A Telly Updates Love Story

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"Every love story is beautiful, but ours is my favorite."

First prize winner in Ishqbaaz champion one-shot competition conducted in Telly Updates.

"Shivaye, this is not done. We are your brothers and still, you are not sharing anything with us. What happened to Dil Bole Oberoi and all." Om looked at him with a frown on his forehead and Rudra mirrored the action.

Shivaye sat there on the couch acting as if nothing happened. Like he hasn't been caught red-handed by his brothers.

"There is nothing, Om." He sighed.

"Come on bhaiya, we know you more than what you think. You can't lie and run away from your intelligent brother always.." Rudra wasn't ready to give up but the things followed after were his undying love for the protein shake and how his biceps were his pride.

Om gave him a death glare and said "Shut up, idiot. Did you forget why we came here in the first place? Shivaye, tell us. You were a workaholic before, always working on your laptop and you hardly had time for us too. But now you aren't working and I know that because dad is taking care of meetings and all now. Now, you are smiling and relaxing. There is something, isn't there Rudra?"

"Hey long hair creature, it is not called smiling. It is blushing and I think it is someone rather than something," Rudra said and Om's eyes widened. Thankful that there is some sense in his brain. He smiled and hi-fived laughing.

Shivaye glanced at both of them before yelling. "Stop it, okay? What are your dumb heads thinking? I don't have time for this, I need to go to work." He stood up and took his phone ready to take the exit.

But Rudra put his hand around his neck and smirked. "We know you are in love, bhaiya."

Shivaye's jaw dropped, heck he didn't think that idiot will say so directly and how the hell did they know? But now there was no use for lying.

"It is complicated. I have someone in my mind but I don't think she feels the same."

"Tell us your love story right now." He dragged Shivaye and made him sit beside him but the elder one was lost in his own thought.

Om was planning to make him confess to the girl. So, finally, he will have his fairytale. It's been so long since he had seen Shivaye like this and there was no end to his happiness.

Om's trance was broke when Rudra smacked him on the head. "Om, bhaiya is going to tell us his love story, not just any other story but a love story. And you are thinking something else. Please ask your thoughts to give you some break."

He turned to Shivaye who stared back at him. He sat there silently for some time but then facepalmed himself. "God, what kind of brothers have you given me? Bhaiya, see I'm not sitting here to see your ugly face but to hear your story. Now fill me in the details about my beautiful bhabhi."

Shivaye's eyes widened and he glared at Rudra. "First, my face is not ugly. Second, I haven't even told her about what I feel, so there is no chance that the future will happen. Third, if you act like you are the boss, you will never hear the story."

"Ladies and gentlemen, Shivaye Singh Oberoi is back." Om clapped his hand but stopped when he saw his brother shooting daggers at him through his blue eyes.

He closed his eyes for a second thinking how his secret is going to come out and how embarrassed he will get. But he wouldn't trade or a change a thing about it.

"Okay, I didn't meet her or I don't even know how she looks," He started but soon was interpreted by his young brother.

"What do you mean by you don't know about her appearance. What if she is fat and ugly?" Rudra scrunched his nose which changed into a pout when Om hit on his shoulder.

"Shut up Rudra, Love isn't by seeing someone's beauty. It is by how beautiful she is inside and in her heart. Now Shivaye, explain," said Om.

"We texted on the Internet," He answered.

"So, this is all about Facebook right? Social media boy." Rudra winked teasing him more.

"Um, No. It is in a website called-"

"It has a pet name too for calling?" Rudra interpreted but Om really wanted to throw him out of the window.

"Rudra, can you please shut that mouth of yours and let him speak?" Om asked and the latter just rolled his eyes.

"Um, the name of the website is..."

"Tell us, is?" They both pressed on.
"TELLY UPDATES." Shivaye finally answered but ducked his head to hide the pink color on the corner of his ears.

"What the hell?"

"Seriously, Shivaye."

They both cupped their mouth looking at the elder one with surprise but more shock.

"Isn't that a website of serials etc? Oh my mata bhaiya, you started watching serials too? Only chote ma use to watch it, now her heera beta too." Rudra laughed rolling on the floor.

"Don't tell she is an actor or something," said Om.

"No, she is not. She is a writer who writes fanfictions there. Her name is Anika." Shivaye smiled at the moment.

"Okay, how did you know if you don't watch the serial?" Om asked again trying to free the knots in his brain.

"Um, I did once." He sheepishly admitted and Rudra cracked up.

"This Bhaiya. I will talk about serial thing later but now tell me the story."

It was finally midnight when Shivaye left his office. He has always been the first one to leave early in the morning before everyone wakes up and also the last one who goes to bed. Oberoi empire was his everything, his world and his life. He worked hard for it to be the top company and he took pride in it. He directly went to his room deciding to skip dinner and fell on the bed because of the tiredness. But he couldn't sleep without showering, so he took a bath and changed into a sweat pant and t-shirt.

He tossed in bed but sleep was far away from his eyes. When he failed to sleep for the nth time, he gave up and walked to the kitchen. He chugged half water of a bottle and went back to his room.  He took his laptop and finished the pending work. But when that was done, he didn't know what to do. He switched to music and listened to Perfect by Ed Sheeran. That was when the headlines Ishqbaaz promo caught his eyes. The last thing he expected himself was to watch a serial but to kill time, he clicked it and watched the short video. Soon, curiosity took over him and he watched all the episodes from Hotstar. He felt like the protagonist in the story.

The white clock hung on the wall showed that it was past three in the midnight. If his brothers come to know about this, it was going to be his last day on the earth peacefully. They wouldn't miss a chance to pull his leg. He wanted to read more about the characters so he simply googled it and the first website came was Telly Updates.

It was a website where there is written episodes episode analysis and fanfictions. He scrolled through the fanfiction list and he clicked on the title Unspoken Words by Anika.

A child is a blessing and the brightest star in our country, they say. But life has never been fair to her. She lost her parents or rather her parents abandoned her in an old orphanage because she is a girl. There are no memories of her life which will make her smile but instead fill her eyes with tears of memories of sleepless night and scars. They say, she doesn't have surname, lineage and blood but is that what makes a human being great?

There are no eyes to see her kind heart which gives her share of food to the young orphans. Just like that, she lived with new insults every day.


What is her fault in it? It wasn't she who came to this orphanage with her own will. She didn't have any control of her birth else if she knew the cruel world outside, she would have never come here. Judge them by the person they are. Just because a person has a fortune to last till his death, a beautiful face but an ugly heart or a fame doesn't mean that the person has a good heart.

There was a lump in his throat when he finished the story. Because he was one of them, he treated poor people like trash and never cared about their feelings. He realized that if he wasn't born in his family, then he would also be that girl. Anika's words have the power to change and make him feel guilty. He made a promise to never act like his past self and was glad to the author for opening his eyes.

He didn't stop for a second while reading her every story. They all were deep and have beautiful messages conveyed in a realistic story. There was the feeling that she had experienced it all and wanted to change for the future generation. She was quite famous and many of the readers love her like their own family from the comments.

He felt the urge to message her and appreciate her talent but it was almost the time for sunrise and he has a long day ahead of himself. Sighing, he closed his laptop and went to a three-hour sleep.

From next day, the employees and his family saw a new Shivaye Singh Oberoi. He started spending time with his family more and the kitchen time with his brothers was back. He greeted the elders and his workers with a smile and he was more relaxed and happy now. He visited orphanage twice and gave a huge donation because that was the only thing he could do for the innocent souls.

After a few weeks, with a lot of courage, he made a new account on the website. He registered in the name billu which his dadi calls him lovely. He knows his brothers will never come across a site like this but who knows and he wasn't risking this. Shivaye was a rare name, so billu will do for now. He commented on her every post and she replied letting him know that she was happy to read his comments. After a long battle with his inner self, he decided to message her.

Hello Anika, this message is to appreciate you for your amazing writing skills. You should really look forward to it and thanks for the stories. I enjoyed reading them.

He deleted them quickly seeing how formal it sounded. He tried again but finally settled with two words.

Hi, Anika.

He impatiently waited for her to text him back and it was three hours, twenty-five minutes and twelve seconds after she replied, he counted.

Hello Billu, I should tell you that you have such a cute name. Thank you so much for your comments and I really appreciate you for showering love to me and my stories mean a lot. Where do you live? Well, I'm from Mumbai. You know how busy it is over here.

He was shocked to see how much talkative she is when he was hardly able to write a single word. He scrunched his nose when he read his name and he decided to reveal his name without his surname for the first time in history.

Actually, My name is Shivaye. I'm from Mumbai as well. I texted you to tell you that your stories are amazing and you should look forward to it.

No, I will call you Billu only because it is so cute. I'm an event planner and writing is my passion but something I treasure for myself. Enough talk about me, what are you doing and your age?

Looks like there is no point in arguing with you. I'm a businessman and almost 26 years old.

That's great. So, you are elder to me and from now on, I will call you Billu ji with respect.

After that, they started texting each other all night and day. He wakes up thinking about her and goes to sleep with the thoughts of her. A new friendship formed and they both enjoyed each other's company. One day, he told her about his real identity and she was shocked that she didn't reply for two days. But after a lot of convincing and apologizes, they went to their routine. He explained how he came across the site, his change and how thankful he is to her. They both felt comfortable and felt free talking to each other about anything and everything. He used to tell every little thing about him to her and in her mind, she already has a picture of his family.

Shivaye wanted to see how she looked but thought what if she takes him wrong for asking her picture. She has already seen him in magazines and newspapers, perks of being famous. They use to argue for little things and it ended up her putting a name for him, Khanji Ankhowala Bhagad Billa. Shivaye was furious at first but eventually got used to it. Her world is very different from his, it was filled with her sandal chameli, scooter Champa and her little brother Sahil.

And in the process, he fell in love with her. But he was scared because their relationship was in a virtual world. What if she turns him down or already has a boyfriend. They were so attached now they couldn't live without each other's text. Anika has also said that he was special and has written a story on their friendship without mentioning names. In a second, he could track her but he wants to see the selfless writer by her own will.

And he is ready to wait because he knows at the end of it, it is going to be worth the wait

The story has ended but the brothers are still sitting there with their mouth closed and eyes wide opened.

"It's over," Shivaye said to them running a hand through his hair.

"Break-up already happened too, bhaiya." Rudra looked him and Shivaye facepalmed himself.

"Idiot, I said about the story," He replied.

Rudra looked at Om and sighed. "Om, you and your thoughts. Did you zone out again? What are you thinking, long hair creature?"

Om came out of his world with a jerk when Rudra hit him. "Huh, I was just thinking that this is the weirdest love story I have ever heard. I mean it is common these days to see love through social media but this is telly updates we are talking about."

"I know right, just stop it." Shivaye laced his fingers together.

"Now, confess to her," Rudra said clapping his hands and both the brothers looked at him as if he grew another head.


Rudra gave him a dry look and said: "Yes, now you have to confess your undying love to my future bhabhi, then get married and have kids, also name your son by the most awesome human being's name which is undoubtedly Rudra."

"But how?" Om asked ignoring the rest of the sentence. He knew if there was anyone who wouldn't get bored of talking about themselves then it is his one and only brother.

"Of course, through Telly Updates," He answered without blinking.

"Rudra, are they go to marry through Telly Updates also? This idiot." Om sighed.

"Okay, sorry. You mean face to face,"

Shivaye didn't know what to do but dammit, he wanted to see her, tell her how much he loves her and makes her his. "Tomorrow is her birthday."

"That's a perfect date. What don't you tell her tomorrow? It will make the day more special," Om said.

"But -"

"There is no buts and ifs, bhaiya. Now, be a good boy and ask her to come wherever you want and tell her. I have some important work to do," Rudra said and stood up patting Shivaye's shoulder.

"What work?"

"To check Telly Updates, you know bhaiya found a girl and now let me see if I can find one." He winked and the brothers give him a nothing-can-happen-of-him look.

"Good luck, Shivaye."

Then he was alone in the room. He looked at the clock and saw there was only an hour left for midnight to strike. So, eagerly waited to wish her first.

Happiest birthday to my best friend, favorite writer and everything. I wish all your dreams come true and you remain just the way you are now. I'm not good with words but I'm trying here. I'm very glad that I found you, Anika, I don't know how you look, talk or live but I admire the person you are. You completely changed me like you are a ray of sunshine in my dark world. I have started appreciating life and see how blessed I'm to have everyone in my life, all thanks to you and your stories with deep thoughts and positive vibes. You are a beautiful soul and one in a million. You are great at words and keep writing because people need an amazing writer like you to fill their void in the heart. You are kind, humble and innocent lending a hand to everyone in need and that can only be done because you have a heart of gold. If I keep on writing, then it will take a lot more time or maybe I can still go on until the ocean is wet. You are a gem of a person and I want to tell you more in person.

I have never believed in love because I thought how can a person's world depend on someone and how can someone love them without any limit because I for one believed that in every walk in life, I will be alone. I'm born in a world where now the only thing matters are money. People love money and I have seen them in reality. My parents were arranged and argue every second of their life but in deep, they do care. My cousin's parents are divorced now because of money. There is no love in between. That's what I thought, but you changed it. You flipped my world upside down in a good way.

I love you, Anika. I truly do and wish to make you mine.

Bur your thoughts count so I'm leaving this to you. I promise that I will try my best to make you the happiest girl but just by being beside me, you will make me the happiest man alive in the world. I wish to meet but remember that, I'm in love with you and there is nothing that is going to change it. Happy birthday again, wish you all the best.

P.S - Text me the place if you are looking forward to meeting and not to throttle me.

Yours only
Billu Ji

When the minute hand struck twelve, Shivaye pressed the send. He waited and paced around. He checked his phone every now and then. She hasn't replied yet and he was doubting his text now. Just when he was about to give up, his phone pinged letting him know there was a notification. It was her message.

Thank you, Shivaye.

His heart dropped, that was not what he expected. He thought she would reject him or accept him but this is none of it.

I meant every word I said, Anika.

I'm speechless. I don't know what to say. No one has ever said like this to me and I don't think I deserve you, Shivaye. You don't know me well other than in this virtual world. I am an orphan and sometimes there is no food on the table for me and my little brother. I have to work hard and I don't think I will ever fit in your world, Shivaye. There are so many beautiful girls out there for you and I don't want them to stab me for stealing your heart.

Anika, listen to me. If there is anyone who doesn't deserve you, then it is me. But I'm selfish when it comes to you. I don't care about your surname, blood or lineage. Your brother will be mine too and my family is yours too. And beauty doesn't count, I love the person you are. I can say it a million times and I will never get tired. I'm sorry that you have to go through so much pain but I promise that I will take care of you, Anika.

Okay, we will meet tomorrow at Coffee Hut.

Seriously? That's amazing.

But are you sure that you will be alright with me calling you Billu ji for the rest of your life?

I kinda like it when you say it.

Thank you so much, means a lot. See you tomorrow, gotta sleep now.

Goodnight, Anika.

He waited for morning eagerly and when the cafe would be opened, he called and made reservations with special decoration. It was evening when they planned to meet. He dressed in a navy blue suit and set his hair stylishly even though he knew he will running his fingers through them a lot today.

When he shared it with Om and Rudra, they were so happy for him. Pinky who overheard the conversation was also very happy for her son and eager to meet her soon-to-be daughter in law.

The terrace was beautifully decorated with balloons and lights of her favorite color, gold. He took a seat and laced his fingers together to calm his furiously beating heart. He was nervous before, but she is going to be here any minute now.

Just then the door slightly opened and there she was, his girl. She looked beautiful as a princess with a cropped white top and floral skirt. Her wrist was adorned with charm bracelets and her hair falling down past her shoulders. She was breathtakingly beautiful.

The chocolate brown eyes searched for his blue eyes and when they locked their eyes with each other, the rest of world vanished away. He couldn't take his eyes off her and she twitched her lips up into a smile, he lost it. He stood and she walked towards him. He took a deep breath before slipping one hand into his pocket and forwarding the other to take hers.

"Hey," He greeted and she smiled taking his hand.

"Hi, Billu ji." She winked and both of them burst out laughing.

He made her sit and then walked around taking a seat across from her. The awkward silence was there and he was nervous like hell. Just then to save him, the waiter came to take the order.

"One expresso and a chocolate milkshake with two slices of cheesecake," He ordered and she blinked at him but his cheeks became red but she laughed.

"You know my favorite?"

"Of course, you never stop talking how you want to have the whole chocolates in the world," He teased and she glared adorably.

"But still, how can you drink coffee all the time? It tastes like cardboard." She scrunched her nose and he chuckled.

The conversation flowed from there. They shared their drinks and enjoyed it very much. Shivaye couldn't stop himself from smiling. When it was time to leave, she smiled and headed for the exit but was stopped but a hand on her wrist.

She turned around to find Shivaye on his knees with her mouth hung open. Before she could ask him to stand up, he started speaking.

"I love you, Anika." The three magical words were said again and Anika blushed at the words. He continued with a naughty grin. "You know that I'm not good at expressing and what I said in the night was true and so, copy paste enter here." She rolled her eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"Copy the birthday wish I sent yesterday, paste it here and click enter." He winked and she laughed at that.

"Will you marry me?" He asked keeping his eyes on her and with a smile. He was hopeful but his heart was beating so fast.

Anika's eyes twinkled and her lips formed a beautiful curve and she replied: "Yes, Billu ji."

A few months after, a grand wedding took place in the Oberoi mansion. Everyone was so happy for them. It was weirdest love story anyone ever heard and the board of their wedding read Telly Updates Couple's wedding.


Thank you so much for reading this story and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Keep supporting and showering your love. Don't forget to vote and comment, they make me so happy.
Stay blessed, be happy ♥

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