•Ban on Fast Food & Ice Cream?!•

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"Okay, now, I'm confused..." Violet said as she walked by Liz's side. "What do you mean by Sprixie princesses can't have fast food?" "Exactly that! Sprixie princesses cannot have fast food, and I hate that rule!" Liz folded her arms, pouting her lips. She loved fast foods. Well actually, she just loves food in general! But thanks to the new rule the Sprixie Council had made, she (as princess of the Beach Kingdom) cannot eat fast food.

"It's very unhealthy and you can get severely sick!" One of the princesses said, which had been Sandy, her very own mother! "And we have a duty to fulfill. We can't let our people down."

Liz sighed with sadness. She sat on Violet's head, still pouting. "And you wanna know what makes it even worse?" "What?" "I heard my mother mumbling to Sky that she might ban ice cream for the Sprixie princesses!"

Violet gasped. "No way! You love ice cream! You practically live in ice cream—" "Exactly!" Tears streamed down Liz's cheeks. "I hate being a princess. It's the most stupidest thing ever!" The Sprixie took off her crown and threw it to the ground. Violet slowly picked it up.

"Well, it's too late now. You're already princess and that's a done deal, and you know it." Violet placed the crown on top of Lizy's head. "Buuuut, that doesn't mean that the ban is a done deal."

"What do you mean?" Liz asked, raising a brow. "I mean, maybe we can convince them that fast food ain't so bad. I mean, if it were really bad you'd be dead already... right?" "I... I guess—" "Right! So, we just need to convince them somehow." "It's not going to work Violet..."

Violet paused. She thought for a moment. "Then we threaten them with jars." "No not the jars! Sky is already scarred enough by those!" "I'm kidding, well, partially. I was thinking we trap your Ma but okay, okay."

Liz giggled. "Oh, I wouldn't mind that. However, at the same time, it isn't too nice..." "You're too nice. "I know!"

Liz and Violet sighed simultaneously. Then Violet said,"Nope! We're gonna do it!" "Oh brother..."


"Well princesses, it's about to be official. We will not be able to eat ice cream no more. Then we can live longer!" Sandy said as she held her yellow feather pen. Liz squirmed in her seat, holding her purple feather pen. She didn't want to sign.

"Alright, Flora, you sign first." Sandy glanced at her daughter, making sure she was watching. Liz wasn't watching. She was staring out a window of her mother's castle.

Come on, ViVi... She thought. Then she heard a crash in the kitchen. "I'll check it!" She quickly fluttered out of her seat and flew to the kitchen. "Violet?" She whispered.

Violet was hanging over the window. "Yo yo what's poppin?" The woman whispered as she managed to get inside. "Ugh, next time I'm going through a pipe..." Liz giggled.

"Lizy, it's your turn to sign!" Called Sandy from the living room.

"Just in time! Do you have the jar?" Liz asked, looking at Violet. Violet took her hat off and pulled out a glass jar and winked. "Mmhmm~" "Let's do this!"

Liz fluttered back. She held her purple feather pen and then stated,"I am not signing." "What?! Ahem, you have to–" Sandy shrieked.

"Well, she ain't gonna. Wether ya like it or not!" Violet had scooped her up into the jar. "Now, let me tell ya something. These two rules, banning fast food and ice cream, are pretty stupid. You're acting like they're gonna kill ya!"

"They can if you eat too much," Sandy pointed out,"Plus, Lizy has been eating too much of those junk foods!" "So you made these rules for Liz? Really? She's a princess now, she ain't with you anymore. She had a life of her own..." "So what?! She's still my daughter." "Never said she wasn't..."

"Mother..." Liz floated up to the jar. "I'm tired of you dictating my life, okay? I'm on my own now. I want to finally feel free. I know I have responsibilities, and as you can see I've been doing them. And you know, ice cream relieves my stress from this responsibilities..." She sighed softly.

Sandy grumbled as she noticed that the other Sprixie princesses were agreeing with Lizy. Liz smiled slightly from the support. "Fine!" Sandy exclaimed. "Get toe of the bans. Don't come complaining to me when you get sick!"


Violet: Now that I think about it, that was pretty messed up.

Liz: What was?

Violet: What we did.

Liz: It was your idea.

Violet: I know I know! *rolls eyes slightly*

Liz: *giggles and takes out ice cream tub*

Violet: Oh wow. Would ya look at that...

A/N: I just wanted to write, okay y'all?

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