Shortcake's Crybaby

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"Kindness is free, sprinkle that stuff everywhere."


If you love this story, I would appreciate if you vote for this book in ishqbaaz award book of crazyshals and if you like my way of writing, vote for the best author too. It would mean a lot and thank you ♥

I aimlessly walked through the street wondering what the hell happened today. I kicked a pebble on my way with anger and it straightly went to an old man's bald head. The expression on his face was priceless that I have to hold back my laugh because it wasn't a good thing to laugh at serious times. I expected him to shout or yell at me but instead, he walked away before glaring at me and also muttering "Kids these days."

If there is anything good about this day then it is this moment where the old man didn't have any problem with me. Why do my family always have problems with me? I sighed knowing that I will never find an answer to it. I turned the knob of club's entrance door. Whenever I had a bad day then this is where I come because I won't be Rudra Singh Oberoi anymore and I will be living like any other normal teen whining how unfair life is to him or her. I'm going get drunk and forget the shit happening in my life.

It was Friday night so there wasn't much surprise when I saw the whole club packed with people.
I pushed through the bodies and I recognized few faces from my college. They waved and I gave them a tight smile and escaped before they could reach up to me. 'Mission accomplished' when I reached the bar counter and a waitress in a red dress with her apron on top styled and tied around her waist. I know the girl maybe took a whole lifetime to come up with something like this but then again it was a very bad idea and also horrible. If anything then her flirting attitude made it worse.

"What would you like to have, handsome?" She asked in her sickly sweet voice twirling her hair in between her fingers.

I chuckled thinking how girls could never resist me. After all the workout and time I spend in the gym paid back and that was something to be proud of. Girls always found a silly reason to stay with me and they were all over me. It's a bitter truth that many of them are just behind for the money. I shook my head reminding that I didn't need a repeat conversation of the morning. I looked at the girl and said: "Something strong." She giggled and started preparing her best drink.

My eyes wandered through the club once again and then they stopped at a person. She looked unfamiliar and lonely as she took slow sips from her juice. Her side was turned to me and she had some weight but then again her body was just for her and her red dress hugged her body perfectly. Then all of sudden like feeling my gaze on her she turned and looked at me. I quickly changed my direction and I didn't want her to think that I was a creepy stalker now.

She was almost near to me as she walked gracefully like a princess but is sexy in her own way swaying her hips to the song playing background. I held my breath when her eyes looked at me and I gave her a small smile.

"Hey, will you tell me if there is any getaway place from here? The party is boring and I don't want to waste my time here now," She said and shocked would be an understatement to tell about my expression. I was shocked by how much she speak when I thought it would be hard to even get 'hello' from her side.

"Um...yeah. Sure, why not?" I said when the right place clicked on my mind. Then again I can say the girl is utterly naive for trusting a guy in a club.

"Wow, that's great." She exclaimed and gave me a big smile in which my heart melt before taking her phone from her black purse with silver straps. "Tell me the name of the place and thank God to GPS these days," She said. So the girl isn't stupid, she wasn't going to follow me.

"Well, this place is not there in GPS and that means you have to follow me," I said with a smirk.

"Don't you ever think of something like that you... stupid monkey." She threatened and I burst out laughing. Seriously, 'stupid monkey'? that's the best thing she got in her vocabulary.

"Slow down there, babe. I'm not planning to take you home no matter how gorgeous you are but there is this place which is away from all the chaos and crowd. I was just helping," I said and she frowned when she heard 'babe' but a bright smile came on her face when she heard the rest of the sentence and like a little kid she squealed and asked me to get her out of here as soon as possible.

"Wow, this is amazing!" She exclaimed when she saw the city view. No, we weren't standing in a mountain or something but we were in the top of the building in which the party is held. The view is breathtaking and happens to be a good place for getaway too.

"I know right." I chuckled and sat down cross-legged in the end. She looked a bit hesitant to sit with her dress but then she took her heels off and sat before straightening her dress. "Doesn't that thing kill your feet?" I asked pointing to her black heels and she looked good without them too. I don't see the need for it.

"If you don't see then let me tell you that I'm short." She said rolling her eyes.

"Well, I know that and also my bhaiya is also short but manly enough but he doesn't wear shoes which have great height so he looks taller." I reasoned.

"Never knew that you were a dumbass." She said and once again rolled her eyes. God, how many times she does that?

"Tell me something I don't know," I said but my tone was serious. I have been hearing that from the day I was born and not to forget that even today morning I heard enough of that from my family.

"Great to know you are well aware of it." She laughed and I mentally groaned. Tell me again why I brought her here?

"Sit quiet and watch it. I'm leaving..." I stood up and that's when I realized that I still don't know her name. God, this would be a first for me. "What's your name?" I enquired and she looked at me.

"Hey, this is so funny. We talked till now and yet we don't know each other's name." She gasped and I felt like a knife stab on my heart. Doesn't she know who I am? Everyone knows I am Rudra Singh Oberoi and almost all the girls wake and sleep telling my name.

"Unbelievable," I muttered and she looked up confused. "You don't know who I am? I'm..."

"How can you expect me to know your name? I am new to the city and this is all strange and new to me." She threw her hands in the air and I sighed in relief because it is just she doesn't know me because she is new here.

"Okay, shortcake," I said and I loved my new nickname for her and she wiggled her eyebrows. I was planning to call it a night so I took the stairs down and like a lost puppy, she followed behind to the club.

"No..." I screamed running backward and closing my eyes. This is it and now it has come back to haunt me and kill me. There is no freaking away this could happen, I killed him last week. Oh my god, there is no Om or Shivaye bhaiya to fight back. What the hell am I going to do? My cheeks became wet and I was scared so much. No, I don't deserve this.

Something warm wrapped around and I quickly recognized it as Shortcake's hands.

"Hey, what happened?" She slowly asked patting my back in the way of comforting and this is the best hug I have ever received till now. Not even my own mom had shown me this much care and who am I kidding because she is too busy in her own business world.

"That..." I cried pointing at the thing which scared the hell out of me. She quickly turned her head in the direction I should and then the next moment she smacked on my head. Boy, she is strong!

"Seriously you are scared of that lizard! I can't believe it. You also the made me afraid thinking something bad happened and were even crying." She shoved my arm and I flinched in pain. " I got it. I got the best nickname for you!" It's time for her to smirk and she said "crybaby."

"I'm not a crybaby!" I scoffed.

"You are definitely a crybaby! Now, I really doubt that you used to wet your bed too." She winked and laughed. She looked so beautiful and adorable. It was music to my ears but I'm not letting that comment pass so easily no matter how cute her pouting face looked.

I pulled her closer and leaned in smelling her strawberry scent and her eyes bore into mine. We were so close. I could feel her breath and I tucked her brown hair behind her ears. She is still in her place without moving and looks a bit unexpected. Wow, that's what I want. So, my charms work on her too!

"You are going to regret that you... crybaby! I'm going to kill you." She screamed when I took the cake on the table near and smeared into her beautifully makeup done face. I have seen my mom getting angry when dad accidentally dropped her cosmetics on the floor. The shortcake was angry would be an understatement and the giant in her woke up. She quickly she took another one and threw on my hair! Oh, my...poor gelled and styled hair. We chased after each other and it continued for a while.

"We are even now," I said putting my hand on the knees and she was tired as well. Wow, I never expected the night to turn out to be so much fun. It was after a long time I'm having a hearty laugh that my stomach starts aching. She sighed of relief before wondering to search for the washroom. I walked behind and a few people glanced at us! I'm sure we looked sort of jokers or worse than that but who cares?

She glared at me before walking into the washroom and splashed water on her face. If looks could kill then I would be buried six feet down now when she realized how much damage I had done to her face and she shoots daggers at me. She rubbed on her face and her real face and color made her more beautiful and gorgeous. I chuckled when she threw the napkin on the dustbin and missed it. " You are a loser." She sneered and I lost it.

I lost my temper and all the anger I was holding up. Just when I thought it was over she has to bring it up. "What's with me and loser? It's not cool and why everyone thinks like that of me. Have I ever done that! Is it important to wear a coat and earn more than you need and
Show off it around! I'm done with life." I snapped and slammed the door on her face and walked out of the club and went to the terrace again and yeah my getaway place.

I sat there in the silence for a little time until she came and sat beside me. Her face is cleaned now and I turned my face away from her looking down. The roads were filled with cars. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it at all." She apologized and her word was genuine. She looked about to sob and it's funny that she called me a crybaby but then again it was true I was always the little one there and I used to cry if my protein shake is a minute late.

"I know, I'm sorry for yelling too. You didn't deserve it." I mumbled and I knew what I did wasn't fair but words like that get to hurt me so easily. "Everyone thinks that I'm a loser no I'm a loser. I don't do anything productive when Shivaye bhaiya is a businessman and earns loads of money. Om is an artist and he earns money from his gallery even though my father dislike it at least he is earning something. Well, see now I'm nothing in the middle of my family and sure I'm a burden or a coward for them. A crybaby to be specific depended too much upon them." I took a deep breath and weirdly it felt good to let the words out.

"I date, hang out with girls, party with guys and then I leave them. Yeah I know I'm sort of a player but I didn't mean to hurt anyone's heart or something. Every girl who come to me knows where they belong to me and I didn't beg for attention. My brothers talked to me about it and that I need to change and find a job. They think that I'm good for nothing person. They love me but they are disappointed in me like my father. And about father, I really don't care about him. He cheated on my mom and is planning to marry when he has a daughter who will get married soon. Money is everything for my family and I hate it." I said and I was a failure.

She took my hands in hers and squeezed assuring me that everything is going to be alright. It was such a sweet gesture and this is stupid because it is always the other way around when girl cries and boy comforts them but here it is vice versa.

"Hey crybaby, you aren't what your family thinks. They got it wrong all the way and it is them who failed in not knowing you. I'm sure there is a purpose for you being on this earth like everyone. It is just that you haven't figured it out but don't worry it's not easy to find what you want to it. Do what you love and love what you do." She smiled and continued "What do you enjoy the most?"

"Working out."

The answer came in a second and there was no doubt I didn't enjoy it. I used to spend time in the gym whenever I'm bored and also I have got myself a small gym in my room. Cool, isn't it?

"Wow, that's amazing. I believe that apart from working out to impress girls I guess you really are passionate about it." She winked and laughed. She is so cute that I want to pinch her cheeks. "Okay, okay. I was just kidding. Back to it, you know you could be a couch or something around that area, right? Our world is flooded with doctors, businessmen, engineers and all. Something with gym it's unique and awesome. You should it take it seriously and you will earn out of it." She beamed like she really thought it was great? But is it? Of course I enjoy and that's the only thing that matters, right?

Only if I knew that I have to meet shortcake to know what I want to be I wouldn't have to hear loads of bullshit from my family. Yes, I know and I can.

"Thank you so much," I said pulling her into a tight hug and sweeping her off from the feet. Wow, it felt perfect to hold her in my arms. The excitement is something that I couldn't control over. "God, you are so heavy," I said and she frowned. Damn, it wasn't easy like you see in my movie where hero scoops heroine in his arms. So much for being skinny, they eat a lot so what about the girl who is already fat? But shortcake is cute and that makes her more beautiful.

"Put me down, jerk." She said and laughed. She didn't care about it and I liked it.

"So now the great shortcake is going to tell who she wants to be," I announced.

"I want to be a radio jockey. You know the one who doesn't seem to close their mouth and blabber about everything. Yep, that's what I want to be." She nodded her head and I liked it.

"Suit yourself."

Soon we were lying there with a safe distance between us. I don't know what is happening to me. I felt so relaxed and happy with her. She understood me and brought confidence in me. She saw the real me and I felt something but I brushed it off quickly. No there is no chance L word can come because god I felt pathetic for even thinking like that because for god's sake I didn't even know her hair name. But I'm going to stick with Shortcake no matter what. That's what my name is for her.

"My name is Rudra Singh Oberoi. Last year of college and 24-" I introduced and she cut me off.

"God, I'm not going to marry you that you have to give me each and every detail." She groaned and my face fell for a reason even I didn't know but I decided I will just play along.

"Who knows? Maybe we will even have 5 kids." I teased and she looked down with pink cheeks.

"In your dreams, baby." She shot back and there is my shortcake again. "Anyway, my name is Soumya. It's a coincidence that I'm in the last year too." She smiled and my heart melt.

"Soumya." I tried to hear how it sounds and wow, just like her the name is also beautiful but she will Shortcake for me always. She blushed and looked down.

"Rudra." She said too and my heart did a flip. My name never felt so good and perfect to hear from her.

"So..." I trailed off and she stared at me.

"So...?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Will we..." I looked at her.

"Will we...?" She repeated.

"I would like to meet you again. I want to be your...friend." I said in one breath.

"Sure." She said after a minute and we got up.

I woke up from my dream. I was greeted with her gorgeous face. Her bangs need a haircut because it's longer than it covered her eyes. I took that strand of hair and tucked it behind her ear. I pressed my lips to my shortcake's forehead before playing my dream in my mind which was of our first meet and now it's been two years after and now she is lying beside as my wife, my shortcake. Our relationship was slow. We were first friends and spend most of our time learning about each other and enjoying the moment. We created so many crazy memories which I will cherish forever. Then, I realized I wanted her to spend my rest of life with and I have feelings for her. I proposed to her on her birthday and she accepted. Within three months after being engaged we married, bought a house and now living happily ever after together.

"Good morning, shortcake." I greeted with a bright smile when she woke up.

"Morning, crybaby." She said and I laughed. That's how we call each other and it's weird to hear the real name of each other. "Aren't you going to gym today?" She asked and yes I'm a successful coach and satisfied with my own work.

"Yep, what about you? No blabbering today?" I asked and she nodded her head. Like me, she has also made her dream come true. She is a radio jockey in one of the best station in India.

"Hey, crybaby." She said before getting up from the bed and I looked at her. A smile played on her lips when she said: "Remember, you are mine." That's all I wanted to hear today.

"Yeah, Shortcake's Crybaby."


Thank you so much for all the love and support. We hit 10k for this book, it means a lot. Much love ♥

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