In Love with You

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"When I'm with you, hours feel like seconds. When we are apart, days feel like years."

The edited version of We fell in love.

There are sometimes when all you want was complete silence and a person with you by your side. The sound of the waves hitting the shore gave a peace of mind as they sat there together watching the sunset. All he wanted was to put the world in a pause so he can enjoy this moment as much as he can.

The beach, silence, sunset and her head on his shoulder. Perfect.

But he wanted to talk to her before it is too late. It was something he realized a few weeks back. He wished to tell her every time he saw her which is like every day. They are best friends forever and always. She is the person who loves him to the end, who is his rock, who wouldn't judge him, who always know to how to make him happy with her talks, who is his secret keeper, who cares about him, who listens to his life stories everytime and also who is his first love.

Anika was, is and will always be his number one girl.

The reason he held back from confessing his feelings was his friendship with her. He couldn't lose her just because of his heart can't stop beating furiously at the sight of her. But the 'what if' questions will haunt him till the end and that's why he needs to get it out of his system. At least he can say that he tried.

The moment was now or never.

He took a deep breath and cleared his throat letting her know that he needs her attention now. "Anika, I need to tell you something," He said and she lifted her head to look at him.

The chocolate brown eyes bore into his blue eyes which she is jealous of. "Okay, I also want to talk to you about something important."

"You go first," said Shivaye.

"No, you said first. So you have to tell me first." She shook her head adorably.

"Not going to win against you ever." He sighed and she chuckled.

"You know me too well." She winked and his heart did a somersault.

"I broke up with Tia, Anika. I and Tia aren't going to work," He said running a hand through his hair.

"When?" There were no emotions in her eyes but she asked raising an eyebrow at him.

"Two weeks ago."

Anika nodded and replied, "I guess you broke up with her in the ice cream parlor."

"I am sorry, Anika. I know I'm at fault. I should have told you before because our friendship is transparent, there is no wall between us. But you were busy with Daksh and happy about your marriage. I didn't want to come between both of you," He tried to explain but what will happen if she comes to know the reason for their breakup is her.

"Is that your reason, Shivaye? You and everyone know you matter to me more than anyone in this world. I met Tia and she told me herself. I was shocked not because of your break up with her but because I heard something related to you from someone else." A tear escaped from her eyes and she looked away from him.

Anika and Shivaye have grown up together because of the tight friendship between their parents. They were always attached hip to hip and have shared every walk in their life together. They are the friendship goals in their college and many envy them for it, it is rare to see them not together. They never get tired of being with each other and it is always fun around them. The endless blabbering, sleepless nights with a movie on the screen, the pillow fight, silly argument and stupid pranks are what makes it more special and beautiful.

Their parents were happy about their relationship and supported it. They were a team together and their family together was the best thing they are blessed with. Every stage in their life, they had met with curious glances and questions asking if they are only friends but for them at that time, they were best friends for life. He is her Rahul while she is his Anjali.

When Anika came to know about the separation of Shivaye and Tia. She was shocked but tried to mask her emotions. She had the rage to slap him and cross-question him but she remained silent waiting for him to open up to her. Reassuring herself that he had a good reason behind it. She wasn't very fond of Tia but she was the one who played the cupid between them, for her Shivaye's happiness matters more than anything.

Now, she is wearing the ring of another man, Daksh. He was her senior who always made known to the world that he has a crush on her. When he proposed to her, she rejected it without a second thought. But later when Shivaye asked her to give him a chance, she did. If there was anything that made her feel worse was, when he started ignoring her and gave lame excuses to stay away from her. She didn't know what wrong she did but all night she used to cry until the sleep engulfed her. But today, she was adamant to get answers and she had dragged him to the beach, so they can talk things out.

"Why did you break up with her?" She asked out of the blue and he held his own breath. He had expected this question.

"Leave it, you won't get it."

"Oh, now I won't understand. Trust me when I say that I know you better than yourself. Tell me, why. At least you owe an explanation to your best friend." She pouted and he sighed.

"I don't love Tia, it was more like infatuation or something. Her world is very different from mine. I cannot see her as my future because of I - "

He stopped but he knows what he is going to do. He knows the consequences of his words. It felt wrong but he needed to tell that he is madly deeply truly in love with her. He can't even imagine her getting married to someone else. The day he was able to confirm his feelings was when she went to a tournament and he missed her like hell. He realized how much he depended on her and what her presence made him feel. He concluded that he cannot live without her. She was his partner in crime and the only one who gets to eat her food.

Every time he closed his eyes, her beautiful angelic face appeared in his mind. He remembered every little thing about her and he was like a lovesick puppy. The love angel, the girl who advise about love whom he called because of his cousins forced him to call, told him that he was suffering from a disease called to love and this was the symptoms of it. He was in denial for some time but when he planned to propose her, it was too late. She had already said yes to Daksh but he couldn't ask her to do anything. He was the one who pushed her into the relationship and now that she is happy, he cannot ruin it. So, he pretended to be the happiest one with a stupid grin on his face while inside, his heart was breaking into pieces.

He prepared and said "Anika, I - "

But Anika interpreted with her voice "Shivaye, leave it and let's forget about it. If you don't want it, then why would I? Do you remember I have something to share also?"

"Yeah, go on,"

"Actually Shivaye, Daksh's parents called me yesterday and told that soon after marriage I have to shift to London since his family is settled there. So many things are happening together, Shivaye. One minute, I'm dating and then the other, I'm engaged and now I'm going to get married and be shipped to another place. I don't know what I want anymore, Shivaye," Anika said, the twinkling in her eyes gone long back and the dark circles under her eyes explains that it had haunted her.

"Anika, will you go?"

Shivaye tried to keep his tears in the bay but his voice cracked at the end. He couldn't believe it and he cannot ever think of living without her. He looked at the angel now, her eyes brimmed with tears but still, she tried to be strong and fixed her gaze on the sea.

What held in the future for their friendship?

He kept his hand on her shoulder because, for him, the world was shaking and tumbling down. She couldn't stay like this more so she wrapped her hands around him and let her tears soak his shirt. She fisted his shirt and sobbed like a child. He slowly put his arms around her waist and nuzzled his head into her neck. They stayed like that for some time, silencing the world around them and in each other's embrace.  When reality struck, they pulled away and composed themselves looking away.

"Um, you didn't say anything," He commented to ease the awkward situation and was curious to know the answer. If he can't have her as his girl in future but he needs her as his best friend.

"Do I have a choice?"

He just nodded and looked away trying to let the reality sink in.

"Marriage sucks, I wish I was still a child now and have never grown up. I wish we could be together till the end. If I go to London, then we will call each other every day. Then, days will become weeks, weeks become months and then once in a year. It scares and hurts me so much, Shivaye." She chocked out and wiped her tears. "Only if I didn't say yes to Daksh, then nothing sort of would happen. Everything will be normal and happy."

She was fragile and vulnerable. The queen girl, Anika has never been like this. She always had her chin up and sarcasm was her second language, something he liked about her. She faced everything without a tint of fear and she was strong but all this time, she had her best friend beside her.

"Shivaye, you idiot." She held his collar and yanked him but left it as she kneeled down. "You could have proposed me instead of Daksh. You could have fallen in love with me and then I will have my fairytale. We will get married, have kids and no one can ever separate us. How stupid of me to hope there was a little part of you who loved me." She broke down and tears raced on her cheeks.

He stood there rooted to the ground with wide eyes. There was no way she loved him. Her words echoed in his ears as tears slipped from his eyes. He was not a person to cry and the last time he did was when he lost his grandmother. He kneeled beside her and pulled her into him, making her crash into his chest.

Anika was shocked seeing him like this. "Shivaye, why are crying?"

"I am, Anika. I am an idiot as you mentioned. I'm a fool and an idiot." He cried not leaving her.

"What do you mean?" The atmosphere has changed now. The tables have turned and there is no way to take the words back.

"Anika, I loved you I mean I still am in love with you. I was a fool not to tell you. I thought our friendship will be at stake and I didn't want to lose you. You mean the world to me but at least your presence beside me will help me to survive. That is why I ignored you. I broke up with Tia because I love you, only you," He said his heart not wanting to keep anything from her anymore.

It seemed like that this days still had many more unexpected things to reveal. She didn't have any expression on her face but there were hell and heaven in her eyes. She wouldn't blame Shivaye because if she was in his shoes, then she would have done the same but now that when she thought back, she realized how oblivious she was to him. It was obvious he liked her, the extra care and pink cheeks everything said he saw her more than a friend. Now, she was the idiot but she couldn't deny, she has feelings for him too.

She walked toward him and hugged him from behind. That was not what Shivaye had expected, he was waiting for a slap or an exploding Anika. But this surprised him. He removed her hands and looked her in the eyes.

"I love you too, Shivaye," She confessed and the tears kept flowing from the chocolate eyes.

But before he can say or remind her that she was getting married soon, his phone rang from his pockets. It was his dad and there were a few messages from his mom asking him to be home soon. It seemed like an emergency.

He just walked in the direction of his car and took the keys out. Anika followed behind thinking for what reason their parents wanted them. She slipped in the passenger seat and the engine roared to life. The radio played O Jaana and they silently listened to the song. When they reached, they were welcomed by Anika's and Shivaye's parents who looked like they were ready for world war III with their kids.

"Where have you been till now?" Laxmi, Anika's mother asked narrowing her eyes.

Kumar was quick to put his hand on his wife's shoulder to calm her down, afraid that his wife will explode now. "Laxmi, calm down."

"Oh, my mata, Kumar Ji how can you tell like that. See the time our children are coming," Pinky said keeping her hand on the heart.

"Time is not the matter for now. We have something important to ask you?" Shakti said taking everyone's attention with his voice.

"Yes, how can you do this?"

"Why did you hide it?

"You said we are like your friends, you should have shared it with us."

"I always knew it."

Anika and Shivaye glanced at each other hoping their secret is safe. "What are you talking about?

"Your so-called friendship which blossomed into love," Pinky said and their eyes widened.

How? Parents.

Anika ducked her head trying to hide the pink color in her cheeks while Shivaye racked a hand through his hair. The floor seemed the like the most interesting thing in the world for them now as they gazed at it trying to avoid the eyes that were gawking at them.

"We knew it before itself, kids. You guys can never stay apart and we knew it will come to this end. But the confirmation was from Tia." Kumar said hiding a smile.

"Tia?" Anika raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, she came to invite us to her marriage. She said she tried calling you both but it is on next week," Laxmi answered.

"With whom?" This time it was Shivaye who asked. He was guilty of breaking her heart. But now that he knows she is going to be married, it eased his worries.

"But dad, what about Daksh? He didn't deserve it." Anika mumbled looking at her father.

Kumar sighed "It was a few days after Tia came, we called Daksh's father because we were shocked to know their plan was to take you to London. You are my little girl, how can I live without you? And it was too soon. We talked and he himself with his stupidity revealed that it was he who forced Daksh to pretend he was in love with you, so he could take your property. I'm sorry about him, Anika."

"He was using her?" Shivaye asked looking at a pale Anika.

"In other words, yeah. But we are glad everything is cleared now," Shakti said.

"Don't you want to know who Tia is getting married to?" Laxmi asked with a glint of amusement in her eyes.

"Yeah, who?"

"One and only Daksh," Kumar said and the others burst out laughing.

"Seriously?" Anika asked with her jaw dropped. She looked at Shivaye and he winked at her. The happiness radiating from their faces.

"Guess what their wedding board will read?" Pinky asked twirling her hand between her fingers.

"What?" Laxmi asked her best friend.

"Tish," Pinky smiled widely at her creativity level.

"What on earth is that, aunty?"

"First of all, call me mom." She narrowed her eyes at Anika and continued "Second, it is their couple ship name. Tia plus Daksh is Tish."

"Oh my Mata Pinky, very funny." Shakti rolled his eyes at his wife's antics while everyone laughed.

"That is my line, Shakti ji." She glared at him.

"Come, we have to discuss Shivika's wedding," Kumar said and the said couple blushed.

Laxmi laughed saying "Kumari Ji, you too."

Just like that after a month, their marriage happened promising forever to a friendship. They are happily living now with their little star Ansh.


I hope you enjoyed reading it. This is a concept you see everywhere in books and movies. I would love to see your feedback and don't forget to vote. Much love you too all ♥

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