•New Year's Love•

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Sharon ran out of her castle in the Winter Wonderland. Today was New Year's Eve, and she was invited to celebrate at the Mushroom Kingdom.

Winter Wonderland's New Year starts two days after the MK's, for some odd reason.

Anywho, Sharon ran to find the green pipe that had bubbling marshmallow in it. She let her hands become engulfed in flames, and then she melted a path through the marshmallow for herself.

Seconds later, she was now in the forest of the world on the other side. She ran to the edge of the forest, the one near the Mushroom Kingdom.

As she ran, she didn't notice someone was watching her until she had an odd feeling.

So the redhead stopped and glanced around. "Is someone there?" She asked.

Then she saw a boy walk out of the forest as well. He had platinum blond hair, and his eyes were grey.

"Oh! Hello! Don't think I've seen you around here." Sharon grinned, sighing with relief.

The boy didn't answer, he simply stared.

"Um, okay... are you mute?"

He shook his head.

"Then why don't you... never mind. I'm Sharon!" She held out her hand for him to shake.

The boy glanced down at her brown hand, then shook it with his pale white hand. Sharon couldn't stop herself from staring at his face. He was quite good looking.

"Do you... have a name?"

He nodded. 'Richard Diamond.' A voice said in her head.

"Ohhh! You speak telepa... telep... that thing!" She giggled. "You headed to the party?"

'At first I wasn't, but now that I've met you I might just go.'

"Good to hear! Let's go then!" Sharon grabbed his hand and pulled him along.

That's Sharon for ya.

Richard was surprised someone was willing to take him somewhere. Not many people would be his friend. He, after all, seemed to frighten people.

Not just with his serious look, but his cold stare. Those eyes would make someone turn to stone. Literally!

As the pair walked to Toad Town, they could see fireworks being thrown into the sky, making different sorts of shapes.

"How pretty!" Sharon said, her bright green eyes sparkling.

Richard watched her for a moment. He seemed to feel... different around her. And they just met.

"Doesn't it look amazing Richie?" Sharon glanced at him.

Richie. He thought. No one's ever given me a nickname...

Richie nodded at Sharon and looked back at the sky. Then Sharon pulled him along once more, the two heading to the heart of Toad Town.

"Oh look! It's one of my friends!" Sharon saw a friend of hers from afar. "HEY! OVER HERE!" She waved crazily.


Both a light blue shy guy and a boo froze on the spot. The boo turned invisible and the shy guy slowly turned around. " Oh, it's only Sharon! " he says running up to her.

" What's up, Harry? Where did Bow go? " Sharon asks, knowing she saw the boo around before.

She appeared next to Harry. " sorry...I thought you where Princess Peach..." she mumbles.

Sharon and Richard looked at each and back at her confused. As for her, she kept staring at Richard.

" Oh right! Bow, Harry, this is Richard. Richard, this is Rainbow or Bow and that's Harry " Sharon introduced.

They all shook hands and Harry even gave him a New Year hat.

" So what have you two been doing? " Sharon asks.

Rainbow becomes more faint. " Harry, just had to go mess with the fireworks..." she mumbles.

Sharon blinks, recalling back the fireworks she just saw with Richard. She smiled at the thought.  " they where lovely! " she says.

" Well Princess Peach, left me in charge for the party! " Harry says proudly. He does love parties and planning them as well.

" But she specifically told us she wanted fireworks at exactly midnight! To light up the new year! What are we going to do now?! " Rainbow says worriedly as it begins to get cloudy around her.

Richard pointed at the clouds, it seemed as if was going to rain.

" Aw don't worry, I am sure there's more Fireworks! " Sharon says trying to cheer her up, while trying to get it to not rain.

" Uhhh...About that..." Harry mumbles.

And at the moment it began to rain very hard.

All the Toads ran indoors as the New Years decorations got soaking wet.

" I am sorry...I am still trying to figure out how to control it..." Rainbow whispers embarrassed. She had turned invisible, because it was natural boo instinct at this point. When a boo is shy or embarrassed, they cover their eyes. Turning invisible in the moment as well.

" Come on let's get out of this rain! " Harry says showing his friends to his small house. It was mostly like a big party supply closet really. Yet, it still seemed cozy like a home. Once inside, Sharon started a fire in the fire place for all of them to dry off.

They all stayed quiet,staring at each other. You can hear the pouring rain, and occasionally some thunder could be heard after the lightning.

After a while, Sharon spoke up. " We have to fix this..."

Richard nods, as he twiddles his fingers with the end of a Happy New Year banner.

" Peach is going to be so disappointed..." Rainbow mumbles depressed.

Harry was trying to inflate a balloon, but he let it go. It went flying to Sharon. It landed right into her hands, and she noticed something. The balloon, had written down " Happy New Year "  She looks over at Harry who was trying to inflate another balloon. She looked to her side, to still see Richard twiddling with the banner. " Hey Harry, do you still have more New Year decorations? " Sharon finally asks.

Once again the balloon Harry was trying to inflate, flew off. He runs over to a crate, " oh I have so many left over! I went a bit over board on the orders..." He says sheepishly.

Sharon looks over at the clock.

11 pm.

Just an hour away from midnight, signaling the new year.

" Then it's still not too late!  " Sharon states standing up, starling everyone.

" Bow, we are going to need the rain to go away, if we want this party to continue! Harry, take out all the extra New Year supplies! Richard, let's start decorating! " Sharon says, as she plans to not waste a single minute more.

Rainbow, who still had her doubts, made it stop raining. Richard made sure to get rid of all the soaking wet decorations, while Sharon replaced them with newer ones. Together the four friends, tried to bring the party back up. Sure enough, Toads started coming out of their homes. Time flew by, as more and more guest came out to celebrate. Some even helped decorate, so all of Harry supplies where used.

The friends high fives, pleased with their work.

" we still don't have fireworks though..." Rainbow says realizing the time is ticking.

Sharon grins as an idea has popped into her head. " oh don't worry about that, I got it covered! " she says.

Her friends look at her confused. The count down soon begins!


" Sharon, where did you get fireworks? "


" I've always had them..."




and with that being yelled out...

Sharon shot fire to the sky. She created an amazing light show that impressed everyone. It was certainly the perfect way to ignite the new year!

Princess Peach even came to congratulate the friends for throwing a successful party! Of course, she was still confused on what happened to the fireworks.

But with the party on full swing, it was a thing of the past!

The four friends had a great time and partied on till early dawn.

So with that, I end this New Year one shot!

I hope you all had just an exciting new year as these 4 friends!

May 2018 be full of happiness and love for each and every one of you~



Haiii!! So this time it's Jinxy~

So the fabulous Mittsy wrote the cute fluff in the beginning!!!

Anyone else but me, shocked to find out Sharon has a boyfriend? So this how they met! ^•^

I wrote the horrible ending after the dots....I actually wrote this at midnight very sleepy so please forgive me if it's bad o-o

It's still not late to wish you all a happy new year! It's only January 2!

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed! More to be written by me and Mittsy!!!



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