldn't be here.
I was not a person who believed in love and I always considered everything as a deal. It was profit and loss for me always but everything changed when I met this crazy woman here. She taught me many things to love, to cherish, to believe and gave me a reason to smile always. She gave me the best gift in the world as Rhea Bansal Singh Oberoi. Just give them a chance and they will illuminate your world. Trust is one important thing and it have the power to break and make things right. Be loyal and make each other happiness. You may not need to buy a ticket to Paris or book a dinner at the expensive restuarant to make him or her happy, just staying there will make them happy. I'm glad I met Anika and I will always keep my promises. I love you too." He finished and Anika hugged him tightly.

"Happy Valentines day to everyone." He wished along with Anika and they bid good bye to everyone.
The background music played again while they exited and everyone clapped and adored the couple.

"Come on, this is the best episode of the whole show. Aren't they the cutest couple? Now what are you waiting for? Start voting, commenting and sharing the story. I love you all." Everyone waved at the camera and it ended at the happy faces.


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