Wedding Bells

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Hey there, this is not a shivika based story. This is something I wrote for my best friend. If you don't want to read, its okay and understandable. If you would like to read, then go and you will catch a glimpse of Shivika in it. Happy reading but this for my bride.

To AhaanasKreation , this is for you and happy married life. I know you wont have time to read it in this week or month but remember i will always be there for you as your best friend and sister. Love you ❤

Swipe to hear to the song Din Shagna of Anushka Sharma


There is some friends who you are blessed to have in life. You haven't met them in person and never heard their voice but still your bond is inseperable even miles apart. That is the best friendship where you are connected to each other.

Ahsana & Sana.

They are one such friendship where they are best friends, sisters, motivaters and guide to each other. They stumbled upon each other in Telly Update, a site which have given birth to many writers. It is the root of some amazing and famous writers. Ahsana commented on one of the story, they interacted, texted and later mailed too. A strong friendship taken place and now the bond continues in Wattpad.

17.01.2018 Mehandi Night

The house was decorated with lights, flowers and balloons. The house radiated happiness and the sound of clashing of bangles, children's laughter and men's talk can be heard even from the next street. The women was busy in greeting their guests, girls excited about their henna hands, boys overjoyed to talk about the latest match, men happy to be reunited with their family and children chased after each other. Perfect wedding.

"Where is the bride?"

"The new girl will be here soon."

"I can't wait to see Ahsana as a bride."

Everyone gathered together around the stairs waiting for the new bride to make her way. Wedding songs were playing in the background and everyone was clapping their hands with a big smile on the face. The braidsmaid who are Ahsana's sisters and cousins appeared first in their beautiful  dresses and next to them, she descended down the staire like a princess.

She was a beautiful like a rose in her lehanga for the night. She has a dazzling smile on her lips, her eyes twinkling and her heart beating with happiness. Today was her day, her wedding day where she was going to be someone's happiness too.

She was in everyone's good book. A beautiful, pretty and innocent girl who stole everyone's heart including her soon to be husband. She was kind and humble with a heart of gold. She put others happiness in front of hers and valued relationship more than anything. She treasures all the moments and is a light of positiveness.

She was an amazing writer too who can make words feel like reality but she hasn't yet realised there is more for her to go and the sucess is waiting for her. She underestimated herself first saying that she won't be able to write but now she is here as a first prize winner.

She is a true friend too, always there for them giving her best comments and compliments to encourage her friends. She would never let them down but make them better and happy with her lovely words. She was one in a million and the guy who is getting her is one lucky.

All of them congratulations her for her marriage and wished a happy married life. The parents of the bride had tears in their eyes, happy tears seeing their daughter as a beautiful bride. It was still hard to believe for them that the little Ahsana who ran around the house years ago is now ready to be married.

Everyone posed for pictures. They took a perfect family photo with her parents kissing her cheeks and siblings pointing their finger towards her. She took many pretty and funny pictures creating memories to cherish each moment with her sisters, cousins and friends from college and school.

She had her food and the smell of Biriyani spread around the place. After eating, the whole family sat in the living room and sang songs. Ahsana couldn't ask for more and was smiling all the time.

She was sitting there when her sister came with her phone. "It was buzzing all the time, check the messages."

She scrolled through the messages of many congratulating for her marriage. She opened the orange app, Wattpad and grinned when she was the notification. Many of them had votes and commented on her story. There was a message in her message board. She looked around to find her family still immersed in talking and singing, she checked the message from her best friend.

Hey Ahsana di,

Happy married life and all the best for the future ahead. May you always find in each other the love, laughter and happiness that only partners in life share. Make most out of it and have a blast. My prayers are with you and love you so much, hugs ❤

Yours best friend

She smiled seeing the message. She wished her friends were there with her tonight but many of them were from outside Kerala. Soon her phone was snatched away and asked to join the family. They had lot of fun until till was late for them to go to bed. Tomorrow was the main day when her marriage will be completed and tied knots with.

Many of them after promising they will be here early left to get their sleep. Ahsana was also about to leave when her mother came to her.

"Ahsana, there is some guest for you outside. Go and come fast, we have a long day tomorrow. You look so beautiful too." She kissed her daughter's fore head before leaving.

Ahsana was confused at first but thought it would be one of her friend from college. She picked her long skirt and walked outside where the garden was lighted with golden bulbs.

She didn't find anyone and was about to go back when she heard clappings behind her.
She was sure her eyes was wide as saucers when saw who was standing in front of her.

It was Anika and Shivaye, her favourite couple. They both were grinning ear to ear and Ahsana pinched herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

"Don't hurt yourself, pretty bride." Shivaye winked looking at her and she couldn't move.

"Happy married life Ahsana, we read your fanfictions and they are Khidkitod in my way." Anika smiled and gave her a hug.

"Thanks but -" She stuttered as she knew they weren't real characters but fictional character.

"Wondering how we knew your wedding or how we reached here?" Anika asked and she nodded her head.

"Those spoiled brates wouldn't let us in peace." She giggled and signaled something to Shivaye.

He whistled and fireworks displayed in the sky. Ahsana's jaw dropped when she saw this and looked at Anika and Shivaye in surprise. They were also mermerised by it as they wrapped their hands around each other and smiled.

We love you

The fireworks read and her hand flew to her mouth. Slowly there was footsteps heard behind her. She turned in surprise to see a puzzle of her created with six pieces place together. It was the picture she once changed to her profile picture in Telly Updates for a few minutes.

Someone was holding them, no many pair of hands were holding them together.

Slowly one piece was removed and Sumitha peeked out to see her best friend. Ahsana was thrilled and hugged her. The next piece was removed and her favourite di appeared, Harika di who havee stole many hearts with her story. The next was jerry or Vedika who was the cutie pie of Telly updates.

They all hugged her and congratulated for her wedding. She smiled happily and like a kid with excitement waited for the other six to open.

The sixth one seperated and Neha came running to her. They talked in Telly updates and are now close friends. The next one was Shabana, one of her favourite writer and it's hard to miss any updates of her. They hugged and Shab wished her all the best.

The fourth one was slowly opened revealing her awesome friend Kanfi or Kaniz Fathima.
They wrapped their hands around each other and embraced tightly.

Now, they were only three of them and Ahsana held her breath.

The smiling of face Sree was appeared and Ahsana couldn't believe her eyes. She was her first best friend and their friendship was forever.

Slowly, the second last piece was removed and a sixteen year old's face was shown. Ahsana didn't need to think for a second time to confirm it was her best friend and sister Sana. She happily threw her arms around and grinned it. It was all her planning and now it bought a smile to her sister's face.

"Happy married life, di and I love you. Finally, we are face to face." She grinned and pulled away waiting for the last person to remove the piece.

It was an unfamiliar face but tears filled Ahsana's eyes as she looked at her beautiful toddler in the girl's arms. She was like an angel.

"Diya wanted to wish you because her mom is busy in heaven." The girl said and introduced herself as Yaashi di's cousin.

Yaashi di was more like her own elder sister and family to her. She couldn't believe when she heard the news that her favourite author and person left the world while giving birth to her daughter. She was a sweet heart and now a memory in everyone's heart.

Ahsana took the bundle of joys in her arms and kissed her cheeks with tears rolling down. She couldn't ask for anything more and this was one of the best day.

"Now we don't want our pretty bride to cry, do we?" Shivaye Singh Oberio asked and Anika smacked his head knowing how talented her husband is to ruin happy moments.

"There is something too. They couldn't arrive but they send you a present." Anika handed her a royal blue box with the sender's name. Atharva and Vivitha, love you Ahsana. It read and Ahsana squealed happily. It was a diamond necklace and their autograph added to it.

There was a table set up now and it was filled with gift boxes and cards. "They are from you friends in Telly updates and Wattpads. Also your readers best wishes too." Kanfi said and Sana placed the candles on the cake.

"Come, let's cut the cake." Harika di rushed everyone and Ahsana held the knife with her sisters. Her family have also joined and they couldn't be more proud of her now.

They cut the cake and fed to each other. They smeared the cake on each other and laughted as each second was a beautiful memory for tomorrow. They posed a lot of pictures together with the star couple in middle.

"Thank you so much everyone." She was grateful, blessed to have this bunch of idiots in her life.

I hope you like it and I knew there is more people to it. I love you and wish you all the best.

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